Addressing Your Assumptions About Me

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hello there and welcome back to my channel if you are new here my name is michelle emerson and i'm a fourth grade teacher in maryland i recently asked you all on instagram to share your assumptions about me which made me a little bit nervous but i didn't and i thought today i would go through your assumptions and let you know which ones are correct and which ones are not correct [Music] first of all if you are not already following me on instagram go ahead and do that it's at pocketful of primary because you never know when i might ask for some input on a video let's go ahead and jump into it first assumption you've always wanted to be a teacher true very true i think i've shared that before in videos but when i was in second grade i decided i wanted to be a teacher i loved my second grade teacher and when i saw what he did like i had this distinct memory of sitting in class going that's what i want to do i'm pretty sure at the time it's because he had the answer key to whatever it was that we were working on but nonetheless i kind of fell in love with teaching i used to hold school for all the neighborhood kids on my front porch i took it very seriously i would print off like worksheets and i would assign them homework and they would have to come back to my porch the next day and i would check their homework i didn't have many friends as a kid and now we know why you rarely have days where you don't work true yeah i wish it wasn't true but honestly with as much as i do it's hard to not have days where i don't work i would say out of a month i probably have one day where like i don't touch anything school related or business related otherwise i'm doing something work related every day but keep in mind like i have a lot going on obviously i'm in the classroom full-time i'm also team lead and i service my school's e-coach i had grad school on my plate up until you know last year and i had wedding planning and i was writing a book and i have my business i have creating products and creating youtube videos and podcast recording and running teaching on the double and the digital planners like it's just a lot so it's hard to take a day fully off with the exception of my honeymoon i did not work at all on my honeymoon which i am proud of you're always put together so this was actually submitted by quite a few people this specific one is a past co-worker of mine and i feel like she's trying to allude to the fact that i am always put together i feel like this is definitely false although it depends on what you mean by put together if you mean as in like put together physically like you know i i'm wearing real clothes and doing my hair makeup that's completely false in fact i was kind of dreading having to do my hair and makeup for this filming also spoiler alert i'm wearing sweatpants currently um so i'm definitely not put together in that sense in terms of having like my life together i think in certain aspects yeah i do i've always been very mature for my age and that has helped but i fall apart just like everyone else like i will have nights where it all hits me and i just start crying and i feel like i can't handle any of it so definitely false um certain aspects of my life i do have it all together but in many many ways i do not you had a 4.0 in undergrad yeah true uh i actually had a 4.2 gpa in high school when i graduated and then i had a 4.0 in undergrad and also in grad school so nerd alert organization comes naturally to you also true very true i've always been a very organized person as a kid my room was always clean my sister used to pay me to help her clean her room and it's always been something that has just brought me a lot of joy i have this memory when i was in probably sixth grade we had a book fair and there was this book on organization and i bought it and i was very happy about it and i read it cover to cover at least five times so yes organization has always come naturally to me you're a slight perfectionist if you take out the word slight then true i'm not a slight perfectionist i am very very much so a perfectionist i'm trying to work on it because even though it is a good thing in a lot of aspects of my life it's also not such a good thing because i can take it to the extreme so i'm trying to work on it but yes that is very very true you don't get angry at all false very false i do get angry but not easily so you're right in that aspect i don't get angry easily but it's funny because the weirdest things will really irk me and make me angry for example slow walkers especially in the gym when i'm trying to walk to my piece of equipment and i get stuck behind someone who is walking like two miles an hour it drives me insane and i do get very angry at that i don't like yell or anything i keep it on the inside and then i you know take it out in my workout but i i do get angry just like everyone else you loved the babysitter's club books false um i did not read a lot as a kid it just wasn't for me but the books that i did read i tended to read over and over and over again which that part of me has not gone away i'm the same way with tv shows and movies i would rather watch a tv show that i've seen 10 million times then watch a new one and i think it's because i know what to expect there's a certain comfort in it and when i'm watching a new show like i will get stressed out about it because i don't know what's coming next and that's very bothersome so as a kid i really liked nancy drew books i did read a lot of nancy drew and i really liked roald dahl as an author so i loved like matilda the bfg i read those like cover to cover over and over again and then one of my favorite books as a kid this is so random but the indian and the cupboard i found it in our like little attic storage area i think it was my sister's i found it when i was probably in like fifth or sixth grade and i was just like oh let me read this and i loved it and i read that book like over and over again but no i did not read any babysitter's club even though you're very social and upbeat now we'll come back to that in a second you were shy in high school um so true in that i was shy in high school but i don't think i'm that social now i'm happy that you all think that i am and i'm sure i come across that way on youtube i do not socialize a lot that sounds awful i mean i socialize with billy but like i don't i don't go out and like hang out with people very often socializing for me is very exhausting i'm very much an introvert so i get my energy from being alone versus from being with other people but i will say when i was in elementary school and even middle school i was very outgoing and very talkative i was that kid that got in trouble for talking and no matter where the teacher moved my seat i would still get in trouble for talking i'm pretty sure it's written on some of my old report cards that like i talk too much um but for whatever reason when i got into high school it's almost like a switch flipped for me and i was a lot more quiet and reserved i think it's partially because i was focusing a lot on you know my studies like whatever again 4.2 in high school but i also just i don't know i think my personality started to change it's funny because i had a teacher for history and i had him in seventh grade and then i had him again in ninth grade and in seventh grade i was in a class with my best friend we were neighbors and when we were together it was like hot mess and we were in that history class together and he did not like us because we were always talking we were always goofing off and when i then had him again in ninth grade he saw me like first day and he was like oh great it's you and then later on in the semester he actually apologized to me because he's like you are so different now than when you were in seventh grade so yes i was kind of shy in high school i mean i wasn't shy i just kind of kept to myself and did my own thing i was friendly with everyone like i was kind of that in between i definitely was not popular but i was just kind of friends with everyone if that makes sense like i was an athlete so i was friends with all the other like athletes i was kind of friends with some of the popular people um but i was also friends with the people who like maybe didn't have as many friends so i was just kind of somewhere in the middle you always knew billy was the one false you all probably thought that that was true i mean it's an assumption video so yeah obviously you thought that was true but no uh when billy and i first started dating i pushed him away for probably the first six months-ish because when we started dating i had just gotten out of a relationship and it was like a two and a half year relationship i did not want to be in a relationship but when i met billy it's like i knew there was something different about him and i didn't want to let him go but i also was not in the place where i was ready to open up to someone because my other relationship had not ended well and like i didn't want to be in a relationship i was very closed off i pushed him away a lot at the beginning but then again like i said i knew there was something different about him so i guess in a way i knew he was the one although i don't know i don't think it necessarily works like that i think we had to do a lot of learning and growing together in order to make it work between us but because we both put in that time and that energy that's why it works for us now if that makes sense it's not like a destiny thing it's more so because we chose to make it work you want to wait a few years to have kids y'all i got so many assumptions about kids some people who said i want kids some people who said i didn't want kids this is true we do want to wait a few years before we have kids we are not in a rush at all honestly we're kind of tired of people asking us about kids because we just got married but we want to do a lot more together just the two of us before we bring a child into this world we want to do a lot of traveling we both have certain goals that we want to meet before we have kids so for now it is not on the table in the future we will see but we're not in a rush your house is always spotless and organized very false definitely not spotless um i'm very into being organized i'm less into like actual cleanliness so not spotless at all and certain aspects of our house are very organized and then other aspects aren't like our pantry is pretty organized our closet is very organized i have my clothes all by type of article of clothing and then by color so that is very organized my dresser drawers are very organized but the rest of the house eh not so much i mean we have junk drawers we stuff piles up on the kitchen table like you know we're like everyone else like our house is not not clean all the time at all you've always been fit slash athletic i would say true for this i mean i feel like that's kind of weird for me to say about myself but i think it's true i did a lot of sports as a kid the number one sport that i did growing up was taekwondo i did that for like five or six years um i'll insert some little pictures on the screen for you all to see i also was a cheerleader for a few years i did both like sideline cheer and then competitive cheer i played lacrosse for a few years and then when i got into high school i ran cross-country indoor and outdoor track then i went on to marathon running and now i do power lifting so yeah i would say i was pretty like fit slash athletic growing up you grew up in a very health conscious household i would say false i mean my parents weren't overly health conscious i feel like they were like your normal family like we ate healthy sometimes but we also had treats and stuff um my mom was very not strict but she cared a lot about us not having things with excess sugar because my mom was a dental hygienist so she cared a lot about our teeth so a lot of like you know gushers and fruit roll-ups i would always see friends have that in their lunch and i was always jealous because i did not get that but you know we drank diet coke and we would have pizza nights and i remember there were certain nights where my mom would be home really late from work so my dad and i would go to like parties and get burgers and fries so i feel like we it was kind of a balance i personally started becoming more health-conscious when i was in college and that's just something that i was passionate about and something that i enjoyed but i don't think that necessarily came from the way that i was brought up if anything i think it's more related to my passion for fitness and knowing that what i eat and my nutrition plays a big role in that if that makes sense you collected coins as a child it's such a random assumption um yes i guess technically uh i did have those like quarter collections you know the different states i had like the map where you would put the quarters but that was the extent of a coin collection you want to know what i actually collected as a child first of all i collected snapple tops like you know the ones that had the little facts on them even though i did not drink snaffle i got my friends to give me their snapple tops and i had a collection of those but my main collection as a child i can't believe i'm admitting this on camera was eraser shavings what when i was in third grade i think it was my friend and i decided we were going to break the world record for eraser shavings which did not exist and still does not exist to this day but we would spend our recess time just erasing we used to erase on our agenda books because they had like a ribbed cover so we would erase on that because it would get you more eraser shavings because the rib part would rub against the eraser anyway and we would collect them in a can and we would weigh it every now and then to see how our collection was coming along we were convinced we were going to break the world record then we realized the world record did not exist we were also very into sewing so we decided we were going to stuff a pillow with the eraser shavings which thankfully never happened because that probably would have been a disaster although it was very soft and a couple years went by my eraser shavings sat on a shelf out in the garage and then finally got thrown away so rest in peace to that collection you prefer cats over dogs false so even though i do have two cats i grew up with a beagle his name was jake he was adorable i love dogs and i love cats the reason i got cats when i was in college is because they are much easier to take care of and i wanted a pet you know growing up always having a pet when i went off to college and didn't have that anymore i missed like the companionship so i got a cat because again easy to take care of don't have to take them out for walks they could live in a small apartment and it's funny because growing up i didn't really like cats but my roommate had a cat so then i got luna billy also was not into cats but once he met luna he fell in love with her so then we ended up getting zora we do however want to get a dog once we move into an actual house that we own versus renting because dogs tend to cause more damage around a house and we want to have a yard and everything for the dog so nope i love both cats and dogs you are in a sorority no very false and i don't have anything wrong like if you're in a sorority that's fine that's just not me my roommate in college my freshman year was in a sorority well she wasn't a sorority but all of her friends were and it just it just was not my cup of tea so nope false you are an only child also false i do have an older half-sister so we have the same mom but different dads she's five years older than me you don't hear me talk about her a lot because i don't see her a lot but she lives in virginia um she's like 32 i think and yeah her name's lauren all right final one this one's also kind of random uh you've never been to norway false if the airport counts so i've been to the oslo airport i technically have not stepped foot outside of the airport but i have eaten some pizza while i was there and it was very expensive billy and i did not know the conversion between the money and it wasn't until we got home and realized we paid like fifty dollars for two or three slices of pizza at the airport but technically i have been to norway all right that is it um if you have other assumptions that maybe were answered in this video leave a comment and i'll try to respond to as many of them as i can but if you learned something new about me go ahead and give the video a thumbs up i would love it if you would also hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching i love you all so much don't forget to put your positive pants on and i will catch you in the next one you
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 40,166
Rating: 4.9050846 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, online teaching, virtual teaching, online learning, virtual learning, michelle ferre, michelle emerson, hybrid teaching, hybrid learning, assumptions
Id: hgcmbZvw-rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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