Genshin Impact is a Perfect Game with No Flaws

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a scale of 110 how would you rate this game i'm doing a survey what's my survey for sociology class wait what's sociology again is venti a boy or girl it's 20 21 they can be whatever they want to be if you want to be a tree feel free i actually have something i want to do today with all like the anniversary stuff all the controversies i'm guessing majority of the players that's playing the game are still pretty happy with the game but i want to see how many people in game are actually still enjoying the game why because i ran out resin and i don't have anything else to do i just want to do a survey just for educational purposes let's get our first victim oh wrong wrong thing wrong thing um my god everyone's so high ars hi do you speak english as always every single time i have a couple of questions for you on a scale of one to ten how much do you enjoy this game a nine wait that's actually really high but we're gonna ask this what prevents it from being a 10. wait what would you guys rate this game what do you guys how do you guys rate your gaming experience 9 8 5 7 8 9 6 10 8. you guys rate it super high someone said one wait did i stun lock them i actually made them think about this question um yeah sometimes it feels like a job collecting things like chests and stuff you guys agree with that wait they still collect wait what ar are we in i thought no one collects chests anymore wait hold up 57. they still collect just you still go around collecting chests no way you guys are still doing your chest routes wait are you talking about the event or in general you think you got most of them well good for you smiley face thanks for answering that was a pretty positive experience i want someone that rates this game like a three then we'll that then we're talking about any other victims any other hello oh we got one we got one what would i rate it like a solid five why because the good things about this game is really good but the bad things about this game is really bad so it balances out hi do you speak english is that yes is that yes i don't know what it means okay good just a couple of questions i'm doing a survey i don't need help i'm doing a cert on a scale of one to ten what would you rate this game seven or eight okay that's lower than the previous one 7.5 okay good what would make this game a 10 for you okay let's see if they get stun locked on this one for some reason people think really hard on this question it is kind of difficult because you're trying to find every single flaw you can find it's actually kind of hard it's actually a hard question more drop rate and faster to move to another place wait what our waypoints not fast enough not enough for them okay i think they actually want you to just teleport to be able to teleport to uh daily commissions to be hornet wait what uh honest oh so what is enough would you prefer to be able to teleport to any place you want sometimes for daily quests okay so i was right they really just want to tp straight up on top of their commissions the faster the better to finish this daily boring task are you guys okay it feels like you guys are not enjoying the game but you guys rate it super high for some reason okay fair enough okay they said something about the drop rate so we're gonna ask about what about the drop rate annoys you yeah really okay but what specifically annoys you for weapon more than character are they talking about like these they're getting stunned okay i'm going okay i think i'm confusing them i think they mean banners oh really you think they mean banners do you mean the bit the five star drop rate on banners oh okay i thought you meant the weapon ascension materials i don't know the drop rate i didn't know about like the banner drop rate or the artifact drop rate or the weapon ascension material drop rate so they just want better banner drop rate and to be able to tp on top of their commissions you can't enjoy farming okay so they actually enjoy farming oh okay one last thing okay and and uh uh it's it's it's censored what's that say stamina how do you guys even figure that one out should go to 200. okay but you're okay with how fast it recharges or yeah but having 200 just means you don't have to log in as often yeah okay i don't get it so they want to log in less often okay okay so they want to have a longer like longer play session so you want to log in less often but have a longer play session that's unlocked them is that is that too many words in a sentence yes i got it thanks for answering next person next person should i ask about what they think of the anniversary rewards i'm doing it i'm doing it i do you speak english just you just question mark me i'm doing a survey and have a couple of questions on a scale of one to ten what would you rate this game eight to nine seems like everyone that's currently playing the game is giving it a super high rating what would bump your rating up to a 10. i'm waiting for that one person that's playing and it's like ar 59 it's giving the game like a three or something like i'm waiting for that one moment i wish they'd take their time writing the story like they used to okay so this is a lore enjoyer the opposite of me and maybe a dungeon crawling co-op domain yeah but that would actually require time and effort on a scale of one to ten what would you rate the anniversary rewards i'm guessing they also enjoy the concert so i'll ask about that as well could be better but compared to the other games you used to play when they first begun roughly six to seven out of ten what games have they been playing grand blue fantasy okay so other gotcha games backlash 6k usd didn't pull the character so the introduce a spark system you're hoping it'll be like that eventually upgrades i have no idea what any of those words mean but i'll just go along with it i see thanks for answering oh got one got one that one that one hi do you speak english on a scale of one to ten how would you rate this game they're thinking they're thinking what if they kick me what rate okay uh okay i don't think they speak english that well how do i rephrase this one to ten what score would you give this game translate it to korean i have no idea how accurate that is i just yeah wait i i translate it wrong okay thanks just pretend this one didn't exist don't check the profile wrong with your profile prompt ah i see i see i see ah now that's where you went wrong you see now that's where you went wrong you're missing a five and instead you only had a one try to get a five i'm doing a survey just have a couple of questions on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this game 8.5 what would bump it up to a 10 for you if some events were permanent like the one that introduced scara you played it but i think it would be better for newer players to enjoy it who's skara who's scarra scaramouche oh i don't know the names oh my god this guy this guy has a lot to say though on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the anniversary rewards stop saying i see it makes you sound confused i am confused six what didn't you like about the rewards if you had to put my finger on it i'd say because we still haven't got the kfc gliders really that's that's what broke the camel's back is the really really if that was a part of the annie then it would be a 10 for me for sure did you watch the concert yes they loved it thanks for answering smiley face do i enjoy the game a solid 5 out of 10. the thing is the parts i enjoy i really enjoy the parts i hate i really hate okay the parts i really enjoy the combat combat's really good pretty much second to none animations fluid and smooth and actually how well this game runs on multiple platforms i have to give them a phrase it's really good runs really good on pretty much every single device you can find now the really bad parts i guess the communications the communication between the players and the devs uh suck uh my grass is glitched here help the second thing we have a huge world but it feels empty a world as wide as the ocean but have absolutely nothing in it other than big nations maybe have like villages here like small like settlements and third of all third of all i think the most important of all content new characters new weapons and like this these mini games don't really count for me as uh as content it's not something that i can sit here and do for like hours right but that also brings up my other points which is the more casual players don't exactly have those complaints casual players i'm pretty sure have no issues with this because they're not gated from content casual players have the opposite issue of hardcore players is that if you give them too much content to do you've listed more cons than pros listen listen listen listen i know but the pros are really good i like the combat a lot like the thing is i like the combat a lot and i like the designs characters what the [ __ ] as i was saying i like the combat a lot and the character designs a lot it is really good from like a hardcore end game player perspective that wants to just play this game for hours it sucks content sucks but for a casual player that only have like maybe 10 minutes 30 minutes to play this game the content is actually perfect for them the worst thing you could do for a casual player which is pretty much 90 of the player base for this game is have too much content for them to do making them feel like you're you're forcing them to stay on longer you're forcing them to play the game longer that's probably the worst thing you could do to a casual player that just want to play this game on and off oh my god look at look at how me oh my god hello why'd i even need to find my sister look at them there's like eight of them don't forget the daily check on me hoyo's website that's true don't forget your three fouls a scale of 110 how would you rate this game i'm doing a survey maybe a seven what's my survey for social class wait what's sociology again it's fine they bought it what would make this game a 10 for you it seems like everyone takes their time with this question i would like to see more permanent changes that benefit both late plus new players me too me too like being able to access well-loved events or better artifact system do you guys enjoy the artifact system i'm enjoying it i love getting hp percent artifacts one to 10. how would you rate the anniversary rewards like a four was hoping it'd be at least better than the lantern right i feel like the rewards are kind of the same wait but even the lantern right gave you a four star so i guess it's kind of worse what was bad about it you feel like the wings and leer were a rush compensation damage control true it just didn't feel very annie-like why is this guy so based some decker would be pleasant like what oh like anniversary decorations that's true even for your teapot decorations you can you didn't get anything there's no like one year or like a big one i'm just happy to keep playing though i met some good friends through here so overall as long as the game is still around i'm chilling good to hear smiley face one last question what did you think of the concert you didn't have time to watch the whole thing because of work but i saw clips okay but what you think of it though did you like it looks pretty sick i like child's boss theme performance thanks for answering one more one more one more i want to do one more oh i'm in i'm in i'm doing a survey can i ask you a couple of questions one to ten how would you rate this game wait game good we're good eight another high score what would make this game a 10 for you um if there was more stuff to do every day since late game there's not much 1 to 10 how would you rate the anniversary rewards 5. what didn't you like about it i just wish there was more special stuff the gay out gave out other than primos and fragiles see i think that's the consensus right it's not about the rewards it's about making the anniversary feel like an anniversary and i feel like they really dropped the ball on that one thanks for answering okay let's find someone that really they hate this game but they can't stop playing we're trying to find that one person you know how there's people that hate watches we're gonna find some that hate plays hi can i ask you guys a question i'm doing a survey is it for a school project yes on a scale of one to ten how would you rate this game minus one hundred we finally found someone that's actually hate playing okay we found two we found two okay but give a positive integer please between one tenth did they not read oh would it mean oh on a scale of one to ten you gave a negative 102. we actually found people that hate playing what don't you like about this game the players play they hate you guys you chat they don't like you me bad side of the fandom wait but the fandom has nothing to do with the game but what about the game that makes you guys rate it a one and two they're thinking they're thinking maybe you change your rating it's 9.8 i would change mine to a 9.9 what you can't do that that's illegal can't take back what you said how do you go from one polar opposite to the other polar opposite if i can't do that i will what pee and cry and throw a tantrum ah interesting i will cream okay that's oh i literally don't even know what to say what do i say i'm not even talking this person is legit just talking to themselves at this point i'm not even asking questions anymore i'm leaving i'm leaving that was an interesting experience [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 785,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: GRaa6MtZ_S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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