Genshin Impact, but I can only use Bow Characters...

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hi moglets it's challenge time again this one was suggested by someone in my discord uh basically we're only going to be able to use bow characters for like our our entire day they did pick four in particular we're just gonna go with those even though there's like no actual healer or anything and those four were gone you child yoimia and vinti the four five star bow characters personally i would have gone for like a diona or something to have a healer in there but yeah this will be our team for today we also have to build them also i saw in mail we have this uh cool new set of wings i also want to try on some of them i really like the aesthetic here it's kind of like a steampunk as far as i remember people liked the anniversary awards so much that uh you know gentian was like oh this is cool everyone loves the anniversary awards a lot and so they decided to give us you know some extra rewards so that's pretty nice and this is only one out of four as well so we're gonna have like three more i guess uh chunks of rewards here very pog but yeah i want to check those out real quick oh yeah that those are pretty i don't think they suit gany very much but uh someone zhangli maybe oh yeah those two jolly really nice kind of compliments his uh aesthetic with a little bit of a brighter tone so i think most of the characters are decently built uh there's a little bit of work to do on each of them all right i think their artifacts are pretty much in order now we have to decide weapons so i'm probably going to give gonyu the prototype i think that's one of her best bows just need to make sure i hit them head shots uh child we're going to give the bow gun you just had skyward harp of course yonya is going to grab her signature weapon and vinty will stay with string list so let's take a quick look at their attributes to make sure everything is good ganya is a little low on crit rate even though she does have blizzard strayer we only have child for water and i'm not even allowed to use his uh e to go into melee mode so it's gonna be a little hard to keep them frozen and since she already has five piece uh blizzard we're gonna just go ahead and give her an off piece crit rate that looks better kind of it looks all right all right ganyu's good how about child what what's going on with him create great damage isn't so bad actually we're going to keep it like that you know got that hydro damage there taking a look at yomya she has a little too much crit rate actually might be better to go crit damage here on the circlet but i don't have any shimanawa crit damages ah i guess it's fine and then vinty of course whatever his stats don't matter as much he's mainly there to pull them all in you know do some okay damage his craze great damage ratio is fine decent amount of energy recharge should be enough animal damage bonus all the good stuff all right but i think we're pretty much ready to go we already have our team as we're gonna have it we just have to decide what we're doing today since we are doing the whole day let's start with daily quests all right what do we got here uh defending the ley line monument we're just gonna go ahead and go over here and try and suck them all in we got literally one oh there we go whoops-a-daisy and i have no healers let's just stand back here i see you it's like hitting the monument or something got to get a head shot for that big attack bonus there we go should have a pretty solid attack bonus now and that guy's frozen over there actually this could just be like a gony solo challenge hey why are you coming after me the the the defense monument was over there i don't think this one has any fighting we just have to like check on some fireworks or something i guess to make a little spicier we can say no healing but since i just made up that rule now we are going to heal now because i wasn't being as careful when i because i didn't have this rule before so now it starts all right what do we got here i think for this one well we're just going to start with vinti again now we're going to go to yoymia i haven't really tried yoimia yet i don't think she's in like some kind of special set i should not be on fire though oh no that guy just went into we gotta swap the child oh no that hurt we gotta swap the child to get rid of his shield leave me alone oh my god this doesn't feel right aiming with child he's he's not actually a bow character all right anyway let's try and finish off this dude here all right now just this one oh there are more we can use child's q though oh my god can you guys chill out why are they going so crazy i got it back up a little bit was that it great my child is half dead now can't even heal him please don't tell me these are the specters oh it's it's like a platform down there the infamous uh yoimia versus slimes actually she did pretty well am i i don't know if i'm even going the right way i think i took a long cut uh yeah that was actually it for dailies but there's one thing we haven't done this week yet uh which is commissions we might be able to get the level 10 the wings perhaps that'd be really cool i wanted to try those on like kaching because uh they look really nice for her i don't think we really have any good wings for her yet let me head to the adventurers guild first get all that stuff taken care of i guess playing on mobile would also make it a harder challenge we can do that a little bit later as well that does make the video editing process a little harder but uh we can try and do that we'll probably try and take care of most of the usual daily stuff as well as our commissions uh still on pc here but uh then later we'll hop on the phone i just really hope i don't get one that says uh bow characters don't do any damage here we already have inverter ability to cryo which is like you know gone you my strongest hero here uh but we're gonna go ahead and grab that as well as these dudes we also have child's burst so we can try that let's go ahead and start here oh no these guys do a lot of damage i remember let's just uh do his cue real quick go ahead and oh no i didn't want to do that actually because oh god i gotta get out of there in cases where i can't use ganyu yoymia is my next best bet i would say i gotta be very careful child's burst is back we're gonna oh no that's doing way too much damage oh that missed i think i never have to care about this stuff because i have zhang lee shield but that should do it almost god he keeps going underground vinty okay they're all half dead now that's not cool invulnerability to electro but the animal res is decreased okay that is only a plus for us because we don't have any electro i see you over there we're gonna start with uh vintyq and then we're gonna go to don you queue and then i think we're gonna go to yoymia and uh just spam on them i gotta keep an eye on that samurai and make sure he doesn't one shot me i don't know where he's going right now or who he's hitting but all right yeah he can do a nice 17k there with his e i might try and get that again to swirl some cryo maybe can we just swirl cryo like that and then go do some melts yeah i think that works nice 30k melt there 37k melt not bad yoymia not bad all right one more bounty to go let's just pray it doesn't say anything about bow characters unless it's a good thing inverter ability to cry out so that's a little annoying i think our resin is almost full as well so we gotta gotta hurry up here actually i'd probably have to uh do ganyu burst first before i do uh vinti burst because there's a bunch of water around here as well all right that might work go yoimia do the good stuff they're all frozen you can do vaporize and melts oh gotta watch out there gotta watch out there oh that was close and there's two of them i would like to kill them both at the same time and then do a uh how about oh no child go ah dang he healed so fast like the dude didn't even get done dying and he's already healed i was thinking about making it like a nuzlocke rule so if they die i just can't use them anymore here we have a ruin guard which i guess is kind of cool with four bow characters not that you need more than one probably just going to use let's just use gany actually oh no there are some of these as well oh yo mia don't die uh gany has her first ready where did the days go where these other requests were just you know giving them like three eggs or something maybe it's just different than inazuma now i have to defeat kairagi and vagrant more enemies uh well that's kind of annoying the closest teleport is definitely this one but i might heal all right we finally made it here where are you guys oh no they're the big samurais oh that was did i frame that that was really close hey you can't block from the behind cheater no i just swapped a child to do his burst bye bye child all right my god our first casualty see this one i'm talking about give eight bird eggs i can do that we do have them let's go so i'm not too hopeful about being able to get to level 10 but let's see nah but next week should work actually barely yeah we can't do any more of those that's done all right well since i guess we're going to have a rerun banner soon i guess i can start preparing for a character and that's what i can be using my resin on we did also get another ninguang from the shop i decided to just go ahead and do that because next time ninguan comes in a banner it could be on a banner i don't necessarily want to summon on and knowing my luck it would take way too long to get two extra ninguangs oh wait my infe is only c1 i thought she was at least c3 i summoned a lot on the two banners she had i'm still kind of salty about that uh jean i've been getting a lot of requests to raise jean maybe but she's only level one so that'd be the biggest like undertaking maybe i'll do a poll on youtube after i upload this video if i remember let's check our current character xp oh yeah we don't actually have a ton we have a lot of this though so might be enough oh yeah we also have that event going that's a pretty that's a pretty pog event i really like the story as well i mean for one character this stuff is probably enough our gold we currently have 3.4 million which eh i like to have a little more honestly so i might just do leyline since i'm not too sure who i'm raising next yet as far as our resin is concerned i mean let's go do a couple of the gold ley lines first i don't know what i'm going to do once all my characters die maybe that's when i'll be forced to go into phone mode oh my god there goes yonya probably soon here whole ground is on fire now all right but that was it for that one i gotta wait a second for all that fire to go out wait what are you guys doing the challenge is done leave me alone i gotta take care of these dumb hilla girls because if i don't they're gonna kill me while i'm getting my reward you little rats like waiting until everyone else is dead and i'm i drop my guard oh god not the specters oh yeah well actually yo mia is pretty good for these guys i would guess yeah pretty solid i mean they don't move like as much as the slimes do so oh no yeah why why is that home so hard uh now we can only use vintie because these are like well i think we can still use ganyu actually just gone you and vintie left now let's do one more oh god why are these guys here let's do one more leyline gold light line and then we'll do a couple of character xp bookley lines if we can even survive and if not then we'll do them on the phone i guess oh and now we have some samurais some big boys vinti burst is ready again although i think the only thing that does right now is gather up all my loot oh there goes ganyu it's all up to you vinti i mean vinti is pretty healthy oh and we were all out of condensed anyway uh whatever let's just go ahead and grab it then we'll go make some condensed i still do refresh resin three times a day um also this one's expiring in three days so i probably have to use that soon uh considering we only have vinti i don't really know like if i'm super careful he might be able to do the three ley lines let's see oops oops that that was an accident ooh what's this cool green stuff i wonder if uh oh hey there oh geez all my characters are dead all right here we are um we are gonna go back to the statue of the seven to actually heal them all this is my punishment now so the nuzlocke uh is finished we are on phone as you can see from the ui we um have three condensed resin left to use i'll just go back to the new set because they're pretty nice sets honestly if i just mostly use yoimia uh it won't be that hard because yeah and in this dungeon in particular the dude is so big anyway so it doesn't matter that much alright but let's see here actually just like moving around and everything is kind of awkward i don't play like with touch controls at all anymore i play with either you know keyboard and mouse or controller controller is probably my favorite way to play um but like even just having the you know muscle memory is kind of rusty now so there's that this is going to take me a while probably if i don't just die i also don't know if there's any in-game sound right now so this might be kind of awkward just asmr oh vintie yeah it's not looking too good let's go to child uh oh his burst isn't ready all right back to your mia i'm gonna stand in here just try an iframe which is really hard with touch controls actually because i'm not used to them uh all right fine it's not looking too bad i guess let's go back to gone you so we actually have to aim a little bit here that abyss mage still has its like full shield all right let's go oh my god donnie's almost dead let's go ahead and do that wait oh no 147 child do your burst all right i think that did something back to your mia let's go step in the in the in the fire square i think that was it i don't want to do that anymore two minutes oh geez i think that probably comes a lot more down to just the team it's probably i mean it's obviously not that great of a team they're just mainly dps's here do we got anything good though uh this plume nope and this goblet uh no all right we'll do one more all my characters are already pretty much dead so that's kind of annoying um but we're gonna see if we can do it here well there goes child almost let's just keep blasting them with ymia for now trying to avoid getting killed let's go ahead and do yoimia's burst and then oh swap out to my like 100 hp ganyu okay oh okay i framed oh didn't i frame that one i don't think i could have i just ran right into it good job moga yeah i don't know if i'll be able to survive this one actually this is uh got tartalia's burst back let's go ahead okay that sacrificed his him can we get out of there with you before she dies we could but i don't think we got the shimanawa boost for yomya because uh she didn't have enough energy i'm gonna go kill that abyss mage before it gets back up oh god oh god there goes the balls i don't like the balls wait might be able to do it if we don't if your mia doesn't die here come on yeah ah wait no oh that was close okay we did it but now everyone's pretty much dead so i think we're going to stop with that and if my entire team dies again there is no really worse punishment than having a full bow team on a phone so we got circulative logos crit rate uh it's not that great maybe if fourth sub is all right that's def sad because the subs are okay and then def goblet all right let's leave we might have to like catch crystal flies on mobile that's probably worse for the last condensed we're just going to go get some character books i don't know if we can even survive that honestly uh i i guess i would be allowed to heal since the nuzlocke is over but just for fun let's see if we can do it with uh very basically dead characters and there are extra enemies there that already see me that's not cool at all uh go to vinti real quick oh cool we have some frame drops because my phone is already very hot um that's yeah i think we're dead as if this wasn't already hard enough why are you overheating already phone oh they're still here let's just try and get vintie's burst that would be ideal all right let's get close throw that in there uh i have to pull my thumb way over there now okay but i think all of them are dead i don't think these are even the ley leyline dudes anymore okay here are the ley line enemies then we have like two more enemies around here oh my god i can't even move the camera oh my god this this challenge wasn't that bad till i went on phone now my thumbs are like burning because of how hot the screen is but all right i'm just gonna grab this real quick get my condensed go back to the crafting station pray i have three crystal fly core things please please please no i have two i have to go grab one let's just hope i'm lucky here come on child okay i got one that's enough uh try to get the others but it doesn't matter and there we go zero resin well one resin now i can't spend one resin on anything make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below liking or subscribing if you enjoyed the content is always appreciated thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 792,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact graphics, bow genshin impact
Id: tPRiQnQdVZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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