Be Grateful | Teacher Evolution Ep 9

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I just really realized today how like lucky I am to have the group of kids that I have so I just opened up my first box from my p.o box and look what is inside so there are four of the sandwich containers I take your school and I have to go like put a smile on my face in reality I'm just frustrated and I'm stressed and I'm like waiting for it to get easier good morning YouTube so I had a really good weekend on Saturday Billy and I slept in we went to the gym came back I filmed a get ready with me which will be up before you guys are seeing this video and then Billy and I went out for like a nice date night dinner cuz we hadn't really done that in a while so we drove over to Annapolis and we went to a macaroni grill which is like Italian food and we get to the very end and we asked for the cheque and our waiter tells us that it's already been paid for like what so any stranger in the restaurant paid for it and I don't know I've never had it happen to me before like it was a really good feeling but at the same time like I felt really guilty cuz I didn't know who it was and like I couldn't say thank you so the next time Billy and I go out to dinner like I want to do that for someone like I want to pay for someone else's meal then on Sunday I got up and I went to one of my students ice hockey games came home Billy and I cleaned up the house and then my friend Jane and her boyfriend Zack came over for like a game night we played cards against humanity' and we played something else oh we played the logo game and we had pizza and like that was really fun but I didn't really start lesson planning last night until like 9 o'clock which was a little bit late I did get science done for the week and I got math done for like today and my block done block done my block won done for like the entire week so I feel ok but I have grading that I did get done because grades have to be in by late Thursday of this week so I'm definitely gonna be staying after today and getting grading done but it's ok like I just did not feel like staying up super late last night got into bed at 11:30 fell asleep probably after midnight but I woke up so tired this morning I don't know why like I'm just exhausted so hopefully like I wake up throughout the day it's cold this morning it's like 50 which compared to what it's been it's been like the 70s in the morning when I leave and then I would get up to like 90 degrees and it's probably getting cold which I'm happy about but I also was not prepared for so I think I'm gonna get a hot coffee this morning and I know someone's going to ask so on my lips this is lip scent and this is in the color rose berry [Music] good morning buddy check your order hi can I get a large hot pumpkin latte please yeah pumpkin flavor all right anything else we gonna be it thank you so this is something I ordered a couple weeks ago and it just came in over the weekend these are just black silicone placemats I got them off of Amazon I will link them for you I got two of them one is gonna go over here underneath of my coffeemaker and the other one is gonna go over here underneath my pencil sharpeners because this one from classroom friendly supplies is missing the feet on the bottom and it ends up making it really dirty like you can kind of see the residue on here it's not too bad because of the coloring of the countertop but I'm going to put that mat underneath of the pencil sharpeners just to keep it more clean [Music] [Music] shoo it is lunch time e you will notice I did not get a chance to vlog during my planting time because we had I think she's like the director of elementary science or something like that she came to talk to us during our planting time so that took up most of the time and then I ended up working on a new seating chart for both of my blocks because I needed to give them new seats just for several different reasons so I will show you guys how I did that and then I'm gonna quickly eat my lunch and I'll catch up with you guys the more after school it's been a little bit of a hectic day so I want to have time during my lunch just to kind of relax and catch my breath a little bit so this is how I like to do what my seating chart I literally made this up within like five minutes during at my planning time I just have a regular PowerPoint document and I resize the slide to be a regular landscape size so length of 11 inches height of 8 a half inches and you just do that under the design tab and then you come over to slide size and then oops you to custom slide size I'm sorry you guys this is really hard with like one hand okay there we go custom slide size and then here you can actually type in the width and the height so I resize it and then let me make it fullscreen so I literally just take like the square shape and I draw a rectangle like basically the size of the desk and then I just like copy and paste it and I make my different desk like formations and then I just kind of show like there's the front board there's the windows an air vent and then there's the door so in doing that I now have like the layout of my entire room and the great thing is because I'm not really moving like my desk arrangements I'm gonna keep it like this for the whole year at least that's my plan right now so I now have this blank document any time I want to make a new seating chart I can just print it out write the kids names in I can do it like in pencil and then once I decide where they are definitely gonna be I can go over it in pen or just print out a new one every write it in pen I have seen some people do it with sticky notes but I feel like those end up falling off and all that so I just print it off right on the paper if I mess up it's okay like I just print another one and redo it but I like that I now have this for both of my blocks and I have it for the whole year so anytime I need to move seats I can just print off another copy so I was given this note this morning it says dear Miss fry you are the best teacher ever I love the way you dress you were so nice I had to give you the gum again you are the best teacher ever PS Who am I and please put this on your YouTube channel and then I was also given bag of brownies for helping out with the concessions at movie night so I can almost guarantee you these are gonna get eaten like within the next five minutes probably shouldn't eat all four of them at one time but I'm going to anyway so now it is time to have a grading party because grades have to be in by Thursday of this week for progress reports these are all like random pages that certain kids had to finish or they read it or whatever so I'm integrate those first and then I will get to like the actual piles of stuff that we did today [Music] I am vlogging in my car because when I finished up stuff in my classroom the custodian was in there cleaning and I was not about to vlog with him like standing right there and have him look at me like a crazy person so I decided to come out to my car good news is I'm up-to-date cross my fingers on graphene I think unless I'm forgetting something but I've gone through all my papers I have all of my grading done now the bad thing is when I was going through their science papers that they did last week when I was at the PD I found a lot that we're not done so I gave them to their homeroom teachers I'm gonna hopefully have them complete it in the morning and I will have it tomorrow afternoon and then I can grade those and put those in but I feel good progress report grades have to be done by Friday at 9:00 which I thought they had to be done by Thursday so that gives me an extra day which is really good but I need to get more grades I feel like all I've been doing is grading but I still have so much more because I have to have science social studies and then our math grades are split into two there's computation and problem-solving and I only have like two or three grades in each category and ideally I'd like to have more I guess I have like the right amount but I always like to have extra grades I feel like it's just more fair to the kids when they have more opportunities to be able to get like I don't know I guess it just creates a more accurate representation of what they're able to do if that makes sense I feel like when you base it only on a couple of grades it just doesn't really seem fair because if they do bad on one thing like that really pulls down their grade but I'm gonna go home I'm gonna worry about my plans for tomorrow my team teacher and I are just really struggling with math right now it's a brand-new curriculum and we're just slowly starting to figure out I mean there's a lot that I like about it but there's just some parts that I don't really like I feel like it jumps around a lot and it doesn't spend a lot of time on any one topic which I know it has to because the curriculum moves so quickly but at the same time like I feel like some days I finish the lesson I'm like I don't think my kids learned anything and that is not a good feeling and so I may have to start like deviating a little bit in order to meet my students needs and I'm completely okay with that and I would hate for someone to be against the hat like I think anyone would understand who walked into my room like why I'm deviating and all that as long as I can justify it so I'm gonna go home and just really focus on tomorrow's lessons especially for math make sure that I have everything that I need so the Redskins play tonight so I will have that on in the background get work done a Billy and I are having spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread so I'm excited for that I'm gonna get home and then I will catch up me the guys may relate it maybe later on tonight maybe tomorrow morning and how to tell that it's a Monday you get home at 7:30 after being gone for literally 12 hours to find that you never zipped your left shoe this morning and no one told me about it good morning YouTube so I have one here again and I only did like half of my makeup and the reason is I'm lazy and now that I figured out that I can sleep in until like 7 o'clock and still leave by 7:30 by not drying my hair and not doing a full face of makeup it's really really hard to motivate myself in the morning to wake up any earlier than that I didn't get to bed last night until like midnight and I'm just tired and you know I feel like that's just life of a teacher like you're just always tired especially high when you're a night person because some of you who are able to get at it like 9 o'clock and I just do not understand how you do that like you guys I have tried shutting off all my electronics by like seven and I still do not get tired until like at least midnight it just is how my body functions and I can't go to sleep super early plus I just have so much to do like I got home last night at 7:30 by the time I ate dinner it was like 8:30 and then I was working out stuff until like 11:00 and I just don't know how to get to bed any earlier and when I do try to get to bed earlier like once in a blue moon I don't fall asleep but anyway I'm gonna go get a coffee because I have my collaborative planning this morning so I'll be able to sit there and kind of enjoy it while I talk with my team teachers and we figure stuff out I wanted to show you guys this I created an assignment redo tracker last night so our students are allowed to redo up to three assignments per subject area per quarter which is really really hard to keep track of when you have a total of like sixty different students between your two blocks and I was already like trying to write it on post to note it sounds like there's no way I'm gonna be able to maintain this throughout the year so I created this little tracker it's just a chart I'm able to put the student names on the side and I made it into an editable PDF so I will be able to reuse us every year and I can just type in the student names and then in these little boxes every time they do a redo I will just check off which subject area was in for that quarter so that way I know once I hit three reduce they cannot do any more until the next quarter so I checked my mailbox when I dropped my class off at Cultural Arts which I always forget to do I always forget to go up to the office and check my mailbox but today there was this bag of candy which I'm super excited bout I need this like something terrible right now and I had a girl bring me this this morning her dad got it from Korea although I don't know if it's appropriate for school it's a bottle opener it's really really pretty so I thought this was just super sweet and I'm honestly so appreciative of all like the little gifts that I got you know I've never really had that before and not that you need that but I don't know it's definitely nice and I really appreciate it so I just made a ton of copies so now I need to organize these cut them apart and get them all ready to go and by then my planning time will be over for today [Music] [Music] it is a lunchtime my favorite time of the day so my assistant principal is actually pulling a couple of students to reteach them a math skill that they took a quiz on and a lot of kids do not do so hot so she is actually pulling them during lunch to reteach them and then she's going to have them retake the quiz during recess which I just really really appreciate like she came in during my playing time and she's like can I do this like to help you is that okay and I'm like yes please because I pull these kids on a daily basis like they just need more time so I really appreciate that I'm gonna sit and enjoy my lunch it's been again just a crazy day like I don't know I feel like we're so go-go-go like all the time yet we're still barely getting through the curriculum and I'm and it's just frustrating so I like to have my lunch time just to decompress um check emails eat my lunch and that's what I'm gonna do so this is about to happen it's now the end of the day I got this brownie because fourth grade was the first grade level ticket all of our hospitality dues in and then I got the doughnut because it was one of my students in my block two's birthday and he gave it to me and before anyone says anything about all the treats I've been eating lately you guys it's okay because dessert goes to your heart not to your stomach so I just spent the last hour and a half Grady Nev inthose a late yesterday and graded I had to grade things that we did in class today plus all my kids that were not done assignments and they finished them today and turn them in I had to grade all of those next thing that I had to do before I can get out of here is my manipulative list for math so our school is ordering new manipulatives for all the grade levels so we have to fill this out it's front and I think there's a yeah a little bit on the back now I can estimate quantities so for example all of these counters I don't have to sit there and actually help them I can just estimate but still I need to go through all of my math manipulatives and try to fill this out welcome to another episode of Michele blogs in her car because akosua Tim was cleaning her classroom I'm okay blogging in front of people like in public I've kind of gotten over that but I don't think the custody' and I are like quite at that level yet where I get just openly like vlog in front of him so I'm walking in my car it's seven o'clock and I'm leaving same time that I left yesterday I feel good even though I didn't really want to stay this late I feel good because all of my grades are done now that I finally caught up like I want to stay on top of it I don't want to get behind again because that sucks like I'll be honest it just sucks having like piles and piles of papers that you have to grade so I'm still caught up on grading which is good I completed my math inventory which is good and I also got my desk cleaned off a little bit more I had papers like in the corner that have just been sitting there for a really long time so I finally got all of those put away and I'm starting to organize more of like my binders and that kind of stinks too because I have to take out all the old papers that I had from when I taught second grade and then replace them with like the new paper so it's a little bit lengthier of a progress than just starting over but that's okay I'm getting there now there's a car set in front of me like in the people are staring at me so I'm gonna get on the road I'm gonna go home I'm gonna enjoy my dinner Billy and I are just having like chicken salad sandwiches and I will catch up with you guys in the am be do good morning YouTube so I woke up late like I didn't wake up until 7 o'clock which is pretty late for me I'm still leaving at 7:30 so I consider that good but still like I did not wake up to any of my alarms that went off before 7:00 and I have a lot of alarms that go home before something because I set alarms for every like 10 minutes but I'm a really bad habit of like snoozing through them hence why I set so many so last night was not like a fantastic night Billy and I ended up getting into a fight and he was picking at me for like being on my phone because it was like 8 o'clock and suddenly I realized I needed to go get a prescription filled so we had to hurry and go to CVS so when we were in the car I was on my phone and that wasn't you know the main thing of the fight which I'm like Billy this is the first time I've been on my phone all day like what are you talking about it was more so about me like not spending time with him but like that's frustrating to hear because AI don't like to hear that I'm not doing a good job as his girlfriend be like we spent Saturday together this past weekend like we woke up we went to the gym together we went to dinner together and it's hard because I can't really devote a lot more time right now because I'm teaching a good new grade level like home and work balance is very off because it needs to be because I'm learning a new curriculum and I know there's gonna be people saying like no you don't have to spend so much time at school double the block I'm not even going above and beyond right now like I'm just trying to do my job like the bare minimum and I'm still putting in so many extra hours because I'm learning a new curriculum and that's really hard and I'm new learning new standards I'm learning a new grade level and I'm learning a new school and all of that like I'm literally doing the best that I can like YouTube has even taken a backseat which is really really hard for me to do you guys know I've only put out my vlog for the past like couple weeks so it's just frustrating because I feel like I don't know what to do differently I'm literally doing the bare minimum to get by like my lessons aren't fancy I'm just going off the curriculum but just to get everything done like it's taking me hours and hours and hours and it's frustrating because he gets home from work and he doesn't have to do anything and I know he understands that I have more work to do but at the same time I feel like unless you are a teacher you really don't get it I feel like he thinks a lot of the stuff I'm doing this optional and like it's really not like I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing tomorrow and you know I could plan more during the weekend but then he also complained that we didn't get to spend enough time together over the weekend even though we spent all of Saturday together so I don't know I think I'm stressed right now because grades are due on Friday I know he's probably stressed too and I just think it you know combined into us having an argument but like we went to bed without talking and woke up without really talking so I'm just like not a great mood if I'm being honest and I don't know how to school like put a smile on my face but in reality I'm just frustrated and I'm stressed and I'm like waiting for it to get easier and like it hasn't really I mean it's easier because I'm not dealing with the behavior problems so like mentally I'm just in a much better place but I also feel like I'm so much more swamped with like curriculum and trying to differentiate to meet all of my learner's needs and I've never really struggled with curriculum before I had never struggled to try to get all of it in like before assessments and I think it's because in second grade we just had a lot less to cover but now in fourth grade I feel like I'm literally flying through the curriculum my kids aren't getting it but I don't have enough time to be able to pull them to reteach like I'm meeting it with one of my girls to like reteach her math to retake a quiz during my lunch time on Thursday and I'm like I literally don't know what else to do so I'm gonna get a go get a coffee to help me feel better hopefully I can star like actually speaking correctly this morning I will catch up with you guys I don't know when because I have a faculty meeting this morning and I have team planning during my plenty time so maybe no not even lunch because I have lunch punch today with a group from my buck 1/2 block - maybe by the end of the day I will catch back up with you guys hi can I get a large hot pumpkin latte please thank you okay it is the end of the day just to kind of catch you up one of my sweethearts in my block - brought me this brownie this morning and as you can tell I've already taken a bite it was delicious but I was waiting until I could show it to you guys before I finished eating it I also had a friend give me a preseason warning which makes me super happy I'm gonna eat that too and then I had one of the girls in my block - I guess she went through books at home and like got rid of books she didn't need so she let me take two of her books I was like sure I'll take em so I have new books for my classroom library minions the junior novel and a Geronimo Stilton book so like I said it's the end of the day during my planting time I had to meet with my team teacher to go over math for next week and science and social studies and then during lunch I had about nine students in my class for lunch bunch that was the team for my block one and the team from my block - that had earned the most dojo points typically they will have lunch punch when they earned 25 dojo points as a team but because I moved seeds I just took whichever team had the most points up to that point they had lunch punch with me today so now it is after school it's about 4:15 and I'm actually gonna get out of here so I'm gonna take stuff that I have to grade home with me because I need to get to the post office I need to check my P o box I also spent the last 15 minutes trying to call my sorry kids in the hallway for like after school stuff I took all my old pharmacy to get them to like transfer my prescriptions to my new pharmacy which is at the CVS at the Target so I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here I'll catch you up more when I get home with like how the day was but right now I just feel like I'm still trying to catch my breath has just been like a super hectic day I know the Lighting's like horrible that's a little bit better so when I get home and I've actually had time to like process my day I will sit down and talk about it wasn't like a bad day it was actually a pretty good day but yeah I just need a couple minutes to like figure out what's going on in my life right now [Music] current problem how on earth do I carry all of this into my house I haven't opened up my p.o box mail yet but these were in my mailbox mailbox here at my townhouse I ordered these both from Jane which if you've never used Jane before it's basically a website where things are like discounted for a certain amount of time and I have a really bad habit of like going on there and ordering a bunch of stuff in just one sitting so I ordered these a couple of weeks ago and they just came in I will link where they are originally from in the description box because they're no longer available on Jane so this shirt can't remember where it is actually from but I'll link it from you I thought this was just a really pretty like blue color I don't know how to exactly describe it but it's almost like a cobalt blue maybe I don't know I think that's like a little bit of a brighter blue than this but I thought it was a really pretty shade of blue good for the fall it is kind of thin so I would definitely wear a shirt underneath well it doesn't look thin from here but I swear it it's thin so I would wear a shirt underneath and then I got this really cute t-shirt I thought this was perfect for fall it says flea anoles pumpkin spice hayrides s'mores bonfires and again I will link this for you in the description this is not a color it's almost like a rust color that I would usually pick this is not like my favorite color by any means but I'm trying to like step out of my comfort zone and pick colors that I don't usually pick and I thought that this was very appropriate for fall you guys I am doing a happy dance you just can't see right now so I just opened up my first box from my p.o box and look what is inside so there are four of the sandwich containers and I'm so happy that they're purple because they will match the ones I have oh I'm so happy you guys like my bad mood that I had this morning is just gone completely like I'm so excited so this is from Lauren she teaches in Tennessee she is a English language arts teacher for seventh grade oh my goodness Lauren thank you so so much she actually left her cell phone number in the letter so I'm gonna text her right now and thank her and she said if I'm ever in the Nashville area - hit her up so that we can meet each other and I definitely will I will be in Nashville and next summer for the TPT conference so I will definitely make sure like in contact with you and thank you it's so much you are so sweet and I'm so excited so this means I officially have enough sandwich containers I'm so so happy thank you thank you thank you to everyone who offered to help me some you guys seriously are the best and I cannot thank you enough and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it like the fact that I say oh I need these containers and I have like dozens of people willing to send them to me just makes me the luckiest person ever seriously all of my subscribers you all are the best and Lauren thank you so so much for sending these to me and so quickly - oh you're the best oh this literally feels like Christmas I just checked at the next box and I get two more sandwich containers which I'm so excited about these are from Rachael I think of us let me check yeah Rachael from Indiana I am so happy because I ideally wanted four sandwich containers because I wanted to have some extras I do have some like incomplete sets of the fractioned hours so Lauren sent me four of them and then Rachel sent me two more so I have six and again they're all like the colors that I already have I'm so excited thank you so much Rachel oh you the real MVP I will be reaching out to you so that I can pay you for the sandwich containers and the shipping and I can give you something from by DPT store and Lauren I actually just finished texting you so that I can be in contact with you as well and figure out how I can repay you for this and what you want from my DBT story you both are awesome so I just opened up this next package and this one tugged at my heartstrings this is from Kelly in New Jersey first of all she sent Billy and I this trivia challenge book which I'm really excited about you guys know Billy and I both a love games and B are super competitive so I will have to film us like going through this together because you guys know like we are intense when we play games we take no prisoners so Kelly wrote me at this super long letter and I know she says and they're the T like was rambling it did not take her time girlfriend you were not rambling at all like I love reading letters or people are literally just brain vomiting on the page like whatever comes to mind they write it down so Kelly is currently in college and she is trying to get into a master's program because in New Jersey teachers have to have their masters I guess kudos to your girlfriend because I know how difficult that is like I've only taken one class from a masters and it's hard so kudos to you you told me about a really hard time that she went through in her life she actually lost both of her parents which I cannot even imagine going through but her mind set with it is just so positive and she said how she doesn't want people to feel sorry for her she is lucky to have had her parents for as long as she did and they're both amazing people and how much they inspired her and I just I have so much love for Hugh girlfriend to have gone through that and to have that mindset like honestly is so inspirational and she just talked about how she wants to go into education at something like she's always wanted to do but she's kind of been holding back and then going through that and losing her parents just showed her that she needs to live her life to the fullest and that's what she's doing now and I just think that that's amazing so thank you so much for taking the time to write this to me like I uh you just talked to my heartstrings like seriously I you know it's it's reading things like this that make me realize like even times when I'm stressed I feel like overwhelmed and I have a lot going on you know I can't even imagine dealing with something like that so you know it's just a great reminder just to be grateful for everything that you have and that definitely made me realize that and I feel like it's something that I needed like after having a rough night last night and Billy not Billy and I like getting into a fight and we're still having talked like I don't know I feel like this just came at the perfect time for me so thank you from the bottom of my heart and I cannot wait to go through this trivia challenge book maybe tonight like maybe that'll be how Billy and I like makeup although that probably is just gonna get worse so maybe that's not a good idea but thank you Kelly seriously okay no no really next package from my p.o box this is from a girl named Brittany who is currently living in Kansas but have to reading her letter she has lived like all over the place so first of all she sent me this card how stinking cute is this it says thanks for being the creative and inspiring teacher you are I want to take that to school with me and put it up on my bulletin board so cute and then look at these little notes it says mental note these are so adorable and all the different things on there remember eventually forget do something about contemplate ignore and stick somewhere those are super cute and then these post-it notes which I love those small post-it notes because I feel like usually I don't need a full person know I only need like a small to make a small note to myself so I'm really excited about those because I do not have many of those then there is this writing tablet and it just has like blank lined pages but you guys I am a writer like in terms of but when something comes to mind I have to write it down I do document a lot of my phone too but I like to have stuff like physically written so I'm always just carrying little notebooks and I go through them really really fast so I really appreciate this now so many line pages and actually I really appreciate like I hate writing on just plain like blank pages I need to have lines because I suck at writing and I can't write in a straight line and then there is this folder you guys black gold and white so cute and on the inside is this really long letter from her and if Britney told me a lot of her like her backstory and I just loved learning about different people and like their journeys through life so Britney is only 20 she's originally from at Kentucky and since she was 16 she had been in a relationship with her now husband Jeremy and she told me the story about how he's actually older than her he's about four years older and she ended up going to a college near him you guys that's what happens when you're like in a relationship so then when he graduated he's actually in the army and he's active duty so she's had to move she's now in at Kansas and she just told me about how she has struggled like every time she's had to move to try to find a school and trying to do stuff like online and originally she went for like something medical but now she's decided to switch over to elementary education which I just think is awesome I cannot wait to see like where your journey ends up taking you and when you do end up graduating and like you get into a classroom I can't wait to see what you end up thinking about it I wish you all of the luck in the world but she talked a lot about feeling like she's in a much different place than like her husband because he's four years older than her and then all of like the other military spouses that she meets because they're all older and girlfriend I feel you I feel like I'm always the youngest you know I graduated college when I was 20 I started teaching when I was 20 and that was hard because like everyone else around me was much older and it is hard when you're younger than everyone else but you're trying to you know get a job and you're trying to like keep up with them but it's hard because you're much younger so I totally feel you I know he's what you're going through but it sounds like you are honestly just doing an amazing job so I wish you all the best luck I definitely want to keep in contact figure out where your journey takes me takes you not tanks you oh my goodness you guys it's been a long day it's a long week and thank you so so much for all of these goodies I'm so appreciative so this next one is from Bethany in Iowa you guys look at this I'm so jealous the people that can hand let her because I've tried and I'm horrible at it so if you're able to hand let her I seriously am so envious of you look how pretty like I don't think I've ever seen my name written so pretty before so Bethany made me this how stinking cute is this and she hand lettered this entire thing was just blows my mind it says mathematics may not teach us how to add the or - hate but it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution how stinking cute is that I am gonna get a frame and I'm gonna put this up on the wall by my desk because this is seriously like the cutest thing I've ever read and I love that it's math because that's my teach and math max is my jam so thank you so much for taking the time to make this for me that is so cute and you're gonna be seeing it like in all my blogs on my classroom hall once I get it framed and get it put up thank you and so appreciative but she also gave me an envelope and the front is already addressed with her address and it has it my return to dress up in the corner and it has to stay up so appreciative thank you so so much Bethany okay so before I show you what she caught me I'm gonna show you her note so this is from Brenda she is a special ed self-contained which I cannot even imagine girlfriend you just serve all the kudos you would do amazing things and there are not many people who could do what you do she is in North Jersey and when she's shopping for her classroom she saw this and she thought of me and she said PS I bought your videos every morning while I get ready for work I so appreciate that you guys hold on wait until you see it I don't even know what to do with myself right now it is a sloth calendar hurt you guys I'm doing a happy dance again sorry look I've ever laid my eyes on you guys probably think I'm so weird but seriously look they're so cute I'm sorry I'm jumping up and down oh my goodness I'm gonna put this in my classroom and my kids are gonna like flip out they know that I love sloths and oh my gosh you guys I can't I really can't I don't know what to do hmm this is cute Thank You Brenda I don't know where you got this but I am so jealous and I want to get one of these like every year now look look at it it's so cute thank you oh my gosh okay I need to stop jumping now so this next one you guys is from a girl named Rachel in Arizona literally I opened up the box and this was the first thing I saw I'm not that you guys love my love of sloths like it seriously just tickles my heart look how cute so Rachel wrote me this letter and girlfriend I cannot do it more like how creative you are an artistic like Oh what I'm gonna cover up last names do you guys see like the little dunking cup and the pencil like how cute is this and she just wrote me this letter about how she's in her third year of teaching and a last spring she was feeling super burnt out I feel you girlfriend like that's just the life of a teacher I feel like you go through phases where you feel very burnt out and then you feel very weird you Vanita dand then you feel burnt out again and then you'd be over demon ate it and I just love like how she type this like look at like the words with the different fonts and colors thank you so much it was so sweet and I so enjoyed like reading this and she said she really enjoyed my video about the TPT conference my blog because she's very much in introvert too and I always like to hear that people know how I am feeling so that I don't feel so alone so that was super sweet and then this is from her sister Catherine how sweet so Catherine is in second grade and Catherine for a second grader your handwriting is seriously beautiful and look like she drew my logo and Dunkin Donuts how is sweet and it just says like you're really cool and I wish you were my teacher all right you're so sweet and she included pictures of herself I don't want to show them for privacy reasons but thank you you are so stinkin sweet now on the box there are there are these stickers with my logo and she will hold on pictures there we go okay she actually included the rest of the stickers which i think is so sweet she was able personalized them through Avery so that's awesome and look on the inside the box like there's all of these little note says she rocked up my best attempt of darling rock that's okay I could not draw a rock either says you rule hashtag Pikeville positivity and then look at all these sweet things that so this is so cool cuz I've actually never been to it well okay I've kind of in Arizona I have been to the Grand Canyon so I guess technically I've been there but literally Billy and I drove from like Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon and then turf back like the head that was also I haven't really seen much of Arizona but there's like this license plate that's so cute and this little keychain oh it's so sweet and you guys I think this is my new favorite thing this is a little buck of sloth wisdom I don't know why I'm pronouncing words we are today I'm sorry but look how cute okay so let me show you there was one that I came across I want to find it uh never waste any time you can spend sleeping oh and this one hold on this one was so cute be the nap you wish to see in the world oh my gosh I'm gonna keep this in my classroom and like what I'm having a bad day I'm gonna read it cuz it makes me so much happier and then there are these black and gold and white binder clips look how pretty you guys I don't know why I love binder clips so much like I said normal do other people left behind err clips as much and there are some more of the mister sketch scented sticks and I really really like these because they're much easier to grade with look like when they're nice and thin so I'm super excited about those and then there's all of these like little note cards which I can never find the cute ones at my target I don't know what's wrong with my target but they're always like gone so I really appreciate that this and that's what this one says hello I need to like catch my breath oh you guys when I get excited I just start talking super fast my kids know it I seriously talk that's all the time and then these are the pencils how cute and then these oh it's so cute and I love these I love like the rainbow it says thank you so much oh thank you so much you're just so sweet and like this seriously made me so happy especially like getting this letter and yours like all of your little drawings are just so cute and this oh you guys oh it's so cute thank you so so much Rachel okay I feel so bad well really loon I swear if you knock over that box thank you I feel so bad because this next one doesn't hold on focus thank you this next one doesn't have a name on it and I don't know who it's from but it is called like the golden pumpkin so it has this pumpkin oh you guys it smells so good but there's no name like it has this order slip and it has like my ship - that's me and then the bill - I like even looked up the address and it's just a like Louisiana boardwalk like outlet store of Yankee Candle and there's no name on it I'm like who sent it and I feel so bad because I want to say thank you so if you sent this to me like please leave a comment send me an email something because I want to tell you thank you this is so sweet and it smells so so good ah whoever sent this to me thank you I like never buy Yankee Candle because it's expensive but I love it and like the candles just smell so good so thank you to whoever this was from you're amazing so before I get into this crazy big box of goodies I can't wait to show you guys everything in here let us just appreciate for a second this branding so this is from Natasha Rochelle I'm hoping I'm pronouncing the last name correctly so she has created her own business under the name Natasha Rochelle and she specializes in educational technology integration so first of all like how cute is her logo and like she has her own neuron lives and on her letterhead like um you need to help me step up my game because now I feel like I don't know what I'm doing but seriously after reading her letter like she is amazing so she's been an educator for 15 years and she explained to me like all the different things that she is certified in she is an Apple certified teacher a Google certified trainer Microsoft innovated and they have the Microsoft innovative educator expert BrainPOP certified educator plickers ambassador Discovery Education oh my goodness like I am so envious of you I want to get all of their certifications and someday I will I promise but that is just amazing and she has her own blog and then a website I will link them both in description I know it's like really really tiny and you probably can't see it so I will link them and I'm gonna go and check it out because already just in her letter she told me about so many different like apps and websites and things that I need to check out so thank you so much she is actually the one that recommended the website classroom screen which literally I cannot live without now I use it every single day in my classroom and if you haven't checked it out yet I highly recommend you do I will link that for you in the description box as well it is life changing so I'm so so thankful not that she sent me all of this but just that she reached out to me cuz I had no idea that she ran like her own business with it that is amazing and just such a good idea and so needed because there's so much technology that like teachers need an easy way to have it presented to them and like they need to know about all the different options so I cannot wait to go ahead and check out her stuff because just by reading her letter I've already learned like so so much so she sent me this huge box of stuff but so let me show you okay so this first thing is from Microsoft I'm gonna have to check this out so I don't know exactly what this is but do you guys see all this I'm super excited about this she actually sent me the real plickers cards the ones that I told you about that are available on Amazon which I've never had before I've like printed and laminated my own but because they were not a matte lamination like it was kind of hard for my phone to read them so these are the real ones I will link them for you you guys can get them on Amazon this is a set of 40 which is perfect cuz my one block I'm like over 30 kids I cannot wait to use these I did print them out just like on paper and I had my kids glue them in their agenda but it never feels that some kid will forget their card or there's times where like I haven't given my block to their plickers card so I'll be able to just use these with them so I'm really excited about those and then these I don't even know where you got these but these are super cool so these are like there's little stand up can we focus these are little plastic frames you guys would laugh at me I'm literally using my nose to like touch the screen on my camera to get it to focus so these are in a two pack and they're really tiny and I'd like my brain is already just flooding with ideas and ways that I can use this but there are a total can we focus thank you there are a total of twelve of them there's six packs of two so I cannot wait to figure out how to use these okay where do I go next she got me more of these space scrubbers which I'm really excited about cuz I have already cleaned out all of dollar trees around me they no longer have any of these left because I've bought them all and my kids are already like really rough on them that's one thing I've noticed fourth graders are a lot more rough on like supplies and my second graders were so yeah hi cat oh these are gonna be great because I can already tell like some of them are gonna wear out they're going to get ripped up they're drawing on them which drives me crazy but that will be great to be able to replace some with as we go throughout the year yay I love you guys candy corn I love candy corn I also hand it out to my kids around this time like super easy way to get your kids to do what you want them to do and to get them to follow directions is to hand out candy corn it's amazing what they will do for a piece of candy corn and then I end up eating a lot of it too because I love candy corn oh here's my face scrubbers okay next oh there's a stress ball which actually I did a science lesson today I will tell you guys about it in a minute can we focus thank you my camera's having issues today so this goes with this and I think this is what she told me about in her letter that is like an app that you can use to like mirror what's on your screen so you don't have to be overwrite your computer I'm gonna have to check it out and I will tell you guys more about it but I'm actually super excited for stress ball because I do not have a stress ball and in a minute when I tell you guys about a lesson that I did today I really could have used one so that is perfect time and it's really really cute that it's an acorn there are all kinds of goodies in here so there is a Nearpod pen which I actually just recently found out about Nearpod I've never really heard of it but I am definitely gonna start using that with my students like on their Chromebooks and what I do I'll give you guys more information on that there are post notes in here and pens and there is a OneNote lanyard funny story about OneNote I actually used one note when I was in like I don't know late middle school early high school I like discovered it on my computer and I used it for everything and I haven't used it lately but I feel like I need to get back to using it cuz it is a really really cool like thing it's kind of I don't know how to describe it it's a way to organize stuff I don't know I'll have to show you guys oh yes and remind I've heard about remind I haven't used it I'm like I'm oh I need to reach out to you and like get information on all of this tech stuff because I suddenly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing like I always feel like I'm techie and then all of a sudden I'm like don't know what half of this stuff is but I'm super super excited to check out all of this okay there's also I'm so excited this is so cute a plickers shirt how cool is that like what a teacher thing to wear a flicker shirt no it's obviously like gonna be big it's a large on me or it's a large so to be big on me you guys know what I mean I'm gonna wear it though to like bed I need to take a picture of myself with it cuz like what a nerdy teacher thing to do we're at clicker shirt to bed okay these are goodies for my students which I'm so excited about that's so so sweet and perfect time with Halloween coming up so erasers and then there are a whole bunch of super cute pencils as well and I love that she got me three packs of 12 so 36 which is perfect for my homeroom class so thank you for those that my students thank you for those they don't know it yet but they thank you for those and then there are these which I've never seen these on my dollar tree before like what is my dollar tree doing they need to step up their game so these are sticker badges and they're our birthday ones more birthday ones yay and then bookmarks and that's perfect because my kids definitely need a bookmark see yay thank you and then these first of all how cute is this bag from Target dollar spot how cute are these notebooks throw kindness around like confetti so cute and then be you be bright be bold and look black and white striped with gold it's so cute and then I'm so excited about this so there is a Google for education lanyard hold on Billy's getting home with chick-fil-a ignore our trash can that's like overflowing I look how excited the kitties are I'm almost done I promise okay so then there are these pens these are the Paper Mate Inc joy pens I am obsessed with these yay and then this is a Google for education pen which I've been using Google Drive and it's literally been the best decision I've ever made in my entire life and I have no idea what I was doing up until this point and she also mentioned Google classroom I actually just got set up for Google classroom a couple of days ago I haven't used it with my class yet but I will be using it with them shortly so I'll give you guys more information on that oh look at the pretty colors I don't have like any of these pretty colors really excited to try those out and then there's this bag which it looks like writing paper very cute and in here are a full bunch of no cards so these are like little paper bags this is really cute and these oh I love all this I just I love the cliche like teacher stuff thank you this is actually a little like planner it was for mailing grocery and then more cards yeah I love all of the cards cuz I'm gonna need them welcome righty back to people and last but not least she got me these containers she said she couldn't find like the sandwich containers that I was looking for but these ones are actually perfect for holding crayons they will hold a 24 pack of crayons it's really sad that I know this you guys I don't even own any of these but I know about the hem and they also will hold a deck of cards and when I was at Dollar Tree tonight I got some more decks of cards so these will be perfect for holding those and I love that there are one two three four five yeah that's perfect thank you so so much Natasha you are seriously the best and I need to like reach out to you and get more information on these apps and how to get like certified in all this stuff because that is like where my passion is I love teaching but I also love educational technology you guys know I'm getting my masters and Applied Technology and education and like that is my J on that and math and when I can combine the two that's even better so thank you so so much I feel so spoiled like opening all of this I'm gonna like go on and find you on social media and reach out to you like ASAP so that we can be in touch and I can like pick your brain because you are a genius so even though I've been home for like an hour and a half I'm about to go get changed and then eat dinner and I started to take off my shoes and I realized I didn't show you guys my outfit and this is like kind of a different outfit for me I stepped on my comfort zone a little bit and I wanted to show you all what I was wearing so first I have just this very basic navy dress it's so comfortable it's long sleeves and it's about knee length I actually got this from TJ Maxx no I think it's originally from Old Navy but I got a TJ Maxx it was like $15 and I paired it with this green like army kind of vest that I got from Target I love this vest and I just thought it worked pretty well with the Navy I wore this gold necklace with it because I love my gold and I wear it all the time this came from Charming Charlie and I wore boots so these are like tan boots that I got a Macy's a really long time ago like if you look at them they're super I'm there you go if you look at them they're like really torn up and like the zippers get stuck and all that I don't know if like you can wear boots like this with a dress like is that allowed in fashion rolls I don't know I thought it looked cute if it didn't it's too late now but a decent job and like I actually love this outfit cuz it was super super comfortable like I love dresses because it looks like you put in effort and in reality you just didn't want to wear pants you know that moment where you look in the mirror for the first time all day or my case like the camera viewfinder and you suddenly realize hey there's hair in your mouth and be how horrible you've looked all day yeah that's what I'm dealing with right now but I don't even care say hi to Bill okay so originally my plan was to sit here and like talk in length about my day and just reflect on stuff that's not exactly what's about to happen because I do not feel well and it's my fault so I can't even really complain about it I take medication on a daily basis to try to cut down on my migraines because there was a period of several months where I was literally getting like 10 migraines a month or something ridiculous and they were lasting for several days like I literally had a migraine almost every day of the month so I'm on a daily medication and I haven't had to had a haven't had to have the prescription refilled here where we're living now yet because I get a three month supply of it so all of a sudden last night I realized that I was out and I've just been so busy that I didn't realize it sooner so literally at like 8:30 last night Billy and I went to CVS and I kind of had a feeling they weren't gonna be able to fill it because previously I was getting a pill at a Walgreens and I hadn't transferred the prescription so they ended up not being able to fill it and I was like fine whatever like I'll just get it today which actually that didn't happen either because they had to special-order it so I'm not gonna be able to get it till tomorrow so that means that last night I could not take my medication and then again tonight I cannot take it and I knew this was gonna happen because I looked up like side effects are going off the medication because I remember my doctor telling me like if the time ever comes where I go off of the medication like I have to do it very slowly in order to prevent this because you get a horrible migraine when you go off of it shocker and you get nausea and almost like flu-like symptoms and I feel so nauseous right my head hurts so so bad so I'm not gonna sit here and talk a whole lot about my day you guys know this morning I was not in a great mood Billy and I are on better terms no that's good but I was just not in a good mood this morning and however I will say like once I got to school and I saw my kids I suddenly felt a lot better and I just really realized today how like lucky I am to have the group of kids that I have like I really have a great group of kids just like overall all the kids that I see throughout the day and I love them to death and I don't know I feel like sorry my cat is running across the room because 10 o'clock at night is an appropriate time to start sprinting um I really do just have a great group of kids and I just had fun with them today like even though I wasn't a good mood like once I was around them I was much much better and I was much happier and like I just had fun because you know I'm stressed out right now because I have grades do when I'm stressed out because of the curriculum and tried to cram it all in before the first assessment and all of that and then I realize it and I'm like you know why I didn't go into teaching to prepare my kids for a test I didn't go into teaching it to giving grades I didn't go into teaching for any of those reasons I went into teaching because I love to teach and I love being around kids and I love getting to impact them in a positive way and it's like you know what I'm just gonna enjoy my kids and that's what I did and I had fun and like we were laughing and like that why I go to school every day so that was all I really wanted to say about my day it was hectic I had a faculty meeting in the morning which actually I enjoyed because we got some information on a new math program that we are using that goes along with like a are it's called math facts in a flash because that's easy to say and we also had a little bit of like PDR mindfulness which I actually have had a fair amount of PD on so I didn't already know a lot about it but it's always nice to have a refresher and just have like new ideas then during my math playing time I told you guys that I was with my team teacher and that kind of stressed me out some more because we realize like how much we have to cram in before this test and we are gonna skip over an entire unit because it's not actually on the test and then we're gonna go back to it after the test because like it's not on the test and there's other things like that we have to cover between now and then so that was a little bit stressful but then I had the group in my room for lunch bunch and I enjoyed that we watched the great pump it's it's the Pumpkin Charlie Brown so it's good yep okay I was in the middle of recording that clip and my battery just shut off cuz I haven't charged it a whole week so I'm just gonna end it there I'll talk to you guys more in the morning I need to go charge the battery and I need to get to bed good morning YouTube so like I was saying last night before my camera cut me off when I got home last night I did not get to be as productive as I was hoping after I did my mail haul and I started to get a horrible migraine I started get really nauseous like I ate dinner and then I got my plans done for today and that was it like I died then at 10 o'clock which you guys know very rarely happens for me but I didn't get grading done I didn't get editing done cuz I still need to edit my get ready with me but last night like I was just out of commission and here's something else that happened and I kind of don't know if I want to tell you guys this because it was funny but it was also really embarrassing so Billy and I DVR jeopardy because that's our favorite show to watch and most of the time we're not around at 7:30 to watch it so we were watching it at like 8:30 because that's when we sat down to actually eat dinner and there's this guy that's been on for like the past a week and he's really funny and it got to the final Jeopardy question and I guess he didn't know the answer so he wrote down what is a taco and it took me by surprise and I thought it was really funny so I started laughing like really really hard but I also had sweet tea in my mouth from chick-fil-a and I started choking on it and I was coffee and like really really hard because I couldn't breathe and I couldn't like stop choking well then because I was coughing so hard I ended up throwing up and then because I threw up once and I was already kind of nauseous from my medicine like I threw up several more times and like I couldn't stop and it was just it was horrible and like I'm sorry I had to tell you that story but I forgot that I had started laughing at what is a taco until like the very end after I was done and like I finished like doing my business and bathroom and all that and then Billy was like you know what started that right I was like no I don't remember and he said you were laughing at Jeopardy guide and sorry what is a taco I was like oh yeah it was really funny and it made for a good story I guess I'm headed to school I do not have any meetings this morning so I do have planning time but I do not have planning time during cultural arts but the fourth-grade teachers talked about it and now on Thursdays we had been switching for block one like right at 9:35 since we didn't have cultural arts but we talked about it we're actually gonna keep our homeroom classes until 10:35 which I'm excited about because you guys know I love my homeroom and I love all the time I get to spend with them so we're gonna make that like a study hall time so students who have to make up work students who need to take a our quizzes all that good stuff will be able to do it during that time and this morning we actually have got into at 10:05 anyway so I'm only gonna have like thirty minutes of study hall in my room thank I dance then we switch for block ones I have computers today and our students are gonna get on the new math program because they have to be on for a half an hour a week and that's really the only time it they get an opportunity to be on so I'm gonna get to school you guys know I'm gonna go get a coffee and I'll catch up with you guys maybe like sometime this morning hi can I get a medium iced coffee with the pumpkin flavor and cream please that'll be it thank you so I spun to show you guys I am getting ready for our homeroom time that we're gonna have this morning now normally it's gonna be from nine thirty five to ten thirty five on Thursdays but today we actually have guidance at 10:05 so I'm really only gonna have like a half an hour of homeroom time but this is that what's a classroom screen that I told you guys about I seriously love this website sit down ah email hold on so down here for background this is one of like the pre-made backgrounds it's like a moving waterfall it's like a jiff and I just thought that was really cool so I have that on so it's nice and calming and then I just use a text box and I typed in here what they must do so they have to finish any work they have from block teachers before they can do anything else they also can read two assignments and then I put on here other things that they may do so they can read their novels they can take an AR quiz if you don't know what AR is it's accelerated reader math facts in a flash which is our new like math program that we're doing it's actually through AR and then I also put on there they can help their favorite teacher aka Miss 4a and then we're gonna have guidance at 10:05 and then these are done here the work symbols I just put it up for whisper I just feel like it's a good reminder to them so they know that they can not be super loud so since my subscribers are absolutely amazing and sent me these sandwich containers I'm so so excited about I'm going to go through at these last couple of bags put them in the containers so that I can finally be done with organizing this it is now after school it's about 4 o'clock this happened this morning one of my sweet girl is actually the sister of the girl who brought me the brownie yesterday brought me a chocolate chip cookie from Panera which I love and this happened also this came off of as you can see it came off of it the lovely poster over here which it was dangling so I know is only a matter of time and then the kid who brought it to me was like oh yeah and I accidentally stepped on it when it fell on the ground like really alright this after school it's like 5:30 and I was planning on staying really late and I still AM but I actually have to leave need to go to see Vee has a target pick up my prescription because they close at 7 and I'm worried about missing it then I'm gonna come back to school I'm gonna continue grading I have like one more assignment to grade and then I'm done I need to finalize my grades I need to get something oh I need to make a quiz on rounding and adding and subtracting for both of my classes and then something else too well I need to figure out what I'm doing tomorrow I know what I'm doing but I need to like all my plans so it's probably gonna be a long night but that's okay I'm not feeling very well my headache is back like it's not quite a migraine but it's like a really really bad headache I have felt nauseous all day like I feel bad eating in front of my kids but like I had to be snacking on like chips and stuff just to like settle my stomach earlier and I just don't feel great like I think my face yeah I look super flushed like I don't feel great but it's okay I'm gonna persevere I'm gonna just get through it get what I need to get done and then good news is this weekend hopefully I can take some like me time and then next weekend is my birthday and I will definitely be taking some me time so I just got back to school it's about 6:15 I'm laughing because I legitimately cannot win this week not only am i sick because I forgot to pick up my prescription so I'm suffering from like withdrawal from it so I have migraines and nausea I threw up last night and I just tripped in the hallway and like rolled my ankle and it hurts really really badly it was one of those where my foot just slipped out from underneath me but of course I have heels so my foot like completely rolled to the side like ankle touching the ground kind of thing and in order to not faceplant I had to like start running and order like catch myself and of course one of the third grade teachers was in her room and she's like did you just trip was like yes yes I did welcome to my life but I'm not at school I'm gonna sit here and grade at this last pile of papers then I'm done I'm gonna finish up my grades I need to put in like comments and I need to like run the reports and all that good stuff but I'm gonna finish those tonight so I don't have to worry about it I'm gonna get myself ready for tomorrow mostly just my single subject kids we're gonna work on an M cubed lesson which is just like advanced tasks and like enrichment kind of activities so I'm gonna get that ready I need to make that quiz then I'm gonna go home home I'm going to hopefully edit because I need to edit my get ready with me and tomorrow night I'm gonna be here late because I am helping to serve at the pasta dinner that they're having is like a fundraiser so I'm probably not gonna get home tomorrow night until like 9 o'clock but it's okay it's all good I love my life I love my job I love what I do I'm just tired that's all so ignore my messy handwriting but can we just acknowledge for a second like my first attempt at trying to draw a line through this like why it even is what is wrong with me and it keeps getting better I just went to drink water which was out of my teachers pay teachers cup which is cool completely messed my mouth and I went down my dress send help or caffeine or something because I am just not together this week at all so a couple of things as I said here my computer and we wrap things up for the night number one just take this can see I don't always make things cute sometimes I literally just open up word type up a quiz and print it out because I realized that it just really doesn't matter all there's something funny let me go in here hold on okay so I was trying to figure out how all of my kids found my youtube channel because originally only a couple of kids knew and then suddenly like I asked my class at one point and literally every single kid raised their hand so I'm like how on earth did they find it finally a kid told me so they had noticed my copy right at the bottom of the pages that I make and they put two and two together and they found my youtube channel so I have to give them credit like that's really clever and I'm really proud of them for like figuring that out but yeah so all of my kids now know for the most part they think it's cool they're asking me when I'm going to come up with merchandise which actually a lot of you guys have asked me to I do want to come up with like merchandise I just don't really have the time now so my plan is before this school year is up like I will have merchandise out but like right now I just have too much going on unfortunately also I've had these two boxes sitting under my desk like literally since the beginning of school and these are all binders that were filled with like second grade curriculum stuff and I realized I did not need it anymore so I actually gave it to a bunch of my girls this morning during our homeroom time because they did not have any work to make up or anything so I said you can help me and I gave them the binders I had them take the papers out of sheet protectors recycle them I even had them like take the binder spines out and throw those away so these are all now just like empty binders I'm probably gonna put these like in a cabinet somewhere and just store them away until I need them but that is not happening tonight I'm just gonna push the box back under my desk and forget about it again so I'm totally aware that my face right now like matches my necklace cuz it's so big one of the other side effects of going off of my medication is like fever and stuff and I'm pretty sure I have one right now like I'm so hot it's not even funny I'm gonna get out of here it is 7:45 now all of my grades are in the gradebook I still need to go in and put in like comments and run the reports but I'll have to do that in the morning because I'm not doing that right now Billy has been home since like I don't know 7:30 so I want to get home too and I need to get out of here like I have my quiz ready to go for tomorrow I still have to work on a little bit for plans for tomorrow but I can get it done at home like I don't need to say here I want to go home and I want to spend time with Billy so I'm gonna leave I'm gonna go home we are having like leftover night at home and I think we're gonna like cook a oven pizza or something but I will catch up with you guys in the a.m. at tomorrow's me another long day because of the pasta night and I gotta grab my stuff to leave and I realized my coffee from this morning is still sitting yours and no wonder I've been a hot mess this afternoon it's probably because I only got to drink like half of my coffee today good morning YouTube so I got up about 10 minutes earlier than I have been getting up lately so that I could actually spend more than like two minutes doing my makeup because I have two pastas dinner tonight and I'm probably gonna see a lot of parents I don't want to look a hot mess and when I did the movie night it was okay because it was dark outside but on the inside so need to look presentable I need to get to school like ASAP because I need to print out my inner reports and have them to the office by 9:00 a.m. so I actually packed myself juice which I know is very different because I usually always get Dunkin Donuts but I am NOT gonna go get Dunkin Donuts this morning weird I know I'm actually not in the mood for coffee I know it sounds really weird but I feel very dehydrated so I'm gonna drink the juice enjoy it get to school put up my interims and then hopefully have a great day okay my interims are all done I printed them but actually when my team teacher still has to put in Cobb head so I'm gonna have to reprint them but it's okay I just spent some time at prepping a whole bunch of pre assessments so I give these to my single-subject kids before we start a new topic that way I know who is ready for enrichment who needs a little bit more instruction and practice and all that good stuff so I already had printed these actually all of those are for unit 3 but we are actually skipping over unit 3 because we need to work on unit 4 first because that's going to be on their assessment so those are ready for when we get to it but the are all of the pre assessments for unit 4 so I need to cut these apart binder clip them and then put them in that same drawer so that I have them as I need them and as the lesson goes on we got a good thing goin why we gotta feel sampling fine scenes in the morning Shawna's house patted by your side look at me I'm sorry see know the truth I did want to show you this for social studies today our students are going to break up into groups to research the different regions of maryland's at the atlantic coastal plain Piedmont Plateau and the Appalachian Mountains so I want to show you guys kind of how I am organizing this I've put my students already into their groups because goodness knows I'm not gonna let them pick no these are not even my student names I literally just put in random names just to show you guys this if you're interested these are my editable rotation boards they are in my TPT store I have them all the way from like two groups two rotations up to like six groups six rotations and they all have these built-in timers I have the timers all the way from five minutes up to thirty minutes like in five minutes five minute increments of 5 10 15 20 25 and 30 and it's designed so that when I play the slideshow like this the timer will automatically start counting down now usually I used to use this for like math groups so if we did three like 20 minute rotations I would have the timer go like three separate times however in this case they're just gonna have 20 minutes to research like with their group so these students will all be in a group together these students will all be in a group together and so on and so on so they're gonna go and research then they're gonna get into new groups to share out so almost like a jigsaw type activity then in order to organize them with that all the ones are gonna get together so there will be two people from each of the different regions so they will share together and then all of the twos will share together and then all the threes will share together and so on and so on so I just wanted to show you guys this these rotation boards can literally be used for so many different things I'm so happy that I made these because they're literally a lifesaver to me and I also have it set up so when that timer gets to at zero which obviously I'm not gonna sit here for 20 minutes waiting for that I'm just gonna show you guys it will automatically go to then this cleanup slide so a two-minute timer timer pops up and my students have that long to clean up their materials and get back to their seats and I have the clean up slides are included in the rotation boards those are available both as one minute timers and as two minute timers and just just show you guys these are in here as like a video I handmade all of these timers like it was a big pain but that's okay when it gets down to just 10 seconds left it will turn red to kind of get their attention a little bit more and then you'll hear it when it gets to zero and alarm buzzes so yeah then it just kind of goes black and I leave this slide up until like I know that all of my students are actually ready so if this is something that you guys are interested in I will link it for you guys in the description box you'll see here so I have like two minute timer and I have one that says be at your seat and ready and then another one that says be ready to switch so if you use a clean up timer like in between each of your stations you can use that I also have an editable one so you can put your own text and then I have the same thing with the one minute timer and then these are all of the examples of like the different boards and you can edit all of the text or the title your side pieces and then each of like the boxes so you could use this to put like multiple student names in there you can put the activity in there and put the names over here like there's so many different ways that you could do it and again these are available with 5 10 15 20 25 and 30 minute timers so there's lots of different options I will have it for you guys in the description box if it's something that you are interested in so I got this super sweet note from one of my girls this morning it says dear mr. Frey you are the best fourth grade teacher I think that you're the best fourth grade teacher because you always make me laugh and I just want to let you know that I appreciate that and I just want to say it thank you how sweet is that so it is now my planning time and here's what I'm spending my time doing probably not the most productive thing like I should probably be working on plans for next week but I don't care I feel like doing this so I don't know why I did not do this sooner but when my students are writing in their science and social studies journals I've just been like taking one of the kids and using theirs to put under the document camera but I thought about it and I was like why don't I just have my own journal and I keep track of all of the notes in here so that when a student is absent instead of borrowing a classmates journal not that I don't trust all of the classmates but they may not be getting all of the notes that way they can actually just borrow my journal and that way I can ensure that they are copying all of the notes so I'm literally just taking a composition book and up here these are little like sticky tabs you can get them at Walmart I can try to like links on below but I just stuck those on there to differentiate science and social studies and right now on copy notes I literally just took one kids like notebooks and I'm going through and I'm copying all of the notes that they have and putting them into my journal in case a kid it needs them okay this is too funny so something I say to my kids a lot is I always ask are there any questions concerns discombobulation x' and that came from one of my teachers actually my sixth-grade teacher used to say that to us all the time so it's just something that like I now always say but it's so funny because now to my class all I have to say is questions concerns and then they say discombobulation and this girl wrote it at the bottom of her page that's too funny so hallelujah my team teacher got homework done for single subject and for exploratory so we don't have to worry about that like over the weekend or on Monday and actually on Monday we're not going to have like blocks we're not going to have our normal classes we're gonna have our home runs all day because we are doing Junior Achievement day which is interest it's interesting that here they do it all in one day and then where I was before we actually did like a half an hour to an hour lesson five days like in a week so it's spread out over the week but here they do it all in one day so Monday I'm just gonna have my homeroom for J a day and then I have homework ready on Tuesday to give it to my block classes it is now lunchtime and this is the first time since like Tuesday that I'm gonna be able to say and actually enjoy my lunch cuz on Wednesday I had lunch bunch and then yesterday I had a girl I offered to eat lunch with her so I could reteach her some math skills and then have her redo a quiz so today I'm actually gonna sit and enjoy my lunch the morning has gone well it's just I'm not getting through everything that I need to get through like math I didn't get through everything we haven't even checked homework in social studies like they were supposed to have 20 minutes be able to research their area didn't quite even have that long I gave them like 15 minutes we do have a little bit of time when we come back from lunch but it's not going to be enough to get everything done but it's okay we're moving forward slowly but we're still moving forward so it is now the end of the day it's four o'clock I just go back to my classroom from dismissal one of my students in my block too gave me this bookmark it says math is cool and there's an infinity sign for the O's so I thought that was pretty cool and now is operation grade a bunch of quizzes we took a quiz today in my single subject class so I need to grade those get them put into the gradebook so that they can be out of my life and I don't have to worry about them anymore class then I can figure out who I need to reteach next week before we move on to the next topic and I have to kill time anyway until about seven o'clock so I should have plenty of time to get this done so I wanted to give you guys a quick like classroom update of just a couple of things that I've started doing I feel like especially for me sometimes with organization you have to figure out like what's gonna work best for you especially being in a new school a new grade level I am slowly figuring out like oh I need a place for this oh I need a place for this the way I was organizing this wasn't working so I've had to change things a little bit so up here I've kind of cleaned off this space a little bit I used to have one of these black baskets up here and I kept like my clipboards that have my clipboard cruising and all that and my page protectors that have all of my like rosters and stuff like that in that basket but it wasn't really fitting because those baskets are really designed to hold paper and because my clipboards were larger than that it was not holding them like the right way so I got rid of that basket and I'm using one of these magazine holders from Big Lots they usually have these during back-to-school time they're about three dollars so this is now housing my social studies and science journal that I made earlier and it has like my page protectors here that have all my different like rosters and different like extensions for the school and just random information that I feel like I need pretty often so I can easily grab it this clipboard which I take to meetings but it also right now has my seating charts and then my clipboard cruisin clipboard this is the one that the hipster art teacher made for me and then I'm keeping this area clean because a lot of times when my kids switch blocks someone will come to me and they're like oh so-and-so left their journal in here and sometimes like I don't have time for them to go take it to that person right then so I just put it over here and at the end of the day I'll have them go take it back to whoever it belongs to so I like having that open space just in case then now I have these two baskets here and honestly I don't remember what I had on the shelf before I may not have had anything I don't know but I've now put two of those little black baskets these came from Dollar Tree there were only one dollar each down here and I'm gonna use my foot to point don't judge me so this basket isn't going to be for housing redo work so when a student brings me an assignment they say I want to redo this I put the original in here and then I'll put a copy of their redo and I kind of hold on to it until whenever it is that they're going to redo it I am gonna make like labels to label these baskets but I haven't gotten around to it this one is missed the Shelf this one is going to be for unfinished work so when I go through my block bins which are over here when I find student work that is not done I don't like to give it back to my students because then it tends to never come back to me again so I keep it here and then on Thursdays when we have our study hall and we have our homeroom classes I'll be able to pass it out then and give it to those students to finish another change that I made to my classroom is this back counter area first of all with my graded papers and then these are two more of those magazine bins that I got from Big Lots I had them like over here on this side of the clipboards and I was like that literally makes no sense because when my paper people my mailman and actually somehow my mailman has turned into like three of my ladies but it's fine it's kind of a three-person job anyway so when they take out the graded papers and put them in Wednesday folders it's a lot more convenient for them to be right next to it so I moved these bins right in between my graded papers and my clipboards and that freed up some space over here excuse out I'm just kidding email so these white and black bins I got from Ikea they were only like two or three dollars each they were pretty cheap and honestly these have just been floating around my room and I haven't really figured out like what I wanted to use them for yet until right now I finally figured it out I am putting extra supplies in here so at the beginning of the year we collected all of our students extra supplies so they're extra highlighters are extra poster notes are extra dry erase markers and then over here we have like extra paper and we have composition books and we have pencils and it was really inconvenient when a student came to me in the middle of class and said like oh my Expo markers dried up or oh I've lost my pencil whatever and I do have a jar on my desk where I put like when pencils are found on the ground they put them in that jar but there's times where like a students pencil is just short and they need a new one and it was really inconvenient to have to go into these cabinets like it was wasting a lot of time so I decided to house them right on top of here that way they're out and open and easy for me to grab so I have dry erase markers pencils and glue sticks now I am going to make a little sign that says you cannot take any these without getting permission from Miss 4a because I don't want it just to be a free-for-all and have kids about coming back here and taking stuff because it will be gone within like an entire week so they will have to get permission from me and then they can come back and grab what they need but hopefully it will just speed up that whole process and won't find a little change I feel like this area has changed a million different times I am so using this black basket to house whatever like games were working on so right now they were doing a game where they needed a place value chart so I have place value charts in chi protectors in there and then the extra games that I'm not using are gonna be housed in these rainbow drawers each drawer will be a unit so unit 1 unit 2 and so on I was also keeping the like dice back here the decks of cards back here and it was just way too like crowded so in order to hopefully speed up the process when my students go to play games I have just the game boards over here and then the manipulatives and things that they need are in these colored bins which you guys will remember when I did my classroom to work I had these here they were empty and I was like I have no idea what I'm gonna use them for well I have figured it out I am now using them to house math manipulatives so these I'm just gonna take it all the way out these are little containers from Dollar Tree you can get ten of them for a dollar they come in both circle and square and these have little counters and then a double die in there you can get the double die can we focus please there we go you can get the they're called Dyson dice so it has like a die inside of a die and it's really convenient so instead of them having it two dice they can just have the one and they roll it once and they look at the die inside and then the die on the outside you can get these off at Amazon I can link them for you in the description box but I have pre-made little containers with all of those so that it just speeds up that process this is housing a little rainbow assortment of tasks card holders right now there's nothing in these but eventually I will fill them with test cards the students can use for like early finisher activities and these are just photo cases by iris that I got from Michaels then both of these have at decks of cards because I have so many students like my block to I need like 16 texif cards I could not store them all in just one container plus I did not have enough of these little snack containers all in the same color so I decided to have like half of them in green half of them in blue there's really no difference or the exact same thing but the decks of cards I just get from Dollar Tree and then they snack containers you also get from Dollar Tree most the time they're two for a dollar but sometimes you can find them in a three pack for a dollar but I love these they're the perfect size for holding a deck of cards and and they also are the perfect size for holding a 24 pack of crayons so if you ever see these I recommend grabbing them I have a ton as you can tell like all of my decks of cards are in them but I also have a bunch more just like in my cabinet because I use them for so many things and they're just super convenient so both of these containers are just filled with decks of cards it is about 5 20 and I still have found an hour and 40 minutes until I have to go to the pasta dinner but I am all done grading the quizzes I'm all up to date on grading so I feel good I'm trying to stay on top of it I don't feel under a lot of pressure to get my plans done for next week although I probably should you guys I think I'm horrible I just don't like planning an entire week ahead like I don't like to be more than a couple days ahead because I feel like my plans always change or I don't get through everything that I thought I was gonna get through or my kids don't end up getting it so I've just my more time on something so I'm not in a rush though because on Monday we actually have a J a day Junior Achievement day so I will have a parent volunteer coming in doing the Junior Achievement lesson so I won't actually need my plans until Tuesday so that's a good feeling I am gonna get some stuff done I promise but just right now I have stories to tell you so lunch no not lunch recess today was super interesting oh my gosh I'm laughing just thinking about it so today is the last day of our book there and in order to go to the Book Fair during lunch or recess our students have to have a note from their teacher they did get to go during their media time which my students went on Wednesday but if they come like later in the week and they have money in order to go they have to have a note from their teacher so I had a student come to me at recess and he goes oh I have money can I go to the Book Fair and I say no sweetheart like you didn't tell me earlier and I don't have paper like I can't write you a note he goes okay and he walks away and often he comes back he found a paper towel on the ground and he found a piece of chalk on the ground and he reached over and handed it to me and he goes here you can write me a note on this and I said um no I said they do not accept chalk or no I said they don't accept a paper towel because okay so he leaves again runs around the playground comes back like five minutes later and he has found a post-it note so he hands me the post note and the piece of chalk and he goes here you can write a note on this and I say they don't accept chalk no it's like and I told him because at this point I'm like this boy is so determined to go to the Book Fair like I kind of want to let him go but I told him if you find me a pen or a pencil I will write you a note on this person note and I will send you to the book sure enough he runs over to the basketball court and there's two recycling bins he starts looking and I'm looking around them he finds on the floor an old flare pen and he runs over to me he goes here you can use this I said ok like you've earned it you deserve to go to the book Baer I wrote him the note I let him go to the book fair but it just cracked me up because he was so like determined and you know what he problem solved and I was really really proud of him for that I can't even lie then towards the end of recess we had a girl get her poor knees stuck in between the bars like up at the top of the jungle gym and at first like we heard her knee was stuck we're like oh like we'll just walk over and it will pop right out mmm no our system prints flawed to come out with like lotion to put on it to try to get it out but we got it out all is well it just it cracked me up in my block too we worked on a lesson on palindromes it's from our like enrichment program which is called M cubed I had never really heard of it until coming here but it's actually really cool the lessons are pretty fun so we talked about palindromes and how that's something that's before the same forward as it is backwards so like a word like race car it's the same forwards and backwards so it's a palindrome numbers could also be palindromes like 323 is the same forwards and backwards so we talked about numbers that are already palindromes by themselves and we talked about how any single digit number like between 1 & 9 is a palindrome and then multiples of 11 so 11 22 33 44 all of those are palindromes and we talked about how you could make other numbers in two-pound rooms by flipping the number and adding to itself so the number 15 if you flip it you get 51 add them together you get 66 which then is a pound row so my students had to go through all of the numbers between 1 and 100 and figure out what palindromes they make and how many steps it takes to get there so 0 steps if it's a pound room on its own like 11 or 22 1 step if they flip it and add it once and it becomes a palindrome 2 steps if they have to flip it add it and then flip that number and add it and then they get that palindrome and so on and so on so they enjoyed that they didn't get a ton of time to like work on it because we had to talk about it first and then they got started but they're gonna keep that in their math folder so they can pull it out like at any point over the next couple of weeks and work on it but they enjoyed that and I always like I love kids that love a challenge and my block - like they love a challenge and so it just makes my teacher heart super happy I know I'm going to try to start planning for next week I mean I kind of know what I'm doing I should probably be a good person and like actually put it into plan book and actually make copies and all that not fun stuff that I don't want to do so when I could have been lesson planning I decide to make labels instead welcome to my life what else is new so I made labels for unfinished work and assignment redos that's gonna go on those two black pins and then I also have one for clipboards and that is gonna go on that black container right there then oh sorry I just threw that all the way on the floor great then these bigger ones are going to go on my black I think they're called like magnetic pockets or something like that that I got from store X I can link them for you in the description box but I have white paper scrap paper Scholastic dry erase pockets and focus wall so let me show you those okay so I have two over here by my like small group table these come in a pack of six so I just kind of have them split up around my room at this top one holds dry-erase ports just like extra ones that I can use on my table and then this one has like dry erase pockets that I use for like different worksheets and stuff sometimes so I need to take off this label replace it with those new ones and then this one up here is gonna hold stuff for my focus walls so my science and social studies focus wall and my math focus wall over there the different posters and things when I actually get around to making them are gonna go in that pocket this one has extra scholastic like order forms in case any my students need them so I'm gonna label that and then I need to redo these labels that top one is plain white paper which I obviously need to like fix up a little bit and then this bottom one is a scratch paper next labels are for those white bins that I have on my counter with extra supplies and then these are for my rainbow drawers so the ones over there next to my library that are holding my different like unit games for math so we have 15 math units so I have them labeled all the way up to unit 15 and then I'll have a drawer just for like spare games because I do have at sixteen drawers this is too funny I always laminate on this back counter just because I have a fair amount of like space and I can easily plug it in and as I was plugging it in I noticed this light switch which I literally have not know so I was like oh I wonder what this is for so I turned it on I have like under cabinet lights like why have I not been utilizing these [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's about eight o'clock I'm all done serving the pasta dinner it was catered by Lake Corrales which it was really really good I didn't eat any but it smells really good I was in charge of doing the bread and it actually wasn't as busy as like I thought it was me so it wasn't that bad I'm gonna end the vlog here because I need to get home I need to edit my get ready with me I need to go get dinner and I hate to get to bed because I'm super super tired so if you enjoyed this video please give the video a thumbs up that helps me out and it helps this video be able to reach more teachers don't forget to subscribe to me if you haven't already and as always I love you all so much thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links for my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 205,950
Rating: 4.8934984 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, 3rd grade, 2nd grade, math teacher, science teacher, 5th grade
Id: wexoxA_IZ1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 22sec (5182 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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