This is what 250,000 PRIMOGEMS gets you on Genshin Impact

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now hear me out jesus i will make the comeback happen i will make the comeback happen the button has been switched off the moment's gone guys this is it the final single oh my god oh my god [Music] what's going on guys asian guy here bringing you a very very special video because i have been blessed by jesus 22 with the honor of trying to hone and utilize my stream of luck to bring home a constellation six hutow a refinement rank five homer and potentially two more spare staff of homers on top of that with a whopping a whopping 250 000 genesis crystals now with stream a lot guys we won't even break 100 000 genesis crystals okay the streamer luck is gonna come through true and powerful and you know what else we have behind our backs we have today's sponsor which is going to be razer gold and razor silver and especially to those people if you are going to be spending on the game guys you definitely want to use razer gold and razer silver because you will get more genesis crystals and more primo gems for your buck so do check it out here is the little tutorial i have for you guys on how it works if you are spending on genji and impact you 100 want to be involved with razer gold and razer silver awards why because it allows you to purchase more genesis crystals with the same amount of money you're doing so already if you click the link in the description down below i'm gonna tell my world come back on down below click the link in the description down below or in the pin comment section you'll be redirected to this web page if you go down to recharge now it will then redirect you to the official mihoyo top up center and as you can see official partners you can see my information is already in there please don't hack me and then you can select razer gold wallet hopefully i'm not blocking anything with the webcam here raise a gold wallet you then move on and select whatever you want to get whether that be the welcome moon or certain genesis crystals pack i will go for the 100 pack because i want to save 20 dollars worth with the 20 code that i have it is a one-time code so please do keep that in mind so of course if you spend ten dollars you'll get two dollars back if you spend a hundred dollars you're gonna get twenty dollars worth back and so on so forth it's a one-time code so please do keep that in mind if you scroll down this page and you type in my code ags 20 and you apply that you will get 20 razer gold back it's one to one so as you can see here i'm going to be using 99.99 which is basically 100 100 razer gold and i will get 20 of that back now on top of that i'm also going to be getting razor silver now what exactly is razor silver well well well razor silver is a reward system that comes along with razer gold every time you spend razer gold you will get razer silver back and as you can see you can redeem razer silver for more razer gold or if you're like me you're going to be redeeming it for more gangshin impact genesis crystals you also have the nintendo eshop roblox minecraft and of course a ton of razer peripherals and razer goods so exactly guys what are you waiting for because razer gold razor silver if you utilize them correctly you are going to be getting more bang for your buck thank you so much to razer gold and razor silver rewards for sponsoring today's scamons and summons i hope you guys enjoyed the video and have a wonderful wonderful day bye bye all right we are going to 100 000 primo gems we are going to convert that [Music] four hundred and twenty wishes that is how confident i am we are gonna get c6 hotel now if you can get c6 who town that many wishes that's pretty lucky because that means you have to win a lot of 50 50s if i'm not mistaken so each one let's say on average you need to do 80 pools per hotel this is only enough if you have to go to 80 pools each time for five five stars now to get hutan you need to win 750 50s in a row at c6 and that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna get early so we have a little bit of pity here to help us here so we have seven times six minus three is 39 so around four multisit remember guys we're gonna start with 400 420 wishes we're gonna win every 50 50 and they're gonna come home early it's going to be guaranteed that toma unless by some very very weird and unlucky spell we are going to get c6 toma on the way as well so there we go there's tomorrow number one can we get tomah number two or something better would be who town early these maltese are not looking great right now we are already five maltese down can we win the first 50 50 of many it's gonna be a long video guys the c6 in 420 dream is essentially dead now that dream is essentially dead unless we could get a very early hutao here with a double multi of double five stars it's it's essentially dead so when i tell you guys that i got very lucky on my zhong lipos because it only took me around 400 multis or 400 pools not 400 maltese to get c6 i got very lucky because as you can see here we are already down [Music] 120 pulls and what do we have to show for it we we have a c0 hotel it's not a good start unless we can start hitting some huge early back to back so that is the very first copy of hutao now i realized that i do have chichi in the naughty corner and we ended up pulling chi-chi so my theory of having chi chi in the naughty corner [Music] is debunked it is incorrect no bueno do not put chichi in the naughty corner in the hopes of pulling hutow it does not work it does not work now all we need to do guys it's still winnable all we need to do is just get some really early five stars and they all have to be hootout all right we have 280 wishes to make this happen okay we have 270 wishes to make this happen hi hi yeah okay okay [Music] jesus does not have zhong li unfortunately [Music] okay we are 200 poison okay did that come early with two hundred and two hundred pulls in three five stars [Music] uh oh damn me it is new i don't know what jesus is saying about that but it is new it's okay back-to-back hotel okay it's tomah but come on where's the hutao where is the early hotel we are now 220 wishes in on this journey to c6 hutao guys 220 in we're way past 220 now oh my oh my goodness oh meow dio all mine god that is no bueno you know what double skip multi boom okay we have used 280 wishes and we have a who tell c1 to show for 280 wishes this is a terrible terrible start this is actually very very very bad unless we can start turning it around right here with a back to back to back to back to back to back winnable winnable winnable that's an early i feel like that's an early maybe not because i'm going through these multi so quickly do not lose the 50 50. please who tell come on thank you okay the comeback is now this is where the comeback begins guys we are on c2hutao now i confidently and delusionally at the beginning of the video said that we will be able to pull c6hutao in 420 wishes that is how confident i am we are going to get c6 retell we now have to pull four who towels in 80 wishes jesus and myself needed your energy it is now rise up okay okay okay okay okay i'm not even gonna bother looking at the flares guys because this account is cursed this account is is cast all day [Music] oh dear there's going to be four hotels in here there's literally gonna be four hotels in here there'll be four hotels in here [Music] oh [Music] i mean if you think about it guys who tau and mona they both end with an a no they don't ends in an o think about it who town mona what does o and a mean i don't know where i'm going with this guy so we have lost basically every 50 50. we've lost 50 50 three now hear me out jesus i will make the comeback happen i will make the comeback happen so in 600 wishes we will finish c6 houtail which is also still not bad it could be worse it's not bad though if you can get it done in 600 it's not bad it's still winnable it is still winnable so in 600 wishes can we please get some early hoot outs mihoyo mihoyo what are you doing do you not realize me hoyo that right now we are showing to many many people what it means to spend a lot of money on this game you're meant to push the button push the button which is like oh oh yeah the streamer is showcasing so ah there we go finally push the button thank you early hotel finally guys finally we got an early hotel the button has been pushed they got the message they got the memo okay now we know guys mihoyo is listening now they're listening now okay they now know to push the button so now we're going to get the streamer lock for real now we're going to get the streamer lock okay that was an early who towel we saved two maltys a whopping two maltese in there now we're just getting tomas you see that guys the stream of luck we've got the bell never mind the streamer luck oh there's a kaching that's a multi number four it is early it is early but it's not the right thing that was a ching constellation another tomah but i did come here another timer [Music] the button has been the button's been pre another timer guys the button has been pushed if you pull right now it's guaranteed to be toma all right never mind inside the button has been it's switched off the moment's gone guys the moment's gone you you missed out you missed out [Music] okay okay [Music] in 180 wishes did we bring home c6 hotel i mean if we get a double who towel here if we get a double here if we get a double here we have one multi left there's gonna be two who towels in this multi there's gonna be two oh there's gonna be two ferocious shadows or ferrous shadows in this monty congratulations whoa you also got two skyrider swords two two wow oh jesus says oh no i can't lose my right kidney to who tell wow let's use that 49 000 here let's go up to 720 if you know if you get if you get c6 who town 720 is not bad guys this is not bad is it not bad that mihoyo can you please press the switch mihoyo mihoyo can you please press the switch me ho yo hello [Music] [Music] surely surely surely surely [Music] well if you want mona guys you know where to go if you want mona today guys well you know exactly where to go and get your mona wow i have never had this bad luck before oh wait it's early guys nah this is the comeback this is the comeback the double who town multi is here the double who town malty is here surely this is the one the double who town malty tommy you scared me there we have two more to get this in 720 guys 720 720 wishes come on no 750 guys that's 750 wishes yeah for the for the hotel 750 wishes that's a whole lot of timer again 750 never mind jesus has just messaged me saying this is going in the history books as the biggest scam ever hear me out i will redeem myself on the staff of homer i will i will redeem myself for the staff of homer 770 wishes [Music] no surely surely no bro 780 wishes it's over guys unless we there's no way we this is hutau right this is huh 790 wishes 800 wishes 810 wishes 820 wishes 830 wishes 840 wishes cool malty 850 wishes [Music] oh dear god [Music] all day [Music] 800 and fifty wishes for constellation six who tow we essentially lost out of seven hotels i believe we lost six fifty fifties we got chichi chichi mona mona mona and kaching 50 50s this was very close to being the absolute worst case scenario because there are not many earlies as well however the redemption arc begins now 360 wishes so seven staff of homers in 360 wishes oh dear okay so we have got seven times seven times six minus three thirty nine wishes in 360. let's begin good start excellent start staff of homer straight off the bat this is my redemption arc this is my hero saga my hero arc where i go puras or [Music] we keep going and we keep going and we keep going multi number one the staff of homer number one has been achieved we start off with 360 wishes how far can we go [Music] boom another staff of homer please me hoyo hear me out you know what just give me the staff of homer and the elegy here that would be fantastic to get both it would be very very much appreciated oh wolf's gravestone interesting i mean if you were to get any off banner it would probably oh that's the very first copy of wolf's gravestone so we have got one fake points already as well not bad not bad not bad not bad can we get an early homer though yeah we had the wolf's gravestone on the homer banner guys i wonder where we've seen that before come on come on homer don't be shy let's get multi here another cheeky skip multi into the s o h oh sucrose that is an ominous sign that's the very first sucrose we've pulled today staff of homer okay elegy okay okay okay i mean like one copy of elegy is not banned it's fine there's the one copy that's the only one copy of elegy we're gonna pull guys because now we're only gonna pull staff of homer and we're gonna pull them early you know what i'm saying we're going to pull them early yeah yeah mihoyo push the button push the button push it can you please push the button mihoyo [Music] i need my redemption arc here mihoya please [Music] there's the staff of homer r2 we now have 150 wishes left guys to go out and get five more staff of homers [Music] wait have i charted it yes i have [Music] okay we we can do it guys i believe i believe we we have a hundred wishes left to pull five staff of homers 100 wishes left for five staff of homers this is gonna be a double this will be a double staff of homer multi that's not a bad weapon to get either just saying by the way just just saying ammo is not bad as well hopefully that's new for them and they can put down gun you oh that's new as well wow we can still bring home the r5 homer very early no apparently not apparently not this is the one just kidding this is the one double homer double homer double home end is multi double staff of homeowners multi right here there's the first one excellent show me the other one show me the other one show me the other one show me the other one do it okay okay okay okay okay another staff of homer please another staff of homer please big skip okay we we will bring it home in another 130 wishes here we go come on we want a staff of homer street care we want a staff of homer streak here ignore that guys ignore that that multi didn't happen that multi did not happen can we get an early please nope ah not what we were looking for though oh yeah another early hey that's staff of hormuz [Music] i mean we it did it we did lose two 50 50s they were early though so i don't know [Music] okay ah [Music] jesus how you feeling i have lost count now i have lost count now i i only feel pain and suffering right now i only feel pain and suffering oh and it's not even my pain and suffering to feel oh come on double homer double homer it's not it's another really good off banner but it's not what we're looking for it's another very good weapon i believe that is the first copy no it's not their first copy of skyward harp back to back skip never mind early multi number two it's a sing-cho early multi-number oh staff of homer we got it i don't know it was it's another early guys it was another super early i skipped the multi my last five jesus do you still want to keep going jesus wants two more jesus still wants two more staff of homers okay hopefully we can get another early then hopefully we can get another early there's no point even looking at the flare anymore guys i feel because we're just going to oh jesus isn't going to use it all they prepared for the worst or did they did jesus really prepare for the worst 250 000 genesis crystals to get c6 hutao and seven staff of homers are we gonna go all the way or is it not gonna be enough this has to be staff of homer this has to be staff of [Music] well you're gonna get an r5 elegy of the end as well it seems start from home early ah there it is early guys two malty's after it's still winnable it's still winnable it is still winnable the early streaks are coming [Music] come on come on at the bitter end come on at the bitter end at the bitter end all 250 000 genesis crystals have been used at the bitter end can we bring home the seventh star of homer we have bankrupted jesus [Music] requiem this is it the final single oh my god oh my god [Music] i mean it's their very first tequila for ronia guys you know what i say it's their very first aquino favonia you know it's a new weapon for them now jesus 250 000 genesis crystals have been used do you wish to continue ah guys jesus says look at least it was me who went through that and not someone else they have paid the ultimate ultimate sacrifice you can technically afford number seven with these wishes if you wish to do them jesus one more one more what one more five star one more homer or one more malty oh jesus says one more and i could go to bed is that one more homer one more five star oh one more homer oh my god okay no more than 20 multis no more than 20 no more than two maltese we're gonna we're gonna let jesus go to bed right here see see we saved a little bit at the end you know what i'm saying guys jesus there we go stop at home and you can go to bed now you can go to bed it's not the end of the world right jesus thank you so much for allowing me to summon on your account that was a very very very mentally taxing and draining journey i can only imagine how painful that was for you so i apologize the stream of luck did not really kick in until the very end of the staff of homer banner there but i would say enjoy your c6hu town an r5 homer together they are very very very very very strong i hope you have a lot of fun with that thank you so much for allowing me to summon on your account and with your great sacrifice that means the next account is now going to be super blessed and the next account is going to be marty if marty is still here so thank you for allowing me to summon a massive thank you to jesus for the content there and let us move on to the next account jesus good night i hope you rest well because that was some clear pain and suffering right the next account marty is someone who has been for being in our chat for a long long long time marty what exactly are we going for 111 wishes with a guaranteed who town but i want to try for homer as well willing to swipe which means marty saw jesus's pools and decided that i had bad luck and ended up swiping marty hear me out the way it works it's gonna balance out because the way it works is if someone gets extremely bad luck they have then sacrificed their rng to rn jesus to give you the the followers the predecessor not the predecessors the descenders the descendants good luck like this you know you'll get see see this it's actually how it works it's actually how it works if someone gets really bad luck they have played sacrifice and they have died on the rng cross for our sins to bless you so jesus has literally sacrificed themselves to rn jesus just so that you can bring home hotel early in the first multi that's literally how it balances out now staff oh that's your very first pain slasher interesting we have one pity for staff of homer maybe you didn't need to swipe at all because jesus has made the great sacrifice to make sure that you get your moon moons you get your wave breakers fins and you get your staff of homer maybe you don't need to swipe at all there's a constellation for sincho [Music] and here comes the staff of homer and hutao in 70 wishes which would be very very good luck [Music] it's the elegy never mind unless there is another staff of homer in here i wonder if that's a bennett constellation now imagine we end up getting an early staff of homer guys imagine we get an early stuff of homer oh sing cho another constellation that's very useful ah it was not meant to be unless this one single here for the mean never mind so marty rightfully swiped which means marty saw jesus's pulls and decided that i had battle up and ended up swiping here we go staff of homer let's bring it home come on now enough messing around ninjuan okay ninjuan with with if not bad not bad not bad come on let's bring it home enough messing about enough messing about you gave us the the who tower early all right staff of homer now thank you very much we'll take it we'll take it thank you thank you thank you staff of homer thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] congratulations on the staff of congratulations on the congrats congrats you'll come home early right there's multi right here right it'll come home early yeah yeah [Music] what are we saying marty what was use it surely right it ends here surely oh oh dear you seem to be in spot of trouble here guys marty's swiping may not have been enough [Music] [Music] it started so well and then it went downhill well marty if you choose to swipe again you've got your guaranteed homer there so uh congrats thank you for allowing me to summon on your account [Music] uh marty says i can't afford it right now but i get it by the end of the banner thanks for the early who town i'm just happy you pulled on my account marty you sweetheart thank you so so so much i appreciate that thank you so so so much marty for allowing me to summon on your account and i apologize for flopping miserably and on that note guys on that note thank you to razer gold and razor silver for sponsoring today's video that was marty and jesus's accounts that is the power of swiping and stream of luck i hope you guys enjoyed that video and have a wonderful wonderful day bye [Music] you
Channel: AsianGuyStream
Views: 1,531,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hu tao, hutao, thoma, homa, genshin, genshin impact, atsu, asian guy genshin, wishes, rolls, pulls, summons, wish
Id: 2TnR-GkfLGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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