Moving On To New Adventures | Teacher Summer Series Ep 9

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we have no TV we have no internet we have our whole life in boxes it's gonna be an interesting day we already have our first problem my dad went to pick up the truck and we reserved a 24-foot truck because the next option was a 16 foot truck and we didn't think that was going to be big enough my dad goes to pick it up and they don't have a 24 foot trust they're all out of them and we are now on our way to our new town house [Music] now now pick it up good afternoon YouTube so Billy and I have a pretty laid-back weekend we weren't super productive we did get a little bit of packing done but Billy's last day of work was on Friday so we had the entire weekend together which literally hasn't happened like in years it is already day after noon because Billy had an interview earlier today but we are now headed to go look at furniture because a we need a dining room table and chairs B we need a new bed see we need chairs and just a bunch of other random things so we are going to go look at some furniture and I'll catch back up with you guys later on [Music] you [Music] you guys there are four or five furniture stores and please tell me I'm not alone in this I cannot stand the people that work at furniture stores and they follow you around and even if you tell like no thanks I'm just looking they still continue to like ask if you need help like no if I have question I will combined you but at this last place I will admit it was completely my fault I got sucked in as soon as we walked in the door we asked if we were looking for anything and I told them and then we were stuck we were probably there for what like 25 30 minutes trying to get out away from this person so we could just look on our own but I will tell you the more we are looking at furniture the better and better IKEA is looking because the only stuff that we like is like super super expensive and I really don't want to spend like $1000 on a bed that's just insane to me alright we are back at home it's about five o'clock and we decided we're going to go to the pool for the rest of the night the super hot outside Billy doesn't have to go to work for one so we're going to go relax by the pool for a couple of hours come back in change get dinner and then spend the rest of the night packing what are you filming exactly you putting the towel down about the best ones in San Juan Michelle I believe you took my black ones and they just became you because they are much better yeah good luck Volta all right we are all done at the ball hashtag pull hair don't care we're not headed to home tell them to go get some core boxes and then get Chinese food for dinner all right Billy what did you think this was called when your kids home Devon let's get three medium boxes and two large boxes yeah their triggers ya know if we need more we come back oh yeah blame the boxes where's the helmet no it's not closest over here turn it the other way we do it don't let go I just want to hear you scream and I can be oh this is a good morning YouTube and happy 4th of July so last night after the Chinese food happened I spent a little bit of time editing my video that went up today which actually I filmed last week and there were still parts are out of focus but obviously because I didn't edit it until then I poor I had no choice but to use the footage then let me just say that the Internet is an amazing thing because at like 1:00 in the morning I ended up ordering an entire new bedroom set for us off of wayfarer online so we got a new king-size bed which right now we've been sleeping in a hole and we definitely needed upgrade we got two nightstands and we got a chest of drawers and then now we just need to find a mattress also I am proud of myself because even though I didn't post leave until after 5:00 a.m. which just goes to show my sleep habit just keep getting worse and worse I managed to get up before noon which I am really proud of myself for but I've not had coffee all weekend or yesterday so Billy and I are going to get some coffee and then we are going to have a pretty laid-back and kind of laying 4th of July we have nothing planned we need to pack and we need to clean I can I have two medium iced vanilla lattes with thee no iced coffee with the Frenchman swirl and cream to be iced lattes oh hold on we'll take two medium iced coffees with the French vanilla swirl that it in created Hey just cream right Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we just got home from the gym and Walmart one last run before we move just to pick up a couple of things that we needed so first of all we got cat litter to last us from now until then we've got a thing of water it's that way the people who are helping us move have something cold to drink we got some more bubble wrap because we have a couple of pictures still to wrap up then we got a couple of things of what cat food usually our cats just eat dry food but we've got a couple of things of wet food for the next couple of days we got one of these plug-in air fresheners and just to leave the apartment smelling nice when we leave then we have some baking soda or our fridge because it does not smell the greatest so I got just a couple more trash bags to last from now until we leave and last but not least this is a cleaning spray that we got from Dollar Tree now I have not used it before but it's called LA's totally awesome spray but I've heard amazing things about this so I figured we would go ahead and give it a try [Music] all right we did not get that much done but we are taking a break to go get dinner because neither of us have eaten and we are both starving and then the rest of the night we are going to come back and just get as much work done as possible because it's finally starting to hit us how much we have to do especially because on Thursday Billy is going to be leaving Thursday morning he has an interview in DC and then he has to meet the landlord at 10 o'clock on Friday so there's no point in him coming back here so I'm going to be by myself from Thursday morning on so anything that isn't done I will have to get done so we're trying to get as much of it done as possible between now and then [Applause] this is why target is my favorite store they are the real MVP s and gave us some free boxes [Music] [Laughter] alright I am officially done packing for the night I promise I will give you all a full apartment slash packing process update tomorrow but it's 1:00 a.m. and I'm just now finishing packing and like sitting down to actually relax so I'm going to get into bed I never even shower today and I don't even care I will catch up with you guys tomorrow good morning you two ignore the hot that's happening behind me Billy and I did make a lot of progress and I promise I am going to show you guys an update of the apartment but first I have to get some filming done I was up way too late last night I didn't fall asleep until at least 5:30 but it might have even been a little bit later my goal was to get up at 8:15 didn't happen I did however wake up a 9:15 which is amazing for me went ahead and got ready it's now about 10:30 Billy left at 9:45 and he's not going to be back until one o'clock he's out doing some stuff so my goal while he is God is to get filming done maybe even get it edited and go ahead and get it uploaded because that video has to go up tomorrow and goodness knows tonight I'm not going to have time Billy and I are going to be running a ton of errands today we need to go to the post office we need to go to Staples we need to go to Comcast and we just have a bunch on our plate so we're going to go do that then we're going to have dinner at his mom's house thank goodness because we have no food right now and then we're going to come back and we need to have pretty much everything done tonight that way I don't have to worry about it tomorrow while Billy is gone so I'm going to go ahead and film my video that is going up tomorrow which you guys will have already seen by this time and I'll catch back up with you after my teaching stuff is still a big mess on the floor but the rest of my office looks so empty and then I still have all of my serene stuff set up so after I get done filming today I'm going to go ahead and pack it all away also I just wanted to be known totally didn't mean to right there welcome back to my channel and welcome to the last video I will ever film here in my apartment it is now about twelve o'clock in the afternoon I am all done building so I'm going to go ahead and show you guys what we have gotten done with packing our apartment while I wait for all of the footage to upload I will start with the closet so this is Billy's outfit he's going to wear for his interview tomorrow this unit still has like a lot of my socks and things like that in it I need to clean that out I don't think I'm going to leave them in here for the move because I don't know going to keep this or not kept it because they're cats like to sleep in here the laundry baskets all have a bunch of hangers that is my old shoe rack and all of our clothes are packed up these are just the clothes that I'm going to be wearing for the next couple of days bathroom is kind of a hot bath but we have cleaned out all of our cabinets this is stuff that I'm using between now and when we move to like my makeup my hair straightener hairbrush stuff like that these are just it's a hot mess it's like our toothbrushes this was our shower head which we need to clean and we have a bunch of cleaning supplies over here my side of the bedroom has a lot of boxes this big one at the bottom is a wardrobe box so there's a bar going across and it is holding a lot of my Blazers and dresses and jackets things that I didn't really want to get all crinkled up in a box they are hanging and then I felt the bottom of the box with my shoes this box has all of my shirts which we kind of just threw them in there I'm not even going to lie Billy and I decided we are going to rewatch like pretty much all of our clothes when we get there may not be the smartest idea I might regret it but it's worth a shot this little box has some stuff from my nightstand so right now I just have like the remotes my lamp which still has to get packed up and about the tissues and then I still have some stuff down here someone asked me why I have a jug of water like I just carry that around and drink from it because it's a lot easier for me the rest of the bedroom isn't too bad like I have my hairdryer here which I'm still going to be using we have a fan this is like bins and things that I've bought so I need to put in my car and that I showed you guys this last week Billy did finally clean up most of his side and then this is the hot mess up the living room right now we just have stuff everywhere so these are bags of Billy's clothes he chose to put his in trash bag no judgment this is a big like plastic bag and this has a lot of my dirty clothes from like yesterday and the things that I'm going to wear between now and Friday I will just throw in this bag these bags are packed with random stuff I don't even know what is inside of here but I know that grey duffle Billy is going to be taking with him when he goes up for his interview these are all bags that are going to go in my car so this black duffel bag is going to carry all of the things that I use Thursday night and Friday morning so things like my toiletries and just last-minute items that need to go someplace will go in this bag that is my school bag and then this is actually a pool bag but I'm using it to hold a lot of the electronic things so cords and iPads and all that kind of stuff is in this bag and then these are a bunch of beds that I bought what I need to pack away in a box these are all things that Billy and I are going to take once he gets home for all the errands we need to run so like I suppose to donate like I said we need to go to the post office we need to go to Comcast we need to go to Billy's mom's house so this will all get cleared out this afternoon this is our other bathroom I do still need to get down the shower curtain but the rest of the bathroom is good to go this is where we are going to keep the cats while we are moving everything and then I will grab them at the last minute and put them in my car believe it or not the office is actually better than it has been I could not walk through here a couple of days ago I am trying to pack as much of this into boxes as possible Billy and I actually need to go out and get some more boxes this afternoon so I can pack some more of this away but again this dresser is all ready to go this cart is all ready to go closet is completely cleaned out so it is ready to go we still need to pack up the printer but I have a couple of last-minute things that I need to print we also have a TV and then I know I'm able to pack up all of this stuff from my filming area now that I have filmed my last video in this apartment it is now 4:30 Billy didn't get home until about 2:15 but it was actually a good thing because I was able to get cheap I was able to get my entire video edited and ready to go so the first place we went with State Farm because we had to get liability and renter's insurance for our townhouse and then we went to a mattress store which was an interesting experience first of all I do not like salesmen that are like overly pushy and salesy I just really like it's a big turn-off for me and this guy was like that to a tee it was not a fun time plus the mattress was like over three thousand dollars which I know like a mattress is definitely something that you have to invest in but that is insane and he was like here are all I'll get a deal for you guys he literally took off a hundred dollars like that is nothing so we definitely gave him a fake phone number and left and we are now headed to get a quick bite to eat and then we have to go home and get some more things done around the house [Music] [Music] from a cable company good morning YouTube so Billy and I have had a huge change of plans last night we were packing until like 1:00 almost two o'clock in the morning and we quickly realized how much we still have to do plus we ran out of boxes so we kind of got to the point where we couldn't pack anymore Billy was supposed to leave this morning to go up to DC because he had an interview this afternoon and then he was just going to stay there that way he was already over there he could meet the landlord in the morning and then just hang out until we got there with the truck however once we realized how much we still had to do around the apartment he decided to push back his interview to next week because he also didn't feel prepared because we've been so busy packing he hasn't been able to like read up on the company and just prepare for his interview so Billy is actually going to stay here today he is going to drive up to DC well the area we're moving to tonight that way he's already over there so he can meet the landlord in the morning but that gives us all today to continue packing so we need to go get some more boxes finish everything up here and yesterday we went to Comcast to turn in our cable box and go ahead and cancel our service and we told them we needed Internet through today and today would be your last day of service well apparently they didn't listen because after midnight our Wi-Fi is gone like we have no internet we're able to connect to like the Xfinity Wi-Fi that's kind of in the area but it's not very good so we have no TV we have no internet we have our whole life and Bob is gonna be an interesting day I will give you guys a small apartment update as you can tell we just have boxes piled up like pretty much everywhere we just kind of have some small things that are laying out that we need to pack up like this is all stuff for my classroom we have boxes here I did however get a lot of my apartment stuff from my apartments off my classroom stuff packed up because obviously with all these loose containers it's going to be kind of hard to put on the moving truck so I wanted to box them up but like I said I ran out of busses we had this glass unit over here that got taken apart so we don't have too much left to do we just need to pack away some more of this stuff and pick up all those loose items that are laying around okay right the lens fogs up like this Thursday July 30 bit [Applause] let's get five extra large and then get like one medium yeah thanks for doing the work on here's me deal I'll get this one very good all right you guys we got more boxes we got home and start packing and then we ran out of tape so now we are headed back to Target to get tape for hopefully the last time there you got him got him thanks Ari since when do we have resource here that's two in like 30 seconds shall we [Music] good apparently this is how our cats helpless move this is literally the best I can do right now for lighting I have one life left in my entire apartment but I am officially done packing I've been waiting to say that for at least two weeks now and if I saw a YouTube channel called like two or three years from now and I talked about wanting to move again just remind me that it's a horrible idea and I don't want to do it that being said Billy has left it's currently about 11 o'clock Billy left around 8:00 to go ahead and drive up to the area we are moving to so he can meet with the landlord in the morning and I spent about two hours cleaning I had to clean out our bathroom a little bit more in the kitchen and just kind of tidy up some things and then I took a shower packed up pretty much everything that I could in our bathroom and now I have the rest of the night to relax so I'm going to go ahead and show you guys an update of what the apartment looks like it's not like a hundred percent done it's probably 95% done but the rest of it I can't really do until tomorrow anyway my closet has been vacuumed and I just have one hamper with some hangers and my one of those clothes for tomorrow bathroom has been cleaned and is ready to go I just have this mat laying out until it dries and the only stuff on the sink is stuff that I need for tomorrow and after I finish using that in the morning I will pack it into my duffel bag and in my bedroom I still have these two boxes here the only thing on my day stand are some tissues because my eyes water really really bad when I'm trying to fall asleep and it drives me nuts and a chapstick because I can never go too long without it I'm going to strip the bed in the morning and just stuff it into like a trash bag or something over here I have my one lonely lamp that is left to clothe campers worth of hangers our vacuum at the IKEA unit is completely ready to go and then this is just a bag of clothes that I've been wearing for the past couple days that are dirty and then we have this bookshelf and this chair I apologize I know it's really dark you guys like I said I have no overhead lights in this apartment and I just have one lamp out yeah I walk out into the living room and this is what I see then we oh my gosh Luna then we have the main part of our apartment um this is from my closet these drawers are all empty so it's ready to go we have our fan stuff is all going to go into my car tomorrow so like this bag right here has all electronics this has my school stuff in my laptop will go in there that's my duffle bag and my camera equipment and then those charging cords will go in there tomorrow once I'm done with them oh my cat I apologize then I have our entertainment center and our speaker stands coffee table whole bunch of boxes there literally stacked all up in here all around here to the kitchen but the kitchen is clean there's a look at this is just a trash bag a step stool in case we need it and then this is all cleaning supplies in case we need it this is the stool from my classroom I've no idea why it's sitting here but this is all my stuff that I need for tomorrow then we have these huge boxes that all have my classroom stuff stacked up in the hallway here and I can't really show you my office because it is so dark but I can show you guys that in the morning the filling and I got subway for lunch earlier and I am just now getting ready to sit down and eat again it is currently 11:28 and kudos to Billy's mom we went to her place last night for dinner because she knew that we weren't going to be able to cook and we had spaghetti and so she packed some leftover spaghetti for me and she put it in a plastic bag that way I wouldn't have any dishes or Tupperware to clean good morning YouTube it is moving day what are these hairs doing anyway I don't know if I'm excited or not like I am excited to be over there and have a fresh start and have more space but I'm not excited for sexual moving especially because Billy somehow managed to get out of moving all the stuff from here and you just have to help once we get over there so I had plans last night to like lay in bed and be productive I was going to start to look for furniture for my studio but it didn't happen I end up getting a migraine after I had my spaghetti and of course everything's packed up so I didn't have my medicine I wanted an ice pack so bad and again could have it because it was touched up so I just had to lay there and be miserable for like three hours until I fall asleep watching friends it's about 8:30 now I got up at 8:05 because I assumed so I got ready now I'm going to go ahead and strip the bed and just pack away those last-minute things so I couldn't show you the office last night because it was too dark but this is what I got my classroom stuff condensed to I thought I did a pretty good job now these are not all of the boxes a lot of them are in the hallway and in the living room but I thought I did pretty good of only having minimal minimal stuff to have to carry and it's a good thing I came in here because I just noticed that Billy left his redskins dartboard on the back of the door [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm going to go ahead and eat breakfast while I wait for everyone to get here because if not I will be super grumpy and again Billy's mom is coming in clutch she gave me a Greek yogurt and some strawberries so I could have it for breakfast so we already have our first problem my dad went to pick up the truck and we reserved a 24-foot truck because the next option was a 16 foot truck and we didn't think that was going to be big enough my dad goes to pick it up and they don't have a 24-foot truck they're all out of them so we have to go 16 foot truck and I don't think there's any possible way we're going to fit it all on there [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] Oh [Music] three and a half hours later the apartment is officially empty okay it is about 12:40 I'm officially a very hot sweaty mess because of course the humidity is like 100% today but it's done and we are now on our way to our new townhouse [Music] all right we are officially here at the town house Billy was here earlier this morning so he dropped off some stuff that he had in his car and look how sweet this is our new landlord brought us flowers and a card [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] six o'clock we got everything unloaded from the car or from the truck in about 45 minutes which we were honestly really impressed with the moving company that we had was called college hunks so I guess they specialized in like hiring college students and they were awesome they had this stuff moved so quickly we did put together the bed that we were previously sleeping on that is now going to be in the guest room and then we unrolled our mattress the bed frame was supposed to be here today but it's not coming until Monday which kind of stinks but it's okay it's not the end of the world so we're just going to sleep on the mattress tonight right now we are headed to dinner I actually have a really good friend who I used to work with when I lived in Salisbury and she actually lives up here and she moved back up here in December and now we live like this here 20 minutes away from each other which is awesome so she came to help me unpack with some stuff we're going to go have dinner with her and her boyfriend and then we're going to Ikea Oh also good [Applause] we're pulling out a mission Barbie oh yeah Tydeus all those men's rooms like you're gonna have to get used to it Jane [Music] [Applause] [Music] cinnamon bun oh yeah okay you guys I met the target here and they have several of the black and white bins so I'm totally getting the second one target also had my all-time favorite ice cream we just got home and it's 11 o'clock after IKEA we did end up going to target because we need a cheat because we have no king-size sheets for our new bed and we would like to sleep on it tonight even though it's on the floor but we are absolutely exhausted like I don't think I felt this tired in a really long time and we need to set up the internet and I need to take a shower I need to edit this vlog so I can get it up for you guys for tomorrow so I'm going to go ahead and end it here I promise I am going to do a full apartment apartment side apartment it's a townhouse I'm going to do a full townhouse tour for you guys give me at least one week maybe two there's laid out my cats are not happy right now they are not I'd just be well but I will do a tour for you guys I promise if you enjoyed this video please go ahead and give it a thumbs up I really appreciate it subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so much and I'll catch you in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older videos you can you can see links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use a link right up here so the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store and my Amazon store are down in the description box for you and I will catch you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 107,399
Rating: 4.9442291 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, moving vlog, moving, moving across the state, new house, new home
Id: L9IzSnoRM4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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