UE5.4: Game-Changing Rigging Update (You Won't Believe How Easy This Is)

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hello and welcome in this video I just want to try out some of the new features that are in the upand cominging Unreal Engine 5.4 including automatic retargeting improved ik retargeter and ik Rigs and modular control rigs before we begin I just want to stress this is not a tutorial this is just me trying out the new features in real time some are filter down from ufn and they make things like retargeting much easier so let me create a project I'm going to call this Tut one and I'm going to choose third person as my template I don't want the start content let me create with my project open the first thing I want to do is create a folder for today's experiment so experiment what I want to do is import a mix amount character first cuz I want to show you uh the ik retargeting setup so let me import a mixo character this is the character that I want to use today so I'm going to download and I want it in a to POS and [Music] download and then I want to download a salute animation I've already done this so to save some time I will not do it again right let's import import and here's my file explorer my file explorer will look a little bit different to yours cuz I'm using Linux today and let's import the character first I want to reset to default in advanced settings use t0 as reference pose import morph targets and import normals and tangents I don't want to import animation and import uh I'm going to do a quick save [Music] all like so and then I just want to do some cleanup while I'm here materials and another [Music] folder textures okay so drag my material into there move here and the textures into the textures folder much better okay so we have the character let's import an animation for this character that I've downloaded from [Music] miot and make sure everything's correct yep import okay I'm going to create another folder as well while I'm here and call this animations and drag that in move here do a save all and so this is the animation I'm going to be using okay and the first thing I want to show you is the the the the quickest way to now retarget in Unreal Engine so let's go back into the animation select our animation right click go to retarget animations here okay and you presented with this dialogue it has you for a source skeletal mesh which in this case will be our mixo character and our Target which we'll choose SK man for the purposes of this and as you can see it automatically poses man for you autogenerate retargeter and I've got that selected okay you can choose a retarget asset here but this is the new thing I want to show you so if we click our mixim animation the retargeting is automatic and what is better we can export the automatically generated retargeting assets here export retarget assets here and so let me save that to the ex well if we save that to our content folder look so it's ik autogenerated so it's an ik rig that has been automatically generated for you it generated one for man and it created an ik retargeter with the posers matching well as close as can [Music] be and now what we can do is go back to our retargeting window here and we can export this retargeted animation so experiment animations export include reference assets overwrite existing files we don't want to do that and then export and so now we have man [Music] retargeted brilliant okay so that is the easy way to do things there is another way so let's get rid of the [Music] autogenerated content for delete and let's get rid of that animation delete let's create an ik retargeter for our mix mode character so we go to animation retargeting ik rig okay and we will call this miimo so ik miimo and open that up by default it's blank we choose our mixo character in the preview skeletal mesh and this is what we have now when I first started the channel as I said it was a very long process we had to choose these bones and assign chains now thanks to ufn that to make it as simple as possible for the people that use [Music] ufn we have this autocreate retargeting chains button so if I click this it will automatically create all the chains we need for our character we can then come up to autocreate ik and it will create a full body ik for your character so if we were to select one of the goals we can move our character around like so okay and that's it it's simple as that we now have an ik riged set up so let's try it with an ik retargeter so we come to the ik retargeter and create one there we go and we'll call this IKR mixo oops okay uh miimo and open that up and this is what we have I'll briefly go over what we see here so up here we have running retargeter and we can select this to edit the pose of our character uh the retargeting phases asset settings so this is where you choose your assets global settings where you can enable R FK ik post root settings and post settings we'll come to that in a moment let's go back to asset settings and for Source we will choose ik mannequin like so and then for Target ik rig asset we'll do mixo okay and what I want to do is just give them an offset for now so we can see what we're doing there we go it looks a little bit strange but if we come up to here and we're going to edit retarget pose what we're going to do is choose Target and we have this button here Auto align what I'm going to do is align all bones and it will try its very best to align our mix character to too many if we look at the hands they are a little off so what we can do is Select our we'll do it on the right thumb first here select all those thumb bones come to Auto align and align selected using mesh and look it's it's kind of done it and we can do the same for the left thumb over there let's have a look zoom in and oops I didn't mean to do that and then a line selected using mesh there we go another great feature with this is the it doesn't seem to be a problem here but we have snap character to ground so it obviously it's not working at the minute so let's undo that but it does work so we don't need to do anything more what we could do though is create a new pose and call this mixim to UE e there we go let's let's do it again show you how quick it is align all bones and then for the thumbs they are almost in the right place but let's do a line select to using mesh and then do the same for a line select to juicey mesh there we go and that's it we can now export this pose asset to our mixl folder and we'll call it forgive me for all the caps and lowercase mix up just but so now when we go to the content draw we have this pose asset which we now can re reuse at any point and this doesn't only work for mix Mo this works for your Dazz characters character creator everything so let's retarget a Manny walk onto our mixo character amazing right what we can do as well is we can come up here to post settings and we can add a new retarget up and here we have root motion generator let's do that so root motion generator gener in root motion on hips okay so what it's done is give us a source root bone a Target root bone a Target pelvis bone so let's play this now let me go back to my walk walk forward and in this case it's kind of messed it up so there is no pelvis vone on our character so I've deleted that and so this is what we have the next feature I want to explore is the new modular control rig so let's go to animation control rig click control rig and choose modular control rig click create and we'll just call this test that up okay so this is the modular rig window what I'm going to do for ease of use today is choose Manny with Manny selected I'm going to click compile and save the first thing we need to do is create a root normally but the roote is already been created and it's attached to our root B so next let's do spy spine so if I drag in spine as you can see it's created in our module it's created the spine module with all the spine bones already selected next we need to do uh we'll do leg and if we look here we've got uh a thigh sockets so let's drag a leg onto one of these thigh sockets and I'll do it for the other side as well there we go so now we have the module for the legs next I want to do arm so let's drag that onto oh wait a minute that a shoulder there we we'll do neck first so let me drag that onto neck there we go now we have a neck and head module should shoulder so let's find shoulder there it is and drag that onto our shoulder right shoulder and left shoulder now we have these hand sockets appear which I presume are going to be for arm so drag that onto arm there you go and there and that's it we can now do fingers so let's go over here and you simply grab finger and we'll drag it onto the thumb for example and index and so on onto each finger I'm I'm doing this there we go and each time we do this it's creating a module for that finger and so thumb index finger and so on for each finger there we go let me just zoom in a [Music] little and it really is as simple as that and then we hit compile and save and you now have a modular rig which obviously we can select the arm for example we can select our head waist or hips we can choose our foot oops [Music] okay we could choose our foot for example and ah the controls are getting in the way give me a moment that's it so then we could for example do this there you go all the controls are in place the modules are all done what I want to do is just do a quick experiment with a Daz Studio character let me just find one and import it okay and yep that's all good I don't want to import any animations I don't think think so let me uncheck that and then import let's have a look at his skeleton I've removed the body textures for YouTube reasons let us retarget onto this try and go straight to characters animations Mane and walk Where's the walk run forward let's do that instead so Target animations we want that to be man and this to be our Daz character it is a little strange look in this case I don't think automatic retargeting is going to work so what we can do export the retargeting assets and we'll go to experiment da export I'll open up that folder and here are autogenerated ik rig Etc so let's open up the ik retargeter created and we will run an auto align it hasn't done it for some reason okay so I think in this instance we're going to have to do a little bit more work so let's reset this pose reset all auto align I could just bring the head forward I suppose by 40° and that's it let's run the retargeter as we can see the Das Carri is not snapped to the floor snap character to ground M fascinating okay I I I just can't figure that out at the minute I would have to spend some time with that but what we can do is what I want show you is close this ik retargeter now if we go back and try and retarget our animation again animations Mane and uh what walk forward so retarget animations let's choose man man and and uncheck autogenerate this time and instead choose the one we've just been editing with and then we do walk forward [Music] so we can hit [Music] export experiment doz uh let's create a new folder and animations export and there we have it we've retargeted an animation onto our Daz character again I would go back and fix the feet but other than that I'm relatively happy if you want to support the channel you can do so by clicking the thanks button underneath this [Music] video alternatively head over to buy coffee.com and support me that [Music] way more tutorials are on the way but for now could you please hit like And subscribe I will see you in the next [Music] one [Music] yeah
Channel: Jobutsu
Views: 73,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UnrealEngine, Character Creator, Iclone, Daz Studio, Mixamo, retargeting, Unreal Engine, UE, tutorial, howto, how to, ikrig, auto ikretargeting, modular controrig, unreal 5.4, Unreal Engine 5.4, UE5
Id: eed8rKcA44Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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