If You Survive I Roll | Genshin Impact

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this is my worst gen impact experience by far this is so dumb i'm about to fall asleep seven here it is my sword it's my sword this is my sword right here it's my sword oh you know you win some you lose some boys it's finally time but as always it's boring to just press the 10 pull button over and over again so let's play a little game it's nothing too hard in fact we've done it before you are going to fight a boss and if you kill it i roll however we are going to add a twist to it you do not get to choose the boss you fight it will be chosen randomly you also do not get to choose the character you use it will also be chosen randomly you may not use a second character meaning if you die it's game over over world bosses are word 30 poles weekly bosses will be worth 60 pulls however if you can beat an overworld boss in two minutes or less it will be worth double i will do 60 polls if you can beat a weekly boss in 5 minutes or less i will do 90 pulls which is a guaranteed 5 star simple enough let's get started i know not everyone has every single character so we will pick the character first and people that have that character and think they can kill a boss with it can join but i will not pick the boss until you join my world let's also set up our timer there it is here is our roulette where we will pick our character all 47 of them excluding ayato of course because we are pulling for him let's see what we get we got beto and hebei domains put on your beta you may use any weapon any artifact you wish what if they need to fight the thunderbird with gay miko or lisa we will re-roll the boss you're going to fight a boss at world level 8 with the level 20 beta they actually want to try well give them one chance what will they be fighting and we got primo geo bishop do i even start my timer for that there's no way let's go i will witness this i don't think the shield from their counter can even survive a single hit they will need to dodge every single hit from the boss don't judge a book by its cover they say okay you might want to judge a book by its cover in this situation i'll stand over here oh my god the perfect angle i can see the entire fight from up here let me know when to start oh they're starting they're going they're going they triggered it go go go go timer has started okay 65 damage oh they dodged the hit let's see it let's see that counter a bit early there but they took it like a champ they're actually doing it but they're down to about 60 hp and they're almost dead oh they're running away hey come back go back go back fight it oh and they are down thank you for trying thank you for trying let's see what character we get next and we land on sarah does anyone actually play sarah i don't think i've seen a single person actually play sarah you have sarah what level is your sarah level 90 oh my god actual sarah maine what will you be fighting and it is the geocube wait can she even break the rocks can they break the pillars you can't break geocube we'll pick another boss we'll do a re-roll and we get perfect we are already here they trigger the boss i'm gonna start the timer put down their e they dodged the boss oh my god 40k but the boss hit them and now they're down to half hp don't die you can do this i believe in you please don't die look at that damage 25 of his hp is gone running away from the big aoe because they don't have a shield oh my god that burst is no joke i think i saw 60k doing good you're doing good you're doing great they're really doing it they've been at 50 hp since the start of the fight the last stretch kill it shoot it good job four minutes and 10 seconds which one do we do first venti or ayato ayato okay let's do ayato first one oh god yoon jin two five star five star unless three five star thank you thank you for coming thank you for coming you may leave next character and we get shen he i need shen he means show me your shen he level 80 that's pretty high but can they kill a boss what will you fight and we get the cryocube surprisingly not hard if you go physical damage it's completely doable the only thing you really have to worry about is shearing cold they have two minutes they have two minutes to kill this boss if they can do it it's 60 poles which means with the 30 poles that we got it's a guaranteed five star they're dodging the roll to dude go go go kill it go it's right there oh no 30 seconds have passed and they have barely touched the hp going back in 2.6 k 1.3 3.2 2.1 it's pretty high for the physical damage that they're dealing you don't have to kill it within the time limit if you can actually beat this boss i have to roll anyways no why are you baiting it into me stop stop almost 50 standing here to get some warmth almost there almost 10 left you do you realize your bursts reduces physical damage resistance right why don't you use your bursts oh got it to this face all they have to do is hit three balls and they hit it in the wrong direction completely and the boss is healing back up to like almost half of its hp oh my god they're gonna have to kill it again we are going on to five minutes ah stop you got one they got two hit it hit it hit it charge nice you got this can they do it in time and they can't do it in time oh my god they do too little damage did they do it it's just gonna keep resetting they might actually have to food up for this that's one last one can you do it can they do it and they got it good job eight minutes and 37 seconds it's not a race it's more of a survival almost you just get bonus points if you do really well one don't give me yunjin not yunjin not yunjin oh my god here it is it has started two no no no no no no no oh i got a book three five star here it is i don't lose fifty fifties ayato is in this poll right here five star five star there's sucrose get out of my way five star and it's not chi-chi there he is 60 pulse that's pretty good unless i get a second one only one thank you for participating you have a beautiful day too next character and it's child this should be easy does it really matter what boss we get that's not child that's not child oh there's your child how is your child lower level than my child are you sure you're gonna be okay let's go and we get pyrocube that's easy that's actually unbelievably lucky start the timer they're trying to break a shield and they're down to almost 30 percent of their hp because they got hit dodge it dodge don't die don't die don't die oh my god you are really living on the edge here can you at least break its shield they got ran over i saw that thank you for joining we will have to move on to the next character and it's coco me theoretically kokomi can kill any boss right it just takes a really long time how's that even possible to die with a cocoa meat can you can you put on your cocoa meat please you don't have coco me what do you mean you don't have coco me why'd you join if you don't have goku me show me your coco me what level is it level 80. wait you don't even have her on display is she actually good round and round it goes where it lands uh i i really don't know electro ocean nid i don't think you kill it in under two minutes i'll be in fact shocked if you can even kill this in under five minutes come over here the moment the boss appears like right about now timer starts 1.4k 2k 1.3 k that's a lot for a coco me they trigger their burst 4k oh my god the bubbles are popping for 13k though with the clam set wait they might actually kill this in under two minutes can you do it the walls the wall starch oh my god they got hit by the walls you cannot get hit by the walls are they actually gonna die with coco me josh they'll i frame it and they got hit again luckily they're using kokomi so they're basically invincible dodge it and they got hit dodge that and they got hit again it's fine though cause they're kokomi dodge the walls dodge it and they manage to die good try good try what do we get beto again what level is it 90 gen shin impact esports player right here but can you beat this boss drum rolls signora good luck are you ready let's go go go go this is actually a challenge to do it with one character can they do it they used some food they got hit by the spear they're going back in 52k the boss is about to go into the second phase you're almost there they're almost dead the boss will not oh lightbender no light bender no this is a tough fight good try very good try i think you have to get lucky and roll on a healer for this boss next character next character we gets traveler let's see that traveler 70 are you gonna be okay are you guys just praying for the random boss to be like a pyro register what boss will you be fighting and you get child child at this point you sneeze on him with any character and he's dead are you sure that's the element you want you may swap elements if you want to you'll be fine i'll trust you time have started 400 damage they might not beat the timer of five minutes but they might be able to beat the boss but i'm struggling to actually see the boss's hp go down right now are you using like a level one weapon or something what is this oh my god this is actually gonna take like five years what weapon are they using i'm gonna get a closer look uh a whale whale is that a fuvonius sword let me see that's a favonia sword go i believe in you they're almost dead though use food and they got cut down hey you want to fight me i'll fight you i'll beat you myself thank you for participating stop hitting me let me leave how do you leave how do you even leave this okay i'll let you kill me kill me good good good i thought this would be easy what do we get we get kaya i actually need like higher mains i need someone that has dedicated their entire life savings to kaya bobby bobby do you even have taya let me see your akai level up bobby level 80. wait he's not trolling you need to change some stuff meanwhile we will pick our boss please be signora or ryden please ignore a ride and make him fight signora ryden and we get the golden wolf lord even better good luck come over here we're fighting the golden wolf lord corrosion just don't get hit take all the deep breaths that you want you're doing hp kaya just kill him you know what boss boss just kill him just kill can you hurry up and start the boss of bobby i still need c6 venti guys i have five consolations to go through timer has started he missed his e completely good start going to bobby wait what is this he's doing 3k per hit with his burst his normal attacks are doing 1k yeah yeah he's not beating this he's running in circles he's running in circles you do realize you can run outside the arena it won't follow you and it's down going kill it bobby we're at one minute 30 seconds and the boss still has about 80 of its hp left and it's second phase the fight just got a lot longer he's gonna have to break those with his e you know it's just a waste of time if you use your normal attacks your normal attacks don't do anything to those wolf things he just needs to go through this one face and the rest of the fight you could literally do it blindfolded how low is it i'll go over there and take a look oh my god it's 70 and it took him like three minutes to do it i'll give this fight 20 minutes he broke one on to the second one should we skip bosses with mechanics like this this is actually a nightmare next round we will take out bosses that have super inconvenient mechanics wait do we just reroll the bosses after choosing the character i think that'd be much better we'll do that then i'm surprised that bobby is still alive to be honest i thought they'd be dead by now from the amount of bleeding they get this is my worst genji impact experience by far this is so dumb i'm about to fall asleep don't stop don't stop you're already at 13 minutes do not stop you know what if you don't die doing this i'll do 60 rolls you've already survived for 13 minutes 14 minutes now it'll be easy to survive 14 minutes more right this is genjin impact's equivalent of watching paint dry one more good job and it's down go dps he has not taken a single hit since the shield has been broken why'd you even put in hp artifacts anyways if you're gonna dodge everything you don't need hp artifacts you're telling me this fight could have been at least twice as fast don't get hit don't get hit just don't get hit i'm not rushing you but please go faster oh my god he's so close he's so close one last one he should be able to beat it after it goes down it's never getting back up go back in the final push kill it please no no way hit it whack it nice 25 minutes we'll do 60 pulls a hundred pulse you know what that was pretty impressive i'll do 100 pulls we're guaranteed to get a five star but how many more five stars will we get you guys think i'll get 10 unions watch i'll get one right now for you one oh my god i think we skipped yunjin this time but let's see if we get venti benti benti give me venti it's the wrong a nemo character unless two five stars at least i have 90 more now i'm guaranteed to get venti but how many more ventis will i get second pole probably yunjin right yunjin yun jin no three i'm surprised we are getting a good distribution of four star characters four i think four four oh my god this is it give me two where's my venti hello is my venti even in here hello is it all weapons where are my characters hello there he is only one but we do have 60 more polls left fifth one what leveling up my weapons boys five another weapon six 4 give me another 5 star oh my god is this a wait am i pulling on the wrong banner what is this hello this is a weapon no no how did that even happen it's fine i'm going to get a 5 star with 40 polls left i i lost count you know what it doesn't matter 40. is this 40 there's the characters 50 5 star not yoon jin no wait am i pulling the wrong banner again okay no it's not 60. where's my five stars last one seventy no no we got a gene and a venti not bad next character higher again level 90 kaya you will be fighting the cryo regis vine this might actually take a while they have a level 90 kaya i believe in them the thing has 60 cryo resistance but who plays kaia to deal cryo damage it's a physical damage kaya he has a aquila vavonia the corolla is not taking any damage it's not that bad at least it can't fly guys it won't take more than five minutes it's fine oh no i believe in you oh my god next character joy mia please give them something easy so we can get this over with ridemoji bishop don't be pyro don't be pyro don't be pyro oh my god you might want to do a physical build this time how much damage do they actually do if they activate their e if you can do this without getting hit a single time i will add in 30 poles can they do it half hp will they be able to dodge this attack though they dodged it 30 left almost there almost there and it's dead good job that took them around five minutes one we have to be close to our five star right wait is this the weapon banner no okay i'm so scared i'm so paranoid now two five star where's my five star oh razer three go go go hello four five star there it is benti's here because there's no way i'm losing another 50 50 right [Music] you can stop appearing in my polls now i have more than six copies of you unless venti is in here as well nope just chichi i have 20 more polls i believe one no two oh my god oh my god thank you for participating next character yay miko any shrine maidens any maidens no maidens you will be fighting child there's no way this can go wrong you just put down your ease and walk in circles around him huge damage oh my god 50 of his hp gone instantly and that's first face done phase two oh my god it cuts their damage in half during phase two don't die it's fine i think they have enough damage their main priority is not dying oh my god please heal eat food do you not have food oh no oh no can they do it oh i'll do it for you good try better luck next time goro no wait do we actually have goro mains oh my god they actually exist please just give them an easy boss there's no way they actually do damage right geo cube can gorog even kill geocube no it'll be too hard but what about his e his e does nothing wait how much damage does he even do to the pillars with his e i'll test it out with my goro does it actually take an hour bam what we are re-rolling child the redemption arc you cannot escape oh my it's it's burst doing damage to him i think the geo build because they're doing absolutely nothing with their normal attacks you have five minutes you can take your time oh my god that crit for 10k i'm the best camera man look at this ow ow oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll get out get out dodge it dodge it oh my god they ran out of food i think they can't heal anymore oh no they got struck by lightning is child really that hard all right next person next person roll twice let them use two characters should i do that instead okay sure we'll let them use two characters since we will not be getting through this anytime soon if we don't first character is yunjin second character is venti oh my god your characters are actually built something easy something easy oceanid oh my god 15k and nemo damage but they're missing every single one of their shots wait what can they not aim they're losing to a frog all right that's one that's one ah no go back up my view can they not kill the force nice that's one board down uh-oh oh ow ow ow kill the board kill the board oh it's that good job birds and boris oh my god boris again oh he's killing them though he's killing them he killed one bird i think where's the other one that's going for a closer look oh my god they're healing all their hp back oh no please the boars how'd you kill them last time stop stop stop stop oh that's one venti is down this is the real eternity that ryden shogun was talking about they died they died good try two good characters come on first one is albedo albedo and ito there's no way you can lose to any boss with these two let me see your albedo and ito oh my god both level 90 give me a weekly boss cryo reg is fine if you die to cryo regis fine with two characters i don't even know what to say please don't die to a flower if they can break the corolla fast they can probably one shot this boss oh they're doing it they're doing it huge damage huge and it's down 41 seconds 60 pulls it is three venti benti give me two i deserve two two there's one no next one next one ninguang and gene wait i forgot 30 poles i have 30 poles left one there's no way i'm getting a five star right xiao ling two boom three three four no wrong banner one two three why would i keep doing this it shares pity oh my god okay it's fine it's fine show me your gene and in guam both level 90. what do we get oh nid can you do it under two minutes i think this thing flies around for two minutes i don't know if you can do it that's the frog down ducks ducks no not me no stop stop i don't think they can kill it in under two minutes but they can definitely kill it though bird's dead go almost there almost there and it's down two minutes and 49 seconds nice 30 pulse one two five star three give me oh my god where's my five star thank you for coming what do we get mona and xin yen you have a level 60 mona and level 50 shin yeah you do realize you might have to fight a weekly boss right you know what let's see what you get cryo cube you got lucky go in go in go in oh my god oh my god you have to wait to use your bursts not bad for a level 60 and level 50. what they go where where's your character how are you here other lamps i'll open up other okay they died anyways their mona's back i triggered the other lambs as well i'm not saying you should probably eat food but you should probably eat food oh moana's down moana's down good try next two characters amber and say you i have not seen a say humane at all be honest when was the last time you saw say you level 70 amber and level 60 say you let's pick our boss the hydro cube my head is about to explode please kill this let's see how much baron bunny does the bear and bunny just take damage don't even worry about the time limit just kill it and that's amber down then revive their amber with some eggs please do they not know how to dodge that you literally just go between the gaps i'm gonna cry i'll give it until the five minute mark if you can't even bring it down to half hp by the five minute mark then we'll call it you need to catch that catch it oh good job nice we'll extend the time if it heals once more we'll call it you got me and their amber is dead and they're back up they ate an egg okay did it just heal we'll give them one more chance guys i can physically feel my hair turning white should we put a maximum limit on this 10 minutes maximum after this since it's already 9 50 and their amber's dead and their seiu's dead good try good try new rule 10 minutes maximum ride in shogun the second one is spinach there has to be a dozen of you it's literally half of the national team guys let's see it both level 90. that's what i like to see let's give them an easy boss just to top it off you will be fighting we'll re-roll re-roll mechanical cube let's see that ride and shogun damage 90k from ryden shogun's burst can we kill it can you kill it 30 seconds left i don't think they can do it they don't have their burst three seconds two seconds one second oh my god that is so close you did good you at least killed it give me my venti where's my pity one there it is there's my venti car yunjin okay [Music] this is just a visual bug unless there's a venti in here i will forgive you game if there's a venti in here oh my god it's just a visual bug if i go in here it's not a visual bug but i do get a c5 kachow we have 20 more we have 20 left maybe we get a five star out of this one rosaria two three no oh double good job good job thank you for participating next one then t again second character is kazuha double a nemo what level are they both 80. let's pick the boss electro ocean you only fought this with john lee i believe in you you can survive this please it's just not your day with venti's burst huh it just teleports away every single time that is venti down kazuha left the wall of the wall and that's causewa down but there's venti fenty's back oh and venti is down is that it good try ryden and goro something easy something easy please no more hydro cube is the hydro cube really that hard to fight get the healing nice that dark blue one always goes for me please kill this cube it's literally just water you cannot lose to water kill this one it's this one you need to kill this one it heals half hp we're at two minutes and 30 seconds dodge the waves i mean how does anyone literally get killed by the waves that's an attack it turns into a fishtail and slaps you i've never seen that before get this get this get this good job wait i got an achievement for what you did nice i love it 30 hp left go go oh my god this what is this boss it has like half a minute of invulnerability time last phase all you have to do is kill three slimes please oh no stop i didn't see you can't catch me please i want my 30 poles please oh oh my god do you kill at least one watch out for the heal okay i'm gonna leave the dark blue slime to you don't uh don't hate me can you kill it good job eight minutes i still have the weapon banner left by the way oh my god no not this again is this weapon even good here we go one no five star five star where's my five star no wrong banner oh my god it's fine they share pity they share pity this is it i'm gonna get a venti oh my god next one sucrose and kazuha you can't escape the curse they really want you to play double animo level 70 and level 90. i believe in your casual give them like hyrule regis vine or something can you do it can you kill estaha in five minutes with kazuha and sucrose have we killed a single weekly boss i don't think anyone has killed a single weekly boss yet let's see that damage it's not that bad actually just don't get hit just i frame all his attacks and you'll be good wait your burst actually does an absurd amount of damage actually pretty strong wait where's the timer all right we'll add like another minute to it okay unless they're reviving him they revive them take your time take your time don't rush it and their sucrose is down revive your sucrose please don't do this to me oh no you have to keep running we're gonna keep running you got hit by the thing you need heal he's gonna die oh no you're so close like 20 left good try good try kazuha again second character is aloy oh my god it's not happening i'm never going to get seasick's venti and yellow means hello let's see what you'll fight hydro cube how's it after all this time i only have c three venti please let me win all my fifty fifties from now on they food it up all right let's see it dodge the waves go in 20k with the e i think they can do it i think they need their alloy burst how's your alloys burst not up a minute thirty a minute 30. can they do it oh they use their coswos burst can they do it can they kill it please no 20 seconds left 10 seconds 10 seconds eight seven six five four three ah they're not gonna make it they have to kill the slimes kill the slimes just kill the slimes charge attack with your alloy freeze the slimes did they forget what a lloyd actually is second time's the charm where's the slime there it is bam good job 310 my 50 50s let me win this one at least one wait i'm guaranteed never mind am i guaranteed i forgot two come on where's my five star where's my five star am i going to pity three has to be it five star there it is two ventis give me two ventis there it is one there has to be a second one in here the game felt bad for me i'm literally getting pity from the game unless there's three third one that scared me i thought that was the third one two ventis good job good job thank you for coming we're close we need one more we can do this what do we get as the first character the ching does anyone even use kaching anymore second one is special double electro please kill this one boom boom boom and we're done with this banner let me see official and kachow both level 80 nice don't give them the electro ocean or anything else in that matter pretty much just don't give them any of the inazuma bosses signora can they even kill signora i think they die by sheer cold right i'll ask them do you want to try signora or do you want to reroll can you re-roll why would i expect anything else primogeo bishop you can do this it's possible just don't be the electro version it has three attacks there's no way you can't dodge those right are you serious i think you should go physical for this one i'm not i'm not kidding i think you should go physical for this one huge damage don't die how are you alive right now oh my god they got hit by the breath attack could ching is down official and official is down good try let's move on to the next person we got albedo the second character is alloy oh my god you got this right let me see your alloy and albedo i wouldn't be surprised if no one leveled their alloy past level let's just say level 20. how's your a higher level than your albedo what you will be fighting oh uh let's go i believe in you you can be the first one to clear a weekly boss go go go oh my god 19k oh my god they can do it if you can kill this in under five minutes that's a five star watch out for the bubbles watch out for the bubbles this face is kind of annoying this might take up all the time how do you dodge this one ow how did you manage to dodge it you have one minute and 30 seconds left i think they can do it watch out watch out watch out oh they got hit oh i got hit wait what they got it 4 15. that's 90 poles congratulations there it is you know what i'll get venti right here watch watch this check it out venti no oh sucrose two oh my god three don't go to pity please have mercy four oh my god five go give me what's six oh my god actually pity seven eight i swear if i get another challenge there it is guys i can't lose all 50 50s it's statistically impossible are they really going to do this to me when i'm at my last constellation i have one more i believe in myself venti is right here nevermind thank you for coming next one gene and say you you should not be able to die with this team level 80 right level 80. we might have some issues it's fine as long as you don't die in one hit i think you're good what are you fighting that's easy you know what let's go let's get this over with i think you can do it please tell me you can do it you can do it okay i believe in you oh my god oh one tk with burst oh my god they're just using gene going oh my god you know you can rez right you know you can rest any food any buffs in this game is fair game go 20 left you can do it just don't get stuck at the last face they got it i don't think they can get it they have to go through the face again i think second tries the charm there it is one oh my god oh my god one two three all right this is it go please e nice 451 one oh my god i'm tired of seeing charlene can i see a union i just realized i have not seen a union in a while two three no no stop what do we get gene again the second character is albedo level 80. that's not bad you will be fighting hydro cube running away already they're running away already why are you running away oh oh oh oh oh oh they got it they got it they're learning oh oh oh oh oh look how fast it's going oh they block it nice oh oh they're actually beating it almost half hp here i'll help you i'll help you hey get in there get back into the arena only i could be out here uh oh oh no did it heal or not i don't think it healed uh oh good job good job nice uh oh oh wait that's me wait hey hey hey hey oh they got it they actually got it now you just have to kill these three slimes hello can you kill one can you at least kill one one at a time i guess one at a time two slimes you just have to kill two slimes this one right here that's one that's one blow it away blow it away no wrong direction stop go after them go after them last slime last line good job 741 at least you killed it one there it is where's my five star two give me it just give me it please three has to be it there it is where's my venti where's my benty finally i swear if it gives me two ventis okay good it is time one two three four five another archon crossed off the list next one the weapon banner easy i'm gonna one tap it what do we get first character is chungus second character is please thomas please actually kill bosses we've been at this for five hours oh my god you have a level 90 thomas let's see how this goes like just give them a flower just give me like five flowers in a row don't give me anything difficult actually flower cryo-regis vine this should be it this should be 60 poles is that a black cliff you want to borrow my homa i'll give you my home do you think they know do you know you could use claymores to break the corolla you have two characters you know there you go there you go keep going keep going almost there nice and it's down now what oh my god the damage oh my god please kill the flower please this is literally the first boss in the game oh my god you have to break the coral kick it kick it with your thomas no not like that you have to kick his forehead nice good job 20 left kicks for it nice good job now smack his forehead yes good job nice it's down you gave it a concussion let's go dps time it's broken again nice can you kill it within this round i think you need to eat some food wait oh my god what just happened we might have to move on to the next person because the time limit is 10 minutes and we are at 8 40 right now they were so close too how did the boss decide to reset right at the last minute good characters only and we got sucrose not too bad let's see what we get for the other character character number two is oh my god you at least make sure your characters are qualified what is this you know what let's see what boss we get first yeah it's not happening next one next one let's reroll what do we get barbara second character is ayaka wait that's not bad just give me pyro regis vine and then we're good low of 50 level 80. it doesn't matter that's just your healer right the main dps is ayaka let's see what you're fighting the mechanical cube it's easy it just has a lot of hp you should be able to do this wait where am i going oh my god they whipped it almost completely but not yet still got some damage in can you stop attacking barbara your characters are full hp are they not oh hello you should use food oh my god their ayaka died get her back up they're tickling it used to burst huge damage burst window is open oh it's gone half hp what you whipped it you missed no no barbara no uh oh is that it oh they're still alive can they do it i don't think they can do it there she goes let's see what we get next kazu okay but what's our second character kanye 90 80. give them a flower game electro ocean it not too bad with kanye it's not too bad change your artifacts boot up change weapons whatever you need just please kill it 6k damage kanye hello level 90. oh my god ganyu's down how come nobody can kill the inazuma bosses is it really that hard oh there goes kazuha next person next person what do we get who tau second character bennett at least you can't die right both level 90 you level your bennett to 90 you will be fighting the wolf why do they not put a waypoint here i feel like there should be a waypoint to every single weekly boss like i don't know why they don't put a waypoint right here oh my god huge damage huge 20 god oh my god 30 of his hp gone in an instant you can do this did your bennett just do 32k good job 129. 90 pulls it is right into the sword right of course one oh my god give me it give me the sword with the amount of 50 50s i've lost there's no way i lose another one oh my god 80 pulls left bam five star oh no no wait wrong banner no it's a right banner two three five star what sport give me a sword i don't want bugs i want sword i want stabby stabby five sword no no not this one six again seven here it is my sword it's my sword this is my sword right here it's my sword oh you know you win some you lose some or in my case you win some but you lose a lot you know what i bet there's a sword in here the five star came too early what's this one for sure watch ten poll for a five star give me my weapon nevermind am i actually gonna c6 r5 venti for no reason who do we get beto again give me a child what oh my god it's the next one we're six hours and how's it this long your beto is higher than your noel what will you be fighting oh no you're the first one to fight this boss can i put what artifacts on them yes you may put artifacts on them you plan to fight these two without artifacts have you guys been fighting the bosses without artifacts what's going on oh they booted up i like the way you think all right let's see it let's see that damage this might take a while did that dude 43k you might want to get out of that circle those icicles are impossible to dodge keeping them relatively the same hp good thinking that thing's on the water by the way and their misery and mine i hate this i hate this too but we gotta keep going you're almost there i can taste the victory the purple one's dead kill the blue one hit the blue one hit the blue one did i kill it i killed it with my aquila passive good job good job uh but we're gonna we're gonna cancel that i need to take off my sword what am i doing with this sword you know what they did work hard for it i'll do 20 pulls i bet i'll get a sword off of this watch one what two five star that was good let's see what's next noel again second one is yen fey what an odd combination level 70 level 60 please give them a flower they literally can't kill anything else i don't think electro cube oh my god it's easy huge damage kind of not really that doesn't even hit me wait i'm too short ow what is your noel just cosmetic like actually just there for moral support 20 seconds left 20 seconds left last one you got it 154 60 pulse this is it one okay not this one not this one two okay not this one either three hello add another zero to this please three there it is it's my sword show me it hello sword boom there it is just one still good that only took about six and a half hours [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 2,633,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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