Georgia AG accuses Stacey Abrams of 'poll testing' the word 'Jim Crow'
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Fox News
Views: 264,496
Rating: 4.8819356 out of 5
Keywords: Brad Raffensperger, georgia attorney general, brian kemp, fnc, fox news, fox news brian kemp, fox news channel, fox news georgia, fox news georgia election law, fox news georgia voting law, fox news media, fox news network, georgia, georgia election law, georgia law, georgia voting law, voters rights, voting law, jim crowe laws, fox news jim crow, stacey abrams voting laws, brad raffensberger jim crow
Id: RZurcZm-1lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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