Can YOU Predict How Many Rolls It Takes to Get A 5 Star? | Genshin Impact

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give me your best guess 50 let's see if it's actually 50. you know what let's do predictions let's do predictions as well the audience gets to guess as well you guys really don't think i will you guys have that little faith in me nice all right i'll show you i'll show you 20. give me five star oh oh my god this banner is a scam and a half what is this thing all the new things what in the actual wtf it's an entire thesis paper it's literally longer than deluxe entire kit uh albedo havers you can you can join and sit next to me if i get a five star you get to stay if i don't get a five star you get kicked you know what let's do this i have an idea let me get my fortune first shake it nice what'd i get what'd i get fortune slip boom good fortune boys here's what we're gonna do if you can guess how many polls it takes for me to get a five star you get to stay if you guess wrong i kick you honestly i was thinking like if they guess it right i refund all the primo gems i've used to them but unfortunately you literally have to go through like 20 different steps to give someone primo gems if only mihoyo added like a gift feature i would be more than happy to do that but unfortunately i have to get their email address get their password log in to the website have them take the code do i scan walk through metal detector it's not worth it 70 you think it's gonna be 70 you have to guess exact exactly 70 yes okay let's make our primo gems a bit more even first bam 20k four banners now nice how do you pull on the wrong banner it would take a lot of skill to pull on the wrong banner it literally shows you what character you're pulling for let me go in the shop and actually buy the buy the things 100 bam let's go 70 wishes one okay not it rosaria next one two boom weapon banner nice three no nice nice nice doing great so far doing great noel again 40 right let's see if you make it to 70. oh my god oh my god i got uh this is uh now we're definitely going to pity 60 oh oh is it actually going to be 70 70. oh unfortunately i think you have to move on the next person you are off by 10. all right will i win the 50 50. let's go nice another weapon bennett that's not really a good sign but we'll see chichi c7 chichi here we go where's my five star oh i won winner pov oh you may leave by the way you may leave unfortunately uh i don't know why you fooded you have to leave you've uh you've lost the challenge thank you for participating alright next person next person uh swat to albedo and sit next to me you got the wrong rerun character on oh there it is all right make your guess one chance one opportunity 80 you're gonna make me pull 80 times do i want the weapon though weapon banner is a scam i know it's a scam but my song of broken pines i do i do kind of want character or weapon i'll let you guys choose split 5050 weapons winning looks like weapon is gonna win but you never know sure why not sure sure the things i do for you guys okay hopefully it doesn't actually take 80 pulls to get a five star on this first poll let's go boom no who uses that weapon anyways could change weapon but no one uses kajing second one second one oh my god boom give me a double two weapons let's go nice all right gave me the smaller version of the one that i actually want no unless unless there's a hidden one it's the wrong weapon i don't even know congratulations kazuha congratulations i don't even use kazuha unfortunately it was not 80 poles it was only 20 pounds so we will have to move on to the next person you may leave unless they're afk oh they left nice all right next person next person all right how many polls give me your best guess 50 let's see if it's actually 50. you're playing a dangerous game there we got better three times i'm not sure my luck is uh is good here let's go one are you know what let's do predictions let's do predictions as well the audience gets to guess as well you guys really don't think i will you guys have that little faith in me nice all right i'll show you i'll show you 20. give me five star oh oh my god all right this one for sure right there's no way this banner is a scam and a half it's not even a different weapon is the exact same like it's not even a weapon from the standard banner it's straight up the same weapon i love it double five star chi-chi anything it was not 50 but it was 20. all right kazua i have another surprise for you here you go this this i'm actually going to get this weapon to r5 before all right next person next person okay sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down six feet apart sit on the edge sit on the edge nice okay what is your guess give me your best guess 70 poles all right let's go one nice perfect dragon spain i have like 80 of those two i thought i was gonna get another five star off the 20 poles three unless oh my god all right next one four boom all right dragons again five sacrificial sword nice have 80 of those as well six am i gonna get 70 oh on the 60th pole unlucky missed it by just 10 poles again just show me the weapon already i know i got it i know i got the weapon just show me it nice perfect got my eula a new weapon you may leave unfortunately it was not 70 poles thank you for coming thank you for coming finally there you go eula there you go all right em give me your best shot how many pulls 34 pulls i don't do single poles 40 poles you think it's 40 poles i'll let the perdition end oh my god i'll do it i'll get it in 40 poles and i'll get the i'll get the weapon i want to watch this one okay it wasn't but but so you're telling me if i do the character banner instead maybe i should try that i'm just kidding i'm just kidding two bam all right another sacrificial greatsword to my collection three oh what missed by ten polls again okay can somebody predict 20 pulse next time so i'll get in a 110 pole you got the weapon as well nice perfect see i told you guys i'll get it within 40 poles so proud of myself nice double 5 star and 40 poles there's no way that can happen maybe one of these days but not today thank you thank you for coming thank you let's go let's go sit down next to me but not actually next to me remember we're social distancing how many polls rev say 20. i dare you 50 pulls again okay i'm actually surprised some of you are still believing in me so far none of my predictions have gone through it's just uh just some free to play magic it's free to play luck how do you get this luck just be free to play one [Music] all right devs you don't have to make it that obvious okay slow down slow down we need to build up tension it's not fun if you just give me the weapon okay another prediction will i get will i get the weapon i want you guys don't think i'll get the pines i literally just got a five star in 110 pole you guys don't think i'll get a pints you guys are you guys are all about to cry yourself to sleep tonight pines pines chichi what is this no it's not even in the banner like you actually could have just gotten this in the standard banner unfortunately you were 40 pulls off but thank you thank you skyward prize actually 90. why did i level it to 90. i don't even use it all right nice r3 dragon spine i'm actually getting it to r5 at this point i'm doing the weapon now so can i get someone with a weapon to join my world instead pine owners not the tree you may join the world i need proof show me your pines good sit down sit down too close good perfect how many poles how many poles 50 again why do you guys like 50 so much one well i get another 25 star 24 5 star no guess not um next one three i might hit pity i have not hit pity yet i might actually hit pity soon 40 oh will it be 50. well i actually get a 5 star within 50 poles five star oh unfortunately i got a character and a weapon banner and it's not a five star i'm sorry but you have to go thank you for coming any uh any pine tavers does no one actually have that weapon a bobby you have a pines aren't you official maine why do you have a pines wait do you actually have a pines show me your pines that's not a pines kicking you all right dude what okay next one next one show me the goods good good sit next to me what is your guess from 0 to 40 i mean from 10 to 40. 70 again do you realize i'm at 50 poles and do you realize you get a guaranteed five star at 90 polls you have to guess 10 to 40. 20. okay let's go i'm gonna get a 5 star in 70 poles will i get a 5 star and 20 pulse exact the believers are rising up i see all right let's go one all right not a five star actual character banner though wait that polar character banner no why doesn't it the wrong manner how do you pull on the wrong banner it would take a lot of skill to pull on the wrong banner it literally shows you what character you're pulling for ah and now you've answered that question for your earlier self wait does it carry over does your pity carry over to the weapon banner it doesn't carry over just pretend it never happened and we're all good ten polls that's go there yeah right here right here right here right here five star 60 pulse gotta [ __ ] my casual is gonna get an r5 weapon before my eulo like i don't know what maybe maybe double five stars you never know oh oh nice i knew it i knew it you know what i wasn't even worried am i gonna r5 both weapons at this point can't do that is that legal three five stars you owe three five stars do it ah this screen looks so good let me just savor the moment for a bit well it was not 20 poles but it was 10. both weapons are now at rank four let's see if we can r5 both weapons do you have the weapon show me get down here come down come down what is your guess you guys really like 50 and 70 huh well you're asking me to get two five stars and 70 poles no shot let's see if we can do it though just remember i got a five star in 70 pulls last time just keep that in mind when you vote all right one let's go one okay i have actually never used that weapon before is it good no it's not okay two [Music] okay barbara good to see you three four oh bennett you again five actual character man six will this be the one oh we got one now will i get the weapon i want is the question there's no way i'm getting two weapons again are you guys believing yes all right here we go song of broken pines r5 boom boom boom boom wait is my almost both r5 now i think i might have just r5 my almost bow one more five star five star that's not a five star okay not r5 but r4 okay you get to stay give me your guess 63 you can only guess in increments of tens i don't do single poles what if you get two five star in 110 pole 60 okay 60. one all right another dragon spain i have enough dragon spain's to build an entire army two [Music] all right character banner three okay yeah another another uh another dragon spain nice nice man yeah nice four all right three four star weapons too bad i don't use any of them five oh my god we're actually going to 60 60. five star oh my god got a sucrose unfortunately you did not guess correctly this time let me do some free to play magic first uh how'd that get there you may take your guess what is your prediction 30 poles was the last one 60 pulls you guys really think i'm gonna hit pity bam right here five star five star i told you i'm gonna lose it i'm gonna lose it this is just the cover the real weapon is underneath this watch still pretty good congratulations kazuha congratulations there you go do i have to c6 kazuha now like like like at this point thank you for coming it was not 30 but it was 10. what is your prediction 40 poles you do realize i'm at zero right now right sure 40 poles i believe you work for me hoyo stop leaking my secrets start the prediction all right you're correct yes because i will get it in 110 poll right here right here temple boom five star no two no see you all right three three no is this gonna be at four no no thomas thomas you're in the wrong banner thomas unfortunately it was not 40 pulse and we will have to move on to the next person i'm sorry okay one two saves that c5 and thomas one two uh interesting very very interesting thomas c5 literally everyone's dream not my dream i don't even play thomas six feet apart six feet apart too close what is your prediction 30 more 30 30. nice alright let's go 30 pulls one not this one two it's always the second one you guys should really do 20 pulls this is a guaranteed pines we all know it barbara's in here again nice nice there we go there we go unless unless oh just one just one thank you thank you for coming we have actually created the strongest character in the universe c6 r5 eula there we go
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 956,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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