George Lucas FULLY Explains Jedi and Sith History BIG VIDEO

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we would be honored if you would join us have you ever wondered what the jedi and sith meant to george lucas did you ever wonder about their history and possibly the wars they had between each other from george lucas's perspective well today we're gonna get to learn that and this is all from the star wars archives 1999-2005 by paul duncan now in the novel i'm in the revenge of the sith section this is the part where george is talking about everything to do with revenge of the sith from shooting it to writing it to the stories and lore behind revenge of the sith going way before the prequels even began and starting to talk about the rule of two now if you haven't read the darth bane trilogy you're missing out big time not only on lore but really great storytelling and a character that i've come to really enjoy learning about which is of course darth bane now in the star wars archives under a chapter called rule of two george lucas says this about the jedi and sith and it's very enlightening it's very interesting and then after i read the excerpt we can go on to talk about it now if you haven't picked this book up i highly recommend it it's chock full of tons of different things and details that you never even knew about things i've never even seen or heard about the rule of two there was never a war between the jedi and the sith lords the sith lords were in control for a long time and what happens when you have a world full of sith lords they start killing each other to see who's going to be the top sith lord they don't vote they just kill it's like a medieval feudal system there may have been thousands or millions of them and eventually after 100 or 150 years they killed everyone except for two and the more powerful of the two decided you are my apprentice i'm your master i will pass on my knowledge to you to keep the dark side of the force alive but he would keep a close eye on his apprentice but the arrangements never worked because the apprentice was constantly trying to recruit another person so that the two of them together could be more powerful than their master they could kill him and take over likewise the master is also looking for another apprentice so that he can keep the first apprentice in line the rule of two ensures that if there's more than two they'll kill each other until there are two left so first of all before we continue here because paul duncan asks some pretty insightful questions to george that makes him open up even more about the rule of two and the sith and the old republic essentially as to where a lot of this is coming from when george mentions the fact that there were thousands or millions of sith lords and eventually after 100 or 150 years they all killed each other is something we see in the old kotor games and if you haven't seen the cinematics for knights of the old republic and star wars the old republic you're really missing out too because those are pretty sweet you can just search them up on youtube and check them out for yourself they're pretty awesome but essentially this was the idea of the sith now before bane before the rule of two existed it was the brotherhood of darkness and it was basically a collective of sith lords however bane got the idea of the rule of two from a hologram of revan and he essentially thought well the only reason these brotherhood of darkness aren't doing the rule of two it's because they're too afraid and they're too weak to really be seen as the strongest one so they need to have a collective they need to roll in a big crew but the real power lies in only two a master and an apprentice and so of course and you know bane took the title of darth in the book and so on and so forth and then in the end met his own apprentice reign darth zannah now when george goes on to say the agreement never worked because the apprentice was constantly trying to recruit another person is also very true and we see that time and time again i mean look at plagueis and palpatine palpatine tried to recruit darth maul and plagueis allowed it because he said he's not a true sith he's just an assassin and he's just meant to be a tool but at the very end of course palpatine killed plagueis made maul his apprentice and when maul died made dooku his apprentice and then of course he was looking to get anakin what happened once he got anakin vader then he was looking for another apprentice and he found that in luke skywalker but what was vader doing that whole time too he was trying to turn luke to the dark side so that they both could overthrow the emperor it was it was a constant vicious cycle of basically backstabbing each other as many times as you could until it's just you left but in the end there's never just you left because there's always someone that you're trying to team up with to take out someone bigger and this endless cycle always created the rule of two essentially but not really the true meaning of the rule of two it just was this trickster hidden scheming and shady rule of two he goes on to say likewise the master is also looking for another apprentice so that he can keep the first apprentice in line the rule of two ensures that if there's more than two they'll kill each other until there are two left so like the brotherhood of darkness they all pretty much died in the end through the thought bomb and of course bane was just one until he found reign george goes on to say then the republic came to power so this is when the jedi came in and the jedi brought peace to the galaxy by being ambassadors and troubleshooters so when the senate decides to do something or the jedi council discover something that's amiss the jedi fix it the jedi don't like to fight or kill people they're monk warriors they're monks first and they try to convince people to get along and if you don't comply your hand comes off so this right here also shows the compassion of the jedi versus the sith so of course you know they became a little bit uh distanced from the force itself and they were just merely working politically for the republic in the prequels of course but this goes to show that even if they didn't like someone even if they you know it came to killing someone they just took off a hand you know they didn't go on and actually behead the person all that much unless of course your anakin skywalker where you bend the rules to your will but if they could prevent death they would they would just maim george says they use their powers to keep the governments of all the planets in line so that they don't do terrible things and this is also true the jedi essentially got dragged into the war because of a blockade if you think of it star wars really started because of a blockade if obi-wan and qui-gon weren't assigned to protect padme amidala then none of this would have happened they wouldn't have crash-landed on tatooine they wouldn't have found anakin and voila there you have star wars all of this started because of the pneumonians and naboo so it kind of does make you wonder if they had never found anakin then what was palpatine's plan going to be what was he going to do in the end he wouldn't have had anakin he would have just had these flunky sort of apprentices maul dooku so on and so forth but then we could say that if anakin was never in the picture and he was just on tatooine which i've also covered in a video anakin has a fan fiction for himself in his own mind about what had happened or what would have happened if he never became a jedi if quagga never found him he decided that he would have just become a world well a galaxy class pod racer he would have used the force on his jedi instincts but he never would have known that that's what they were he would have just been really good at it so my little fan fiction here in this video right now is off the top of my head if anakin was never in the picture maul was gone but then dooku would never die to anakin so dooku and palpatine would continue on with grievous and then maul would still be alive in the picture somewhere so things could get completely convoluted and well if they all joined forces i mean palpatine would be unstoppable paul duncan asks george and they have the moral authority for that where george says yeah they are the most moral of anybody in the galaxy the monks the sith practice the dark side and are way out of balance the jedi aren't as much out of balance because they're the light side of the force they still have the bad side of the force in them but they keep it in check it's always there so it can always erupt if you let your guard down the emperor snookered the jedi with order 66 the nascent rebellion and the jedi didn't move fast enough this is also an interesting point i'd really like to cover as well because we got to see this in the clone wars with yoda fighting his dark side self on moor band this is also shown with masundu who has said in the novels that he created vapad to combat the darkness within himself mace windu purple lightsaber yes samuel jackson wanted purple and that's why he got it but in canon in the universe red and blue make purple mace windu uses the dark side within himself to better his lightside self so they all have the dark side and in the comics even qui-gon jinn almost went to the dark side after his love interest his girlfriend tall was killed right in front of him paul duncan says they're fallible and george says they're not super people which means that the jedi can fail they can lose which is exactly what happened i mean they did order 66 snuffed them out and pretty much brought them to extinction almost so when it came to the jedi in the sith it really wasn't necessarily the jedi beating the sith it was essentially the sith just kind of beating themselves the jedi could have just been irrelevant to be honest now the jedi played a hand in the end but for the most part the sith kind of just beat themselves up they eradicated their own race so to speak their own kinds of people now of course once the rule of two came around it was harder to find them harder to kill them because there weren't so many in abundance but it also meant that if they did kill them then there was really only one that was left that being said it's still kind of questionable because they never really know if there was one more being trained you know a third one being trained or a fourth one being trained that no one really knew about now darth plagueis had seven other i could say apprentices but apprentices to be potential apprentices that he had his eye on that he was thinking of making his apprentice to which all were hunted down but i digress i've always loved going through these star wars archive stories and interviews with george because we get to learn so many things about star wars from his mind you know it's this isn't coming from my mind you know as a fan and coming up with theories and things like that and trying to explain it to the best of my ability but it's actually coming from the dude who created this entire world this entire galaxy so it's the most it's the most pure form of canon that it can ever get so i hope you enjoyed this little excerpt i hope you enjoyed my thoughts on it and my theories on it my breakdown on it to the best of my ability i hope you'll join me for the next video and if you enjoyed this one consider hitting like consider subscribing if you're new here and if you're not can't wait to see you again until the next one remember the force will be with you always
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 125,214
Rating: 4.9657264 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, george lucas, luke skywalker, star wars theory, star wars explained, darth vader, the last jedi, anakin skywalker, kylo ren, mace windu, darth maul, obi-wan kenobi, darth vader death, who is snoke, darth vader suit, order 66, george lucas star wars, last jedi, george lucas sequel trilogy, revenge of the sith, george lucas interview, mark hamill, jj abrams, vader fan film, anakin vs obi wan, count dooku, star wars bad batch, luke mandalorian, grogu, boba
Id: IshcAopgUlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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