Create AI animations in Unreal Engine 5

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hello everybody I'm super excited today to show you how you can generate animations with AI with the power of AI you can create different motion animations in under 10 seconds you can use those animations in your cutscenes in your movies and soon they will be available for your game characters so let's Deep dive in and show you how you can create custom motion animations with AI if you watch my previous video you already know that my channel is demonetized so I've decided to switch to patreon becoming a patreon member you'll support me and this channel to keep evolving to keep creating more and more interesting videos besides that you have access to all the files that I've created from the start of my YouTube channel so right now you can download the water Shader you can download the auto material from my previous video if you didn't watch it go and watch it and you can have access to more in-depth videos about how the things work like the auto material the water Shader in few more videos and also you will have access access to a VIP Discord server only dedicated to my patreon members where I am active most of the time so if you want to support the growth of this Channel and if you want to see more and more videos like this go to my patreon page enroll now and also you will have access to everything that I'm creating thanks everyone this is the official website of motor and here you can try the motor Studio or Unreal Engine plugin I would suggest you to download the Unreal Engine plugin but before that you need to click and register once you downloaded the motor plugin and you created clean project you need to go to your content right click and choose show in Explorer then you need to create a plug-in folder so right click new folder and call it plugins after you created this folder double click on it go to your motor Studio downloaded folder and it should look like this motor Studio then it should have this Unreal Engine plugin copy the folder itself paste it into your plugins folder and after that you need to restart your anre engine file after the reset of your unreal ng5 go to edit go to plugins and here in the installed plugins you should see animation and you should see motoric studio in beta it should be turned on the next step is to log in into your motor so go to edit settings project settings scroll all the way down to the plugins and click motor studio for the first one the app location you need to refer to the documentation and here there is an URL for the app location I'll include this in the description of this video copy this paste it into your app location and then just F your email and password with which you register on the motor AI website after you done all of that you can see here the motor icon so let's open the motor plug-in editor after you open the editor go to networking and click login to login your credentials after you login your credential you're going to see the loging successful and the fun part will start here and let me walk you through the editor here you have style browser which will give you different style of Animation big steps Bend knes balance you have a lot of styles you have uh a freight expression you have confused a tired walk a cool guy a cowboy Etc we're going to go back to this later you can mix between different styles you have the default timeline you have the curve editor you have style mixer so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to W the current open level in My Level Editor you can use this level prototyping but I'm just going to W my level and here you can work with your level the second thing is to add an actor and adding an actor we'll add the actor at default 0000 and then I'm just going to move it with this Gizmo and I'm going to place it inside my C the second thing is we have two different modes the first one is key frame mode where you will key frame everything by hand and the second one is preset mode where you can use different presets and then with the presets you can add different animations here so I'm going to hit plus and I'm I'm going to choose Penguin Run and now he will run like a penguin okay but this is not the most exciting part the exciting part is the key frame animation mode so let's go back to the key frame mode I'm going to move my character over here and let's start creating some key frames I'm going to set my first key frame to be here then I'm going to go to the three seconds I'm going to set up different key frame I'm going to set a new one here I'm going to set a new one over here and I'm going to set the last one here at 997 like that so right now it is moving like that but the AI also work with rotation so let's do that let's go here to this key frame let's start rotating it because we are running here and we're going to start running uh to the right side we're running to the right side we're going to start running to the left side then we're going to run to the straight and we're going to rotate back here after you key frame your character you just need to pick up a style of Animation so I'm going to go here in the personalities and I want here to be a tug guy and then I'm going to click generate animation let me show you what this looks like you start here you start running and when you start rotating you can see how the AI is generating rotation animation let me show you this other position moving over here rotating over here then moving straight forward and we're going to have this final rotation see how the rotation of the legs are pretty good how you're rotating the body how you're Shifting the weight and then you go into that position pretty good results so if you are creating some kind of cutscene or a movie and you need a movement of your character this is the way that you can do it and after you create this animation this is animation in the motor studio and what you need to do is you need to click save animation put a name for your animation so this will be nice walk motor anim I'm going to save this let's close the studio go to my motor motor animation place it in my scene I'm going to move it right that and you're going to see your character moving over here pretty nice very fluid movement of your character and everything is generated by AI but this animation is not available for the mannequin of Unreal Engine 5 and what you need to do is you need to retarget this animation to your character and right now I'm going to show you how you can retarget it to any character I'm going to retarget it to the mannequin of Unreal Engine 5 but you can retarget it to any character that you want so I'm going to go to my character folder manins rcks and on the ik manin I'm going to right click and I'm going to create ik retargeter so this will be the r Target for from the man to motor and I'm just going to double click on it here I'm going to change a few things I'm going to change the target to the mannequin that we want so I'm going to search here for ik manin this one so I'm just switching the positions and as I'm using the female character I'm going to choose Queen and for my source Target I'm going to choose my ik Mo studio so let's find ik Mo Studio this one and the character will be most Studio character the next step is to edit the PO so I'm going to go here and click edit ret targeted PSE then I need to enable the bones so I'm going to character bones and O hierarchy right now what we need to do is we need to fix the pose of our source so I'm going to select this shoulder and I'm going to start rotating it until it matches our mannequin of un real engine just like that let's fix the other arm the one problem is the fingers at they are too picky to to AET Target so I'm just going to P them a little bit like that and I'm going to fix the wrist here also I'm not going to bother about the fingers if you want just go there and just start rotating the fingers to match the PSE of this character let me just fix this one so right now I have the PSE looking pretty good and you need to fix the wrists and the fingers over here but it will take a lot of time to fix so just take your time and fix them to pose them correctly to the M can then click show R targeted post go to my character disable the bones click on the Target right now click here in the empty and Target mesh offset set up something like 150 so we can see it on the side of our motor character then let's test this out go to asset browser and choose the animation that we've created nice walk motor and let's see how this looks so pretty good guys as you can see everything is retargeted pretty good moving pretty nice pretty smooth let me just pause this to show you how the hands are not correctly retargeted right now here the fingers are broken but you can fix that by just matching the fingers of the motor character keep in mind that the AI is still not animating the fingers this is uh to be done in the future but overall you have a perfect balance and nice movement which is very smooth and you can create any kind and any type of movement so the retargeting is working pretty good and finally what you need to do here is you need to export the selected animation so I'm going to export it again to motor I'm going to create a new folder motor and real engine anims and I'm going to hit export and right now we have the exported animation working with our mannequin so I'm going to drag and drop our mannequin here gonna place it over here and let's test this out as you can see our mannequin is now retargeted with the motor character so you are pretty much able to retarget anything over here and use the power of this AI tool this tool is very powerful for your cutcenes for some cinematics and in the future it can work and in the future this tool will also might support in-game characters so thank you guys for watching this one I hope this AI generated animation will help you out in your process of creating movies or cut scenes and before I end up this video I want to let you know that I've created a blueprints master class for Unreal Engine 5 it is available right now on UD me so if you want to expand your knowledge and not just only create art pieces in un real Engine 5 but create some characters create some game logic my course is the perfect solution from beginners to intermediate and real ng5 users the course itself is 15 hours long and it has all the foundation that you need to Kickstart your blueprint knowledge in unreal ng5 so if you want to keep evolving yourself Beyond just creating art in real Engine 5 and roll now so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to support me and get access to all my files also to the auto material that I've created previously join my patreon page for 499 and with your pledge you're supporting me to keep creating amazing videos like this each one of you can make a big difference by supporting my channel so I can keep making those videos thank you guys for watching this video Happy game development I'm out
Channel: CG Dealers
Views: 87,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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