This Is Not Normal For Me | Teacher Summer Series Ep 18

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I'm going to go to the elementary schools that are near me drop off this folder that I made yesterday oh no I need my cell phone pod false alarm Mulligan I literally almost walked out there I'm still waking up oh my god but do you ever have those days where you feel like you have so much to do and you want to just sit there and do none of it because it's so overwhelming not out good afternoon you to those of you who are always telling me that I need to get more sleep you should be really proud of me because I think the past two days this weekend I slept more those two days and I have like the entire summer combined literally all I did was sleep and eat like on Saturday oh I'm so embarrassed I slept in I got up I ate I took a nap and then I got up again I ate and I was asleep like literally I did nothing but sleep and eat but I need at that time just to kind of recharge and relax after all the hectic weeks I've had I am now sitting down the film finally I'm going to show you guys what my setup looks like because I have upgraded a little bit and my equipment and I'm pretty excited about it so I now have so much lighting it's kind of ridiculous I got these like softbox lights off of Amazon and then this is a diva light ring so I'm hoping this will help I have like close all my blinds in the background because you guys will notice a lot of times in my sit down videos the Sun like changes so much and that's because I was mostly using just daylight I wasn't using my light rain but it didn't really help with that so now I have all of this lighting and I'm hoping it will just make my videos look a little bit more professional and a little bit better [Music] welcome back to my channel now this video is a little bit different because this video is all about you with all of your help I was able to hit 50,000 subscribers of that week [Music] okay I own filming and I'm really hungry so I'm going to go downstairs and get a snack because I don't want to spoil my dinner because Billy and I are actually going to my friend Jane's house tonight for dinner she lives in this like cabin out in the woods and I haven't seen her place yet so we're going to go over there tonight but you guys are gonna be so proud of me wait wait for it I went grocery shopping it happened oh my grocery shopping I didn't get a lot because I haven't had time to sit and like plan out meals but I did at least get some stuff so that I'm not you need all of my feels out so let me show you guys what I got okay we will start in the fridge which you guys are probably looking at this going to oh my gosh she has no food but compared to what we had this is like amazing I don't start here on the door so I got this coffee creamer now Billy and I have not set up our coffee maker yet but this is my all-time favorite creamer it's the Hershey's chocolate caramel by international delight and it's amazing then I got ketchup because we throw away all of our condiments when we move because a lot of them were really old so I only get the reduced sugar ketchup to me it tastes basically the same and this one has only one gram of sugar when regular like Heinz tomato ketchup has I think it's like 5 grams and not that that's a lot but it does add up over time and I personally don't like to waste that with like condiments so I get the reduced sugar ketchup then I got just some like preserved this is strawberry preserves I get the sugar free I personally just don't notice a huge difference and again it's just an easy way to save on the sugar now this is Billy's milk he got this while I was gone I think for like protein shakes it's just like 2% milk I am not really particular with my milk I can drink pretty much any kind of milk so I got that free milk at the grocery store I can drink fat-free I can drink 1% I can drink 2% I can drink almond milk I can drink pretty much everything so I usually just go with whatever is cheapest now the grapes have actually been in here for like over a week I did get those because I like to have a great snack on and then this is I think Billy's diet ginger ale that he didn't finish ok then we have a bunch of juices Billy loves juice so he has some like twister back here and then this is like Wegmans like organic cranberry cherry juice and then this is Dole orange peach mango juice Billy just drink juice all the time then I could get some strawberries and it was really surprised so the first restore we go to around here is called Wegmans which we do not have where we live before and so far we are absolutely loving it this huge like family pack of strawberries was only 399 so I was so happy about that I'm going to cut those up later so they are ready to go then I got some Greek yogurts now I'm really particular with my Greek yogurt because a lot of them like the texture just kind of grosses me out and I can't really do it but I really like these van and light and spit and I saw these crunch ones so this one is caramel fudge a pretzel so it has these little pieces up here now a lot of yogurts unless you get just plain Greek yogurt and if you do it tastes horrible they are really high in carbs and this one with the toppings and the yogurt they were about the same as all the other ones so I figured if I'm going to get them I'd rather have like the little crunchy pieces and then this one is what is it coconut chocolate bliss now for sodas I do drink diet soda I know there's many people who tell me it's horrible for me I know trust me I don't drink it for a health standpoint I drink it because I actually prefer the taste to regular soda regular soda is just too sweet for me I think there could be a lot worse things that I put into my potty than diet soda and I just like to have things other than water to drink personally I really like Diet Coke and I also really like diet ginger ale for me that's just one of the ones that like I think takes best and then I got some of these laughing cow creamy Swiss Lights little wedges I love these things I like to put them on Triscuits and crackers and pretty much everything I highly recommend those now we'll come into the pantry now some of this are things that we brought with us so I'm only going to go through the like new things that we got we did go ahead and grab some soups because these are just easy things to like grab for dinner or Billy likes to eat at like midnight when it gets hungry so this way we just have some options with that so I got an Italian Wedding soup Chucky's sirloin burger chunky chicken noodle soup and then chunky New England style clam chowder and then down here we just got this like shredded wheat yes it is frosted I cannot eat it if it is not frosted I know it's not the healthiest I don't care then I got Triscuits I love Triscuits Billy hates them and that's part of the reason I get them because I know Billy won't eat them I really like to put that laughing cow cheese on top of these and then I got these little popcorn now I get mine in the single-serve bag because Billy does not like popcorn and he will not eat it so I just get the little single-serve ones and they're like 100 calories and just good for a nice easy snack then I also got rice cakes I love rice cakes I always get the Quaker brand now these ones are like the salt free plain ones which I do not recommend it kind of tastes like cardboard however I really like chocolate and they did not have chocolate so I got this kind instead I really like to put peanut butter on mine which I'll show you I love like nuts and more birthday cake this is like a vanilla peanut butter the time protein nuts and more white chocolate cookie butter which is like deadly and then just regular peanut butter so I really like to put peanut butter online and then I'll put some of those sugar-free strawberry preserves and then we also got some bananas this is a nice easy way to get some carbs before you workout we like bananas when they're green - always bananas when they're all ripe and they like start to get brown spot I can't do it I really like them when they still have some green on them so I'm sitting here waiting on the video clips that I just recorded to import to my computer I am just so in love with this space in my studio I kick it over it and I cannot wait to show you guys in my townhouse tour I promise that will be coming we still have some furniture to get but I am just so in love with this space kim in-hye so you guys know Billy usually gets kicked out while unfill me what you go do wrong with us by yourself basketball is what other people know get fun well I like like Brad no you don't hey ladies please tell me I'm not the only one you will spend like two hours getting ready and your significant other will complain about it and then you're ready and you go to leave and suddenly your significant other goes oh let me just brush my teeth or oh let me just put on my shoes you had two hours to put on your shoes when I was getting ready and here we are and because I know someone will comment on it no it does not take me two hours to get ready I was exaggerating oh no nope nope back off we are now headed to my friend's house for dinner Lily is still in the back seat this is so bad you guys because of my trip last week it kind of snuck up on me I never took that bookcase into our apartment so Billy still cannot stay in the front seat okay when she said she lived in a cabin in the woods she literally was not kidding they weren't kidding it is a cabin in the woods Chris Muir guys listen all the bugs you need to back up and then hey do you guys see this like I am in the middle of nowhere right now Billy and I are now home from my friend James house it's about 9:30 and I have a lot of work to get done first of all I have to finish editing the video that I filmed earlier today and get it uploaded for you guys tomorrow and then I need to answer emails because I'm so backup right now for my trip it's not even funny so I'm just gonna have a nice chill night in bed get some work done and I'll catch up with you guys in the morning but area is spoken don't ever forget you're golden I will find a light in your soul also our mulligan I literally almost walked out there so waking up I could be good more afternoon YouTube Billy and I are going to grab a bite to eat really quickly and then I'm going to spend essentially the rest of the day in our townhouse I need to be productive today more so that I have been since I got home from California first of all we need to get that IKEA bookshelves out of my car because it's driving me nuts second of all I'm going to work on updating my portfolio and putting together some folders that have my resume cover letter and some pages from my portfolio so that tomorrow I can get up early and go and deliver them to the schools that are around me so I can hopefully get a job [Music] and he says I'm on my phone all the time he can't even make it to the car I am now in my basement and I'm working on printing out stuff that I'm going to take to schools tomorrow and you guys will appreciate this for everyone who thinks I'm like techie I just spent like 20 minutes printing out my resume a million times with a bunch of different settings that trying to figure out how to get it borderless but I finally figured it out I'm going to cover it up because I personal information but I finally figured out how to get it borderless I am printing these off I'm just putting them on cardstock I probably should be a good person and go to the store and get like fancy resume paper but that's just not happening right now so I printed it on cardstock and I'll show you guys what it looks like when they're all put together so I've been trying to figure out how my cats keep finding rubber bands I figured it out they are pulling them out of the drawers down here in our desk in the basement you guys if anyone wants to catch mine our upper adoption now I'm totally kidding by the way don't take me seriously on that okay I have officially run into a dilemma and the folders that I'm going to hand out to administration at the schools that I visit tomorrow I'm going to have an example lesson plan so I'm doing this crayon lesson that had to do with the states of matter for science I have the lesson plan print it out and then I have like the recording sheets and I want to take a picture that has like the recording sheets a postcard and a book along with like some crayons and just make it look really pretty because I'm stupid like that and I like things like that so here's my problem I've printed out the recording sheet and a little postcard and I have crayons but the book that I need which is the day the crowns came home it's somewhere within these piles of lines so here is what I'm currently about to do first of all I have this table that I got from Ikea that is in my craft room and it needs to go over on that wall which obviously cannot happen right now so it's just sitting in the middle of this room I need to move all of these boxes to my basement like over here just up against this wall so I guess I'm going to sit here and just like one by one and check through the boxes thankfully I do have them labeled like I just have a piece of tape somewhere on them here it is I have a piece of tape that has like a list of what's in it so this one said iris containers I opened up and checked and it was not the right one so I'm just going to have to move like all of these boxes and hopefully I will come across the one that has my book [Music] I'm taking a break I'm now on my way to dinner Billy and I are going to try to go to trivia again if you remember a week before last we try to go to trivia but we got there a half an hour early and the parking lot was packed and there was no availability to this time we were leaving at 7:00 instead of 7:30 trivia starts at 8:00 so fingers crossed at this time we can actually get a spot it has your name on it it's a billy bookcase oh that's not actually huh well it says build about you just ruin that joke up at the top oh here yeah oh I can't you know I'm sorry YouTube hey Luna so I need to take it up please screwed it out twist and shout Robin Williams over it's not Kitty's behind me right no nope not gonna work go back okay tilt good job Billy and I are now home from trivia I think it's about 10 15 10 20 ish we did not do so hot I think we came in like this or six by considering we were one of the only two-person teams I think we did pretty good because everyone else has like six to eight people so we finally got the bookcase out of my car and it is now down in the basement I probably won't have time to put it together tonight that's okay I can work on that maybe tomorrow night right now I'm going to go ahead and take photos for that lesson plan that I showed you guys earlier because I finally found the book [Music] I thought I would go ahead and go through the folders and just show you guys what I put in them I'm going to take these two elementary schools that are near me tomorrow my hope is that I will be able to give it directly to the principal at each school however I know that may not be the case because they could be busy or not even in the building so if I have to leave it with the secretary I definitely will so these are just plastic prongs folders that I got at Target I personally went with black just because that's my preference and I do think it looks very professional so you could go with any color that you choose I even have seen folders that have like a pocket in the front I would have gotten those if I had seen them unfortunately my target did not have them so I went with you just to his basic ones then on the inside you will notice post-it notes throughout I am just blocking personal information the first page in here is my cover letter and I do have it in a page protector if you are interested this is a template it's part of my resume templates that are in my TPT store I have matching ones for all the different resume options that I include so if you're interested in this I will link it for you down in the description box I'm not going to read through this all now however I am going to be making an updated video it's just kind of a quick synopsis of like resume cover letters and portfolios because the old ones that I have like those videos are kind of old at this point and I just want to redo them so in that video I will give you guys like my example cover letter that I personally use then the next page is my actual resume and again these templates are in my CPT shorts so if you are interested I will link them for you down in the description box again I'm just hiding some personal information you also will notice that I printed my resume borderless now ideally a college has got me professionally printed I just have been too busy I honestly just kind of forgot to do it so I run in mind at home but I just print them borderless just so they look a little bit more professional if you guys are interested in that I can do a short tutorial video it took me a while to figure out but it was actually really really easy and this is also in a page protector now the last two pages are not in page protectors I just didn't think it was necessary so I included a lesson example now when I got my current well actually not my current job not working there anymore when I got my old job I actually included letters of recommendation but I thought now that I have three years of experience it would just be more appropriate for me to put a lesson example so this is just an overview page I have a picture of the lesson plan and then I have a picture it is kind of some of the materials and the recording sheets and you'll notice some of the words I bolded them and I put them in capital letters just to help them stand out so I wrote this science lesson is an example of inquiry based instruction in which my students are actively participating in hands-on learning this lesson is relevant to students and has a real-world application with the incorporation of crayons this lesson also integrates technology through the use of an interactive PowerPoint presentation and related videos the PowerPoint presentation videos hands-on experiment and differentiated assessment accommodated multiple learning styles and again here it says this lesson integrates reading and writing some multiple subject areas standards are met in a single lesson a sample lesson plan and evaluation completed by my principal are included so the next page and this I'm sorry if you guys are interested this little like template here is part of my portfolio template which is also my store I will link that for you guys as well so here I actually have written out the Lexington and I have it in the 5e style this is my formal lesson plan template those are also my TPT store they are editable if you guys are interested in that then I have my evaluation again hiding some personal information but I thought this would be really good to include that way the principal could actually see how my former principal evaluated me and I included this one should teach eclis because it was highly effective and I just thought that that would show off pretty well so I have the first page and then these were just all the written notes and I went ahead and included those and then the last page is just like my signature so I'm going to be delivering these tomorrow I'm kind of getting nervous like I've been out of like the interview state since my last phone interview that I have and I've kind of relaxed and I haven't been worried about it and now I need to start worrying about it again I need to make their priority and I'm getting nervous again so I'm going to go ahead and like get to bed so I can have a good night's rest and I'll catch up with you guys in the morning good morning YouTube is currently about 10:15 I'm getting ready to head out the door I'm going to go to the elementary schools that are near me drop off this folder that I made yesterday my goal was to get up at 8 o'clock couldn't do it I could go to sleep until after 2:00 and then I was nervous because I was overthinking everything and I didn't fall asleep until probably close to 3 o'clock it's not later so I slipped it in until 9:00 10:00 but I am ready to go ahead and head out the door I did want to show you guys my outfit because you guys are always asking about my outfits which I'm not the best person for whatsoever but I actually think I did pretty good today so I'm going to show you guys what I have on first of all I have this necklace which you guys are always asking me about it was three dollars and Target high spot then I have on this blouse first of all this is like my favorite color it's kind of like a maroon almost like a plum color love it I got this at Target on clearance is only a couple dollars I really like the ruffle just because it dresses it up a little but it's not like too too fancy it is like a tank top which I'm just not really a fan of tank tops so I do have on a blazer this came from Kohl's a long time ago this was actually my first blazer it's kind of a funny story this is a blazer that I wore when I got hired at my previous job so for me it is good luck I always say you should dress for the job you want not the job you have plus everyone feels better when they wear a blazer so I would wear my skirt then I just have a white pants although now I look at them they're totally like not white anymore and I need to get new ones but oh well they will do for now and then I have these shoes which came from j.crew and I am wearing these because they match my shirt color okay I'm at the first school which is literally right down the road from where I'm living I am so nervous and I don't know why I'm nervous it's really not a big deal I'm just dropping off a folder but here I am I'm saying here just like freaking out I don't know I'm gonna get away I'm gonna drop it off because you guys do I get to the next school okay now I met school number two I actually feel a lot better when I went in the principal wasn't available but I gave it to the principal secretary and she actually looked through it and when she saw my resume she's like oh this looks really nice so I feel better I'm not the size of school I am about to head in and then I'll catch up with you guys at the next one so again I just had to give it to the secretary at that school but it's okay I'm now at school number three this one was a little bit farther from me instead of like five minutes on the road it's like 15 minutes down the road which is not that at all but there are really dark clouds outside I think it's supposed to start raining so I need to hurry up okay that secretary seemed really confuse it I'll chop you down the resume and she asked me what position I was applying for and I'm like any literally just I need just give me a job but she said the only positions they were really hiring for was special education so I don't think that was going to work out that's okay I would ahead and left the folder and now I had my school number for okay that one went really well I wasn't able to meet with the principal but I did get to sit down with the vice principal and I got to talk to her and she was so nice and she said they're possibly going to have three openings they have three teachers that are interviewing elsewhere so she's just kind of waiting to hear back from HR whether or not they are leaving but she definitely said if they do one of them is third grade and she will definitely consider me and give me a buzz so fingers crossed for that one I am now at the fifth and final school for today so I'll catch up with you guys after 6:00 and final school is done I got a couple of deals on that one I actually got to meet with the principal and the Vice Principal they don't have any openings right now but they said is any do open up they will definitely contact me and they seemed really impressed by my folder which is great now I'm headed to get some coffee because I definitely need it after turning up early or at least less early for me then I'm going to head back home and I have to get some filming done today all right can I get a medium iced coffee with the french vanilla swirl and cream and can I get a medium hot vanilla macchiato so it wasn't me my scarf equestrian cream only anime Marciano with white Rinella yes are you so 602 Tyrell so thank you all okay this is the weirdest Dunkin Donuts director I've ever seen I had to literally Drive like behind the entire strip cutter to get to the drive-thru what on earth [Music] Top Lauda says I have to GPS how to get home because I have no idea where I am right now I am now at home when I got home I got back into bed because it was really really comfortable i sat and enjoyed my coffee and I said thank you emails to the principal and vice-principal that I did get to meet with just to make a good first impression and now I'm getting ready to film bilious in here he usually goes to the gym while I'm filming so I'm going to have him sit here so I can get the focus and everything set up and then I will catch up with you guys after [Music] I'm all done filming and I'm taking a break because I'm starving it's 3:30 and I have not eaten today all I have in my system is coffee so Billy got home from the gym and showered we are now headed to grab a bite to eat and then my one goal for the rest of today besides editing is to get my IKEA bookshelf together hashtag YouTube life I got home from firehouse Hobbes ever literally just the scene in bed editing both have like two hours so I don't really have anything to update you guys on okay I'm vlogging with my phone again we are home goods and Applebee bound I haven't seen in my butt for the past several hours just editing and I did not even get that much done which is really frustrating I don't know why that my computer was being so slow and I really need to go through and clean it out I don't have time for that right now so I'm still not even done editing and there's probably no way I'm going to get my bookshelf put together tonight that's right all right how close you got you gone all right izalith job let's go well that means of the kitty you welcome someone's probably gonna yell at you in the comments commit jobs and I'm not for that for calling our cat tub oh oh oh it's on the ground yes good maybe learn to like injured free dress control I said in my bed editing this video for the past few hours because again my computer's been so slow tonight I've no idea why but it is now 123 in the morning it is uploading to YouTube and I'm actually timing it because at home in our old apartment it would have taken this is a half an hour long video it would have taken it like a good three hours to upload and look it's only been uploading for not even a minute to have and it's already at 39% so I'm going to sit here in time and see how long it takes and then I will catch up with you guys in the morning would you like to do the honors Lina good morning / afternoon YouTube I think today it's just going to be a lazy day at home first of all I did not get my IKEA bookshelf put together yesterday so I do want to get that done today I also have work that I have to do for a campaign that I'm doing coming up I can't really tell you guys about it just yet but I'm so excited but that work to do so I'm going to just be working on my computer for the next a little bit and then maybe I can convince Billy to help me put together the bookshelf right so I have been sitting on my butt for the past several hours that's kind of the bad thing about what I do for work especially in the summer when I'm not teaching I'm staying on my butt or I'm filming at am inside all day so Billy and I are going to go I think we're going to get a noodles and company which is like 20 minutes from where we live but it's one of our favorite places we're going to grab dinner and I think there's some shops around there we're just going to kind of walk around like I definitely need to get out and get some exercise you're gonna have to just ignore my hair I don't know what to call it other than lazy because I didn't feel like drying it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning YouTube you will probably notice that I did not vlog very much yesterday first of all that's because I didn't really do much yesterday it was just a weird day and I don't know how to describe it but hopefully you guys know what I mean do you ever have those days where you feel like you have so much to do and you want to just sit there and do none of it because it's so overwhelming that was me yesterday I got some work done but like I had to get done but the rest of it like I just got there and thought about all the things I had to get done and I chose to sit there and do none of it and like no matter how hard I tried I just could not be productive and I kind of feel guilty about it like I can't lie I definitely feel bad and I know I should have gotten a lot more done yesterday than I did but at the same time I think everyone just like deserves those days every once in a while and I'm human and it's okay like it's not the end of the world so I'm going to try to fix it today Billy and I are going to go finally put together Yankee a bookshelf that we've been trying to put together all week it just has it happen so we're going to do it now rather than like saving it for the end of the day when my productivity just like plummet I will catch back up with you guys after hopefully the bookshelf is completed [Music] [Music] [Music] that was it oh my god Luna why did you think it was a box turn up hold on please tell me you got that on video yeah to the love Michelle stop are you trying to hide I whipped on one I was one there's one there's one there's one there's one here let me see MERIS this will repeat it look Michelle I'm not looking it's one what do you have to say for yourself I have to say has your name all over it really really Billie [Music] all right it's around six o'clock we did get the bookshelf put together so I feel productive I got books put on and we spent a little time just cleaning up we are currently headed to the gym and then we are going to be good people and go to the grocery store and we're actually going to cook at home tonight right Oh cooking is in putting chicken salad on bread picture well we're going to make sandwiches it is raining outside it has been raining a since this morning and it's not supposed to stop until like late tomorrow night we're getting like five inches of rain just between today and tomorrow it's absolutely insane so we're going to go work out go to the grocery store and then I'll catch up with you guys after [Applause] [Music] Billy and I are home from the gym and the grocery store it's already 9:30 so I need to end it here so I can shower eat dinner and then start editing this blog so it can be up for you guys tomorrow morning overall this week was very off I guess is the best way to put it I just felt like I wasn't productive I felt very unmotivated which is weird because I'm not like that all usually very motivated and I'm very self motivated like I don't need a whole lot to motivate me I'm just motivated on my own but for whatever reason this week I just have not felt that at all and you would think after getting back from the conference like I would have a lot of motivation and then for whatever reason when I got back I just lost it which I think it's okay like I'm normal I'm a human being we go through that is alright but I just don't like feeling like this I don't feel successful and for me that's a problem so next week is going to be operation get my life together I'm going to try to just do a complete restart next week like I feel like I need to fix my sleeping habits I need to fix my diet I need to get on the better exercise routine I need to fix my productivity and I need to make actual to-do list and I just need to like conquer life so next week I'll just show you guys how I'm doing all that a next week's vlog will definitely be a little bit different than what my blogs have been but hopefully that's a good thing also I want to let you guys know you're actually going to get like a bonus vlog next week my video that goes up on Tuesday rather than being a sit down video like it usually is it's actually going to be a blog tomorrow I'm going to a Marylin TPT Meetup and I'm going to vlog it all and then I will have that up for you guys on Tuesday if you did enjoy this blog even though it had nothing of real importance please go ahead and give it a thumbs up I would really appreciate it and it really helps out my channel and helps us reach more teachers don't forget to subscribe to me if you haven't already so you don't miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to stay positive and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to me so you don't miss any future videos you can use a link or right up here the links to all of my social media sites and my teachers pay teacher's store are down in the description box for you and I will catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 75,078
Rating: 4.9345999 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, summer vlog, teacher summer vlog
Id: 0UuDq1btYkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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