Genshin Impact, but I have to summon a team 2

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today we are doing our second installment of summoning for a team and then we have to use that team for the whole day um first time i did that you guys seem to enjoy it so we're back at it again we will be summoning on the wanderlust invocation we've been saving up these bad boys we have 43 acquaint fans to use hopefully we get four characters with those but if not then we do have some primo gems probably some like star glitter or whatever from the shop the masterless stuff to get more if necessary i really wanted to do this because there's also a possibility we get a five star i'm still looking for that final kaching for c6 uh so that would be really cool we actually might be decently close to a five star uh i remember the person who actually gave me this idea told me if you get a five star it doesn't actually count i don't know if i'm going to follow that rule or not we are actually scarily close to a five-star dealer was here 10 pages ago so we're already about 60 into pity here so we'll most definitely get a five star in the summoning session uh unless we get like you know a quadruple four-star like the first tin pole we'll see one really quick thing before we get started though i do want to thank today's video sponsor hong kai impact third version 5.3 is upon us and with it brings us a new character a new outfit and a new look at our beloved branya first we have a new character carol peppers she is the lively and free-spirited pepper of the post-hongkai era a unique thing about her is that carol fights with mechanical fists unlike anyone else in hong kong impact third she has a bold and vigorous style her punches are fierce and unstoppable next we have the very first outfit for the hair share of flame scion time runner the design of time runner creates a cold and mysterious vibe by using crystal material these special effects make her shine like stars when she attacks last but not least let me introduce you to adult broadnea adult bronya appears in the open world gameplay mode rather than as a character in the post tonkai era she looks much more mature and quite elegant does she grow up to be a trustworthy soldier for that we're gonna have to see in the game i will also have a gift code in the description down below to redeem some crystals asterite and a hairshare trial card along with of course a link to download hongkai impact third so make sure to check it out all right without further ado let's get the first tin pole underway this might be a five star straight away i'm not sure it's not um hopefully a character and not a weapon debate club another debate club let's just speed through these a little quickly see see who our first character potent oh oh no shinyan uh she is like one of the very few units i do not have raised yet may will raise her a little bit for the video i also don't have any idea how to use her so that's going to be interesting is our first i was kind of thinking it might be similar to the last video because we got like lisa and some of the other like early like starter characters but xinyon already off to a unique start here all right next timpole this one may very well be the five star if not this one then is definitely the next one because i think we'll be actually at pity hard pity then uh but let's see if we get our second character for the team here hopefully it was really annoying to keep getting weapons last time we oh no the sacrificial bow that's not a character okay if we get enough weapons to accommodate everyone we pull um four stars of course then we'll use those weapons with those characters slingshot although i'm really hoping that doesn't happen currently we have a bow and a she is she a great sword user i don't even know that but all right unfortunately no four stars there we're going to do a couple singles till our five star i suppose because it should be coming up here any second now that was a blue blue blue blue come on okay well there's a purple i i don't understand it we we should be so close oh no chong yoon he's like the other one that i don't have raised this is going to be a hard day i have honestly been meaning to raise chongyun haven't gotten around to it yet still looking for that five star c6 kachin come home there's a blue and still where is it blue there we go not gg not i kind of oh i forgot weapons were even a possibility um we got a wolf's gravestone my third now i think i don't know i'm probably gonna refine it into the one i have anyway usually i'd be happy about a wolf's gravestone but not really in this case we only have 14 of these and we still need half of our team so this is uh not looking so good right now let's hope uh that we don't get a duplicate like another chongyun or xinyon because um oh or another sacrificial bow no honestly uh starting off with that team we're gonna have to give them whatever best stuff we have uh otherwise i don't think we're gonna be able to clear any content yeah that's really bad we just keep getting weapons we still need two more characters we're gonna use these other four real quick i guess harbinger another weapon and a magic guide all right well this is this i i didn't think it would go this bad but i guess i just forgot how bad it was last time all right let's just uh let's just go for a tin pole here who knows maybe we'll get another five star and it will be catching this time sharpshooters oath black tassel blah blah blah where's our character please be a character oh man oh yes a beto okay okay the three characters i haven't raised yet we got i think liter well we maybe have 10 total characters that aren't really raised and all three of them so far have been them uh so oh and official she is the only returning hero from the first one okay well yikes that's gonna be really hard we have like we have nothing we have no main dps we have no healer we have weird weird guys and very low level all of them i think you can see it easiest in abyss so we got shinyan at level 1 uh beta at level 20 chong unit 40 and fishlet 50. literally four of my bottom nine heroes none of these that are 80 lots of four stars over here but thanks ginshin um this will be an actual pain in the ass we are going to have to raise them all at least a little bit like level one you literally can't do anything at level one okay uh so maybe 50 would be an oh my god we don't even have anyone to like carry or anything we can't do anything my guy well i mean we can get some melts in there chong yoon but i think xinyon's more of a physical electro resonance beta and facial let's go we're gonna do like five videos worth of showcases in one thankfully they are pretty cheap to get up and we have some some leftover stuff anyway so it's it's it's not bad i think i think 50 would probably be enough obviously they'll also need like the best gear i have but well let's see what we can do so there's shin yan 50 uh official is already 50. we also got chong yun here let's see if we can ascend him we can we have exactly two of these let's go i also probably shouldn't be wasting all of my stuff my primo gyms my summons less than a week before ito comes out but yolo i guess no no one says yellow anymore moga and then we have beto let's see how far we can get her oh she has her star already that that's nice there we go level 40. we can't ascend her unfortunately what how are we missing the treasure hoarder insignias how do i not have some of those how is that the bottleneck oh look at this we got a a quaint feint back could we actually ascend them anymore oh we could have sent official all right we're gonna essential we could get her to 70. undone be thy sinful hex what but when i get them to 70 that is actually like raised modes and then i won't be able to make official raised video and i want to i want to make one for all of these guys just not today um all right well for some reason since we're missing well i don't know i guess we could probably farm those but let's go ahead and build them for now every time i do this i have to explain that i don't want to hang on to two of two duplicate swords so there it's r3 all party members attack by 60 percent bro that's pretty amazing so xinyon you will be holding on to this for now i think she is kind of like physical pyromix but more on the physical side i honestly don't really want to go learn about all these characters now oh god and they're all all their talents are still zero so i'm probably just gonna assume she's physical and give her eula pieces so it's easy to remember who has them stolen ooh shinyan gets the really cool circlet unfortunate that she's oh no is she 50 okay i don't have rust raised i guess i would give her rust but it's not raised so we're probably just going to give her like one of these thundering pulse looks nice on her so so we might just get for thundering pulse i'm not really sure who my main dps is going to be right now i think chongyong can kind of be a main dps but for official i've mostly gone a broken set just trying to get the two-piece thundering also of course electro damage bonus for chongyong i'm not too sure he is another greatsword user we might just give him black cliff uh i think we do have a sacrificial great sword but it's only level 40 so i don't know i think i just need the stats for now and not necessarily the best weapon for him and uh blizzard strayer for chongyun um look they're oh no a third greatsword user i forgot about beto jesus why i don't even like greatsword users this has definitely got to be like the worst luck i could have had um mayweal raised unforged for her because i've been wanting to raise it anyway i don't know if we have the stuff for it but well we have 38 of these for whatever reason oh why no not the treasure holder insignias again why do we even have three greatsword users in this team whatever you're gonna hang on to this while we go farm some treasure hoarders i guess i did also want to do some ley lines anyway may we run into some there beto i'm not too sure about build either of course but we're probably just gonna give her like i don't know let's get for shogun set it's probably not the best idea i mean i know shogun has some decent pieces but that's about it wait uh i don't know if beta will need that much energy recharge i think she is uh some something of a battery herself all right let's take a look at the stats of our amazing units we got 2200 attack on our shiny on here that's actually a lot for a level 50. uh 61 crit rate 120 crit damage basically a perfect crit ratio and uh physical damage bonus over there not bad stats actually for official we got almost 2 000 attack electro damage bonus crit ratio is a little off but i'll keep it energy charged a little low chong yoon a little less at 1 500 attack uh also the current ratio is a little off but it'll do and uh cryo damage bonus and then of course beto here uh very low attack because our weapon isn't raised electro damage again uh crit ratio is all right whatever um so yeah we need treasure hoarder insignias i guess that's what we're gonna start with let's go guys uh jesus christ i don't even uh let's just start with some sort of easy stuff ley lines i don't think anything's gonna be easy i mean we do have the max world level which means all enemies are much higher level than i am let's see what we can do um let's go chong yoon's e down we have some cryo attacks now all right you know not the best damage ever but uh we also got official there with her little dude full counter from roberto ah well i messed everything up burst ooh the burst uh the chongyun burst actually did some pretty decent stuff there i just saw 7k it's like bini c6 all over again was that a 12k from official yeah maybe we'll just use fischel actually she's doing some not bad damage obviously we kind of need someone else for the slimes but yeah you know huh we got through it we're gonna do like two more ley lines and then we might try a weekly boss 12k from oz let's go actually pretty good let's pummel them a bit with beto although at the moment beto is not that great because um let's try xinyon i know she has the r3 level 90 great uh gravestone wolf's gravestone now i think for the most part though we are probably going to be using like official as our main even though uh because like look at this dude they're like they actually didn't take much damage at all let's try a charge attack with our facial boom oh yeah we need to yeah that whopper flower there how much does that charge attack do boom nice little 3k i'll take it chongyoon really isn't doing much at all though honestly i'm kind of surprised i thought he would do more i mean they do basically all have level zero talents so i'm not sure what i can expect we could see if we can get some of their talents up i would be probably most interested in like official yeah we did have a couple for officials so she has a three basic now it's not that great but let's see what else okay we don't have any for shinyan we can get chongyongs up to two not any higher because and his uh other skills to five needs to be ascended and then beto i think is already stuck here because she's level 40 or something yeah all right last ley line unfortunately just still slimes and these guys i even went to leeway in hopes for some treasure hoarders but no no dice ooh that wasn't bad actually better burst yeah we did just get the wolf's gravestone proc so let's go for yeah pretty good basics there oh look at that all those little slimes almost just got one-shotted glad we have three great sword users to take care of this shield i mean we do have super conduct you know so we could superconduct them and then go to shinyon i think she's probably my strongest uh physical because she does have pale flame yeah okay i'm starting to develop a little bit of a strategy here we are just gonna have to navigate to some treasure hoarders manually to raise that weapon all right super conducted actually hey they're dying pretty quick unfortunately that was only two of them there we go um maybe that was super conduct oh yeah but chongyong is a little annoying i think they're just dead look at that at least we got a nice bundle of four here let's see what y'all can do boom super conducted shinyan oh god but you're gonna gonna be attacking with cryo um yeah i didn't think this far ahead shiny on burst what the f 28k from a level 50 shinyan i mean you know r3 wolves gravestone and all but still ooh plunge attacks no one here can really provide us with plunges though i think unfortunately we'll just have to do them the old school way okay that's actually not really worth it if they were super conducted you know and it you know if we have to like go set the plunge up then it's not worth it but i'm just hoping we have like more silvers than we do bronze xinyon burst dude that's actually pretty sick the main thing i'm sad about is that we don't have a healer well if chongyoon's burst it works pretty well then just going to official or whatever well yeah official is too strong i don't know why facial is that strong i guess she is the only level 60 here but still every time i have to use fishel i'm i'm always surprised at her strength well we can get it up to 50. let's see if uh it requires gold ones yet i mean silver ones we don't have a ton but we do have enough to get it to 60. so there's that if we can do it without farming more we'll get it up a little higher i think we could actually if we just craft these so all right we'll get it up to 70. lucky albedo bonus one lucky albedo bonus three all right i mean dang we could almost get it up all the way if we had more treasure insignias oh officials last passive here actually would be kind of nice because we are doing quite a lot of electro reactions all right fine i guess official will be our carry we do have the stuff oh man we're gonna really need to farm some more books we're already down to like 400 blues but all right there's that talent unfortunately yeah we can't really craft anything else unless we do this a kaboom no bonus you look man i just want to get her oz a little higher that's it we'll get that up to as high as it'll go i guess which is eight that'll do hey wolfy boy how's it going oh oh geez we're already dead yeah but oz is doing quite a lot now nice let's do that no oh my god i can still take lots of damage while being a bird oh yeah what the hell am i doing he's immune i just i really don't need to use chong yoon at all here oh my official well nothing said i can't revive them so oh that wasn't bad obviously there is a pretty long cooldown on revives though so gotta be at least a little careful okay we're gonna finally do our first full counter kaboom okay that still hurt me a lot but oh no you can't i frame those i'm definitely not being careful enough so uh it's time to get careful but we are going to heal them oh can we do like any buffs or anything well we'll try and do it without buffs but oh that that tracking though well now we come to the harder part oh shinyan survive she actually does quite a lot when i get her burst look at that nice 18k oh my god oz cannot run away fast enough official don't die oh no it's only changing left and shin young well there goes jinyoung no dude we're so close basically i'm just not allowed to use chongyun burst i can only basic attack with chong yoon i mean it is doing something not not really actually oh we can revive again our cooldown ran out can we go ahead and heal as well oh now nope it's over sad that is that close honestly oh come on yeah not having a healer really really hurts with this team well we're going back in the second phase i think we're actually worse off than we were before we're gonna heal up real quick before uh going in there official took some damage as well as chong yoon and yeah we're gonna go ahead and use a buff just uh just a little adaptive temptation there no big deal let's also go for a bit of a electro damage bonus it's really bad being an official's little tornado thing wow what is he taking so much damage from is that oz holy hell i saw his hp chunking away back there was that really oz oh my lord i only increased electro damage by 25 but when oz critical is he's doing 7k what the hell i guess i did raise it quite a bit as well jeez though all right um there's wolf boss uh hp we're not going to do storm terror we still do have to do our dailies though i still haven't gotten a perfect counter with my beto um i don't know how exactly that works they're just like throwing slimes and stuff now come on wait oh i think that was one because it did 20k damage i assume so like my beta is pretty bad built with a pretty bad sword here oh wait did we ever even raise that we got the stuff for 70. we might be able to get it to 80. we'll see yeah we can alright 80 it is then she's looking a little bit better with 2000 attack now this one said something about ruin machines so i don't have a good feeling yep we got these guys to deal with um oh yeah they do a massive amount of damage they're a little fragile they're like glass cannons team's not looking that great let's go back here to heal rest up a little bit thank god we got at least one and not greatsword user because uh we need to do this daily quest which i just failed because i keep forgetting it's the blue ones you have to attack for some reason final daily is uh taking two supplies maybe we can be sneaky sneaky thankfully we got at least one not greatsword user xinyonburst yeah beta full counter i still don't know how that works but boom okay that yeah she's like charging up energy though so i don't know anyway i think that's pretty much it for dailies um we still have some resin views unfortunately so we're gonna try what i would usually do well actually i would probably go for more ley line since i'm running low on books and we have new characters coming soon but we'll try at least one artifact run because that's what i've been mostly doing anyway for the last while uh thankfully we do have a couple electros with us but this is still going to be a pain with no healers and rift hounds um but whatever don't really have a choice let's see what we can do i'm going to start with the beta shield maybe i'm just basically gonna have to try and not get hit because if i do then uh oh and we only have six minutes this is kind of timed as well that's bad let's try and get at least one oh my god we're taking a lot of damage from corrosion forget it let's go ahead and do her burst get at least some damage in there yeah we're definitely gonna have to use some food here it would probably be better just to try and use facial try and be careful and not get corroded we are already corroded but like not crowded again well we're corroded it's it's so unfair that it corrodes your entire team when win one gets hit there goes beto and xinyon we did use a little bit of food again i don't know if it's going to actually help us since we already have two dead characters and probably official on her way here oh my god this is actually uh this is actually super difficult this is so unfair it's like we don't even have enough stamina to continually evade their attacks but if we don't then we're gonna get corroded and die without any chance i think one of the little ones died at least we're gonna be unable to eat food here in a second because we're full oh no it hit us official is full we cannot heal anymore my god this bastard always just goes behind me what the hell is that i've never seen that attack from him they always just die too fast oh he's whipping up another one go oz i need you to carry oh he's just staying there doing nothing yes now's our chance oh god he disappeared okay this is the most hard-fought artifacts i've ever done four and a half minutes uh basically just official being very scared and careful because yeah probably one one corroded and we would have died as we were full from eating couldn't have eaten anymore let's go and drop a condensed in there and let's see what we got oh a crit damage circuit of logos oh hey new theory maybe you know if you spend five minutes doing a artifact run they'll be nicer and give you decent artifacts this is probably one of the best ones i've ever gotten from here and i've run this dungeon at least 100 plus times how about this one it's a death percent it's it's oh my god it's already theory proven i don't care what the sub stats are it's def percent i'm not even joking this is my second deaf percent sans while of course trying to get def percent because the characters need it yeah i mean i suppose that'll pretty much do it we're basically out of resin uh that's where i'm gonna stop for today overall it was about as bad as i expected official always surprises me she kind of carried um with the wolf and the artifact domain but it was still very very difficult with um this team in particular they they don't sync that well together honestly uh would have really liked a healer as well but i digress there it was make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below if you enjoyed dropping a like or subscribing to the channel is always greatly appreciated thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 791,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin summons, genshin rolls, genshin pulls, genshin gacha, genshin summon, genshin impact summon, genshin impact pulls, genshin impact 5 star
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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