What if Obi-Wan Killed Anakin? - Star Wars Theory Fan Fic

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we would be honored if you would join us hey everyone how are you all doing in today's video we're going to go over a fan fiction that a lot of you have requested over the years and i've never actually done this video will be eventually animated so i can't wait to do that but while i do i want to make this just as a regular fanfic for you all to enjoy and we're going to have two different outcomes to this one so there's going to be a light side and a dark side version so without further ado let's get to it as the lava induced fire settled on anakin's burnt body he observed the dark volcanic clouds above shadowed momentarily by the landing imperial shuttle of his new master you could hear padme's ship blast off in the distance these were all the moments of pain and torment for anakin skywalker in the real universe of star wars as he fell to his own defeat on mustafar his arrogance blinded him as palpatine said and ironically it was what ended up in the eventual downfall for the empire now in today's not so real alternate timeline fan fiction this will be one that i've never done before it's what if obi-wan killed anakin on mustafar now kenobi didn't finish anakin off because well for one he couldn't bring himself to do it and second by the time he traveled down the high ground to kill him potentially falling into the lava himself he would waste precious moments of escape as palpatine landed for he knew if the emperor came before him he would surely die as yoda must have lost this is all from the explanations in the novels but today's video will cover what if obi-wan had gone down that mountain of high ground to actually kill anakin we have to take into consideration what george has put in the novels or what the writers have put in the different novels regarding obi-wan hesitating to do that to actually kill anakin off so it's not waste time to get away from the emperor and of course this one will be the very dark version and it will be animated which i hope you look forward to the lava bubbled and boiled as kenobi saw the shuttle of the emperor fly overhead he couldn't let anakin suffer like this the sight of his friend padawan and little brother burnt and impaled screaming in agony as he crawled with one arm and no legs staring up at him kenobi moved down the mountain slipping on loose rubble and sand as he stood directly over skywalker hearing down at what was left of his beloved friend now vader obi-wan full of tears in his eyes looked over to the landing pad far far away as the imperial shuttle touched down then back at skywalker anakin anakin reached up at him with his last mechanical arm murmuring something with rage and sorrow in his eyes but nothing came out his vocal cords were burnt and destroyed beyond repair from the fire of the lava that removed his flesh kenobi was frozen in time all the memories of them together as a boy the first time they met with qui-gon the first mission together qui-gon's funeral all the moments of laughter and joy of war at each other's side of brotherhood what i do now is for you he thought as kenobi knelt to touch the head of vader whose mechanical hand reached for him tugging at his charcoaled cream-colored robes obi-wan closes his eyes and puts the emitter of his lightsaber to anakin's chest right above his heart tears streaming down his cheeks like an infinite river of sorrow where did i go wrong as he looks up to the sky fire and ash rain down upon him the door of the imperial shuttle opening in the distance kenobi flicks the switch on as fast as he turns it off the blink of an eye the beat of a heart vader was no more skywalker was dead silence kenobi staggers to stand as he tries to climb the hill on its most hardened surfaces which isn't saying much the loose rubble and rock slipping beneath his boots shock troopers lining up outside the imperial shuttle as palpatine walked down the ramp ominously look amidala's ship kenobi is still here i feel it kenobi was trapped he hid behind a boulder as the shock troopers approached with palpatine seeing the lifeless body of anakin skywalker palpatine looked defeated over a decade of patience brainwashing coaxing this child to become his apprentice and turning his back on the jedi oh how maul would laugh now planting the seeds in his mind from the first day they met promising him a life of significance of respect of power all for naught sidious was broken dooku was dead maul was a fragmented being who hated the sith and now the chosen one was dead kenobi shall pay for his crimes and he was still on the planet sidious knew it he could feel it search the perimeter kenobi couldn't have gone far sidious went over to the lifeless anakin to examine him not a single breath or sign of life emanated from his body palpatine stood and stared at the sky over the flowing river of lava the shock troopers observed him in silence palpatine raised his hands outwards and crushed monumental mountains with the force casting thick thunderous bolts of lightning from the depths of the clouded sky his rage unlike ever before lightning pouring from his fingertips like an overflowing ocean sparks in all directions breaking infrastructure hitting rock and lava itself unforgiving relentless sidious eyes glowed yellow as his lightning broke through the ground itself turning on his heel he directed his bolts to the front of a large boulder as it crumbled and reduced to ash kenobi stood gallantly igniting his lightsaber only to reach for anakin's on his belt igniting it as well time could not be wasted with pleasantries he was the last jedi in the galaxy for all he knew and it wouldn't end with his defeat today kenobi threw his lightsaber into the heart of the shark troopers palpatine summoned the force on obi-wan but the master of sorsu was far too fast harnessing four speed as he moved through all of the clones and pulling them as he had done to anakin he made short work of them with both sabers and the force at his side it was as if anakin skywalker's spirit was with him during this moment not vader's kenobi had no fear he had nothing to lose only the fate of the galaxy rested upon his shoulders and he would summon whatever it took to stay alive including ares of the force that he had never experienced before kenobi was a machine sidious shot bolt after bolt at kenobi moving rocks with the force and hurling them at him he dodged and struck down all of them with his lightsabers all until sidious did the unthinkable only he could do something so dark and twisted pause okay so now here in the story we can take two different roads leading in ultimately different paths one is the light side version where kenobi escapes the other more dark and realistic for if kenobi kills vader like he did the fate of everything must be completely changed and go differently while still honoring exactly what george lucas wrote or approved to be written in the novels so let's go with the dark option in this one and in another video we can take the root of the light where kenobi at least gets away and how that would change the galaxy so beware this is about to get really dark and pretty depressing but i know you're gonna enjoy it amidst the boulders he threw anakin's lifeless body in the mix and it threw kenobi off guard he couldn't strike it down as he lost balance insidious grabbed him with the dark side of the force lifting him in the air as kenobi deactivated the lightsabers in his hands and reached for his throat in pain life was leaving him alas i shall read the galaxy of you and when order 66 is complete your feeble jedi will be nothing more than a memory of treason in my galactic empire as sidious felt the life drained from kenobi he closed his eyes to take it all in palpatine had held him in place immovable as he pulled kenobi towards himself watching the life leaving his eyes as he flicked his wrist and twisted obi-wan's neck around with an electrifying crack dropping him to the ground beside the corpse of vader master and former apprentice together at last suffering the same fate cities looked down upon them lifeless disgust in his eyes you know yoda was still out there he still lived and the possible danger of what could come from that a new apprentice was in order but whom or what heading back to the ship with the body of a lifeless fader he stopped at padmes with his shock troopers who had been stationed there ordered not to move observing padme he saw the life within her stomach and ordered a medical capsule for her immediately as the clouds above darkened and lightning crackled in the sky palpatine smiled for he had just found two new heirs to his throne i hope you guys enjoyed this super dark version of what if obi-wan killed anakin please be on the lookout for this one to be animated and i hope you enjoyed it so let me know what you think the light side version could be like how it should go how do you think obi-wan could escape i originally had it written in there that palpatine actually threw the body of vader at him as he was throwing the boulders and obi-wan couldn't actually slice through the body through the boulders that were being thrown at him so eventually he was actually captured by sidious in that moment where he faulted and paused for anakin and i was thinking for him to get away maybe he could throw anakin's lightsaber at sidious as sidious you know closes his eyes and revels and the destruction of what he perceives as possibly the last jedi before him and in doing so obi-wan would throw anakin's lightsaber at sidious and it would be that lightsaber that would either impale him or injure him severely which would allow him to get a moment to harness for speed whatever force abilities he had left in that tired state that drain state get away run to padme's ship collect her and the droids get in there and blast off now sidious could then of course follow him it could lead into you know kind of cat and mouse chase or he could actually get away travel into hyperspace and try and find yoda somewhere maybe meet up with bail organa or something like that padme would die she'd give birth but at least the twins would still be kind of in the safe haven of obi-wan but i think the situation would be more dire in that sense where obi-wan would probably have to find yoda and there wouldn't be any time to really hide them i mean yoda was pretty well hidden from the empire because he stayed on dagobah which if you didn't know had a dark side force nexus on it this clouded the emperor from actually feeling his light side spirit on the planet kind of just blending in with everything else and of course you know he just tried not to use the force as much as he could so i feel like in that timeline obi-wan might escape and then take the children of skywalker to dagobah and you know where they could be trained and it kind of just go along the same storyline of a previous fan fiction i did so i want to know what you guys think i'd like to really mix it up a lot more than that so maybe you know he could i don't know i don't want to do essence transfer of you know him transferring like someone's body or i don't know into fate or something that'll be stupid so i want to do maybe he turns vader's body into i don't know like a grievous-esque kind of thing because he still has anakin's brain and it is star wars so you can pretty much do whatever you want with you know living beings it's beyond cyberpunk at this point so maybe you could do something like that but i want to hear your guys's ideas thank you so much for watching this video i'll catch you in the next one have an awesome rest of your day and until then remember the force will be with you always
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 652,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars explained, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, star wars theory, darth vader, obi-wan kenobi, order 66, revenge of the sith, mace windu, yoda, jedi, sith, kylo ren, the last jedi, star wars trailer, darth vader suit, palpatine, darth maul, anakin, last jedi, padme, count dooku, vader vs obi-wan, luke vs vader, anakin vs dooku, anakin vs obi-wan, vader death, rise of skywalker, rey vs palpatine, what if obi-wan killed anakin, what if order 66 failed, kylo
Id: 35d7l1vpD0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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