Genshin Impact but I have to use EVERY character in the game

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what is this roster okay duluk's going to carry i'm doing more damage than arthur luke what like lucas doing a thousand damage i didn't expect my deluxe to be an actual support come on boys gention impact has released a lot of characters over the past year and a half and sometimes as new characters gets picked up old ones gets left on the shelf to collect dust now some of you may not know but i happen to have every single character in the game all thr forty one two three four five forty six forty seven forty eight so today we are going to brush the dust off of our characters and use all of them we will be using a different character for every activity we do that means four different characters for the four daily commissions six different characters for each weekly boss and if we decide to do any domains or ley lines we will use a different character each time let's get started i think we should go in alphabetical order so let's start with albedo is first i cannot believe his best weapon is a four-star weapon hello can i get a dedicated five-star weapon for this guy constellation one wait he's constellation one one eight one i think that's good right because none of his other abilities do damage which one do we do this one whole every time you die guys i don't want c6i you think new players a year from now on if this game is still alive a year from now on will remember the 2.7 incident dude these things die so fast check this out oh my god wait how's that why did there's so much damage wait stop wait actually stop is this because i use john lee all the time wait do you hurt hit me hit me coward imagine doing damage wait how come the smaller hilly trolls hurt more how does that even make sense oh my god everything's going great so far bam money next character next character alloy oh my god where's my alloy what weapon do you want alloy thundering pulse or polar star you know what polar star all right how are we looking 86 crit i mean should i swap this for a crit damage one how about this one i think this is better bam 62 175 constellations what constellations talons five six eight we're good we're only doing commissions how hard can it possibly be usually when i do these balloon ones i just ignore all the monsters and head straight for the goal because the balloon doesn't actually die there's no point of wasting your time to actually kill the monsters you do have to break the barricades please break i do so little damage burst go bam 20k my god they're not even attacking me and i'm just killing them it does die in what world does your balloon die it has never died for me get off my balloon eat this god stop wait what they just randomly disappear there we go all right next one amber when was the last time i used amber like really my level 20 amber let's just hope she doesn't die imagine dying with a character that uses a bow there's no way she can die right let's just take the luke's artifacts as well wait how's my amber only 300 attack off of my level 80 alloy my alloy had 1.5 k attack wait how does her e even work so you throw a thing and you shoot it how do you make it explode you shoot the foot what why give it such a big head if it doesn't hit the head oh my god great job that's great job am i going oh wrong direction wait i might have to actually snipe things from a distance i don't think my amber can survive a single hit get away from me take this you can't keep up with me take another one stupid wait it didn't die i have a idea that didn't do anything oh my god there's a pyro slide i can't get up here take it take it take it can i hit them with my burst no escape no i can't how am i supposed to kill the slime hello almost there and it's almost there half hp all right and and and and and and it's dead hey some questions for you i missed hey i missed stop all right nice got its attention are you serious get over here what's wrong with this hilly charles is it okay take this one yeah yeah get it you get it pick this one too oh oh oh my god okay take it take it take it take it leave me alone leave me alone if he doesn't die i'm gonna be so upset all right got it oh no look at my barren bunny it's really cute hit it finish it off with style got him next character ito 81 crit 213 crit damage 80 red horn stone thresher this one listen to mushing story oh come on why did i use my level 20 amber to fight stuff and use my level 80 ito to listen to a story uh have a carrot how does this guy work it's a three-part achievement wait what give him whatever take it i didn't get anything let me get an achievement next character barbara okay i should level up this right you know what i'll level up barbara for a bit let's give her a nice and easy divalent how about that it'll be easy divalen imagine dying to devolent 85 crit 160 crit damage it's good enough don't look at our talents guys i don't have enough books i'm never even gonna get hit by this boss i'm a pro against [ __ ] impact player imagine getting hit by a boss that's been out since day one i'm probably not gonna be able to kill it in one phase but two-face maybe i didn't do so little damage do i do more damage if i have my e up no not really you should use the clam set where you're right well you're actually right go barbra go oh my god better get a solvent from this wait what if you don't kill it in time before the platforms can you actually fail this boss you die wait no way no no no no no i got this i got this you know what extra boosts that didn't do anything my damage didn't improve a bit grit no no don't do it don't do it don't do it divali don't do it i just die what is this i've never seen this attack before rare attack what he does it multiple times okay what now what now a new attack another what are you doing what are you doing what what is this die die die die oh my god where's my solvent next character they don't wait i love betel's burst but i didn't level over anything else i mean do i just do physical beta you guys dare me to do physical beta if i'm doing physical beta i might as well use song of broken pines hows are stats 62 crit 158 quick damage constellation 6. i should level this up then all right whatever it's good enough level six good enough i love auburn e just for the extra defense imagine the wolf being hard wait does the wolf have any attacks that i don't know about because i usually just drop a nuke on it with my euler and call it a day hey you yeah wait it still hurts i can tank that though oh my god second phase already wait i didn't even notice am i that good at getting an impact check this out bam okay the icicles dude my thing has a cool down stop it has to cool down stop dropping ice it goes on me okay now hit me now hit me it's back up it's back up now you can hit me got it all right for sure solvent i worked really hard for it hello what alright next one bennett am i gonna get flamed in co-op if i use dps bennett you know what imagine getting mad at dps bennett all right this is good 1.6k attack wait hold up hold up that's a bit too much let's do miss splitter now it's looking a bit better why am i leveling up bennett's e oh my god move your bend and mine's better i'm gonna punch wait guys no no i'm not useless i swear dude i'm a four-star character it's not my fault that i'm doing less damage okay all right hold on hold on i'm gonna punch oh bam oh check that out how much was that i think i hit him right on his forehead didn't see it guy all right team you can do it where's my shield dude now he puts on his shield come on solvent where are my solvents i have three more chances it's fine wait i actually didn't die without level 20 amber but i died with a bennett next one chungus i'm not going physical damage chungus no no no no no no we'll actually build him we will actually build him do i really have to level this up okay i'll do it i'll do it oh my god it hurts that's three days of farming gone down the drain right there 42 crit that's high enough right because we do have four piece blizzard all right josh and however you pronounce what is that coconut okay no dying you know what i'm gonna do one pole if i die my coconut is literally just soloing it how am i supposed to demonstrate the power of my chungus oh can you come back up i need to hit you oh it's my turn oh my god 10k per sword is that a lot no my coco go no okay we're dead wait we stuff an eye a top dodge stuff dodge stuff gosh that why is every how are they just face tanking it maybe i can face tank it too i'll do it how do you guys face taking this no are you guys okay no barbara hill hell barbara knows how's my barber doing 81 damage hello rods do damage barbara i shouldn't have phase tanked it i was like everyone else's face tanking it maybe i can face tank it okay next time for sure okay i'll do temple i'm broke didn't get anything i oh my god okay no more bets i would have done so well too i would have killed the boss by now oh explosion oh my god i didn't know the explosion was that big go team go why did my barbara food up she's doing 200 damage why does she triple food my ayaka is literally just faith taking hello why is she just face taking it watch out watch out watch out watch out the things oh oh oh my god they dodged all of it good job actual gamer wait how did she die did she get hit by the bubbles what they say about my chungus what'd you say sorry go go go go go one more one more why does my team just phase tank the boss why doesn't my team do the mechanics oh my god it's so fat even when it's underground stop i'll get the last hit i'll get the last hit after all no no no no wait can you sneeze on it can you please just sneeze on it how is that even possible solvent has to give me a solvent where are the solvents did you guys take all of it again what's our next one the luke fun fact that luke was my first 5 star dps and now he's just sitting here collecting dust this should be easy there's no way we can fail signora with this right wait second face is pyro this poor guy he said hi but no one's saying hi back oh my god who's doing all the damage must be me has to be me right bobby can you stop typing so you can actually get the flies instead of typing to me stop stealing your flies go go go go go bang oh my god i do no damage i might as well just go physical to luke for this one what is this is that a c6 coconut nice i got the last hit c6 guys i know my c6s where are my solvents though all right next one next one next one next one i'm support theano i'll be supporting my team kind of do dps diana you know what you're right what's the point of playing this game if you're not going for big numbers we're good stats looking good okay i'm not gonna lie my shield might actually break if ryden accidentally like brushes her sleeve against it it's fine it's fine i'm gonna be doing a billion dps we have a chi chi too there's no way we can fail this right okay ryden can hit me oh what what all right keep doing your stuff team keep doing your stuff you're doing good doing great here are some heals heals all right back to dps how am i doing only 400 is it because there's a shield no matter how weak i am there's no way i'm doing 400. okay she's down she's down jumping jacks jumping jacks oh ah how about him what go team go go team go go what are those things why are there just orbs floating in the air is this what it feels like to be on the opposite side of the spectrum this is what it feels like when i have to carry with my chichi wait why didn't i just i frame through the things instead of jumping over it oh my god what what is this oh what is that thing oh my god no maka chow okay now what now now how's our kazoa gonna oh my god do i trust my kazua my castle actually does a lot of damage i think it's a dps kazuha the other guy left what a quitter imagine not believing in arkazoha okay how is he gonna survive this calamity he once shot it when my chichi hits it it only took like a fourth of its hp electro swirls oh go go oh my god wait what what's happening on my screen hello screen hello hello how are those attacks even remotely close to the ryden that we have that's not even fair and this is the puppet watch out watch out destroy that thing good job good job good job tell her that she's ugly nice she's stunned they're gonna do it go good job oh my god i helped i helped all right solvents what's next character eula we're gonna farm the husk domain do people even farm that okay this one's a bit rough i forgot dude how's my riding on life support already move stop stashing oh my god what the what are these walls nice good job give you a good piece good artifacts only okay it's good but not in the way that i want it to be is only good for certain characters all right next character next character official even good to be honest since we're doing every character we might as well just do every domain we'll do thundering pulse wait it matches her why do you guys want physical official my talents aren't even that good i have level two of my a normal attack i'll level up to five okay six looks pretty good 75 crit rate 198 damage uv domain for the physical damage bonus guys i could literally solo vv domain ow ow who said there's extra physical damage bonus i don't get anything here ow ow ow suck get away from me get away from me how do you break the shield got it i got it oh my god oh my god please steps give me more artifact space is not enough good artifacts only really is it gonna be good no all right next character is kanye get out of my party official obviously four piece blizzard because if i don't crit i don't do damage armed and ready start the domain i'm about to about to unleash havoc upon the enemies check that out oh my god 50k you guys see that oh my god this guy's buffing me what apply some pyro so i can melt it for big dps look at that purple piece no next one next one goro oh my god dps goro it is and then yeah we're good check this out bam we're good with john lee there's no way i can die but john lee if i die i'm blaming it on john lee bang bang all right go boys go dude what is even happening on my screen dude what why did they pick ryden for this domain do they realize we're fighting against electro slimes gold what not even purple all right next one who tau which domain to do you know what let's take a trip down memory lane the most appropriate domain i still don't get why people use deluxe and worst of all like lee and yen they for this domain oh my god i actually do no damage hello oh god i forgot wait i actually forgot this domain has pyro slimes and i'm at full hp too oh my god this cannot go any worse i got one we got oh god okay dps bang what is this damage oh you chichi all you chichi use your e nice good job i can burst die what good pieces only oh my wait what i don't need more physical damage bonus goblets next character is gene oh god okay all right put this on i'm gonna go full and nemo damage oh what the wait hey hey change your name right now oh my god why is this party so stacked again let's see how much damage i do where's our leader hey get over here bang 22k oh my god wait i need more particles particles wait shout out give me particles 53k is that good i'm gonna drop these guys from the sky guys you need to let me actually drop them from the sky it kills them faster we got it anyways whatever purple where's my purples next character is kazuha what should i do for my kazuha on one hand he has 1 000 em that means the swirls kind of hurt you know what we'll just go with swirl build i think with this much em i think he swirls for around 5k what is this why am i here let's go let's go oh swirls i love swirls but get over here game let me swirl let me demonstrate my character all right nice good job get me out of there good artifacts only bam i mean it's technically not that bad er is a rare main stat next one is kaya kaya is supposed to be physical damage i say that but my normal attack is my lowest leveled talent how's that gonna work but he is c5 friendship oh wait you guys want to see something really cool 99 of the players will never get to see this hey will i die if i drop right here the answer is yes okay wait a bit wait a bit wait a minute just wait just wait hold up hold on get my weapon okay okay give me a second my dude hold on hold on it's coming it's coming it's coming any time now any time now and it's coming just one second just one more there it is bam check that out never seen that before huh did we do every domain here oh no we need to do this wait first time doing the petra domain i have actually never done this before in my entire 1.5 years of playing this game i have not wait what the [ __ ] oh huge damage huge go go go why did they put cryo abyss mages in a geo domain what is this game okay to be honest they should probably make those effects more apparent because i can barely see it and it sucks i cut times good enough it's good enough i do enough damage i think i don't remember what this domain has but there's no way there's cryo abyss mages right can you not but why but why am i really gonna use my first on one slime i'll use my burst right now spam huge damage kind of kind of bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam get back here nice good job oh it's a c2 john lee that's why my level 20 lisa didn't die good stuff only good stuff only hello next one ayato my attack is so low why is my attack so low 4p is glad all right guys my attack is somehow lower oh it's energy recharge wait give me a second oh no hold on hold on hold on it's my attack piece it's not even that much higher is it that much better i get a lot more damage though are you serious how is it the same four people over and over again you know what i really want them to do remove the attack speed cap i think that'd be really fun to have a character that attacks at a speed of light why am i suddenly doing like 20k i don't get it wait like every once in a while i just do 20k for no reason the vape oh right bam good piece only no all right next one is kaching i have not used my kaching in a while what is this my crit rate high enough okay crit rate's not high enough i think we need to swap some for some crit rate alright this is good we got the character that no one uses anymore it's finally time for her to shine again see how much damage i do oh my god how am i doing this little damage okay but this one though what is this oh my god my eyes what is this damage no wonder no one plays this character anymore oh no 30k from the burst i get it that she's not meant to do damage with her burst but come on good no it gets bad all right next character is clean here it is bam there it is is it good boom it's pretty good do damage to lee do damage clean go go go go go go how's beetle doing more damage than me i don't get it how's beetle doing 10k okay boys i'll get this one you guys get that one split up the work guys i'm doing no damage whatsoever help i'm doing 18k with charge attacks seems a bit low doesn't it gold what all right sarah is next why am i even using this character how are we gonna do this is she better electro damage or physical damage electro then this one okay i'll use polar star then the same artifacts as kaching though oh that's so bad damn there it is boom we did the varidescent domain with fishel do people even do this one level her no guys i'm not gonna die alright boys protect me i am fragile oh my god is it gonna be no why did you guys make me go electro weights bang bang bang bang bang 600 damage can you do that i don't think you can do that for the love of god these flies stop aiming at the flies step on it for big damage guys i give sixty percent more crit damage to electro characters only but all right good job good job good job check this out bam oh my god all right next one is lisa i heard about the rumors is this one good we'll use this one why do we have so many electro characters in a row my electro artifacts are so bad wait what's lisa's main source of damage any uh any lisa mains in chat what's lisa's main source of damage her e okay i love our either check this out come a little closer all 4k everyone else is doing more damage than me though all right and then hold e right 20k wait is that a lot my burst is absolutely nothing i think that's pretty good for my level but my cooldown but i can only do that like once all right it's back up but it's completed but at least i got a purple i had to get a gold though and we have mona two-piece hydro and then two-piece no bless like this 94 crit the only thing that will do dps is my burst you have a higher chance to get eaten by a shark while you're on land than me not creating imagine me not quitting okay so i'm not gonna burst until we get the shield down let's go let's go oh god the dps john lee no my shields i'm gonna die oh my god i don't even have my thing my burst no don't kill it let me let me at least use my burst go 94k that's a lot right that's a lot go pop it wait but jolly does more damage than me hello there's a c6 johnny for sure there's no way how do i know how do i always know but are you c6 everything c6 c6 where's your c6 now oh my god oh my god get me out of here all crit damage check this out all five into crit damage or bust go go is it good is it good i'm not looking i'm actually not looking is it good it's actually not bad since it rolled really high into attack but my crit damage i think this is really good if you're low on attack like ayato next character ninguang my ninguang sucks at least i have the skin 64 crit 200 crit damage 1.496 attack for level 60 character i don't think that's bad at all now the question is how much damage do i actually do but everything is level one and nine all right okay we're good you start oh first go get it where'd it go hit it right into orbit hello i like how it homes in but i also don't like how it homes in pretty good our next character no l i remember the time that i really want to build my noel in fact noelle was my first four star wait isn't she everyone's four-star technically because of the discount on her banner stats red horn stone thresher artifacts four piece husk constellation six talent four four seven attributes 55 crit 198 percent crit damage i need my burst can we uh can we get some particles it's time it's time bps go okay i did 10k is that good well it's actually not bad the damage it's as high as my iota damage okay spinning spinning spinning that's pretty good go no is it always that one not the other one after noelle you know who it is do i really need to explain i'm ready put me in coach farming for ayaka with tiny eye cut part two we're not doing a lot of damage but we're also not dying but we are on a time limit let's pick up the pace good artifacts good artifacts bam oh my god i really need to test this i mean she just basically one shots everything right let's go farm the husk domain since i'm doing extra electrical damage go oh i'm doing damage i'm doing damage oh my god my screams my burst is up but it's also not up at the same time um okay don't kill it don't kill it let me do it okay that was pretty fast husk sans what next is razer another electro character uh wolves gravestone unless i wonder how much damage i do with this maybe a lot we'll see do i do four piece pale flame all right good it's basically eula but worst stats 2 100 attacks 62 crit rate 158 crit damage talons 6410 constellation 6. is that a level 90 fungus let's see who's better you or me it's about damage damage oh my god can you stop with your e-changes try to do damage here oh my god i'm getting griefed okay i'm gonna go over here and do my damage you guys can stay over there okay kokomi we need to you heal me coconut stop rp walking what are you doing got this i got this huge damage i got it gg i got my stand right next to me too oh my god i didn't give me my purple next up rosaria what's a good weapon for her staff of houma physical rosaria but why is physical rosaria even good or c one's for physical okay sure why not bam there it is okay if i'm gonna do that i have to level this up too but i feel like this is such a waste of materials dude no way what are the chances of me running into a rosaria maine nice got him all right let's go how much damage i do okay super conduct 4k it's actually not that bad i saw 7k nice for what it is i think it's pretty good come on where are my purple books next one poco me yeah she's ready check this out level 70 thrilling tales if i do this domain i'm actually griefing because there's no way you could actually damage them wait is there donut i don't have donut maybe i should get her donut next time my bubble is going to be like a nuke wait i forgot you can't break the shield hell burst damage guys break the shield i mean show up on damage my shells afk hey move this is not a good domain to showcase coconut oh my god yeah please get a purple book for my hard work say you say you okay say you is right here you're a say you main teach me how to build it well's gravestone and then what do i go full animal damage or what oh no i don't have the thing you know what i need new pv pieces so you know what let's farm vv domain what's my crit rate i bet oh my god rolling into battle i'm here put this down dude my screen what's happening are they dead yet get him get him i don't even know what my damage is i'm gonna roll into them ran over all right let's go wait actually good piece but i also don't want it next character is shen hee okay but she also has 3k attack damage i didn't crit that's a crit i think crazy there's not a lot of damage oh my god there's that 47k who is that is that my show maybe my burst will do more damage not really you know what it is a support character after all you can't really expect that much is purple good when am i gonna get a gold one next one sucrose you know a nemo damage sucrose let's go bam it's good enough 45 crit rate bam bam 10k that's not that bad got it why would you throw it right there oh my god all right my burst big damage to my burst i think 10k per tick got him what are the chances don't tempt me don't give me hope oh my god next one bartaglia 1.7 k attack 79 crit 161 crit damage 83 hydro damage bonus big damage big big big big every single time i use child i get disappointed i don't know why how much was that i cleared it oh my god something from my effort what my god child every single time i use you i expect something more but i overestimate you every single time next one next one is paw miss where's my thomas we'll give him staff of homa we're gonna do full hp we're gonna build the strongest thomas in the world 31k hp how strong is my shield can my shield survive one hit hit me oh one hit two hits well it did survive one hit i'll give it that good enough is it better against pyro monsters so how many hits can i take from this geometry looking thing one two three ow ow i think it ran out i just want to see how many hits i can take man i tank this i'm on i'm doing an experiment please all right god i got it i tanked one of this tank it i tanked it hit me again okay no no no next one oh it's time i'm gonna throw some rocks oh my god dude oh my god did someone fix this just a bit more use miss splitter is miss splitter better i mean i guess but look at my cr i use this that's good change the geo i'm changing i'm changing but can i kill this thing in one hit i'm damage testing i'm damage testing stop stop no no no okay broken boom god that is so underwhelming and it's level 12 as well maybe my rock hurts drop a rock on it that actually kind of hurts okay let's do a domain i guess my traveler is really strong just for reference my eula does the same or even more damage with one of her normal attacks compared to my traveler's cue per tick you want some flunking i kind of messed that up but okay hold on hold on hold on i'm gonna [ __ ] his head right here bucket i got the last hit nice good job that's all i wanted you gotta get up there if you wanna hit it next up the ogop i'll show you why venti was one of the most broken characters in the game i wonder if i can actually do it i have not tried this with just venti alone so basically this is the gameplay event why inazuma what what it what why is there a quest in my domain yeah please get the other one next one next one next one all right xiang ling i can't really tell how much damage i'm doing right now 7k it's not a lot if you don't have support stop hitting me what's hitting me oh is that the leyline disorder or whatever guys he only healed me kill me heal me great gameplay i love this gameplay gene gene gene where's my gene no no what where's my gene why is my gene soloing the abyss mage in the corner all right anyways give me my petra petra at least it looks cool why does it never give me the pieces that i want all right next one shao i might die doing this come on get over here okay it's really hard without having john lee in your party moving on moving on wait i wonder if i can make my kick as powerful as it can be what i need for that this one okay how much crit rate do i have oh my god i mean at this point would this be better use burst before kicking does my burst give me more damage or something c4 oh this thing oh my god wait this was a thing if it doesn't crit i'm crying okay swap out can you wait 20 seconds for thrilling tails it didn't crash dude how is it not critting 46 crit you know what give me a second give me a chance give me a chance to redeem myself for the sake of my sanity i think it's better to just have a really high crit rate there 90 percent crit oh my god if it doesn't crit i'm crying what did i not vape but how did it not vape let me leave you with who what what wait my thing vaped it are you serious that's what caused the vaporize standing too close to it this time for sure witness the power i didn't see my second kick that's like what 300k it does more than my chi chi's burst all right next one next one xin yen okay let's just put noelle's artifacts on her what is this thing i had this thing the entire time how's it looking pretty good 75 crit 200 crit damage wait i can't even don't give her defense okay fine fine we'll use euler's artifacts then i need my husks what is this roster okay luke's gonna carry spin okay i'm gone i'm gone guys we have yet to kill a single monster hello what's happening right now it might do more damage than our duluth what's going on here i'm doing more damage than our the luke what like do lucas doing a thousand damage guys the damage from my shield does more damage than my deluxe burst spin please spin faster this was not supposed to happen i thought dull luke was gonna three shot everything i didn't expect my dilute to be an actual support come on we're fine we're fine unless i die then it's not fine barbara needs to heal me like right now what's up barbara barbara what are you doing like why are they just standing on top of the thing please just die what no oh my god give me a husk how are you guys sure the drop rate isn't rigged next one next one yay miko have to fix my artifacts again add artifact presets how am i supposed to have fun when i spend half of my day just fixing artifacts huh one two three afk i'm standing behind my turrets howard defense genshin impact edition oh my god coconuts bubble popping for like 20k too bad everyone else is just tickling monsters to death oh my god our ayaka died okay just us too you and me coconut you and me versus the world by world i mean just this thing right here why is playing with other people harder than doing stuff by yourself doesn't teamwork make the dream work what's going on here oh my god finally next character [Laughter] oh my god but why okay let's get this over i don't think i'm gonna floor pov but we'll see you're gonna die if the enemy breathes near you here's the key word near me they just have to breathe away from me no no how do you explain this the sun is actually coming up can we please go go team go i'm actually not doing that bad i'm actually doing like 4k i'm doing 4k 10k am i good against an impact or what see easy give me a purple one i deserve it oh my god next one join me at time get him get him who's doing so much damage hello oh it's probably me of course it's me who else can it possibly be nice that was pretty quick oh my god i only got one purple out of the three next yoon jin give me that thomas i think we're good i mean there's no way we can die because we're just going to absorb everything level 90 beta what does my entire party get my buff wait i'm super good for this then ayato kerry hyper speed actually pretty fast even i'm doing over 1k damage with my normal attacks good job wait i wonder if i can finally do this all right let's go i'm at me i'm just gonna walk that actually broke my shield come at me hit me hit me imagine dying let me walk this way can i take this entire thing ow ow ow ow nevermind away walk away and i walk back now walk back come on beat me beat me up that's a bit dangerous stop got one come on let's go fight me okay i'm just gonna stand here now i will have order oh my god finally i could cry myself to sleep [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,945,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: UYbWdCXwp0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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