Get 500+ Free AAA Animations with Unreal Engine 5 Sample Project

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hello everyone today I have some exciting news unal engine has just released their free game animation sample project and it comes with over 500 highquality animations to get started and to download it go to your epics games launcher and you just want to click the samples Tab and then you should see it here the game animation sample project and just click here and then download it you do need to be using the latest version of Honor engine version 5.4 so this project is a Tre Trove or AAA quality animations complete with a fully functional character and animation blueprint you can use these animations with or without their accompanying animation Blueprints and retarget them to your own characters and with onal engine 5.4 new targeting system you can easily Target animations to different characters within seconds I made a video about it I'll put it somewhere on the screen now unal engine says whether you're already an experienced developer or if you're brand new this project has everything you need to get a char up and running and using unal engine's brand new motion matching system okay so I'm in the sample project I just downloaded it let's check it out okay so you can change the color of the level let's go to this um obstacle course and uh parkour okay let's go to obstacle course 2 whoa okay that was cool okay so we have this game animation widget we can select I think what character we want to be so let's select the UN 5 manin and okay and now I'm the under 5 mannequin so you can change the character so I think any character with the u5 skeleton should work oh and we can see they're going to be adding a sprinting feature in own engine version 5.5 and a crou feature so who even knows what's going to be in owner engine 5.5 and then they have the read me which I'm going to be reading last okay and for now I'm not going to read all of this but I'm sure it's good shows some features which are coming in the next version of owner engine so this project uses motion matching which is a simple yet powerful way to animate characters the way motion matching will work is it will continuously select the best frame of Animation to play from a database of animations aiming to closely match the current pose of the character as well as its past and future movements so that's all for this video make sure you like And subscribe to keep updated on all things on our engine and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 13,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5.4, 500 free animations, game animation project unreal engine, unreal engine 5, free unreal engine project
Id: z7am--7aGkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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