I Became a Billionaire by Ending the World with 4 Doris | Genshin Impact

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dps it's a lot of numbers but it's only three digits go ginny all right boys it's time for four dorys but first we need to get the character since she's a merchant i thought we could do something related to you know treasures or money so today we're gonna go into people's worlds and find a chest and we will only pull when they find a chest it'll be easy honestly there's no way people have already found every single chest in their world right ten minutes max i'll get dory on the first pull so it'll be like five minutes max i feel like people with lower ar have a higher chance of just randomly fighting a chest kfc arc this guy's level 30 maybe man really it's not that hard to get accepted into a world oh i'm in hey i have a request do you want to go treasure hunting with me what anything for me oh my at least take me out for dinner first i'm just trying to do a ritual for getting dory and i want to pull when we find a chest let's go let's go i'm just going to follow them oh my god's like half not even exploring look at these waypoints get them man where is he where'd he go wait did you get that one chest in sumeru do you think he got that chest it's over here wait what no way man oh wait where's that one chest i remember it it was like right here i see it didn't get it yet i have a present for you wait should we just go in everyone's world and see if they got this chest can i just open it come to me is there a different word for come over here you don't see me i'm on the bottom or am i on top you're on the ground on top of you but can i just joint this wait you can't open chest in other people's worlds right should i try do i dare to risk it you need to open this chest for all the luck to come out you're up now no you're not no guide them there i'll guide you follow me follow me i know the exact place stuck i'm stuck this might not be the most conventional way up here there has to be a better way up here no way it's right there open it you think they can get up there uh got it okay let me go there let me go there let me witness it no he opened it no they opened it which banner should i pull on do i want gany or do i want coconut i'll do coconut fine do it dory dory dory dory dory what your chest is bugs i didn't get it but thanks for letting me in part emoji next one next one i'm basically giving away free primo gems at this point i'm the chest inspector wait that came out wrong no no no no no no no don't cancel me who else look like they have not opened that chest yet hey mind if i check something go ahead wait they look like they have explored all of sumaru 61 okay they look like they opened it there's no way they have not opened it right how can you tell i don't i go there and check i think they actually have a higher exploration than me they have to have opened it right what come here i have something to show you follow me do you see it what are you supposed to be looking for straight to your left a bit up they're trying to get it they're trying to get it you're welcome but you have failed your chest inspection go go go go go go what no problem i'll wait i'll wait right here tada mine is i do a pull go for it go for it do i really want to do this one unless i want to do this one i use coconut more than ganyu though i'll do this one dory what oh my god didn't get it but thanks anyways chest inspector pycon on duty let me in let me in hey mind if i check something hola okay now i can't tell if they speak spanish or not now what what google translate do you think i can do this mind if i check something i'm just copying pasting what i'm getting okay surely they know what this means al dente what was that adelante ahead okay i'm assuming that means go ahead oh my god mr worldwide get pitbull out of here who's the real mr worldwide noun huh inspecting inspecting all right let's see so far we're two for two how about you oh no no no no looks like someone else have failed a chest inspection three four three come here i'm google translating it's really good i think they understand what i mean they're not coming here though i feel like the afk i'm pretty sure i didn't type anything wrong here this means come here and this means follow me right i'll wait i have to write them a ticket for failing this chest inspection what's this leveling artifacts okay come here come here how do you say over there donde what's done where left oh you's a bow character you're right you're right i got this i got this right there right there you see it yeah does that mean they got it we have to swap the casual hat where they go they got it mind if i do a pull does this make sense not paul wish mind if i wish how about this does this look better no yes that's better don't say that what you said yes what they say what they say they say what someone said this is this better send that why all caps i copy and paste it from someone in chat it's not my fault i think they said go ahead i recognize that that means go ahead right let's go let's go dory weapon banner this is not a weapon banner wait what okay i think this is uh this is universal let me just uh put my grievance into words like that like that i've said my thanks and we're leaving that wasn't that hard how do i not have dory yet if i get coconut by accident is her c one good is this good i'm reading this straight up and it doesn't even look good is ganyu c1 better yes okay fine i'll pull for ganju let's be careful here we don't want to accidentally speak korean i mind if i check something go ahead oh my god people are so nice surely they have not gotten it can you just get to it from here they got it you have passed the chest inspection have a good day this might take forever four stars don't have pities you said it was easy i didn't think i was gonna get three weapons on a character banner hey mind if i check for something that five percent completion they surely did not get this chest wait did they get this chest okay they got that one there's supposed to be a chest right there i think didn't get it didn't get it come hither i have something to show you follow me i will guide you i'm basically a sealy at this point come come come come come come birthday we get confused smiley face mind if i do a poll go for it this one will not go wrong dory dory dory dory where is my dory sad face i did get dora but thanks anyways i'm surprised there's this many people that haven't gone the chest hey mind if i check for something sure inspecting how many percent explored usually indicates 84 okay if they haven't gotten this chest i'd be shocked oh hello what i have something to show you a problem is making sure everyone knows the existence of this chest ta-da mind if i do a poll as a reward i will surely get dory this time finding dory dory dory will keep it suspenseful what no give me a character no way what hold on the wrong banner apparently mind if i check for something first hey for sure why am i getting corrected how many percent how many percent 54 if an 84 explored person did not find that chest they said what are you looking for i'm inspecting what i didn't get to finish i didn't say hi first okay my bad maybe that was the issue extra polite this time extra polite hello sir ma'am mind if i check for something i promise it's go ahead oh my god ah man they put an exclamation mark and they capitalize their sentence that's how you can tell that i'm not gonna get kicked surely this has to be chess here i see it i see it i saw the corner right here say thanks they should be thanking me hello you're welcome mind if i do a poll there's no way i'm getting a five star before i get a dory how's that even possible five star shirley oh unless dory dory dory dory i got it give me two wait what that's not dory i got it t y i found dory i would hug you virtually but small indie dev company can't make characters hug t y though it's time i came prepared this time wait hold up hold up hold up wait no no no no don't tell me i didn't do something i only need three i'll get that off of one kill three oh my god secret strat chat told me about hi my electro flower is on cool down can i kill yours short um on a second thoughts never mind gotta go there we go 70. time to level up talent okay which one do i want to level up if i want to do damage what's 666 i feel like that's a nice number surely it does not have any bad meaning to it right there we go six six and six what does everything do i have not had a chance to look at her abilities yet what's her e hey you i have a gun okay just shoot people homing missiles wait it's actually like the range of kali's bombs i think how much energy is my alts i don't even know what my ult does but i want to see how much energy is it 80 energy how much particles do i get from this wait should i build her first okay let me build her first what does her thing scale with scales with hp wait there's no claymores that gives hp wait there is oh my god the rarest weapon in the entire game what does she need for artifacts does her even do that much damage i feel like her e doesn't really do a lot of damage it's only 200 damage i want to see how many particles she generates first okay let me test this out how much does this give me particles oh my god sleeping pills give me more energy than that what is that i think you have to go er i don't think i can go the bell favonius greatsword do i dare the second rarest weapon in the game oh you think sacrificial is better okay we'll do sacrificial fine we'll do sacrificial wait i do have this it's a rank for skyward pride better than a sacrificial sword all my damage is increased by 14 this might be better i wonder if you can use skyward pride with the clam set it says increase all your damage right by 14 does it increase my bubble damage by fourteen percent use two-piece emblem two-piece tenacity you think that's the best option fine we'll do that 20k hp am i gonna die in one hit why do i feel like i'm gonna die in one hit just don't die okay just don't die what does her oath do any a visual first now what uh it will heal you wait can i have four of those it's time for an experiment only one i don't believe you guys can't get four dorys we need to test what is that thing what is that what's that purple thing does it have a name genie genie does the normal attacks but doesn't do the plunge attacks hello let's go get our burst up come here come here we're gonna form a square okay we're gonna put ginny right in the middle and see if we can have multiple genies i'll go first in what world does this look like a square to you okay one two three first oh my god no there can only be one wait it can heal multiple people no it's yay mikko all over again why i'll be fine i'll be fine everyone here go go go go go go shoot it oh sucking me no don't hit me no no don't die oh i didn't die okay i live okay i think it's actually better to go physical build i'm not gonna at least you have heals right at least we have heals wait how much does my even do hold up let me see let me see 5k that's okay i guess what that's a nine second cooldown we're approaching three minutes on the easiest boss in the entire game i'll cue i'm doing 600 wait hold on if you stand on top of the boss with the burst active i think it does a lot of damage but good luck doing that right stand on top of it yes yes we got it no i forgot i forgot heal oh my god you got it nice we got it go physical it doesn't matter you only have one alt at a time you're right should i just do it i'll do physical builds just think of this as eula but tiny and electro are you guys over there get the corolla nice huge damage actually not bad i did 13k hits oh my god physical build is the bill you got it shoot it good job nice wolf wolf not bad at least we can kill the flowers with record breaking time compared to the dendro characters go go go go go i'll take it we have heels don't be afraid to tank stuff we have infinite heals theoretically speaking if we rotate between every person we should have infinite heals oh my god we're not dying ginny the real mvp wait this is surprisingly fast where's our fourth member did they actually die oh my god they actually died take it just take it don't take everything though keep going be brave couple more hits we got it good job wait can we just tank through the sheer cold with this wait it's actually cookie but claymore but i feel like cookies heels are a lot stronger because you could stack them with four people too bad they can be only one ginny dps it's a lot of numbers but it's only three digits third of its hp though oh my god secret tip to fighting this cube if you stay close to it it does not use its wheel take it just take through it now this is what i like to call brute forcing nice hit the boss go ginny we got it nice good job wait this actually is really fun well hold on hold on can you just do spin attacks geocube geocube oh my god what's the point of dory just give me ginny did he forget electrocube i think we forgot about electrocute we'll do electrocube after this go get ow oh my god it stopped me break it break it this thing is allergic to claymore characters get it get it get it go ginny no ginny's not strong enough time to work up those arms ginny time to hit the gym nice nice all right we got it good job electrocute it's fine if we can't break the triangles we just have to get it down to that phase dps dps all right a fifth of its hp i'm gonna spin i'm gonna spin go ginny oh my god we're all spinning go in get up get up get up you're gonna die time to spin no my god we're so close oh oh ow what did everyone die yes bath water get it oh you got it good job we got it you got it next one next one let me make more food first can she hit the birds i think the e can hit the birds right give me the birds i'm not afraid i'll do it i'll kill them i got this the dust oh god why does it hurt so much i'll take it i'll take it take the ducks okay maybe not maybe not oh my god wait i'm getting electrocharged on water oh my god what that hit me how did i die it hit me and then the electro charge killed me maybe this is not the best boss to fight with dory wait did it reset i think it reset we got it this time we got it this time oh god oh god everything's everywhere they're following me got it i got it kill me he'll be healing oh my god ginny please genie birds genie ginny hello ginny i can't even use genie i'll die if i use ginny oh my god hold out until backup comes yay's bath water hold on don't die back up's here you got burts nice good job we got the birds no more birds i think that's it i think we're all set come on no the boards are healing oh my god oh my god ow got it good job nice next one next one pyro flower come here corolla got it we got it nice oh my god we're not doing enough damage it's on his forehead it's on his forehead get his forehead nice good job go go go gps one more hit good job nice next one let's go wait you just chained through attacks i think okay not all of the tanks most attacks can run from this run from this did someone just counter it wait block it it it we countered it oh my god we can counter it counter nice heal me genie got it nice good job time for the worm all right let's go oh my god okay this one might be a bit rough we don't do damage with our electro damage and it's resistant to physical damage oh no it's sucking already it's sucking already get me out get me out of here oh my god it has so much hp and it goes underground every three seconds how's this fair don't suck it's sucking a second no my god oh my god sucking too many times sometimes it doesn't even suck a single time spin jenny spin in terms of survivability definitely worse than four cookies four cookies was just eating attacks like it was a buffet why again spin spin spin my god this is the fourth time this one's bugged almost there not really what the heck fifth time fifth time it's in a sucking mood today at least we knock it down fast right like right as it goes into that face it immediately goes down oh my god i'll take it i'll just take it suck me do it doesn't hurt that much this is it one more hit get it nice good job let's see how much damage we do about the same as the worm to be honest at least it stays though can i take this kind of although we probably shouldn't do it oh my god is this hp bar even moving it's kind of doing more damage due to its resistance being lowered not bad not bad hmm do i prefer this over the worm i mean that's like asking me do i want to be choked to death or get stabbed to death it's almost down please my fingers i'm getting carpal tunnel one more hit maybe nice we got it good job okay we cannot one phase it i don't think i wonder how long it's gonna take to break the shield boom not bad i don't think that should break him pretty fast i think you could only damage it when it overloads it's kind of lame to be honest nice we got it okay dps dps damage damage dps no my god it's so close okay one more one more we got this get it nice good job i don't think kinky's gonna be that hard someone triggered it already let's go let's go why do i feel like i'm the only one doing damage yes i'm taking this i'm taking this i'm never doing that ever again ah oh my god come back i'm come back no need to worry get run run run run run i don't think i'll run that i just tank at this point a couple more hits nice good job good job next one next one i'm gonna die to electrocharge here again here what huh okay no more no more no more no more messing around serious mode initiated ignore the dolphins oh my god what's hitting me the electrocharge don't get close to each other it's the electrocharged no no no no stop hitting me it's so hard oh go go go go go what is it doing get it nice good job good job we got it got it got it now how do we hit the slimes back oh god help help we got it nice i think you don't have a choice here i think you have to go the superior build i will not get hit a single time by this boss i know every single attack at least we can heal with genie right i'm sorry ginny you're useless kind of oh my god we're doing negative three damage i'm used to this i'm used to 30 minutes per boss at this point dummy is on me again why is it always me is it because i'm the host that is discrimination at its finest i think i've seen every single attack at this point hitless run starts now right here dodge hitless run begins now okay it begins now right okay now now now's the time now's the time i'm not afraid a couple more hits nice good job save your burst do not randomly use your bursts okay we're gonna use one burst at a time to break one wolf head at a time because the wolf heads takes forever if you don't hit it with an elemental attack we're gonna go in the order of the party members okay i'll use my burst first and then leah will use their burst and then yay's bath water you will use their burst okay no my arms are too short ginny why don't you have longer arms phase two phase two this one this one this one oh my god it destroys it yeah you're next leah leah where's the theater where's leah it's fine leah you were supposed to be the second one it's fine it's fine we almost got it got it we got it and that's real dps we're doing good we're doing good slither slither oh my god genie help back in oh my god go back in last one last one what what sign that's fine small indie dev company bound to be some bug somewhere right good job nice next one economia ah huh what uh hello i can't see i can't see it over here it's over here i got it i got it i got it easy where'd it go it's over there it's over there right there get it get it get it it may be invisible but it's not invincible i'm just following the electrical marker at this point do you guys see it right there right there right there did you guys see it i didn't know you could attack thin air okay you guys attack that one i'll attack the blue one it's here i can see you oh both at once huh which one's which which one's alive which was not alive it's the blue one i got it oh i got it team here i got it team team i got it team all right good job good job ready all right let's go let's go we break this though is the question we cannot break it oh no we can't break it how are we going to survive the explosion then we're doomed oh god [Music] is there alive is this just a battle of survivability at this point i think if you can survive that one attack it's basically just whacking it to death i climb on this climb how that hit me how are you alive do i have to do i really have to forgive me master i must go all out maybe maybe this one or something even with 20k hp i can't survive it how much hp do i really need to survive this no more messing around i'm stacking hp 28k hp i have to survive this now we're doing double digits of damage it's fine i lived slowly but surely leah leah is time leah you need to switch builds join the club who's doing eight damage might be me to be honest you can't really tell at this point why does it feel like it has been at half hp since like 30 minutes ago why do i even have this weapon on i don't even crit i swap my crit rate circlet for an hp one wait how are you full hp how do you survive that entire thing by the way you can dodge it wait let me try it let me try let me try no you can't oh my god i died i'm gonna master it so i can kill it without stacking hp hey dodger like here there's no way use your burst oh you're right it's the burst i-frame not the dodge i-frame give me my burst i dodged it i'm never getting hit ever again my time to shine and dead good job swapping back boys my chicken's bugged look at it hello what is happening ah oh my god i got ran over i'm back i'm back go ginny oh my god you're too slow ginny i can't see i can't see oh my god what are those it's puking it's down what the heck just like me gets drunk the night before wakes up pukes goes back to sleep it's gonna run it's gonna run i'm scared i don't want to get ran over again it's running it's right oh my god someone got ran over we have two casualties got it get it nice good job job only two hours no seriously what's the point of this character it just sits on top of ginny and does absolutely nothing [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 916,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: _cPxFKe8p50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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