Add your custom character to Game Animation Sample Project | Motion Matching

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hey what's going on you guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to solve uh a problem that I've experienced with the epic games um 500 free game animation sample project file so I'm not going to go too much into what this is cuz you know you probably already know about this that's why you're watching my video because you've run into probably the same issues that I did or you're watching this to learn how to do it and um yeah you'll thank me after this video because you know by watching this video you're going to do it the right way instead of banging your head wondering why it's not working like I did for many hours all right without further Ado we're going to jump right into this project and I I will just note that epic games documentation that's out currently is has a mistake in it and it's also a little bit um incomplete and that's the reason why I couldn't figure this out for many hours so I'm going to kind of just start from the beginning um just in case you know some people might just be watching this without having to try it on their own already um so you're going to first import your character right so make a folder right click import to game character get your fpx in here um for me I'm using a character creator 4 character which I auto imported using their um Auto setup I'm not going to go into into that because that's a whole separate thing but you know get your character in here and you'll have a skeletal mesh physics asset and a skeleton okay and the first thing you're going to do is we want to create these assets these two assets here okay that you see um these are the retargeting assets that you'll need so you're going to go easiest way to do this is to go into ufn mannequin animations click on animation sequence so that you show all the animations right click on any of them and go to retarget animations and then here you're going to select your skeletal mesh U Mine is called cc4 and you're going to go instead of animations we're going to go export retarget assets hit that and then put into your [Music] folder EXP I'm not going to do that because I already I basically just did that already um but that's how you get your retargeted assets that's the easiest way if you have a very customized character that's not you know an epic um skeleton or cc4 or mixo then you're going to have to build your ik rig manually and you know you'll have to look at epics documentation on that to know how to do that it does take a little time I'm not going to go into it but um the important thing is you want to end up with the the two assets the ik rig and your retargeting ik retargeter okay within the ik uh retargeter this is what it looks like it's retargeting to the the one that was just created my for my character and yeah just make sure this is all correct because this is the most important thing and now once that's all created um and make sure you rename it because when they Auto create this it's called like generated something um name this properly and you're going to see why in a second here once you have that done you're going to go into the blueprints folder and there's another folder called retargeted characters open that folder up there's a animation blueprint called generic retarget double click on that and here you can see they already kind of try to tell you what's going on um um for somebody who's not a game developer it wasn't that clear but anyways I'm going to go into the variable section right here there's a thing called ik retargeter map click on that and right here you're going to click on this little button to add an array element which then you're going to choose that retargeter that you just created earlier right and then you're going to name it exactly as what it's called you know underscore whatever um and make sure you don't make any spelling mistakes here because we're going to grab this um later so I'm going to delete this one that I made because I I already have my created right here all right make sure you compile and you know what let me just copy this name right now okay so I have it okay so now the next step is to go go back into the blueprints folder and and and this is where my method is going to stray a little bit from the documentation if you're looking at that because I don't know why but following the documentation I couldn't get um my blueprint to work so and this is actually easier way what you're going to do is go into your retargeted characters folder again grab any of these um blueprints these are just child blueprints that were created from this sandbox character okay so all this was done was basically if you right click here you can create a child blueprint class but don't do this all right because that's what the documentation tells you but it it's not going to work as well I'm going to basically just choose one of these characters for me I took the twin blast character and I just duplicated it okay so you're going to duplicate that um double click into it and then here here you're going to go to your the mesh character mesh but below it there's like a little child skeletal mesh and you can rename this back to your um the name of your character if you want doesn't really matter um but here see the um animation mode this is what's important like this is already set up and that's why I like duplicating it because in the documentation they tell you to use the sandbox character which is incorrect you should be using the ABP generic retarget and that's what kind of screwed me over for at least a couple hours um but anyways so use that generic and then here in the skeletal mesh you're just going to swap it out for your skeletal mesh right and it's not going to update because it's probably a bug so I wouldn't worry about this too much but just make sure you have your skeletal mesh selected here okay save that and another thing is if you type tag under details here so we're going to have to replace this this is a component tag you're going to replace it so I already copied it earlier right so I'm just going to Control Paste so I have this so it's the correct tag okay and just in case you know you guys don't understand what I just did it's basically what I grabbed from generic under ik retargeter map remember this part okay so with that um character created I can go back and twin blast one okay I'm going to rename it and I'll just call this cuz I already did this earlier going to call it real demo okay so we know it's it's this one so she's just a child blueprint of the uef and mannequin right now we're almost done we're almost done let's go over here there there's a thing called widgets this little widget folder and then we're going to go into the game animation widget and then here you're just going to grab this one or it doesn't matter any one of these and duplicate it okay and then you're just going to swap the object here out for the one that you just created so for us is the real demo okay [Music] compile save and that should be it let's um check it out okay so so it's in my other window but it's right here and we have this one yay it's working it's working all right leave a comment if this uh helped you out cuz I sure as hell wish somebody had made this for me would have saved me a couple hours of trying to figure this out but this is so cool now I have my game character and this is created for for a game that I'm developing and this is a scan of my actor's face um who's going to be you know playing her this character and it's amazing
Channel: beyondcinema
Views: 7,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zohLgnj5UBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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