George Lucas Reveals Power Levels for Prequel Era Jedi! THIS IS COOL

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we would be honored if you would join us hey guys how's it going in today's video i want to cover a topic that i covered briefly during a live watch party of the revenge of the sith bonus dvd when nick gillard was talking about power levels but in the book star wars archives 1999-2005 by paul duncan we actually get a little more elaboration and we get this elaboration right under george lucas's quote in an interview where many of them are speaking with paul and also amongst themselves in different mediums like bonus dvds and stuff like that kind of put all together on a page here so something i want to go over is right here where george starts to talk about the characters and filming and of course the actors playing the characters and then right underneath nick gillard who is the stunt and fight coordinator who basically devised and created all of the fight scenes for episodes one two and three starts to talk about how george lucas himself implemented a leveling system in star wars and this is also something that can be confirmed as well when we go to the empire strikes back or the return of the jedi making of book it's one of the two and i made a video on that before as well where george himself in the early early 80s is talking about power levels in star wars so before we get to the quote essentially what that video was about george lucas had discussed that the emperor was a level i think it was a six or an eight or something and he was about to get to a level 10 and all the other characters kind of had to work to stop the empire so that the emperor wouldn't get to a level 10 because if he got to a level 10 then it was game over and he was just too powerful he also went on to mention that luke was a level two in a new hope vader was a four ob one was a six the emperor was a six and then jumped to an eight and was going to become a 10 or something like that so leveling system while we haven't heard of it in any sort of canon or legends material all that much it is explained in the making of books and the bonus dvds so that's something i really wanted to talk about here and here we go with the excerpt so this one is called level 9 and george lucas says in the dramatic scenes the actors have to understand the character and the emotional content of what's going on and memorize the lines for the sword fighting you have to learn hundreds of moves and memorize them or you get hit in the head so he's essentially saying that he splits up the filming between just filming dialogue and acting versus filming the fighting scenes so here's what he says about that i decided that it's better to have the actors focus on their acting for the first part of the filming and then later on focus on their sword fighting and the action set pieces so he says if you mix those up it's actually going to be harder for the actor to cope with he also goes on to say that it's quite a different way of shooting it's very tedious to shoot action set pieces because it gets broken down into little pieces where it's not like setting up and staging a scene from beginning to end having the actors run through it like it's a stage play and then covering all of the different angles george then goes on to say that in revenge of the sith they filmed the longest continuous sword fight that has ever been filmed so that means that they had weeks of the guys coming as stunt guys and of course hayden and ewan coming in at seven in the morning and fighting until seven at night with not very much rest then we have the part from nick gillard which talks about their training and of course the leveling system so i wanted to provide that backstory part from george lucas and now this is what nick says the fighting has evolved considerably in these last three movies george works on a system of skill levels yoda is a level nine darth sidious is a level nine mace windu is a level eight on phantom menace obi-wan was a level six or seven on this film he's moved up to level eight which affects his style of fighting anakin in attack of the clones was a level seven in this film he has moved up to a level nine he's gone past obi-wan and the difference is because of the dark side even though yoda is a level nine it's controlled so if you think of it the way i'm gathering this information is essentially anakin jumped up pretty hard so anakin pretty much went on roids and made some insane gains but the problem was that these gains aren't controlled like what nick is saying that george lucas has created so if you think of it you know let's say a sniper has the same amount of power as a shotgun but one is controlled and directed versus the other is just rampant and just goes all over the place i'd say anakin is like the shoddy and yoda is like the sniper and then i think palpatine is like a shoddy and a sniper put into one so he's just absolutely insane and volatile he goes on to say that you have to go through each level to attain the next level so i guess kind of like dragon ball z where you shouldn't really skip levels because that way you're not really training the in-between part so that you can stay in let's say super saiyan 3 for a longer period of time so you need to ascend to that super saiyan 2 level in order to get the power and be able to comfortably stay at super saiyan 3 much much longer than if you were just a super saiyan 1 and jumped into three he concludes that anakin is too young to go through the trials so he's got to this level too soon anakin's downfall is going to be his aggression which is exactly what we see and he goes on to say that obi-wan is also actually aggressive but he has gone through all of the levels so he's taken the time he's learned everything that he needs to learn about the force about achieving these different leveling systems so to speak and that is going to give him the edge so this in turn kind of explains why they were so evenly matched but yet obi-wan won not necessarily because anakin was weaker but because anakin jumped to a higher level without you know he kind of jumped grades and when you jump grades you miss a few things while you can adapt and learn but you're going to miss some of those core lessons and sessions now had anakin not lost to obi-wan he would have made up for it in no time and he would have adapted just because he was naturally gifted and talented but at that time it was just too far of a stretch and he didn't give himself enough time to build the in-between part it's like he grew too fast and was just too skinny he needed to fill out a little bit more nick goes on to talk about hayden christensen's training and he says that he had to be much bigger physically in this film so they gave hayden eight weeks before shooting began to come in and train and work out so he'd be in the rehearsal room for four hours a day sword fighting and then he would spend two or three hours in the gym getting jacked on a brutal exercise routine working on specific muscle groups he says they also gave him a very special diet plan for him to put on a huge amount of weight and then he goes on to explain his experience with the two and he says that he's worked with ewin for six or seven years and hayden for three and both of them are phenomenal at fighting they have brilliant memories and ewen has over 1 000 moves to learn in revenge of the sith alone so the part that i want to circle back to that i find extremely interesting that i don't think actually covered in the previous video during the live stream i think we were just you know skipping by it and you know watching the rest but he goes on to say that yoda is a level nine city says level nine mace windu is a level eight so this is official confirmation for me that mace windu wasn't as powerful as yoda while some may believe that he was supposed to be the chosen one that's just a fan theory but he wasn't actually as powerful as yoda even though he did make some of the commanding decisions on the jedi council he wasn't numero uno he wasn't tit for tat with yoda yoda was still more powerful but mace windu was very very close now you may be asking well why did mace beat palpatine well that's because of his special ability called vip pod and this allows him to channel the dark side energy within himself and his opponent back onto his opponent he also has the ability called shatter point which is probably the most overly powered thing i've ever seen in star wars he can look at any object any situation any person being or thing and see their weakest point and know where to attack to win and yes even a situation he knows how to defeat anything so mace windu is a level eight so in episode one with qui-gon obi-wan was a level six or a seven so i'm guessing like at the beginning when they met jar jar he was a level six and then he was a level seven once he defeated maul and in this film he moved up to a level eight so during the clone wars uh he essentially from episode two to episode three he leveled up one level and i'm saying that because i think you know he was level six at the beginning of episode one and then level seven at the end of episode one you know once he became a knight and this level up system that goes on to say that affects his fighting style now anakin in episode 2 when he destroyed the tuscan raiders to protect his wealth not protect but avenge his mother was a level 7. so already we can see anakin was more powerful than obi-wan when they were around the same age but in revenge of the sith he moved up to a level 9. so during the clone wars obi-wan went up one level whereas anakin went up two levels and he's gone past obi-wan and the difference is because of the dark side so the dark side doesn't necessarily make you stronger but i believe yoda wasn't entirely truthful with luke about that because it does but it only just gets you to let's say your potential faster so let's say it takes you a year to get from a level eight to a level nine well if you join the dark side club then you get from a level eight to a level nine probably within like two months or one month or you know pretty much just turning to the dark side itself now i should also mention that this wasn't instantaneous anakin was using the dark side when he was fighting dooku and this is mentioned in matthew stover's revenge of the sith novel when anakin is fighting dooku dooku thinks to himself and this is written in the book which was very fascinating it was written that dooku says that he is already half sith and that he has this furnace for a heart that just continues to burn and burn and burn and essentially subdue him further into the dark side and this is what makes anakin such a powerful character it's because he's essentially like the hulk you know you just make him more angry he becomes more powerful and him being half sith or being noted as half sith already from the beginning of the film kind of just shows you that i think once anakin killed the tuscan raiders that was his true first taste into the dark side and the attack of the clone's novel actually goes on to explain so much more that anakin does when he kills the tuscans he goes on and he just throws boulders at them crushes them with boulders he uses for speed it's like he was moving like a vampire through the night as the moon was cascading along his robes that were flowing in the wind it was like it was pretty sweet i don't know if that exactly was verbatim with the cascading and the moonlight thing but that's just how it was written that it made me see that image it was i don't want to say beautiful because he was doing some pretty atrocious things but the imagery was uh very artistic i would say if i can say that i hope i don't get canceled over that now well i hope you guys enjoyed this video in my breakdown and my uh understanding of it i highly recommend that you go pick up this book star wars archives by paul duncan and thank you to everyone who supports me on spotify and apple itunes there's a free podcast every single day with new content and of course the star wars theory dot com forums which have been just continuously increasing with your engagement i thank you so much for all that support you guys are building a fantastic community and i couldn't be more proud of you hope you have a great day thanks for watching this vid and i'll catch you in the next one until then remember the force will be with you always you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 344,709
Rating: 4.950923 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars theory, star wars explained, luke skywalker, darth vader, anakin skywalker, the last jedi, kylo ren, mace windu, george lucas, obi-wan kenobi, the rise of skywalker, darth vader suit, revenge of the sith, star wars the last jedi, mark hamill, order 66, darth maul, kathleen kennedy, qui gon jinn, george lucas sequel trilogy, darth sidious, vader fan film, luke vs vader, anakin vs obi-wan, anakin vs obi wan, luke mandalorian, grogu, boba fett, jango
Id: 6UK-tzjvjSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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