Huge 500+ AAA Quality Animation Giveaway by Epic Games!

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's Mike here game for Scratch if there's one thing I know about you guys is you like free stuff and today we've got a lot of free stuff in fact we've got 500 plus AAA game quality uh game animations here coming from epic games now this was first announced at GDC 2024 during the state of unreal by the way if you want to stay up to date with the latest and greatest and all the news on the world of game development do hit that subscribe button YouTube's been really wonky lately so I do have to say that now I hate saying it but anyways going back to GDC 2024 uh they had a .4 preview one was originally announced between then and now 5.4 has formally been released but one of the big new deals in this one is this guy animations take a big stride forward with 5.4 it includes motion matching a simple and efficient way to animate characters in games that have been used in fortnite on all platforms since the chapter 5 launch later this year that being today uh we will also release a free sample learning project that includes over 500 AAA animations created from high-end motion capture data with Locomotion and traversal data sets used in the keynote demo in addition thanks to extensive battle testing in Lego fortnite development you can now fully animate your game using control rig and sequencer with no round tripping between applications now I'm not going to talk about that last part at all but let's just say unreal 5.4 got a ton of Animation love and they promised us this huge library of these animations uh these motion matching this new way of doing animation uh and they're here so they released today over 500 animations with the game animation sample project um so 500 AAA quality animations complete with fully functional character and animation blueprint so everything you see here is there you can download the sample project the project is available here it is one of those create a project projects so you can't add it to your project but you should be able to export the animations out to another project I do wish they' uh sample do it as a library as well make it easier to use it or bring it into existing projects but migrating between uh projects isn't that hard when it comes to Unreal Engine the other thing you want to be aware of here this guide requires 5.4 that makes sense it is new function it to that particular release but now let's go Hands-On with the new sample and here it is so we'll just go ahead and run it and boom so what you're going to notice here is we can start off give Focus we can go straight to an obstacle course right here and it's got a variety of contextual animations depending on what you are doing uh we can then move on to the next obstacle course which is this guy a little bit higher up and then you're going to see again so this is a key frame this is motion matching the new technology and Unreal Engine 5.4 that is powering this and now let's go over to obstacle course number three and it sends you in the wrong direction but here we go and over over it's all going to be contextual based off what you actually do and out so you get 500 plus animations that are going to go with this pack and then I'm going to screw up the rest of this demonstration because I suck at Platformers but here we are in obstacle course number four and jump and climb and climb so it's all based off the context of where you go now I can't get this jump to happen so let's trust try shift jump oh I made it all right so now I'm not going to screw up and I'm going to land on obstacle course number five there we go boom all right and you can randomize the platform positions and get different results and I missed all right so there anyways that is a demonstration of the actual platforms uh or the uh animations available in this animation set another neat thing you'll notice if you come back into the demo uh you can actually change out some of the uh settings here if you want uh colorful light or dark you can change them over here but probably the most important thing here I do like dark better all right is this guy right here the game animation widget so you can see a number of different things here including uh controls so if I move around we're going to see the controls highlight accordingly uh you've got some uh debugging information up here we could go ahead and change out our character as well you can also see the controls that are available right here with this quick launch uh and then boom so let's run around our world so you see as I press different different Keys we get uh different things light up on the controller and you can switch out the uh the um controls on the Fly uh and so on so that ladies and gentlemen is the animation package you going to see again all these characters are included in here as well uh but what most people are probably here for again there is uh blueprint controllers for the characters here uh and then I don't know where the actual animation data is in here here so we got the characters here one sec okay figured out where they are and it is not intuitive so they are under characters like so uh and then you've got UE FN mannequin like so and then animations and all of your animations are here so example walking animations you got a wide variety of walking animations there here you have idle animations here you have uh offset here you have jumping animations and so on uh by the way there is instructions on how you can go ahead and Export these out elsewhere if you so wish to do but again it is 500 plus animations I'm not going to count them all uh but I'm assuming uh that there's well over 500 here from the looks of things all available once again in uh characters ufn animations jump so if you're interested uh what you can actually do is go into the game animation sample project it's got a pretty good walkth through first of how to actually use the demo uh and then as to where things actually are implemented how you can Implement your own character how you can export out the animations for your own project and so on so that is it ladies and gentlemen the huge 500 plus uh library of characters plus again the documentation that goes with it all of which is available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace completely free again you do need to use Unreal Engine 5.4 to get this to work I don't know if you can actually backport the animation to like a non motion matched format if you're using an earlier version no idea but you can check that out if you're interested but yeah so they promised this one back at GDC and they have delivered now I got to say epic games are the the kings of giving us a bunch of free stuff and today we got a bunch more let me know what you think comments down below I will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 40,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal, Unreal Engine, UE 5.4, Motion Match, Unreal Motion Match, Unreal Animation, Unreal Engine Animation, UE Animation, UE Free, Unreal Free, Unreal 5.4 Animation, Gamefromscratch, gamedev, game development
Id: 5-Vk97L-tY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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