Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden 'scared the hell out of me tonight'

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at the start of the program a star was born tonight his name senator tim scott from the great state of south carolina take a look our best future will not come from washington schemes or socialist dreams it will come from you the american people black hispanic white and asian republican and democrat brave police officers in black neighborhoods we are not adversaries we are philippines all right joining us now for reaction also from the great state of south carolina senator lindsey graham now senator tim scott's here tomorrow so senator tim scott is he's not really a star born tonight we both have known for a long time he's a star um and every time he's on my radio show he does my radio show he'll be on tv tomorrow night a lot and all we do is make fun of you good and talk about how he's really the senior more popular senator from the great state of south carolina well let me tell you got a lot to work with if you want to make fun of me here's the deal tim scott is one of the smartest people i've ever met he has a genuine good heart very principled and what you and i know the country saw tonight so tim you made your state proud you made conservatism proud tim explained to the american people with a smile on his face that there's an alternative to biden's america joe biden scared the hell out of me tonight he looked weak as commander in chief and he embraced socialism tim scott made me feel great about being a republican proud to be from south carolina and hopeful about my country but he became public enemy number one tonight check out the internet and see what the liberals are saying about tim scott so vote is his website they're going to crush this guy if they can jamie harrison my opponent who raised 132 million dollars is now the democratic national committee chairman he is going after tim in a big way tonight so if you want to help tim go to vote and give what you can because the enemies of tim scott are going to do the same tonight we need to have tim's back like you have my back i remember what it was like after cavanaugh tim is in for a real a real challenge here and we need to help him well um but count me in uh because uh he is an amazing leader you know it's very interesting we've been the times you've been on this program we've been looking forward to 2022. we're just a few seats away republicans taking back the house and if you want to talk about a bellwether for 2024 you've got to look at the the senatorial map for 2022. florida georgia north carolina new hampshire wisconsin ohio and arizona something interesting was said by the great senator democrat uh kelly from arizona on biden's speech what i didn't hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border uh i'll continue holding the administration accountable to deliver the resources now uh to me i don't think that that senator kelly from arizona would have said that if he wasn't up for re-election in 2022 but you know what can i say i'm cynical well all i can say is if you watch your show you'll learn a lot about the border and politics in general why did mark kelly mention the fact that joe biden didn't talk about solving the border crisis because joe biden is the crisis the root cause of our the run on the border is not the northern triangle countries they're no better no worse than they were when trump they're better i think because of trump the bottom line is joe biden instituted catch and release if you come to america you get released in the country you never show up to your court date if you're under 16 you stay here word is out all over central america that joe biden has gone back to catch and release and mark kelly knows unless you change catch and release and reform asylum it's never ending and the reason biden never mentioned it is because the left won't let him mention it the root cause of immigration chaos is joe biden so everything now has a different meaning than when we were used to infrastructure means child care infrastructure means redistribution infrastructure is the green new deal everything all right so you got two trillion emergency covert relief that was anything but emergency covert relief and you got this new what 4 trillion plus that they're going to spend on all the these other radical policies uh i don't know i don't think you need a degree from mit or harvard to figure out that those numbers don't add up and uh joe biden said he's going to be able to do it without creating a deficit senator i got i got an iphone like everybody else has a calculator on it i can do the simple math and pretty much if we confiscated the wealth of every rich person which we're getting pretty close to we still wouldn't balance a budget would we no i mean what joe biden did tonight was introduced the largest power grab in american history as president more than fdr he didn't talk about court packing you didn't talk about ending the legislative filibuster he didn't talk about d.c statehood he didn't talk about what's really radically going on in terms of the power grab he kind of he even though he said during the campaign oh you supported none of these things i saw a weak joe biden tonight a dull job biden not the guy that you knew years ago yeah really i saw a socialist tonight i saw a man who embraced socialism what did he tell us to save american families we're going to grow the government the bottom line is infrastructure now is about climate change it's not about roads and bridges and he talked about russia and china in terms that were really unnerving to me do you think after listening to joe biden tonight that anybody the kremlin is worried do you think the chinese have any fear in them after hearing this speech tonight it was incoherent on foreign policy he talked about leaving afghanistan as if there's no consequence to leaving he turned down sound military advice this is the same joe biden that allowed isis to come back by leaving iraq you just wait and see what happens the bottom line tonight that if i ever hear that joe biden's a moderator again i'm going to throw up because after night he embraced socialism he made barack obama a little like ronald reagan but here's the good news there's a better way and tim scott embodies that way tim scott did not only himself proud tonight but he did conservatism proud and uh let's help tim scott well uh anyway thanks great night for south carolina i will say that thank you senator graham hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Graham hannity, Lindsey Graham joe biden, Lindsey Graham tim scott, Sen. Lindsey Graham, biden arizona, fox new arizona, fox news Lindsey Graham, joe biden, joe biden congressional address, joe biden socialist, senator kelly, senator lindsey graham, tim scott address, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight
Id: RDFsD47mqdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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