Herschel Walker: Americans should be very concerned

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you know with reaction fox news contributor laura trump along with football legend uh heisman trophy winner herschel walker now it's interesting having both of you on um because i've seen polling on both of you happens to be for the same office in two different states herschel i have the trafalgar poll uh robert kihali friend of this program and he has you beating as senator warnock lara trump last poll i saw in terms of getting the nomination you were up by a whopping 15 points and a winner you would win the general election according to that poll uh so both of you are in a pretty unique position herschel will start with you because i've already pressured laura enough she probably hates me right now as a fox news contributor and friend um herschel walker are you considering a run for the u.s senate from the state of georgia well i'm honored that they keep uh saying that if i'm considering it and as i told everyone guys i'm wearing my options but i can promise you this and this is probably what the poster have seen that if i run i'm running to win because right now what's going on in this country is absolutely absolutely terrible i believe in god i believe in country and i believe in family and i can tell you all americans are my family it is sad that people are not standing up for the law i believe in law and order i hate to tell everyone out there this country was built on that i'm tired of hearing about black america white america asian america uh hispanic america this is the united states of america and we got to get back to that we got to get leaders in washington that believe in that and that's that's how we're going to fix this here do i hear george's on your mind i don't know it sounds a little bit like that to me well georgia is always on my mind it's been on my mind and uh that's what people don't realize just because i was living in texas i you know i have a lot of stuff there in georgia and uh you know and that's why i say i'm honored that they'll consider me running for senate but i do have to do all my due diligence and uh and see what in the world is going on and and then i'm gonna i'm gonna weigh my options and figure this out and if you run you're in to win you know laura i guess that's probably a lot of trouble there's no doubt laura i assume in your case there's a lot of pressure but it is amazing that you you really the american people and the people of north carolina that's your home state that's where you're born and raised know you so well they're showing incredible confidence in you um that's got to give you reason to pause somewhat no absolutely look i'm so honored i'm so humbled when i see these polls um it's it's amazing to see and i appreciate it so much and i i'm going to echo there what herschel said we need strong leaders we need people in 22 and 24 that have the best interests of the american people at heart because you're exactly right hershel what we have seen happen in america it's so tragic it's so disturbing we've got to get this country back on track so um i love seeing this polling i'm so honored obviously as you said my home state i love it um it is a decision that i am also weighing um again nothing to break here on hannity tonight uh but maybe herschel and i will come back together and give you our final decision we'll see okay it'd be like the final episode of the apprentice we'll we'll do a two-hour special you know both of you touched on something though this agenda of the democrats the spending the borders packing the courts ending the legislative filibuster everything that they're proposing i've never seen anything like it and i've never been more concerned herschel and laura uh and laura will let you up first i've never been concerned about the direction of the country like i am now well it starts at the top it starts unfortunately with the president right now joe biden and there is a total lack of leadership um it's been very sad to see obviously what has happened on our southern border the fact that that has not been addressed by in any way shape or form by our vice president kamala harris who was tasked with that three plus weeks ago now she hasn't visited she hasn't held a press conference about it um you see so many people that i think feel very disturbed and we're only in april right now joe biden took office january 20th so if you're upset about the way things are going now just hold on we haven't even talked about what's happening around the world as it relates to america remember when donald trump was in office it was america first we were protected we were safe we took care of our country it seems very different now so look i think the american people come 2022 are going to be ready for a significant change and i think by 24 they're going to be totally done with the harris biden biden harris however they're calling it uh in the white house herschel will give you the last word tonight you see now internationally aggression by china aggression by russia aggression by the iranians we have no idea what north korea is up to and then look at the economy and and look at the high taxes that are coming look at all the regulation look at all the jobs being lost in the energy sector for example well i think people should be very certain concerned about all this being the reason why we was the greatest country in the world right now we're going to give china an opportunity to take us over and i think one thing that we got to do we got to fight for it we are americans and if people don't like it and i hate to say this get out right now we got to fight for america i think we got to get leaders in washington that want to fight for america because right now we're giving it away and i don't want to do that i'm going to be honest i'm not giving it away i'm going to fight for it i'm going to do whatever i can for and that's the reason i say i'm going to weigh my fight my my opportunity here and i want to thank everyone in america for it i want to thank everyone in georgia but i i will let you know as laura just said you know what maybe we'll come back and and give someone some some news and let them know what's going to be going on america needs strong leaders that make promises and fight to keep them it's not that complicated thank you both laura trump thank you herschel walker thank you come
Channel: Fox News
Views: 754,476
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Keywords: herschel walker, uga football, minnesota vikings, georgia football, herschel walker sean hannnity, herschel walker fox news, fox news herschel walker, herschel walker fox news today, future of GOP, republican party, herschel walker georgia, georgia senator, herschel walker trump, lara trump, fox news lara trump, lara trump politics, fox news, fox news channel, fox news network, hannity, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, hannity reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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