Genshin Impact, but I have to summon a team

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hey moglets so the day just reset and i've decided i'm going to be doing a challenge today i believe this idea came from my discord server and i thought it was super interesting so basically what we're going to do is we're going to go into the standard banner uh we're going to summon until we get four different units and whatever those four units are is going to be my team for the entire day so i guess we can just go ahead and start i want to take a quick look at history see if we might have a chance at a five star nope d look was literally our last summon i mean we still do have a chance at a five star but not a very high one this feels kind of weird but let's just start off with a tin pole i guess since we might only get like one unit per tin pole hopefully more and hopefully it's not a weapon oh lisa damn it she's like one of the 10 units i don't have raised yet lisa all right this is going to be a tough challenge thankfully we have our friends over at gamer sups to help us out with their delicious and zero calorie energy powder they have tons of different flavors to choose from and get this gamers they have rgb what's more gamer than that i ask you maybe their selection of supple waifu cups personally i've really been enjoying the dragon fruit punch as you can see from its almost emptiness guacamole gamer fart 9000 is really good too almost as good as it sounds and it's by a fellow youtuber as well the russian badger one more high recommendation is the mango meta especially if you like them peach rings like i do it's super easy to prepare add powder to preference i prefer one large scoop or two level scoops for a whole bottle fill in water and shake easy peasy some of the other benefits of gamer subs is that it's keto friendly contains new tropics to sharpen focus and increase reaction time organic caffeine no fillers six of the body's most crucial vitamins and minerals and electrolytes anyway the first 500 people to click the link in the description will get free samples so you can try different flavors before deciding on what to purchase so check it out also make sure to use code moga on checkout for a discount and a big thanks to gamer subs for sponsoring this video not really getting anything else here ferris shadow well we'll get a four star on our next single pole i'm not counting weapons obviously that would just make it way too complicated um oh and unfortunately that was also a four star so yeah we're just going to do our next tin poll here we go command hopefully we won't be getting too many weapons and hopefully not like another lisa because we need four different units here this is not supposed to be a summoning session honestly this is just the start of the challenge so i don't really want to you know go through a bunch of my primal gyms for okay noelle she's at least kinda raised so uh might not be too bad can we get like a ka-ching or a mona or something so noel and lisa this is not this is not starting out very well let's just go ahead with the next tin poll come here five star okay man i'm gonna have to spend primo gyms on the standard banner this sucks black tassel debate club just please give us a hero and not a weapon ferrous shadow thrilling tales oh no the witseth oh man that sucks something tells me this wasn't the best idea actually we've already done 30 pulls and have only gotten two half of our team all right well got no choice we're in too deep let's go that hurts come on please just give us like two units in my suffering just please no more weapons at least you can give me one four star pretend just no weapons please harbinger debate club oh man okay yes actually not bad shondling okay so we got noel lisa and sean ling let's let's keep going we're gonna do some singles now because it's our last character and i want to spend as few as possible so uh yeah just one wish at a time that is a blue this one is a blue this one is also a blue this must be it nope how about now yeah please no weapon please no weapon please no weapon please no weapon no i don't care i'm continuing with singles blue blue maybe we'll just go till we get a five star blue blue blue blue come on man uh blue now there's gotta be pity right next one must be pity please just end it okay oh god it could be a weapon no no dude stop i don't like this idea anymore we're we're too much into it please just just give us just give us a character no come on yes early please just oh no it's gonna be a weapon forget it okay official all right lisa fishel shanling and noel 30 acquaint faints and like 5k primo gyms to get four characters for our team sean ling will probably be our main dps she has the highest level after all our level 20 lisa and uh noel you know could could be a solid team all right there we go there's my team we got to spend resin today we gotta do some daily quests uh first of all i'm going to gear them up as best as i can obviously if uh yeah i'm gonna give her staff of homa i don't think she'd be too bad with engulfing lightning either i think her artifacts are actually pretty solid still we got imagery charge and pyro damage bonus c6 of course talents are actually decent so glad we got at least one usable character i'm running low on those uh crystals so we're just gonna get for gravestone for now i never actually raised the death percent artifact because yeah i like noel's the only one that wants one she can just keep her four star there whatever good enough her talents are actually a little bit higher than i thought as well you know got a level nine breast plate over there c6 of course she can act as our healer as well gonna go ahead and give fishel the skyward harp gave her some stuff nothing super impressive but regardless also oh yeah and her talents are still level zero we can see if we can level them up a little bit i guess yep that was it and finally lisa c1 lisa i'll try to utilize her but i'm not sure if i can why does she already have two plus 20 artifacts i haven't i didn't do anything yet oh yeah i remember i did do like the starter hero challenge a while ago and never gave the artifact she stole back probably no one was using them and i'm going to do the same thing here i'm just going to take whatever someone isn't using like this thing here sure take that energy recharge and i'm going to give her lost prayer because i think she has a uh crit damaged circlet let's take a quick look at their really bad stats all of them probably have super bad stats 270 energy recharge why oh energy recharge sam's i'm gonna get rid of that she doesn't need that much energy recharge i guess that's a little better whatever how's noel doing not a ton of defense for someone that needs a bunch of defense but oh i did get official up to uh the next star let's just go ahead and give her the levels then no i'm not wasting that much xp 194 to go maybe we can get official up to 50 before the end of the video oh at least it can also go up why am i raising these guys without giving them the levels i may have been really struggling with like books or something don't know if we can get 2500 xp but we'll we'll see official stats very high crit rate for some reason no energy recharge actually not too bad i mean she has almost 2k attack at level 49. it's kind of impressive mostly because of skyward harp i guess i'm going to give her a quick damage circlet though yeah that's much better with the crit damage circle it and lisa actually not too bad just gonna keep her like that probably all right here we go going to start with dailies thankfully i think this one over here is not a fighting quest lisa is by far our tallest character here so i'm going to travel with her yeah this is just that kimono pattern quest maybe next one i think this one over here is indeed a fighting quest oh it's a hilla churl or a samatral i don't know what they're called i don't care here we go let's just start with her ult straight away although he probably should have gotten like a shield first or something oh well i mean they're actually dying pretty quick reinforcements coming let's go and get that shield let's see what noel can do with her alt boom actually not too bad 4600 boom that was not a crit unfortunately also her shield just exploded not bad noel got another one over here this one looks a little harder although we just have to uh kill the uh let's get a shield first let's throw up uh all right that one's done maybe we'll try and kill the enemies here though also just because got an electro dude over here ooh noel can you get your shield back soon okay well there was the commission but i still want to try and kill these enemies oh that might be actually kind of oh my god stop holy hell no move i have no stamina jesus christ there is no rules about not being able to revive i guess all right it's time to go ultimate mode where are you you dumb you dumb abyss mage he was just down here whatever stay gone forever please boom headshot get down there's the abyss mage with a full shield again that shield was almost gone no i just swapped all right these stupid abyss mages down again we're just gonna have to wait what weapon do i have oh why do i have that one i thought i gave first homa one more daily quest to go oh it's over here in the uh one of the new islands yeah there's no fighting with this one either so all right that was it for dailies i'm not sure i haven't totally decided what to use my resin on yet i have not fought in the hydro hippo yet so we might go for that to prepare a little bit for uh coco mia i believe she's called yeah we'll try that we'll go here it's kind of annoying that it's so far away what in tarnation how do i get to it where is it oh i see oh is this where oh no i don't want to grab that yet i haven't done the exploring island yet so i don't want to grab it okay well it's already just a little dude here so and we can do some vape rises oh wait what the hell we have some slimes exploding slimes all right let's just get uh her out here just keep attacking it what what is that plus hey hey don't heal and it and it's defending it's defending the slime get out of here okay the slime is oh my god what is this what is this uh i'm gonna go this way probably wouldn't have to care too much with like a zhongli or whatever we do have her alt ready so okay there was the dolphins let's go ahead and try the alts doing some nice solid damage here a little over half now there are the dolphins again ooh what are you doing i don't know if i'm allowed to be in this little middle ring but uh yeah it doesn't look like feels like i could get a lot of damage in on it right now though all right forget it i'm going let's refresh our shield our very weak shield because i didn't build noel correctly almost oh we got some more slimes here what is it doing it looks big no i want the pl oh it heals me intercept the healing maybe i should keep these guys alive not give me thank you i think i got it yeah because it's not healed destroy the water droplets or prevent them from getting too close okay no no water droplet i think it got absorbed yeah it did let's get elisa burst in there let's go okay it just moved out of the way it was too scared of the lisa burst all right i guess we have to destroy one more water droplet now okay it's over there it shouldn't be too hard okay and then it's dead that took forever but uh we got it let's go ahead and refresh yeah i might wait to farm that one when i have my actual team again got three due of repudiation repudiation repudiation the repudiation of reformist policies it has strong rejection properties it checks out i don't know why i'm going on a tangent about a item name i've never done that before but all right troops don light pretty mediocre oh i like the reverb in this room that's a nice attention to detail touch sort of i dig that i don't dig that literally anything i'm going to be farming is going to be a pain in the ass though maybe besides like ley lines i do i do need some mora let's do a couple la lines we'll try some other stuff as well but i want to see what we can do with them ley lines would need to heal a bit with noel to start i guess have some samurais here yeah that's not going to be easy either actually oh my god her shield is so weak oz is so strong though that's crazy like look at them can i just push them off the edge one attack and noel's shield is gone oh no i just got her old there's no way i'm gonna be able to time these guys so where they're both dead at the same time oh i did it oh that was close though but all right unfortunately our shambling is dead and noel is not a very good healer built as she is i know i have a decent death percent goblet yeah we're just gonna go with that instead of the geodamage bonus could also give her a healing bonus just to make her kind of a healer i think i'll do that and then we'll just enhance this plus 4 to 16. we can cannibalize it later i guess got some energy recharge which i don't think is very helpful but she has 1400 def now which is definitely way better than it was before yeah here we go sean ling is healing up decently nicely the shield is gone now unfortunately so let's get oz out oh god these guys do so much damage though so i gotta be really careful oh no i don't want her to die again all right here we go we're we're we're going for her old gotta heal god her shield is still so weak though i mean yeah she's still built like trash but well i'm not sure if i should even you oh yeah this one's still far away from being dead so ooh a lot of damage though when like stuff starts going right and considering like ley lines are probably like the easiest thing out of the things i can use resin on i'm a little bit worried all right what else i guess we can go for one of the new artifact runs oh that's gonna be a pain all right let's try it though current party level is lower than recommended you don't say i wasn't aware you could swap weapons in uh the domain but yeah we're swapping to staphylocoma unfortunately my electro characters won't be very helpful here we'll go and throw her up anyway i suppose i guess noel can help a little bit here with uh getting rid of the shield at least we got shandling's alt ready let's use it before she dies the mage is probably more annoying a little harder to avoid than the uh big dude here so we're gonna try and get rid of him first oh no i can't stop it okay i was able to interrupt can heal a bit with noel again yeah she's obviously doing a lot less damage now unfortunately but she can heal better all right uh just kind of a slog honestly uh well we did it took uh two and a half minutes but we did it you gotta give us something good for this one with flat def in hp literally the only four flat stats you can get i think i mean element to mastery is good for a lot of characters but still and then plume with flat death and hp and then of course the plume having flight attack itself with elements of mastery dude that's hilarious what are the chances of that like it still has flat attack def and hp plus elements of mastery just like this one what a crazy coincidence all right but we're done with that abyss hasn't reset yet so we're not going to bother with that thankfully i'm sure i could probably get through floor 9 and 10 with this team honestly in due time as long as i have a strong second team i just don't want to i was thinking about not doing wolf boss every week now starting because we have five weekly bosses now and two of them would cost 60 but maybe we will go for it just uh just for the video also of course you know lisa is better at climbing which is why we're going to swap to lisa not for any other specific reason jesus christ all right here we go um i mean considering i basically sold this with sucrose i don't think i'm gonna have much of a trouble here it's probably not even going to take very long to be honest we're already like halfway dang oz does so much damage though it's incred it's crazy okay well there goes fishel which is unfortunate i was being careless let's try uh lisa's burst again might do some like overloaded i guess yeah some decent overloaded damage i saw a couple of 5ks in there i didn't mean to revive fishel that's kind of unfortunate now we just have to hope that we can get uh noelle's shield back so we can go to official and do her e real quick all right we only have like one shot before we could can we do a full lisa charged we can with 7600 what dude we just got the wolf's gravestone proc so we're gonna try and get some extra damage up in here maybe a lisa burst oh no what's going on why am i taking so much damage suddenly he's almost down though all right there we go um we basically did the whole thing without our strongest character shanling so i guess that was just a little added extra challenge on accident let's just go ahead and do that what do we got gladiators intoxication death i already have a good def goblet and of course that stuff okay unfortunate that we didn't get any of the special stuff like prototypes or the uh little crystal shards that allows you to transfer one thing into the other because that's the only reason i would do wolf anymore so yeah i'm usually doing the first three refreshes until it says consume 150. so if we make the condenser missing and we don't have any resin anymore then that's probably where the challenge is going to end because this is also how i do things i always like to go into every new day with five condensed because because i'm never sure exactly what i want to farm and it's nice to have those five condensed so to keep my options open uh i guess that was it not too bad not too bad it could have been worse could have been better but it was a pretty interesting challenge thank you uh to whoever suggested it i do apologize that i forgot who that was exactly i do believe is in my discord video suggestions channel though so so you know who you are make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you did happen to enjoy as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 1,571,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact summons, genshin impact gacha
Id: jfhvPDF-YGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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