My NEW Evening Routine as a Teacher

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[Music] my students leave school by 4:15 p.m. but I stay at school until about 5:15 either grading or lesson planning so that I can leave school and go directly to the gym on my way home my fiancee Billie works until 5:00 p.m. so this schedule works really well for us because the gym is just around the corner from my school I bring my gym bag with me in the morning and leave it in my car so I can change once I get to the gym I always get a lot of questions about how I find the motivation to go to the gym after a long day of school especially now that I'm waking up at 5 a.m. and honestly working out is my favorite part of the day it is my personal form of self-care and it helps me relieve all of my stress but I will say pre-workout definitely helps give me a boost of energy [Music] on this night Billy and I were working chests so we started with bench press I will say this is my weakest exercise by far but I definitely come a long way because when I first started I could only bench the bar which is 45 pounds I warmed up with a set of 8 at 95 pounds [Music] then a set of six at 115 pounds [Applause] followed by six sets of heavy singles my previous PR or personal record was 135 pounds and when I attempted that weight it actually moved the smoothest it ever has for me so then I decided to try 140 pounds it was not the prettiest trip I've ever done okay I will be the first to admit but I was able to get it up so I was super excited about that we also did some incline bench and some cable flies that I did never cord them because that area of the gym was super crowded now since it is cold outside I do throw on a sweatshirt before leaving to stay warm after sweating but also just to be comfy we usually stay at the gym for about an hour and a half and leave around 7:00 p.m. I Drive straight home and I'm typically walking in the door around 7:20 hi Zara [Music] mm-hm how was your day I used to be really bad and just dumpy my stuff on the floor as soon as I got inside and I knew that it really bothered Billy so I am trying to build a habit of putting my stuff away right when I get home so I take off my shoes put them in our closet and immediately put on my slippers because again I love to be comfortable I put my lunch box on the counter because Billy packs it for me for the next day of school I put my book bag by the couch walk upstairs and drop my gym bag on the bed because again I'm lucky enough to have Billy pack it for me for the gym for the next day then I get ready to shower so I do take off my makeup with a makeup remover wipe while Billy and I just kind of talk about our day [Music] [Music] once I get out of the shower and dry off I put some palmer's cocoa butter skin therapy oil on my face my skin gets oily so it seemed kind of counterproductive to put oil onto my face however I will say that I absolutely love this stuff I just take three drops rub my hands together and then pat it on my face as you can probably see my skin is super sensitive and I have a lot of redness on my face but this oil helps keep it smooth and it reduces the redness especially over night I forgot to film it but I also put CeraVe sa cream on my arms to help with my keratosis pilaris and I put the Cera the moisturizing cream everywhere else before I put on my pajamas next I spray a coconut oil on my hair I got this coconut oil from TJ Maxx for less than six dollars and absolutely love it a bottle last night about a month you can also get it on Amazon but it's way more expensive so I try to pick it up from TJ Maxx whenever I can find it there I spray it over my hair and then rub it through my hair so it gets evenly distributed I brush my hair which the coconut oil makes super easy because it helps detangle it in addition to making it shinier I then head into our spare bedroom to dry my hair which usually takes about 20 minutes I used to go on my phone during this time but lately I've been using the time to just think and relax I usually reflect on my day or think about things I need to get done the next day and honestly it just helps me feel a lot less stressed hi ya how was your day muna after my hair is dry which is usually around 8 p.m. I head back into my bedroom put on my glasses I grab my phone and Apple watch which I put on my charger while I shower and I walk downstairs Billy usually cooks dinner while I'm showering and drying my hair I know I'm super lucky and we have it down to a system so it's always ready right when I get done tonight's dinner was the exact opposite of healthy it's literally a macaroni and cheese pizza but we are trying some new things from all these Billy and I do eat dinner on the couch I know it's not the best habit but honestly it's just really relaxing after a long day of school this was a Wednesday so we watch Survivor while we ate I grew up watching Survivor from the very beginning and still enjoy watching it we record the episodes as well because we don't typically have time to watch an entire episode in one night I used to always do work for school or for grad school after dinner but now I just lay there and relax after eating which has been really nice sometimes Luna is even loving enough to come lay on my lap it doesn't happen often but tonight she must have known I was filming and she pulled through for me [Music] because I am now waking up at 5 a.m. we go upstairs at 9 o'clock to get ready for bed I used to knock it into bed until about 11:00 so this is a big change for me once I go upstairs I wash my teeth and I do take melatonin most nights because even waking up early it is still super difficult for me to fall asleep at night this melatonin is from Amazon and I love it because the tablets dissolve in your mouth and they're very flavored and they just actually tastes really good next I head into the closet and pick out what I'm going to wear the next day so I don't have to think about it in the morning then I get into bed and set my alarms for the next day I literally used to set over ten alarms in the morning so now that I'm waking up at 5 a.m. I'm only setting four alarms which is really impressive for me I put my phone and watch on the charger by my bed and then get ready to read a book a few weeks ago Billy and I started a routine where I read a book aloud right before bed it's a great way for us to read the same book while also just kind of sharing that experience together I'm not gonna share the title of the book we're reading because it's not exactly family-friendly but it is a book by Mark Mason and we are really enjoying it we usually spend about 15 minutes reading and then turn on at Grey's Anatomy which I got Billy Hooke died at this point the melatonin is starting to kick in and I'm getting sleepy so we only watch about 10 to 15 minutes of an episode before we turn it off so I can go to sleep that is my entire evening routine it's definitely shorter than it used to be now that I am waking up at 5 a.m. however it's working for me if you have not already watched my new morning routine for waking up at 5:00 a.m. and be productive make sure you go ahead and watch that it will be linked in the description box as well as at the end of this video go ahead and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy leave a comment if you enjoyed seeing Billy because it's been a while since he has been in my videos hit that subscribe button if you have not already and the notification bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to put your positive side and I will catch you in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 466,400
Rating: 4.92068 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, evening routine, teacher evening routine, evening routines after work, evening routines for teachers, evening routine for teacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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