How Plagueis Turned Palpatine to the Darkside Forever [EVERYTHING] - Star Wars Explained

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if you would join us Darth Plagueis and Palpatine first met when Palpatine was still young and in college Plagueis who was going by the name of he go damask knew that the young Palpatine was against Damascus political rivals on Naboo so he enlisted the boy to spy for him particularly played on Palpatine's dislike for his father who held political views contrary to his son and always kept his own son down at least in Palpatine's eyes palps agreed to spy as long as he would report solely to damask himself as their relationship strengthened during the spy campaign Plagueis was intrigued by the young boy and indeed felt that he was strong in force although Palpatine may not have known it himself just yet so now it fell on Plagueis to probe young Palpatine and determine if he could be a suitable Sith apprentice what we'll look at today is how Plagueis seduced Palpatine to the dark side of the force all this comes from legends in particular from the book Darth Plagueis because we don't know anything about these events yet in the new Canon one of the first things that plague is sought to learn about Palpatine was what his aspirations were since assist with no aspirations for greater power was hardly a recipe for success one day Plagueis asks him straight out what do you want to do Palpatine if the choice was yours and yours alone the youth hesitated I don't want to live as ordinary beings live Plagueis probed a bit more and finally asked how deep does your interest go to what positioned you a spire republic senator monarch of Naboo Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Palpatine took a breath and continued I want to be a force for change his luck hardened I want to rule there plague his thought he admits it and who better than a human to wear the mask of power while an immortal Sith Lord rules in secret if the doctor can't happen if you can't rule that what Palpatine ground his teeth if not power and nothing so now Plagueis has confirmed his suspicions that Palpatine is someone who already has the desire to rule Plagueis meanwhile wanted the same thing but as a moon he knew that he could never rise to the top of the lactic System prejudiced towards humans but Palpatine could Plagueis smiled suppose I said that I would be willing to be your ally in the quest at a sudden loss for words Palpatine stared at him what would you expect of me in return nothing more than that you committed to your intent to free yourself that you grant yourself the license to do whatever is necessary to realize you are missions at whatever risk until your alleged well being and in full exploitation of the solitary that will ensue translation you need to free yourself from your family and anything else holding you back Plagueis then tells Palpatine a disturbing story about how he threw his own family out of his way Plagueis was born to his father's second wife on my ito so when plague has finally arrived to moon lists his half-siblings hated him treated him as a second-class and sought to expel him from any claim on the family fortune when his father fell ill unexpectedly he told young Plagueis that he should do whatever he needed to do as his very survival was in jeopardy his father said that lesser Minds needed guidance and punishment on occasion and that he go shouldn't hesitate to use whatever means necessary to protect his interests that he owed as much to himself his species to life itself notice how Plagueis is already using his own relationship with his father to allude to Palpatine's relationship with his own father in his seduction to the dark Plagueis continues his story by saying that his father died from a rare genetic abnormality that all of his siblings had to also inherit except Plagueis because he had a different mother his siblings scoured the galaxy for a cure and finally found a geneticist who claimed to have one they all underwent treatments thinking that had cheated death but then they all started to die from the genetic problem regardless of their operations until one of them were left and Plagueis was left with everything little did they know that Plagueis himself had hired the geneticist and the operations he performed were as phony as his credentials now to most people this story might scare us off once we learned that we've been mentored by murderer but not Palpatine he gravitated towards it and took it to heart regarding his own father who he viewed as the antithesis to everything he stood for and deserved in life shortly after Palpatine's father concea Palpatine told the mask to stay away from his son or he'd regret it then he forbade Palpatine from seeing damask again but when both disobeyed and they continued their spy craft Palpatine's father forcibly removed Palpatine from Naboo to attend college somewhere else and it's here where we pick up the book again as Palpatine is on the family ship with his parents and siblings traveling to a world away from Plagueis this is for your own good his father said Palpatine's nostrils flared father of lies how would you know what's good for me this is about my friendship with ego damask isn't it continued Palpatine snorted in derision is that what you think it is damask is merely using you as a means of securing information about our strategies for the election of course he is taken aback momentarily concea said and yet you continued to befriend him what do you consider the rape of Naboo I consider to be an essential step forward and he go to mask a blessing he's powerful influential and brilliant more so than any of my professors head and shoulders above you or any of your royal Confederates Cassini's lip curled it begins to sound to me that this confrontation goes beyond mere political differences you know it does sneered Palpatine his father flung his words with cruel abandon it will be so good to have you gone you admit as much you're as much a mystery to me now as you were when you were young I know that you are of my blood because I had you tested just to be certain but in truth I don't know where you came from who or what you're actually descended from he glared at Palpatine yes there it is that glower I have seen on the receiving end for 17 long years as if you want to murder me murder has always been in your thought hasn't it you've merely been waiting for someone to grant your permission to act a darkness came over Palpatine's face I don't need anyone's permission I knew this day would come I've known it since the first moment had tried to swaddle you and you fought me with a strength that was too powerful for your size or age Palpatine looked out from beneath his corked brows I was born mature father fully grown and you hated me for it because you grasped that I was everything you can never be hated you more than now Ksenia said allowing his ire to rise once more enough to want to kill you from the start helped him stood his ground then you had better do it now his father took a step in Palpatine's direction all need to be hurled back against the bulkhead separating the communications room from the main cabin a female voice from behind the closed hatch asked and distress what was that nursing an injured shoulder Khan Sina looked suddenly like a trapped animal his eyes wide with surprise and fear he made a move to strike the handle plate that opened the hatch but Palpatine thwarted his effort without raising a finger twisting violently around Cassini fell over one of the hatch acceleration chairs bloodying his face as it struck the armrests pounding began on the hatch Palpatine's mother rushed in and screamed don't come in stay away from me what have you done it was his mother's voice panicked what have you done Ksenia pushed himself to his knees and began a terrified retreat leaving smears of blood on the deck but Palpatine was advancing on him now if the force birthed you then I curse it Ksenia rasped I cursed it as I do Palpatine growled Ksenia his mother screamed Palpatine pressed the palms of his hand to his head raising his face to the ceiling he shouted we were all in this now Palpatine goes on to kill his entire family and then contacts Plagueis in terror what had he done it's not so different from Anakin's a moment of regret after he helped Sidious kill mace Windu but Plagueis here consoles Palpatine and tells him that he'll take care of the evidence then he congratulate him for emancipating himself from his family a week later they reconvene and Plagueis presses the young boy to reveal more about the powers he used to kill his family Palpatine though feels betrayed by Plagueis thinking that Plagueis goaded him into killing them and then now not doing anything to support him now in the book we read Plagueis rose from the chair and approached him warily he is where the path bifurcates young you're human here and now you need to decide whether to disavow your power or to venture courageously and scrupulously into the depths of truth though mentally consequences he resisted an urge to grasp Palpatine by the shoulder and instead paced away from him you could devote the rest of your life to try to make sense of this power this gift he said without looking back or you could consider a different option it's a dark path into a trackless wilderness from which few return not without a guide at any rate but it is also the shortest quickest route between today and tomorrow Plagueis realized that he was taking a great gamble but there was no turning back from it the dark side had brought them together and it would be the will of the dark side that decided whether Palpatine became his apprentice in your studies he said carefully have you ever learned of the Sith prompting blinked as if preoccupied a Jedi sect weren't they the result of a kind of family feud he said yes yes in some ways just that but more the Sith are the prodigal offspring destined to return and overthrow the Jedi Palpatine cut his eyes to Plagueis the Sith are considered to be evil evil plague is repeated what is that moments ago you defined yourself as a spawn are you evil then or are you perhaps stronger and more awake than others who gives more shape to sentient history the good who adhere to the tried and true or those who seek to rouse beings from their stupor and lead them to glory a storm you are but a much needed one to wash away the old and complacent and brooding galaxy of deadweight pop teens lip curled in anger and menace is this the wisdom you offer the tenets of some arcane coat if I had wanted that I would have forced my parents years ago to surrender me to the Jedi Order instead of transferring me from to private school Plagueis laughed and of what possible use do you think a person of your nature would be to the Jedi Order you're heartless ambitious arrogant considers and without shame or empathy war your mood he held Palpatine's put it gaze and watched the youths hands clenched in fists of rage cheerful boy he said after a moment he would know clearly being in this lush state room with some power due to Palpatine's eyes opened wide and he took a step back I can sense it plagued his crew deliberately haughty what you sense is a fraction of what I can bring to bear Palpatine appeared suitably chastened might I be of some use to the Sith possibly Plagueis said perhaps even luckily but we would have to wait and see we are the SIS Plagueis allowed a smile just now there's only one of course it is your will to join with me Palpatine nodded I do wish to join you the needle before me and pledge that it is your will to join your destiny forever with the order of the Sith Lords pal Dean stared at the floor then genuflected uttering it is my will to join my destiny forever with the order of the Sith Lords Plagueis extended his left hand to touch him on the crown of the head the pendant is darker from this day forward the truth of you now and forever will be Sidious went out the instead that Plagueis took him by the shoulders it in time you come to understand that you are one one with the dark side of the force and that your power contradiction but just now and until I tell you differently abiding submission is your own Road distillation so what do you think of how plague is tempted Sidious to the dark side use the two things Palpatine wanted power and self independence Palpatine wanted to rule but as long as he allowed himself to be under the familial political and financial power of his father then he could never achieve that goal so plague is tempted to kill his family and thus achieve the power that only a Sith can achieve what do you think about this whole temptation would you want to see this in the new Canon or would you want to see something different if so let me know in the comments down below hope you enjoyed this video and I'll cover more stuff from the Darth Plagueis novel until the next episode remember the force will be with you always destiny you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
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Keywords: How Plagueis Turned Palpatine to the Darkside Forever [EVERYTHING] - Star Wars Explained, star wars, star wars explained, darth vader, darth sidious, star wars theory, darth plagueis, anakin skywalker, dark side, emperor palpatine, darth maul, mace windu, luke skywalker, order 66, obi-wan kenobi, revenge of the sith, kylo ren, palpatine death, the last jedi, star wars: revenge of the sith, star wars episode 8, darth vader suit, darth vader lightsaber
Id: abAdFw_9TvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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