I Transcended Space-Time with 4 Raidens | Genshin Impact

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okay let's see how much damage i actually do oh my god my screen what is going on before we do four balls i need to make my ball stronger her talons are still stuck at level six well it's level nine because of the constellations but i have to kill this person again uh what's she weak to oh banette is she the same as child she'll only move if i move skip skip i don't care no my sheer colt's filling up can you stop crush what what she dodged my cue stop spinning let me stop you done what is this boss i got one of these and one of this and i got a solvent it's time let's do a damage test first i think this is the maximum damage output team for her i think kind of maybe this is only for damage showcase it's not a real representation of how you should play her let's try it on the dragon shine down i wasn't even standing on bennett's alts oh my god whatever okay now i want four balls in my world three i mean three oh i'm sorry i'm sorry let me just turn this back on okay now you guys can join oh my god so many balls so many balls all right is everyone here why do we have an amber show me your balls okay good we're all here that took a while but we're all here first boss let's go i need to swap my artifacts i think where's my euler's artifacts there we go everyone ready you triple footed let's go hey move get over here let's see how much damage i actually do oh my god my screen what is going on it looks really cool oh look at all those slashes all those immunes well just imagine that it's doing damage we do a little bit of imagining get away get away it's gonna explode hello oh not like this not this wait i'm an electro archon i don't take damage what imagine being the god of lightning but still take damage from lightning what is the point where's our fourth member i see three people where's our fourth one okay now what oh my god we actually can't do it we can't do it i didn't think it would be like this whatever we basically killed it let me swap back my artifacts well that was anti-climatic plain a fleeting what happened someone die what what'd you guys do why is it all the way over here reset it where am i going oh i'm going the wrong way i'm sorry i have a bad sense of direction is everybody here wait i don't have a circle i want a circle what everyone has a circle except for me go go go go go go oh oh this looks oh my why why does it do no damage who's doing 200 speak up why is none of you doing you messed up i saw that you pulled out your sword prematurely i saw that okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it do it i'll pull a sword go go go good job good job don't trigger it cause you what why get back over here okay now everyone's here follow me break the shield oh it doesn't three times wait no no kill it am i the only one doing damage end it good job let me swap out my gadget first so that never happens again i brought you guys here so i can be carried that's not the other way around pull out your swords boys good job that was really fast if you guys were all c6 i think we get permanent bursts hello kill it oh my god my burst is back up again what by my cool down i'm sorry you can block it with your body good job they add new emotes actual new emotes break it break it oh it's not here anymore it's not it's over there where is it it's over here stop hitting that hold on your swords hold kill it fast you have seven seconds oh my god my screen i can't even tell what's going on hello did you get it oh we got it oh go go that's really fast hello hello you're stealing kaia's artifacts why are you using kaia's artifacts you should be stealing kaching's artifacts go go go use your burst first you need to stack my resolve ah who's doing 91 damage coming back wait you too we're doomed i'm just gonna run there's no way i'm countering that hello team team it's just me ah i'll stay alive stop going after me oh happy tree half hp oh my god me again oh get away from me can you guys get back so i can die peacefully ah i'm not dead i'll survive until the end i'll kill it i'll kill it that's it i'm dead don't kill it yet i need to be uh i need to be in the kill cam there's no way you guys can even kill it right 2 000 damage oh my god my burst is back wait it's dying it's dying it's slow it's walking away please oh my god my sacrifice was not in vain fine we'll do ocean it you have to save your burst for the birds okay you need to heal you are living with about 50 hp i think you need to heal you are one sneeze away from dying ready everyone ready it's time [Music] oh my god one shot finally a melee character that can hit the birds i dodged it i managed to dodge it team team i'll kill the frog oh my god frog died i dodged it again oh my god i'm so good at this game oh i actually carried you're welcome team you're welcome go go go go go what the tail hit me and then an icicle fell on me and i died hold up team just give me a second don't die don't kill it either you can't die or kill it good luck don't kill it do you guys even have enough damage to kill it oh my god you guys are not killing it i see triple digits oh no okay i'll do it i'll do it i'll carry on your legacy what what no oh my god it reset i'm done messing around i'm serious no more i'm done i'm done bam perfect it's glorious okay there's no way we can fail this now dodge didn't even hit me you how just follow my movements bam step aside see it's that easy sword go cut it down cut it please please don't die don't die good job team good job we're all here hopefully we don't die what what even happened i didn't even see anything oh my god anything except for her burst of zero damage pull your swords all your swords wait where does she even store her swords can't she pick a better place to pull it out of like you know kill it what what it was in the middle of the nuking animation you guys killed it before i hit the ground okay i wonder how long it's gonna take to break the shield oh my god actually not that bad oh you can't even trigger the e you can only hit it with the initial hit you can't trigger it because you're technically doing no damage to it you guys really need to make every single hit count almost there almost there i'm full let me eat my food i'm almost dead kill it come on do damage to you please please please oh my god one rotation good job let's go let's go let's go where'd he go oh my god i hate this guy ah i didn't die i didn't die this time no not me not me hello no no no no kill it no just punch attack just kill him please yeah go in oh thank you thank you if that reset i probably cry on the spot oh i don't know how to get there how do you get there i don't have the waypoint unlocked hydro hypo is in a cave the boss is in a cave where is it here i found it let me just there we go wait i could have just dropped down from there this is the first time i'm fighting it this is the first time i'm fighting it as well um okay i don't know any of the mechanics so we'll just we'll just wing it hypohydrostasis he that's really his name wait slimes dolphins now what can't hit it i can't hit it what i wasted my burst for no reason it's fine it's back up again hello what's this what's this i have no idea what's going on right now dolphins the dolphins are hitting me okay i kill it what's happened easy wait what what happened huh huh these things kill these things we got it oh that kind of freaked me out because our e's don't proc on the shields why don't our ease proc on the shield it doesn't even make sense i hope you guys are ready for this one put this down perfect okay you know what i'm gonna do this primordial jade spear physical artifacts oh my god we're good are you guys switching build as well give you a moment okay i'm giving you a moment hurry up i want to get out of here this place is creepy remember no you can't use your burst don't use your oh god this is actually gonna take forever just smack it just smack it to death i have no idea what the moves are i kind of just tanked it with john lee when i fought it oh my god my hp absurd i'm full already i'm dead oh no i don't have anything i don't know don't die police team hang on what i didn't even get a chance to live a third of his hp where's it going no oh what what it does it twice i'm dead i'm dead oh i live let me heal i'm not full yet i'm still alive hanging on by a thread oh i'm dead i'm out of food again your chicken's gonzo you shrimp or something go go go go go go team why am i even using my e it just looks really cool but it does zero damage we were actually doing it we're just smacking it to death just a bit more nice that wasn't actually that hard i know i died like eight times but still [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,398,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: 5HJ07sy2J7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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