Add Foot IK to Epic Unreal Game Animation Sample

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the last month epic released the game animation sample which is incredibly awesome a lot of people have been playing with it but I uh just got around to it and I noticed that there was something missing from it which is the ik foot traces um but this is really easy to add in because it's been in unreal for quite a while now um in the default third person project so what I've done is I've just taken it out of there stuck it in here and there you go you can see what that looks like now on and it makes a really big difference for getting these kind of naturalistic poses um I'm sure they had a good reason for not adding it in yet and this is still a work in progress but if you uh are like me and you want to see it in there a little early uh stick around and I will show you how to do that um so the first thing I did was I just added these stairs in so that you can test them because it doesn't work as well when the foot's hanging off the edge of a really tall ledge okay so the next thing we need to do is we need to get the rig that is already built for this uh that is in the other project the best thing that I would suggest would be to create another project use the third person uh demo and migrate just that one file because if you do it the way I'm about to do it you're going to get a bunch of mess in your scene but I just want to do it uh for Speed just so you know how to do it so if you just go here add add feature we're going to add third person so this is going to bring in a lot of unnecessary stuff so here in the mannequins folder you see that we now have uh meshes and we have all the mannequins but those were already in the project as you know so uh we didn't really need that and now they're duplicated over here but the the reason I did this is because there's one thing that they don't have and that is this uh ik foot rig that I want to steal this one here basic foot ik so let's just um you don't have to do this this is just for organization but I'm going to put that into the unreal 5 mannequins folder and in rigs which is where it would be if it was in this project uh and then we can really delete the rest so yeah once again you know do it the better way uh on your machine if you can uh to avoid the duplicate assets okay so now there's not much to do really it's quite quick to do this um so you're going to type sandbox in the search here and you're going to find the animation blueprint that is being run on all of the characters in uh this project um so all we need to do here is we need to add the control rig here oops not a comment make sure that works this time control rig delete that plug that in and set the class on it so we need to set the control rig here to foot if you type foot uh mannequin basic foot ik and we can recompile and we can play and this is still not going to work and that is because there is a uh there's a switch that is on the rig that needs to be enabled for this to work um and that is used that is determined by whether or not the character is jumping so if you look at the um mannequin blueprint I'll show you in a second so we just need to add this pin here and then let's just turn it on permanently for starters and that should now uh start working okay let's go over to the staircase and there we go so we've got the ik which is looking really nice um you know just adds a lot to this character and it's such a simple thing you saw how quick that was um and the best part about about this too is that because of how procedural and awesome control rig is and you know just unreal in general this is going to work with all of these characters so it's really nice to see it working with a metahuman for example so you know I saw some people are using this to kind of record animations and things so this is a much better way of doing it um so yeah you could stop the video here but just because we're you know we want to do it a little more professionally I'm going to go one step further and I'm going to set up that U jump detection cuz it's actually really easy too um but you know if you're happy with that feel free to stop there so what we're going to do is we're going to search ABP uh Manny and we're going to open that up and we have two open here so we can copy from one to the other and if we go to the Anem graph we can see that he is not fing uh so when he is not following the ik is active which means that if he's in the air jumping it's not going to work um it's not going to do the ik trace which is what we want so we plug that in there this is not a variable yet so we need to right click and say create variable and we can compile and that looks like it would work but as you know you know that variable is not doing anything it's uh it's just a variable that we just created it's always going to be set to false and that will never activate um so the last step is if we go over here to the event graph there you go so there this is the logic to determine uh whether or not he's falling which is quite simple it's just looking at the movement component and uh determining if it is falling which is a function that is built into the movement component and then setting our variable which then will control the ik um so we're going to come over here to the anom graph and I'm just going to put it right here at the end of the sequence but the movement component in here this is a variable we look back back at uh this one here that variable is defined here it's uh we cast to the character we set the character and we get the movement component and then we set that to a variable um so it's called movement component over here but if we look back at the uh references uh which is in here at the initialize double click on it you see that this is called character movement so it's just using a different name instead of movement component we need to find character movement uh character movement if we get that right on there that will replace it we'll compile it and now you know it's not terribly noticeable um but you know I'm sure it's going to help in the long run because there could be some weird stuff right as he's Landing it starts to do ik uh that wouldn't look very good so all right thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Sam Roe
Views: 38
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epic games, Unreal, Animation, Gaming, ue5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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