George Lucas Reveals Power Levels of Luke Vader Palpatine Obi-Wan

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we would be honored if you would join us in star wars midichlorians were the closest thing we had to power levels anakin as a nine-year-old was over twenty thousand more than master yoda himself the prequels were the first time we entered a measurable state of the force now while midichlorians aren't to be mistaken for one's full power on power levels they are an abstraction of one's potential should they train in the force now back in the 80s when the empire strikes back was being written george lucas actually had devised a power ranking system out of 10 for obi-wan luke vader and the emperor here's the transcript from the making of the empire strikes back and then we can discuss a lot of things earlier luke talks to ben when he brings him up as a ghost we portend what is going to happen ben says vader has more power than you can imagine when he and i met we fought on such a level that there didn't appear to be much of a battle it appeared to be a sword fight but it was a battle of our wills that was really going on in the beyond i'd like to make it into a battle which he did in the alan dean foster book which is what i wanted to do in the first one with ben and vader with lightning or electrical bolts and throwing things around the room an exorcist kind of battle where you can bring all kinds of supernatural powers to bear we will have ben say vader couldn't use his supernatural powers against me because i was too strong he had to rely on brute force which wasn't of any value because i was too advanced for that so everything he did to me was useless maybe we should set up some kind of levels of achievement ben can say that luke is now a level two and vader is a four i was a six and the emperor is a six and he's on his way to becoming a ten which will be a force so powerful in the universe that nothing can stop him you must stop the emperor before he achieves the level 10. luke has to destroy the emperor it does give us a time frame for the future not only do they have to restore the republic but they also have to worry about the emperor we're really beginning to set up that situation so as we can see here luke skywalker is a level two obi-wan with all of his training from qui-gon yoda and more is only a six this means that during the prequels he was probably a four considering the last 20 years he didn't learn all that much more when it came to his training unless of course george completely abolished this level system in his mind that is and just went straight to the midichlorians because we never got a power ranking level system like dragon ball z scouters had in star wars except for this little excerpt from the making of the empire strikes back the interesting thing about obi-wan is that he had the poorest connection to the force of all the jedi he was an embarrassment both in canon and legends in fact in canon qui-gon in the novel master and apprentice talks about how obi-wan is so far behind him compared to where he was at that age he basically calls obi-wan useless so for obi-wan to be as powerful as the emperor is now really is a testament to how hard he practiced and trained as master windu told him he is the master of sorceu and he didn't get here because he's really all that talented he just worked really hard now in anakin's case he's talented and he worked not as hard as obi-wan but he still worked hard to develop his skills and became just as if not more powerful than obi-wan in the end and yes i know he lost but it was because of his own arrogance and lack of judgment now of course these power levels shouldn't be as theorized and analyzed as i'm doing now as they are outdated and clearly something george established for the originals and possibly abolished going beyond that to the prequels but it is super interesting to know because this is the very first time that we actually hear it from the man himself published in the book does this mean that yoda in the prequels was a level 6 and obi-wan was a level 4 meaning anakin was also a level 4 while being so much younger putting in the effect of his many thousands of more midichlorians compared to the rest this would have given anakin more of a potential to reach a higher level faster than others like giving anakin a higher iq which wouldn't necessarily mean he's smarter than his masters unless he studied in which case he did he would then destroy all of them easily so his propensity to be great was much higher than any other jedi but it really just depended on him actually training or not that's like saying someone who has really good genetics who doesn't really ever go to the gym to lift a weight and just sits around and eats potato chips all day is gonna have a better body or physique than someone who doesn't have great genetics but does everything to the tea works out eats right gets good sleep no stress at least as much as he can and really sees his physique develop anakin is like the guy with great genetics who sort of works out works out pretty hard and he's just really good at it and has great genes anyways we could assume at the rate at which anakin developed his abilities were maybe two to three times as fast as others who were maybe more average or slightly above average even let's move on to vader vader was a four as george said this i think is indicative of his lowered power state that george always talked about after losing to ob1 in episode 3. back when the originals were a thing and you know prequels weren't at all in existence george said that once he lost to ob1 he'd never reach his full power and be only 80 percent as powerful as the emperor who was a level six about to become a level 10. if vader was still in anakin's body and he didn't lose to obi-wan and he didn't cut himself off from the force as much as he did by losing then i really think he would have been a 10 already by the point of the originals here so the emperor a level 10. luke is a level two and at this point i mean luke was pretty powerful but he's really just a level two this means in a new hope he was like a level .5 or a one at most and after his training with yoda he became a level two even though he cut it short so this massive jump for the emperor from six to ten from episode four to six really shows that there's something that goes on that the emperor will eventually learn some certain crazy power and be able to achieve this high immortal power level what he could learn is never actually discussed but i could rule out the ability to learn lightning as originally george wanted luke to use lightning against vader as well as vader to use lightning against obi-wan in their fight as we just heard so i think maybe this power could be something else that sidious learns maybe something to do with sith alchemy or magic or perhaps some other power some sith sect or something that he learns about maybe from a holocron that they were thinking of throwing in there or adding to the storyline i think the idea of the emperor getting ready to jump to an immortal power level of 10 and the heroes had to beat the clock so he didn't get there would have been a bit too video gamey for me i like the idea but i also like the idea more that sidious always harnessed the power of a level 10 let's say and it wasn't his power that needed to be matched or to be stopped but the power of love that vader showed for his son luke which beat sidious once and for all to show that you can change your ways no matter how evil you have become and how horrible the things you have done like vader did it's never too late to change and in the end the power of love triumphs over all evil no matter the power that you're going up against which in this case it did he beat sidious now many will argue why did sidious allow vader to kill himself so easily i'm going to make a video about this i don't think i've made one in the past but it's a very simple explanation and i'll just say to the you here for those who have actually made it to the end of this video and if you have let me know in the comments right now so essentially sidious and the way the dark side works is that he was so entranced with the dark side in the dark so he's so deep in it as he was killing luke each lightning bolt transcended him further and further into the dark ether we should we could say of the force and once vader betrayed him he didn't see it coming because he was so blindsided by his own hatred to kill luke especially after he fully succumbs to the dark side and tells luke no young skywalker you will die something like that and once he said that he was fully into it we can see with the sparks we can see with the lightning we can see it with his face in general it's no longer smiling it's fully contorted and he's ready to kill this is the unlimited power that he's now unleashing so this moment he was blindsided like a horse in a race with his eyes covered in the sides and all he can see is the target in front of him vader blindsides him and he can't feel that he can't see that because of what i just explained vader puts him atop his head and sidious now knows that he's being betrayed by vader and he's so unbelievably outraged that he just can't do anything else but just shoot more lightning which is just fueling more of his rage the lightning is sparking and hitting everywhere all over over the walls and the floor and of course back onto himself and vader so it's kind of like they're stuck in this loop of hatred and being frozen in his own lightning and of course vader moves and finally throws him into the shaft and he dies and it's this reason that he actually lost to vader otherwise of course he would have you know just done something simple like frozen vader in place or whatever because as george said he was 20 more powerful than vader was right vader was only 80 as powerful as the emperor and had he not lost to obi-wan in episode three he would have been far more powerful than the emperor so we can see that really the only thing holding vader's back was himself the entire time had he not lost to obi-wan and been arrogant enough to think that his new powers could defeat kenobi even with the disadvantage of the high ground then he would have survived and so would have padme most likely he would have destroyed the emperor and made things the way he wanted them to be and maybe he would have turned back to the light at some point but probably not anyways in the end love saved his son and saved the galaxy vader saved luke in a sacrificial last effort and fulfilled the jedi prophecy of bringing balance to the force this also makes me wonder if luke in episode six was then a level perhaps four or five i would say a little over obi-wan from a new hope i would say he's a level five by the time of return of the jedi maybe not as powerful as the emperor in the force but well on his way for sure he would have been somewhat like what anakin could have achieved had he not lost george lucas has also said that starkiller was a direct representation of luke skywalker's powers had he actually been trained by vader so that right there to me i feel like starkiller is like a 10 so luke was on his way to becoming a 10 in legends hope you enjoyed this video let me know what you think about these star wars power levels that were of course abolished later on but it's really interesting to see this i guess canon explanation of it from george lucas's mind back when he was creating the originals let me know what you think the other power levels are of different star wars characters in your mind according to this power scale of luke being a two in the empire strikes back after yoda trained him thanks for watching this video leave a like on it if you enjoyed it and i will see you in the next one until then remember the force will be with you always
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 381,021
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Keywords: darth vader, star wars theory, star wars, luke skywalker, star wars explained, anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, mace windu, darth sidious, kylo ren, darth vader suit, order 66, darth vader death, revenge of the sith, darth vader lightsaber, the last jedi, luke vs vader, obi wan, return of the jedi, vader fan film, george lucas, qui gon jinn, disney, mandalorian, luke vs dark troopers, anakin vs obi wan, ahsoka vs vader, george lucas in background, luke mandalorian
Id: -z4EqiJqTio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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