Sen. Kennedy rips MLB commissioner: 'Go to Amazon, buy a spine'

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senator lindsey graham is calling out president biden for using incendiary and divisive language about the new georgia voting law watch they're calling all of us racist because we won't give in to this power grab they play the race card morning noon and night i am tired of it i think his cheap i think is sick for the president of the united states joe biden who's been a friend for years to say that what they're doing in georgia is jim crow 2.0 some of you got families that lived through jim crow amen it ended the year i was born senator john kennedy is here republican from louisiana in the faulkner focus good to see you senator i want to get just your top line thoughts on where we are with this and i have to say i haven't heard the word race more than just this week in a very long time in politics harris i i don't hate anybody and i try to see grace wherever i can find it but the decision by mr rob manfred the commissioner of major league baseball to turn baseball into a blue sport it just really makes me want to heave you know i mean it's i whether you agree or disagree with the georgia law i don't think any of us i know i don't want to have to think about politics when we watch baseball and what disturbs me equally about mr manford's decision is he hasn't explained it he hasn't explained why he thinks that george's law which i think was an honest effort toward election integrity is racist now mr manfred he looks like a smart guy he went to cornell he graduated from harvard law school he probably washed his hands before it was cool i i think if he's going to do this to major league baseball he owes an explanation and what i'd like to see him do is come on your show or one of your colleague shows not just for three minutes but for 30 minutes i think he needs to go to amazon buy a spine online and come on your show maybe with governor kemp and let commissioner manfred explain why millions of americans who support election integrity are racist and and what and after he's done i think president biden needs to come on un unscripted for 30 minutes now the president has made a very serious accusation he has said everybody who believes in having an id showing an id before you vote is a racist uh he said that everybody who is opposed to ballot harvesting and we've seen the the treachery of that is a racist not an honest disagreement you are a racist i didn't like it when vice president harris called president biden then both candidates a racist because he didn't support school busing and i don't like it now and i think the president and and mr manfred need to explain not not in a scripted uh way off of a teleprompter they need to come on your show let them come on with governor kim and and and and dig deep and we have a little bit later governor kemp joining me um we extend an invitation as you know senator on the program all the time to everybody uh and and the way that you come on together let them come on together in front of god and go back and forth it's the debate about what real what real race talk in america should look like and where you and i are having it right now yeah because i was born in your basement let's talk about this ended and so there is a definite difference that i remember as a child as they were taking down the signs my father fought in the vietnam war at a time when he couldn't go to the same bathroom in the same restaurants but this was his country that he loved so much and he believed in her potential and so you and i are having that that fruitful back and forth right now that is so necessary there was something about jim crow laws that had existed since the 1860s that is very different than anything that we know today and we can talk horrible i remember it but let's be honest about it i remember dreaming oh it's a great idea that you put out it's and and and it's a serious how do you think that accusation people on the hill and it's hard with this delay you and i kind of we're we're working with that a lot in virtual world right now but but it's no no i just pointed out for the viewers as you and i go back and forth though it's hard for people to have an honest info conversation about this though senator because everybody wants to cancel everybody if you don't agree then half the conversation has to stop and how do you stop it you use the word racist that's how you stop it you don't get into what that word means i love your idea let's get a definition for it i want to move to this a wall street journal op-ed argues that democrats are stuck in 1964. quote in 1970 there were fewer than 1500 black elected officials in the u.s today there are now more than ten thousand black voter registration in the south where most blacks live is higher than in other parts of the nation ideally this history would inform media discussions of voter suppression and disinfect disenfranchisement but it seldom does nor does evidence of increased black voter participation including in states with stricter voting requirements stop the left from invoking the ghost of jim crow your response look um america is not perfect but we are good and i think our history is the best indication of the fact that we are not a a systemically racist country i mean in 150 years harris which is the blink of an eye in the scheme of life death and the resurrection we have gone from institutionalized slavery to an african-american president we have african-americans and other minorities serving at all levels local government state government federal government and i'm i'm very proud of that and that's why i take this accusation of being a racist very seriously that president biden has made as best i can tell here's what president biden is upset about voter id laws and ballot harvesting now here's a question to president biden given the prevalence of ids throughout america given the number of social circumstances in america like you know by buying a car or getting a job that require an id why is requiring an id to vote racist and one point of view and i'd like to hear president biden's uh uh thoughts on it not requiring an id is the preservation of the right to cheat why wouldn't you want to know if someone is who they say they are when they're trying to vote why is why is that racist and president biden neither and commissioner manfred need to they need to explain this now they can't get off this easy they just import half of america racist you you ask such important questions and i would just add this quickly to the mix before i have to let you go then why move it to colorado which actually has some stricter laws on the books when it comes to and has much the same with voter id but stricter laws when it comes to how much of a window you get to vote in that state versus georgia why move it to a place that looks a little bit more strict in some areas on election law than the place you're moving it from i just don't understand that argument either you and i could go back and forth i i appreciate the conversation it hopefully will give you know birth to more of this because i think we got to get there as a nation and stop the name calling and really get into the nitty gritty and i think that you're helping to get that going today and senator i didn't know it would go history but i'm really really glad it did we had a real conversation if mr manfred will come on your show and debate governor kemp i'll send them both a fruit basket they need to come on let's talk about the issues not just call each other names
Channel: Fox News
Views: 420,214
Rating: 4.9088182 out of 5
Keywords: breaking news, us news, breaking news today, voting rights, black voters georgia, voter suppression, jim crow, police violence, republican party, black voters matter, faulkner focus, harris faulkner, john kennedy, senator kennedy, senator john kennedy, senator kennedy fox news, john kennedy fox news, georgia, georgia election law, georgia election reform, georgia voting bill, georgia voting law, mlb, mlb all star game, mlb all star game 2021
Id: DUfjRxztDGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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