Add CUSTOM METAHUMAN into Game Animation Sample Project | Motion Matching | Unreal Engine 5.4

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hey what's going on you guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to do another follow-up video to the game animation sample project and I will show you guys how to get a custom metahuman work game because I've had some people ask about it and when I finally tried it myself uh I realized it wasn't as straightforward as I thought it would be um so let me just kind of show you guys how to fix certain issues that might pop up for you um the way I would go about this is you know first obviously import your metahuman just go to quickel bridge metahumans and then you know once you've created your own metahuman through a mesh to metahuman it should be right here um download it and then go ahead and click that blue button which will export the metahuman and everything else that comes with it into a nice little folder titled whatever you named it for me it's called mha Jackson there's going to be a blueprint right here that is your metahuman and if you hear any grunting in the background it's my baby so just to let you guys know um all right so we've got this metahuman open uh he doesn't really have any clothes on but I'll show you actually how to get um clothes on him so let me show you what I would do first I would go into blueprints folder that that came with the project file and go into the retargeted characters and there's already a metahuman that they've set up for you right it's called metahuman here uh I would just duplicate this um I'll just call a demo for [Music] now double click into that and basically I'm going to use this as a template to transfer over my metahuman pieces um so let's open up my metahuman cuz we're going to have to kind of go back and forth a little bit um what you're going to do is go into the one that you duplicated come into the component section and under body you're just going to swap out the skeletal mesh um I mean it probably won't update right now but basically you want to change this to your medum skeletal mesh for me it's this one and one thing that I've noticed sometimes I think it doesn't update the material so um if yours looks a little weird then you might want to like I don't think this updated the material um but we'll fix that in a second here let's get the face changed so you got to do it for the body and the head uh at least to to start and then we're going to so this doesn't update but I think that's a bug I'm going to close this and I think it might update if I close it and then turn it back on oh it's right here okay so I've basically just closed it and then reopened it and it updated now so that we can see what areas still need to be corrected okay so looks like the skin texture definitely didn't come over so um what I will do is go into your previous medicum you know his body and then you can see this is that material so I'll search it by clicking that little icon I have it selected now now I'll go back over here and I'll basically hit this button little arrow and it updates the material so the body skin texture is now um of my character and then you'll Al also notice the groom assets are still using the previous metahuman and what I'm going to do now now is basically let me just delete these because I'm going to transfer over the stuff that I had on my met human so last time when I Tred to let me see if this works cuz I think you might have to do it one by one um but essentially I'm just copying and pasting and for whatever reason it doesn't quite do it the right way so I'm going to drag it onto the face here here so that it's parented and now now the the groom assets are there okay so that's how you transfer that stuff over and you might have to do this like first time when I tried to do this it didn't really work so I did it one by one so there are some weird things that come with it but essentially each of these groom assets should be correlating to the groom asset from your metahuman and The Binding asset set as well so these should be matching up with what you have here if you scroll down here okay so a lot of times you're going have to rebuild your medum a little bit um but now you might think like well I don't want his like his torso or whatever right so you can actually just delete this like if I delete this now it's showing the body that of my metahuman he's got no pants one quick note about about how this metahuman is constructed um so earlier I deleted the legs which um probably shouldn't have done you know I can always just make that part um nonvisible um but let's say we wanted to add I don't know you had your own torso or or body mesh or whatever so I would go here and just to show you how it's done skeletal mesh legs and make sure that the um the legs are under parented to the body right so it's underneath the body and then the most important thing go to the constru construction script here and this is the piece that got deleted when I deleted the legs earlier um but if you were to add another component or whatnot over here you just want to make sure that this is all set up so legs I'm going to drag it out here and connect it like that and this should make it all work okay so you know if you're wondering oh how come my torso my body is not moving um you need to set this up and you know this is as simple as enable Master pose just hit that and you have one of these little nodes if you had your own asset you would essentially just replace that skeletal mesh here and then also make sure the material is the same one I want to swap this perhaps casual H these ones one the flip-flops okay and then I just want to make sure that the you know if you just reset that it actually goes to the material um but like I said it doesn't update in the viewport for whatever reason okay so now this metahuman should be working and we'll give it a a test run um notice I didn't have to create any of the retargeting assets because it's it's all set up already within that blueprint um the last thing I will do is go into the widgets the game animation widget here and I'm just going to add that new medium and widget here so I'll duplicate you know the last thing I did and essentially that's my baby in the background she's um talking boom use that one compile and this should work now so go ahead and play and um I'm going to select the metahuman that I've just created and look he's got his I mean he's got no pants but he's got the slippers on his face it's a custom met human so yeah yeah it seems pretty straightforward although you know you might have to swap out some of the Grooms and and stuff like that um but let me know if this doesn't work for you exactly I don't know who that guy is
Channel: beyondcinema
Views: 2,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0H12MsVeHdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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