I Tried the STRONGEST Teams in Genshin Impact

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he's too easy boys initially i wanted to let you guys pick my teams for today but knowing you guys you'll probably pick a team of level ones and make me fight as daha so we're actually going to do the opposite we are going to test out some of the most powerful teams that is currently available this is a list of the most popular team comps that is being used in the current spiral abyss i'm not going to scroll up because i don't want to spoil it the data is collected from over 800 players that have successfully 36 start abyss floors 9 to 12. that is the current quote unquote the hardest content in the game so it's probably safe to say that the most popular teams are one of the strongest if not the strongest teams so let's begin so we have kazuha ayaka coconut and rosaria so that's at number 10. that's the 10th most used team in spiral abyss i guess the pros of this team is the synergy between coconut and rosaria right so with coconuts e and rosario's q they actually sync up perfectly you see it pulses out at the same time so every single time this pulses out the enemy gets frozen both of them last the same amount of time as well so while the enemy is frozen you swap to ayaka and you just boom and then they just take a bajillion damage this doesn't really work on bosses because bosses cannot be frozen but it is really good against other enemies that's not a boss i wasted their burst now to get it back why do i always do that all right give me one second one second ayaka's burst is like 80 energy as well oh my god let's find our victim who's a good who's uh stop trying to join my world i'm doing something this guy maybe could this guy be frozen i think he can be frozen right so here's how the combo works i think apply cryo swirl with puzzle huh to apply the it's raining it's raining what okay give me a second once okay okay okay okay now just hold on one minute i uh i messed up it's f dude my cos it's fine okay it's fine he has really high energy recharge you see boom it's one down uh that's like 20 so five more let's find a place that's not actually raining where can i find something that's not raining oh maybe over here this thing might be too weak but we can try like this and it's swirl of pyro i mean cryo you freeze it then you use this and it's permanently frozen so you use ayaka and just do this bam now just imagine doing that in spiral abyss it's really good on floors that do not have a boss on it what else you guys want me to fight what's a really hard opponent that's not a boss the samurais those things are literally bosses in disguise but i have to get my burst back up first wolfhound things are the wolves stronger or are the samurais stronger okay we can do the wolves you can try the wolves can you even freeze the wolves wait can you freeze the wolves wait we can try it right now yeah you can freeze the wolves i think i think i think i can okay good good i want to fight the big one the big boy these are tiny ones where's the big one the big ones by the water by what water i'm surrounded by water i found it come here big boy oh no not you not you not you okay but like stop stop stop stop stop stop how did it manage to hit me come here come over here come back i want to fight okay okay okay the teleport what kind of wolves in teleport [Applause] like this and just and it's like that okay let's try a different team that's number ten number nine is ganyu kazuha mona and deanno i mean i would try that one if i had gone what's the next one what's the next one uh yeah yep yep yep yeah okay uh what's the next one kazuha ayaka mona and deanno i mean pretty much the same as this team it's the same concept except this will probably do more damage because we have mona now now we have to charge up our burst again can they give us a spot in our teapot that just charges our bursts it's so lame that i have to do this wha why so the rotation is diano kazuha mona and then ayaka just make sure to support the right elements it does a lot more damage than the previous one but the freeze effect doesn't last as long specters going to fight specters aren't they immune to a certain element get over here ow ow okay perfect adorn my knight written in the stars like that and it's kind of stuck because uh huh killed all three of them uh interesting next thing next team number six gone you again oh my god i regret not pulling for her for the first time i'll probably pull on her for her rerun right after child's eighth rerun next one albedo i don't have him either oh my god i'll get him too on his rerun right after gotten you second rerun next one that is the same concept it's literally just replaced kazuha with venti what is this so far three of the teams are like eight we've seen has gone you in it oh my god i'll have hoots how either oh my god how is it okay let's count how many teams are a freeze team one number ten number nine two number eight three number seven four number six five number five uh this is fine number four freeze team number three not a freeze team so so far one two three four five six seven eight out of the eight teams one two three four five six out of eight is a freeze comp number two ryden bennett shelling and shincho i've used this one before it's my personal favorite variant of the national team not only does it do an insane amount of damage but it's also insanely easy to use like this team is so easy to use if you didn't have arms or legs you could bang your head against your keyboard and it still works like you don't have to worry about swirling the wrong element like a team with venti or kazuha it's the same rotation every single time the good thing is this team also works against bosses in fact it's best to use this team against bosses the reason why this team does an insane amount of damage is because of shelling's pyronato each pyronatal hit is like 190 damage that's not a lot right but you have to consider the fact that it lasts 10 seconds so it does 190 percent over and over again for 10 seconds same thing each sword is 103 damage but it lasts 15 seconds the rotation is also insanely easy let's see how we do against the dragon one two three four not doing that much damage i mean why didn't do as much damage as i wanted ride an e wait but that doesn't matter that much right wait let me try it again i didn't activate my ride in e it does an insane amount of damage over time is what i want to show can i test it on a different boss what's what's an equally hard boss what's an equally hard boss that's like not as annoying because this guy has a phase ocean it can you stop recommending oceanid ocean it has phases oh my god i hate i just found out i hate bosses with faces magoo kinky kinky all right we can do that we'll just start dps during the second phase hello i'm here phase two this is phase two okay [Music] oh my god it dodged it come here come here wait did i just teleport did i just teleport nothing personal kid okay it doesn't do a huge amount of burst damage but it does a good consistent amount of damage and the good thing is my burst is already back up and so is my other character's burst so you could pretty much chain bursts back to back in abyss so you'll have a constant source of damage am i right in c6 yeah that's true that's true c6 helps the thing is the energy costs of these guys especially sing-show sinchon needs energy so even if you have enough to lower the cooldown you still need the energy all right what else you want me to fight give me something to fight reggie is fine you want to fight registry and that thing dies in like three seconds the volume the volume is easy okay i'll do devol and then 4 12 is where the team shines the most that is true this team is really good on floor 12 because it does a consistent amount of damage it has little to no downtime ready everybody bennett and like it's almost dead already is it really a challenge at this point it was half hp from me activating my bursts masanori what's my sanori what's a masanori i fought that guy once for the quest and i don't know where he is that guy i found him is that him or is this some random guy it's some random guy yo [Music] he doesn't die what do you do he got one tapped oh he has two phases that's his phase two he just died from this alone like look at this really like this is hard trying to burst on first face okay i'll charge my burst on my first phase this is kind of lame i have to wait for a second phase to actually do damage really okay what now he's too easy all right number one most used team kazuha child banette and xiaoling it's like a reverse vaporized team right you swirl pyro with kazuha and then you just vaporize with child let's try that let's try that my child is somewhat built where's my child oh there he is 80 crate wait how's it 80 i don't have his um four piece set which is kind of uh annoying but this is okay i think how am i so lucky with constellations it's uh it's a free-to-play thing what should we try this on do not say oceanid this seems like it's really good against a group of enemies instead of a single target like multiple enemies so you could proc rip tide okay let me see how much damage we actually do to the dragon that's so little damage against a single target it's kind of insane it's really good against a group of enemies though i wonder what other teams are there okay in the top 20 ganyu appeared one two three four five times how many times kazuha appeared one two three four five six seven eight nine almost fifty percent wait this one exists this is actually probably my personal favorite over world team to use because i don't have to pay attention to my screen everything just auto locks on with uh ymia and sing show i feel like it's like the same six characters rotating around which i try give me a team to try ryden eula john lee deanno you guys want to see my yula it's been a while since i popped up my euler let's hope it actually crits what have two shields i mean you might as well replace that with rosario or something like this team 74 crit there's no way i'll miss right it's like it's actually impossible fake for mercy he's dead excuse me 74.5 percent okay mr nori i'm back again i'm back we're good we're good we're good all right all right round two wake up wake me up inside i can't wake up stabilize shine down punishment crush freeze to the core i condemn you fake for mercy 700k how about you guys join my world and give me a team lee ryden venti bennett why is clean there okay fine i'll use it i'll use it but venti can't even suck up clee's bombs you just have to oh my god how'd i use this give me something to fight ocean did you guys like ocean it so much ocean it is so easy you guys don't understand how easy it is like really the ducks literally walk through my bombs and die ocean with a ranged character is literally the easiest like shut up please don't cry give me a team and give me something to fight i guess i don't know yo mia deluxe yen faye and clee fight pyrocube you see this is why i don't let you guys pick my teams you can't do it you can't damage the shield can you even damage it with a claymore i wonder i've never actually yeah real fun this is really fun yeah they're really fun this is fun for you guys it's a sick gameplay boys [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 3,836,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: Lcv20uogYI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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