If Your Artifacts are Better Than Mine I Roll | Genshin Impact

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you're level 72 charlene do i even look um okay you know what i will pull 40 times if your plume is better than mine no wait wait wait i take that back wait no no no boys i've been playing genjin impact for quite a bit of time over the past year and a half by quite a bit of time i mean i've been playing since the release of this game and i have been farming for artifacts for almost just as long because i like the endless suffering that it provides me i think it really builds character over time i've collected a few pieces that are dare i say quite magnificent so today i'd like to play a little game with you we will take turns picking a random number from one to eight and one to five the random number from one to eight will represent the character you have in your showcase starting from the top left going all the way to the bottom right so this will be one this will be two three four five six seven eight the number from one through five will represent the artifact slot one is the flower two is the plume three is the sans four is the goblet and five is the circlet and we will have that character's artifact scored by a bot developed by shrubin number one eight six six on discord i like to thank them for their hard work it's not easy building a bot there are different settings you can choose to adjust what the bot considers to be a high score but we will just leave it to the default settings if your artifact score is higher than mine i will pull how the bot works is that you type in minus rates and then post a screenshot of your artifact and then the bots will give you this score right here if you score higher than me i will pull fair enough everyone got it let me fill up my character showcase first because i only have chi-chi who should i pick who has good artifacts on it you know what i'll just pick all five stars i think my eula has good artifacts i think my writing has good artifacts i think my yoy mia has good artifacts i think that's it to be honest i think my john lee has pretty good artifacts who's how kazuha you think kazuha okay i'll put kazuha xiao last spot goes to shao alright this is my roster let me open the gates who wants to be the first contestant one at a time boys one at a time i will go first selecting my character the fifth slot and which artifact slot we'll choose boom just four four is the goblet fifth character slot goblet fifth character slot goblet fifth character one two three four five john lee john lee's goblet oh no wait it might score really low goblet this is a gobbler right goblet it's an hp goblet all right discord bot do your job what is it rate it i got a four four five all right your turn character slots number four artifacts let's see what you get number three which is your sands one two three four where's your sands this is your sands right it's really close what do you get 493 oh my god it's the first one and i lost already 10 pulse we'll start with 10 pulls if no one scores a higher score than me like five times in a row i will do 20 or something like that i don't know we'll see we'll see five star no what'd i get boom deanno nice thank you for coming congratulations it was really close though i think he had slightly more crit damage than me what do i get what do i get hair turn number seven artifact number i can't tell if it regenerated or not it just gave me a three again okay let me press it again just to make sure that's not a bug i clicked i swear i clicked okay do it again two okay plume one two three four five six seven kazuha kazuha's plume this one it's pretty good look at how much elemental mastery i have i think this one will be rated really high watch let's see what i get high score 8 37 there's no way you can beat me oh my god i let's go show me what you got character number six artifact number three which is your sans one two three four five six cents those are pretty good numbers let's see if it's higher than mine though what do you get how am i losing every single time i think you need to fix your bot i think your bot's bugged wait why is your main stat score way higher than mine is it cause it's a feather wait that's not fair i would have still lost because if you add 400 to mine i would have 1237 and it's still less than 12.95 sit down next to me my second poll i think i'm actually close to my five star let's see what we get i've been building pity for the past couple of weeks so uh boom unlucky no not deanna what oh here it comes so it begins thank you for coming congratulations next contestant character number three artifact number five which is the circlet oh my god please let me win one two three my ryden yes finally my circlet bam it's actually pretty good i don't think i'll lose this one i am confident that i will win but maybe i shouldn't say that give me a high number there's no way it can be low why is this so low it's lower than my wait is it lower than my other one not really it's my highest yet let's see what you have your artifacts are bad that's good that means i will win character number one artifact number five again i feel like i'm confident not a lot of people have good circuits you will see gany show me your circlet circle circlit i feel like i'm gonna lose i feel like i'm gonna lose by like 20 points go show me it are you serious it just keeps going higher okay okay you win you win you win you win okay okay let's see if we get yay miko i'm confident i'm really close to pity though boom five star oh my god no not the not not the bartender oh i got the housekeeper thank you thank you for coming i honestly thought i would win at least like two by now but uh you guys have proven me wrong just hope that it doesn't land on my eula's plume or my yoyo mia's plume i think no one can beat either of those wait you pretty much lose automatically if you pick plume against like something like sans because you lose 400 points from the main stat should we make it that we compare the same artifact piece i feel like that's a bit more fair we will roll on the artifact piece first and then we will roll on the character all right let's roll on the artifact piece first go number one which is the flower and for my character it is number five what's my character number five one two three four five oh no no i think i think my john lee has the worst artifacts out of all of them because i don't think you get a lot of points for having hp as a substance where's my john lee by the way artifacts and my flower it has a lot of hp but i don't think that gives a lot of points i think the bot rates it higher if you have crit rate and crit damage don't fail me high score what is that what is that you know what you're laughing at me right now let's see what they got what's your character number number seven one two three four five six seven gany and your flower oh my i'm gonna lose i am going to lose i think i lost maybe not we still have a chance i have a chance okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i'm gonna win like eight in a row and you guys are all gonna just cry i actually need thomas constellations i think boom boom boom oh my god thomas thomas thomas no what is that you may leave great great outro are you done you didn't sync up very well i'm gonna roll on the artifact first how about that before i invite anyone in artifact number five which is the circlet can i win one can i please just win one there's no way i lose all of it right i'm gonna win this one i will win this one watch no way i've been farming artifacts for a year and a half there's no way i lose every single one of these character number four one two three four yoy mia i think my yoimia actually has really good artifacts you might lose circle it oh ah let's see what we get let's see what we get it's not all lost yet is that the same score i got before what is that okay my ryden one is 1160 this one is 11.58 it's lower than my ryden one for you character number eight main character let's see what if they didn't put artifacts on them that'd be funny where's your circle this one right circle it wait i might win let's go there's no way they rate this higher right there's no way if it's higher than mine yes finally thank you for coming wait why do you even have that on your main character next one next one artifact number three that is the sands let's see what i get number two are you a sans i think it might actually be pretty good this one i think it will score okay like these are not the best stats but i think it's sufficient to win let's see it 12 40 my highest score yet let's see what you have number five character number five one two three four five ka-ching sans this one i think i won let's see it show me it wait what you get zero points for having hp main stat i won by a landslide almost a thousand points thank you for coming you tried your best artifact number two is the plume one two three bam character number eight shao's plume don't let me down shall why does my show even have this what is this can can i put out a different one a level a different one really quick i think i'll be lucky to get even above a thousand what'd i get but i get 800 not bad actually what do you have character number five one two three four five sing show wait you don't have a plume hello do i win do i win by default am i that good against an impact my opponents forfeit by themselves should i roll a different character buying a different character different character six mona do none of your characters have plumes how is that even possible we'll keep rolling until we find a character that has a plume number eight please tell me your ito have a plume there's no way you're missing plumes on every single piece thank god okay i think i can win oh my god i can win bam show me it easy last time i checked 808 is higher than 781 thank you for coming next piece next piece number three which is the sans character number three one two three my ryden i mean do i get extra points for having an energy recharge sands is this good enough to win it might be i don't know what kind of sans they have though please give me a high score high score 800 that good oh my god you actually lose points for having an energy recharge sans wait no what character do you have character number one character number one john lee okay i think we might actually win this one there's no way they have attack sans on john lee right wait but they have crit rate and crit damage oh no i can win i believe oh wait wait they actually lost because they have hp percent as their main stat unlucky unlucky better luck next time thank you for coming next one next one number two which is the plume character number seven which is my kazuha wait do i lose points for having elemental mastery like this is a pretty good plume like this is really good for kazuha did i do this one before let's do it again 8 37 now it's your turn character number four who's how let me see your plume wait hold on i mean let's just see how big the difference is 988 against 837. great plume great plume let's go one oh my god where's my five star i did get at thomas why is beto even in here she's in here even though it's not her banner i'm actually cursed next one next one artifact number three which is the sands wait a bobby wants to join though bobby i'll let you join a bobby wants to compare artifacts i will absolutely destroy you no questions asked i think you need to sit down for this character number two myula my us sans didn't i do that one already boom 12 40. number seven a bobby what's your character number seven your kaching let's see it i'm not saying that you're doomed but you might be doomed you have higher crit damage than me but you don't have any crit rate let's see how this goes what what how but he doesn't have any crit rates fine five fine fine this has to be a five star uh dude what official nice there you go for you a bobby official main get out all right next one next one next one next one artifact number two which is the plume character number six six is my who's how i think i just win i mean do we still go i think i get over a thousand for this that break the bot hello bots move move oh i got it i got it 798 your turn character number two ka-ching ka-ching's plume show me it there's no way this can score higher than mine i think i win but let's see there's no way i lose this one right what how did i lose to a bobby then all right one one one oh my god this is it i win all my 50 i think this is a sign to never cosplay as touhonto ever again maybe there's another five star it has to be oh my god i don't lose 50 50s third five star make it triple you know what i'll take it we still have the weapon banner left guys don't worry what if i just pull right now for the weapon you know what i'm feeling it do it there's no way how mad would you guys be if that was a five-star artifact number three which is the sans character number eight shao it's pretty good i think i can win show me the score 12 38 wait i still can't beat my other one what's my highest score again can someone explain to me how does a bobby's sans higher than mine when it only has two percent more quick damage than mine without any crit rate alright what do you have what do you have character number one lucky number one i think i win but let's confirm let's see what you get the bots working it's just a bit slow anytime now it's here 11 16 missing about 100 points but thank you thank you for participating continue the grind you'll get there one day artifact number five which is the circlet character number five which is my john lee again what's we have hp circles does that mean i don't get any points for my main stat for being hp wait oh no i mean do i just lose no way hello bot hello even the bots confused spot hello let's hear oh my god oh my god maybe they have a hp circle as well let's see let's see what do you have number six one two three four five six oh you got lucky wait what your character details are hidden what what do you mean what which character is it number three one two three john lee oh this is a competition it's time if you have an hp percent circlet you might lose if you have anything else you just straight up win i think let's go there's no way i lose this right no chance my bots offline they come back on hey can i use it on my server it's off you guys broke the bots it's not my fault it's back stop abusing my bot i need it show me it 3 10 3 10 is less than 5 23 the last time i checked but thank you thank you for participating thank you thank you you're wishing here for luck what do you get do you get chichi i'll let you finish your wish don't tell me you're c-sixing they left next one next one number four which is the goblet we haven't had a goblet yet let's see how this goes character number number six one two who's house goblet i think it actually sucks i might lose what do i get 12.50 wait that's actually pretty high what do you have though character number two number two your shao bam wait i think mine's better let's see what the bot says go what what wait i lost by like 38 what 12.88 12.50 what how's that possible all right let's go what'd i get boom what i think my banners are bleeding into each other i'm starting to get characters in my weapon banners and weapons in my character banners artifact number two which is the plume for my character it is number three ryden my ryden's plume i think either my flower or plume sucks on ryden i think it might be my flower let's see though it is my flower my plume is pretty good if this is not high the box bug if this does not get over a thousand i don't know what will 889 that's pretty high let's see what you got character number six you're level 72 charlene do i even look um okay you know what i will pull 40 times if your plume is better than mine no wait wait wait i take that back wait no no no there's no way right there's no way this is better than mine what does the bot say what how did i lose okay okay okay 40 times 40 times one all right show me it got a spear two let me see let me see beto what three oh my god oh my god four this is it weapon no no no whatever all right good job nice nice night yeah you win you win congratulations who is next artifact number one which is the flower character number four character number four is my yoimia wait is it time for me to show off my flower you guys won't even believe what you're about to see is it my flower that's crack or is it my plume wait i think that's my plume that's really good my flower might be just okay it is my flower check this out if i don't win i'm gonna pull another 90 times there's no way i lose this show me it huh is good that's pretty good right if i don't there's no way i lose with this i have 666. for you it is character number five shall show me your flower there's no way i lose tell me how i will lose there's no way i lose this 591 against 666. i have devil's luck on my side thank you for coming have a nice day you too artifact number two which is a plume for me it is character number four join me again wait i think my plumes pretty good as well it's not as good as my flower but it's still pretty good i think it's pretty good let's see what score it gets 8.07 how wait oh it's cuz it's a plume against a flower wait does that mean if my flower was a plume it'd get over a thousand let's see what you got for you it is character number character number seven ganyu 87 wait why is both your ganyu and john lee 87. let's see your plume it's a pretty good plume but is it better than my plume it might actually be better it rolled really well into attack percent oh my god it's over a thousand is that the first plume that we've seen that's over a thousand can i just get my weapon let's see five star this has to be a weapon it's my weapon it's my weapon it's time i do not lose fifty fifties five star five star five star is it all the way at the end oh my god it is it's all the way at the end next one's a five star it has to be that's not bad i don't have a j cutter so next time if i decide to cosplay as a as a certain gene player it will be fully immersive do i have skyward harp no isn't that crazy i've been playing for a year and a half and i have yet to get a single skyward heart maybe i get it on the next one maybe i lose my 50 50 again and get a uh skyward heart but first we need to do a bit of uh free to play uh magic just a bit of magic nothing to see here if the screen is black that means it's working boom there it is next contestant artifact number two loom for me it is character number four one two three four what join me again did we just do plume rng is rng we have to do it again 807 for you character number two cli bam i think i win but let's see what the bot says eight two three wait how how is it higher than mine it's been a while since we got a five star on our first temple after a five star i think it's time five star it is five star no uh this is good artifact number five which is the circling coco me lover let's go wait are you gonna lose if i pick kokomi because the bot gives such low rating to hp for me it is character number four which is me again at this rate i'm gonna showcase my yoimia's entire artifact set i don't wanna do your mia anymore i think this got a pretty high rating right hello bot hello please don't break it's not me i use it like once every minute there's no shot i broke it it's here oh my god what it's working even when it's offline 11 58 let's see yours character number one wait it's actually your coco me if it's an hp circlet you automatically get 400 points off oh no oh no oh no wait healing bonus though maybe it gets scored higher like how does it break all the time it's back up wait 18. it's not even close you get 800 points off for having a healing bonus circlet this is a scam hey welcome to the game next person next person artifact number four for me it is character number six six is who tau i have not showcased anyone else huh i have not showcased chichi i actually no my chichi my main wait but then i score really low because she has healing artifacts who's house goblet 1250 or you it is character number two john lee you might lose if it's an hp goblet you lose and it's only plus 12. wait you just straight up just lose i'll be surprised if this gets over 200. did it break again it's here 365. it is over a hundred i give you that one good try good try your artifacts are so bad it's fine you'll get there eventually next artifact is five circle it for me it is character number one it's chichi wait no that's bad i think uh oh my god all right let's see if i get over 500 on this yeah yeah just just give it to me 448 if i win i'll pull 40 times alright what do you have character number six number six wait don't you have number six all right let's do another one three three kazuha artifacts circle it wait even if they don't get points for elemental mastery i straight up just lose based on sub stats let's see it 996. holy moly all right you win you win i'm close i'm close to pity i think five star four star not a sword oh my god another character thank you thank you for coming you may leave next artifact is four goblets for me it is character number four join me again i'm not kidding i'm one away i've shown her plume her flower her circlet now i'm showing her goblet the only thing that's left is her sands which i think it's pretty good as well all right let's see it goblet it's not perfect but again nobody's perfect except for me i'm just kidding let's see it don't break 13 38 and you beat it let's see what you got character number one albedo show me your goblet i think i win but let's see you never know show me it 11 41 pretty high but not as high as mine good try good try next up is artifact number three which is the sans if it's joy mia again character number six who tao i think it's actually really good this one wait kind of sucks let's see what the bot says wait it's hp oh no do i just lose oh my god give me johnny give me john lee give me their john lee character number eight it's xiang ling okay maybe maybe they didn't level their challenge they level their challenge all they really have to do is for this to be like not hp since i think i lose let's see the rating though 12 26 almost three times more let's see the five star there's no way right am i really gonna just lose my 50 50s and have to do it again show me a five star oh my god no no good job good job artifact number five it's the circlet if i lose my 50 50 i think i'm gonna up it to 30 polls per person character number two it's my eula you guys are not prepared bam look at this there's no way this gets rated lower than like 1400 1500 watch 1273 what oh my god there's no way i lose though right character number eight you need to turn it on next person next person for you it is character number four four is riding it's an off piece i have a bad feeling about this if this gets rated higher than mine i might cry and i want you guys to know that is not your fault there is no way are you serious are you serious that's okay it's okay yeah that's okay that's fine that's why yeah yeah sure why not why not why not the bot is totally not bugged and this banner is not bugged at all i got two bows thank you for coming artifact number four goblets for me it is character number three what's that again my ryden my ryden's goblet wait it's an attack goblet no i think it might be still good there's no way it's gonna rate it 400 on the main stat just because it's attack right do not do this to me 12.74 i got 800 for it nice your move character number four one two three four john lee let's hope that your john lee is a dps john lee otherwise uh where's your goblet this one that's pretty good let's see if it's better than mine though it might be close 12 48 that is actually so close 30 points off good try good try artifact number five what circlet i didn't think i was gonna win like four times in a row after losing like three in a row in the beginning i thought this would have been over in like 30 minutes i thought i would just lose every single one and just boom boom boom and get it done but uh apparently not the case character number three is my riding again i think my circle is pretty good actually i think i already got scored before but i forgot what the score is so we have to do it again one one six zero pretty low score to be honest if you ask me theoretically it should be easily beaten let's see if that's the case character number eight ka-ching circlet ooh wait there's no way this is higher than mine it might be pretty equal but let's see what the bot says 1196 wait what how they won by like 30 points 36 points pretty close actually so close let's do it this is it this is like give me my weapon give me my weapon there's no way oh my god what is this oh my god another one am i close to pity don't give me jake cutter i'm gonna i'm gonna be so upset if it gives me jay cutter again let's see what we get number four that is the goblet 270 poles per person are you insane for me it is character number five john lee oh no let's see how this goes pretty sure is gonna go really bad but let's see how bad did we do this one before i feel like we did wait it's goblin right it's goblet is it goblet it's the goblet it's even worse i'm gonna get like 440 maybe like if i'm lucky 500 let's see it 4 45. you know what hope is not all lost maybe they have a john lee in there as well and it's a it's a support character number one venti i might not have a chance oh unlucky you have to unhide it next person next person next person character number four one two three four sarah wait they have a plus zero four star goblin if this is better than mine let's go yes it's actually almost better than mine it's literally 70 points off how is that even a thing why is it so close artifact number one is the flower for me it is character number eight shao bam i think this is gonna score pretty high show me the numbers 6 48 that's pretty high for flower let's see yours for you it is character number four coco me i think you lose it's plus 18 as well i think i win if i lose i'm pulling 40 times i am that confident there is absolutely no way i lose to this show me the numbers 204 that's actually the lowest score we've ever seen it's not a bad piece it's a good piece for kokomi the bot just hates hp it's not your fault artifact number two plume for me it is character number eight again you might win though i think we did shout plume right it's pretty bad 8.08 for you it is character number two gany feel like i've seen this before but there's no way i'm gonna lose this right there's no way i lose to this they have 18 in hp do i win bot 750 that's actually pretty close to 50 points off all right you know what at this point i'm just winning way too much i think we need to up the ante 30 pulls per loss thank you for coming artifact number five circle it man just get my weapon i'm trying to for me it is character number eight this is so bad has my time finally come 10 97 the only way they can lose is if they have an hp percent circuit character number one it's your shout there's no way this can be worse than mine it's actually better i think show me the numbers 1300 flats 30 pulls i have to get my weapon there's no way one oh my god oh my god two finally there's no way i lose this one it's time five star five star give me the weird spiral looking thing what it's fine there's a second weapon in here no but wait it's time r4 dragon spine there it is wait i still have one more pull i still have one more pull right five star give me it oh my god what artifact number two character number five [Music] all right i might as well just do a 30 pull right now but uh but let's see where's my plume show me at 21 hp it's really good for john lee that is 5.79 for you it is character number four one two three four yay miko let's see it i mean i think you win but uh let's see what the bot says 10 30. good job i pulled 10 on the wrong banner did i actually wait i still have one more pull i still have one more pull right one more pull one more pull all right it's been like almost three hours give me a break i got a five star right here 30 bowls one no all right two what for the love of god two give me my five star stop giving me this weapon three has to be it no no no wait double artifact number five circle it character number two eula you guys want to see it again it's so beautiful don't break do not break right now i'm so close 12.73 for you it is character number one shout again are you guys all have shout they're gonna win they're gonna win 100 i think it's really good let's see 1401 is that the highest we've seen actually insane 30 poles it is let's see give me my weapon um give me my weapon give me it weapon weapon not not purple one no no two has to be it what oh my god wait am i not a pity yet where's my pity three what oh my god at least i got two of these artifacts number three that is the sans character number five i lose i just lose i think i just lose right i mean it's not that bad the bot hates it though 478 what character number four number four shall artifacts what do i just win why are you showcasing your show without any artifacts all right reroll number seven shen hee do you have any artifacts at all are you just here to show off your characters once more if you don't have it we're going to the next person number five albedo they're trolling for sure do you have any artifacts on anyone are you two three four wait three out of eight of your characters don't have artifacts what all right we'll do it one more six gene gene has artifacts is there even a point of looking at it it's plus 16 though it's plus 16 maybe i have a chance what if i just lose it might be close it might be close 678 it's still higher than mine by 200 what weapon weapon one this is it it has to be it right i filled all my fates give me a weapon nice good job maybe another five star you never know no pretty good oh my god i can finally play the game oh 20 more pulse would i pull off i just go and pull on this one okay 21 pulls 21. weapon banner in disguise two what if i actually get a five star okay never mind got a housekeeper again i didn't scam i didn't scam i didn't scam [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,348,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: Efl0IDC0B4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.