Tim Scott joins 'Hannity' to respond to racist attacks on social media

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joining us tour bond south carolina senator tim scott center i'm i'm i thought the speech was amazing i'm i'm sorry uh it saddens me i have many conservative african-american friends and they go through the same thing read janine borrelli's book blacklash just google my name that's what she starts well sean thank you for having me on your show and thank you in lindsey last night vote timscott.com your viewers heard your your request or lindsay's request and you responded so thank you so much for that the left has lost their mind today it's really saddening to see that what the left is doing is fighting bigotry with bigotry and they've exposed their hypocrisy and their true motivation has nothing to do with ending prejudice it has everything to do with claiming or getting more power i've never seen such a power grab and using people in such a despicable way it it is really disheartening to see the left's response and frankly even twitter's response to racism and racial slurs if it comes from the left it must be okay according to twitter's response 12 hours later but thanks to your viewers viewers for going to vogtimsky.com thank you all so much that really made a difference because lindsay's right the next several months if not the next two years of my life will be standing in the gap for what we know as traditional american values we love people not parties we love the content not the color our nation stands in greatness because we fought back against those darker angels and we believed frankly in the better angels i wish the democrats who always feign or virtue signal would take a look in the mirror and ask themselves would they put up with that from anyone other than themselves and if you won't police yourselves don't look to the other side you know megan mccain actually said something i agree with if if you're okay with this don't don't talk to me about the important issue involving race and i i thought that was pretty powerful statement on her on behalf of her you know i'm watching all of this unfold sad because i've we've known each other now many years uh yeah and it's just it's just wrong and the and it's in this won't cancel culture it seems like there's very few areas where this type of intolerance is accepted and it seems to be accepted by major news organizations do you have a message to them specifically tonight well in my opinion what they're fueling is a backlash maybe they don't realize it or not but at some point people get sick and tired of being sick and tired and they start reacting and as as opposed to responding to the criticism and the negativity fortunately for me i've had in do have had to endure for the last couple of years as i keep coming to the conclusion that we got it right the most inclusive economy frankly in american history the last administration president trump we created seven million jobs with two-thirds going to african-americans and hispanics and women we saw the lowest unemployment rate we didn't care whether you were black or white we looked for ways to expand opportunities and give people options to make their own decisions that's what america is about and sure we've had some challenges but we keep rising to the occasion we confront the person in the mirror which allows us to move over but the the left sean the left refuses to do that the left wants to find a fall guy they want to find a scapegoat as opposed to helping build a better america what they want to do is spend six trillion dollars where are we going to get it from they don't care to do what to make sure that they have a permanent underclass people they think they can control but what i'm seeing and i spoke with president trump today what we're seeing happen is this response from good intention people who happen to be black who happen to be hispanic who happen to be white who happen to be asian rising up and saying you won't tell me what to think i'm going to decide that for myself so there's a coming backlash to this liberal oppression that is becoming front and center and they're not even hiding their hands anymore sean that's why it's so important that we stand in the gap for this nation because the greatest comeback in american history is on its way you know it's amazing here you did you gave specific examples of racism nobody's doubted there are there are ignorant racist people there are evil people in this world and and nobody that i know wants anything to do with those ignorant people that that's whatever subset group of people i think the majority of americans are good honest decent people the beauty of our framers and founders i would argue you can agree or disagree is that they created a system where you can right wrongs correct injustices become a more perfect union we have a history of doing all of that and a lot of bloodshed in the process and a lot of heroism and courage along the way by people of all races um and and then i'm like but joe biden how does he get away with praising the guy that filibustered the civil rights act of 64 the voting rights act of 65 partner to stop the integration of public schools saying he doesn't want schools to be racial jungles and not one person on nbc news or in the media mob or in the democratic party seems to care about that history because maybe i'm wrong senator scott but if a republican donald trump or any other republican had that background in history i'm pretty sure they would criticize them daily but what do i know i'm just oh my goodness it would be unrelenting there's no doubt about that sean we would be we would have a a cascading effect we would never see the light of day because we would be the drumming would never stop the truth of the matter is the hypocrisy needs to stop i am a black man i am proud to be black i happen to be a conservative because i came to the conclusion a long time ago that conservative policies and principles is the way that we set people free free to be whoever they want to be you actually are free to disagree with me that's the beauty of america and what the democrats are selling is that you are not free to be yourself you cannot disagree with the democrats you can't disagree with progressives and liberals and still you see let me ask that's the mainstream of this country two last questions why does joe biden get a pass on his background his history and what did donald trump say to you today number one uh i'll start with good news and go to bad news good news is president trump called me to just tell me that he thought i did a spectacular job and you know president trump he's effused in his phrase at times and he said it was fantastic it was spectacular he really enjoyed listening to it i'm glad that he listened to it period number one and he wants to make sure that we keep working to get more things done for the country believe it or not one of the things that we talked about for a very short period of time was how do we make progress for the most vulnerable he is still focusing on getting things done from a policy standpoint by encouraging us to continue down the path that leads to american progress on the other side i've asked the same question the 1994 biden prison bill was a prison bill it incarcerated disproportionately african americans can you imagine any republican talking about putting people back in chains or saying that if you don't vote for me you're not black i i don't know what it is about this paternalism that comes from the left but it is front and center and it is shameful i'm actually saddened for them because they are going to continue unless we stand in that gap to teach people that this nation and who we are is antithetical to the actual reality that i have lived my grandfather has lived daniel cameron john james ben carson and the list just goes on once again thank you sean for for your work and thank you and lindsay for helping me raise resources at votetimscott.com your race is important you're up in 2022 but you know one thing i do know and i talked to a lot of my friends in south carolina they were never more proud of you than last night and um thank you sir for being with us and i am sorry you had had to go through that the last 24 hours thanks for being with us thank you sean have a great show thank you hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 438,401
Rating: 4.9004359 out of 5
Keywords: tim scott, senator tim scott, white house, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, biden joint address, uncle time, fox news uncle tim, racial slur, social media, media, fox news social media, big tech
Id: dh-GSFdTkLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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