Gov. Noem suing White House over Mount Rushmore fireworks ban

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Another example of liberals hating the idea of a free country. They want nothing but power and control just like what they have over their indoctrinated feeble minded worshipers in the Democratic party.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/billbro88888 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I say have it anyway let the biden regime send men to try and stop it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ghastly_Grinnner 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

we need more people like her standing up

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AdministrativeAd1030 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
to attempt to cancel the founding generation is an attempt to cancel our own freedoms all right that was then a big fireworks celebration uh at mount rushmore now well not really welcome now the obvious administration doesn't want to see it happen and governor christie nome was speaking there says not so fast she's petitioning that move she joins us right now governor good good to have you um any reaction you had from the byte administration governor on this well from them they told me they would circle back but they have denied giving us our permits that we need to host this event and for me i'm incredibly disappointed because it wasn't based on anything significant we had met all the environmental checklists we had the go no go checklist prepared and agreed to we had consulted with our tribes it appears to be a very partisan and political denial of our right to host this fireworks event now they were raising the issues last year before president trump decided to go that there were brush fire worries and all but all of that was addressed then right they were ready in case something like that were to happen so why couldn't they do it this year and you're exactly right neil we had a memorandum of agreement that we had already signed all they had to do was give us the permits and part of that memorandum of agreement said that anybody up until a couple of hours before the event could call off those fireworks if we thought there was any kind of fire danger so we that's why you have a go no go checklist is so that the local authorities the state authorities and the national authorities are all comfortable with moving forward with the events so we had that all figured out we had it all agreed to when they denied us our permits we were shocked because it was not based on anything other than they just didn't want us to do it um you know i was wondering too as well governor whether covet could have been an issue i know um the distance is all that other stuff i don't believe south dakota ever had a mass requirement i assume you still don't now so that that was not a factor here right no we never did have any kind of a mass mandate in fact we were the only state in the country that never shut down any businesses or churches or had any mandates like that in fact when we hosted this event last year we did not do social distancing we gave out masks to anybody who wanted them to feel comfortable but we also told people if they were scared of catching the virus that they should stay home and we did not have any spread due to that event and we had 7 500 people there celebrating america our founding fathers that wonderful monument and our nation's independence so we want to do that again this year we think our country could use it we could use a celebration and bring some unity to this country at a time when we need it so desperately and we think it'd be a fantastic event we're very disappointed that this white house won't let us do it well let me switch gears uh because there's a move in in congress to stop the president's big spending initiatives that's one thing but there's a new effort on the part of mitch mcconnell to stop the president of another area along with 37 republican senators trying to block a 16-19 project in schools that as you know reassesses american history through the prism of slavery when it started in this country and not to the signing of the declaration of independence in 1776 what do you make of that well the 1619 project rewrites america's history in fact as it rewrites our history it makes america out to be the villain it's wrong and it does need to be stopped so i applaud those senators for writing to the administration because we need to be teaching all of our children and our grandchildren that our founding fathers were incredible people who led us through challenging times sure they were flawed but what what of us have lived up to all of our ideals but we can learn something from them they're a part of our history and it really is what has kept america special their contributions have been a part of the american constitution our foundation and what has kept us free for hundreds of years you know governor you always are on the short list of possible republican presidential candidates i'm sure you're aware of that but i have noticed recently that a number of other prominent names being mentioned are bowing out if it looks like donald trump bows in and runs for the white house again nikki haley among them and marco rubio would your decision be based if you ever came to that governor of whether he was running again or not you know president trump is one of the few people the few politicians that i've ever worked with that actually did what he said he was going to do i loved working with him because when he committed to following through on something he followed through he was a great president for this country we're looking forward to his leadership in the future i'm focused on running for re-election for south dakota being their governor i'm hopeful they'll support me so when someone like chris christie comes along and says oh you know essentially i would run not based on whether donald trump was or wasn't do you think and what do you think of those who who base their decision on that well i think they're getting ahead of themselves honestly we've got a lot going on in this country right now i like to watch people during challenging times how they step up lead and stick to their values and the principles that made this country great that's what i'll be doing president trump has already proven himself to me so these other folks if they want to even be in the game they better start following through on the things that they say they believe in all right so when it comes to entertaining any other position um you know would you be open to a vice presidential election that the the president was asked about ron desantis the florida governor i don't know that could happen if they're both florida residents but but having said that that that's a name that came up oh neil i'm i'm a farmer i'm a rancher and uh i'm home in south dakota so i'm gonna do my job and worry about the future some other day all right uh very good seeing you again governor thank you very very much uh it's getting kind of close to see whether we got those fireworks but again anything can happen usually does but it is a beautiful view hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 483,721
Rating: 4.8664799 out of 5
Keywords: Kristi Noem, South Dakota, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, south dakota governor, breaking news, fox news breaking news, fox news breaking, breaking, kristi noem breaking, mount rushmore, mt rushmore, kristi noem biden, biden, politics, partisan, mount rushmore fireworks, fireworks, fox news mount rushmore, rushmore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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