MiHoYo Gave Me My OWN Event! [Genshin Impact]

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ladies and gentlemen it finally happened after all the bad rng after you know not getting responses to our old main account hoyo verse formerly known as mihoyo has gone ahead and made an event specifically for our channel of course the haters would say you know it's just a random event it has nothing to do with your channel no you're wrong it's for our channel this is the java event the only issue is apparently we have to go ahead and do euler's story quest as a prerequisite in order to actually start this which is kind of weird but i guess we just have to get it done and before any of you ask yes this is the new main account or at least that's what i'm calling it it's the account that i more so stream on and try to stream all the progress so i feel a little bad doing this not on a live stream but i want to make sure i get this done because there's a java name card literally the perfect name card for our channel for the account for everything so i need to make sure i get it i have seen a couple comments of people saying that all i tend to do in my videos is complain and to those people i say well first off if you don't like it you don't have to watch it but second off you're not wrong i do tend to complain a lot that's just kind of who i am i always joke in my stream saying sarcasm is hard coded into me because well it is but i decided we'll try something here now i might not have the largest gunship channel and i might not be rolling in the money so i don't really want to spend a lot in the game plus at the same time i just like having it be free to play so as we go through and you know try and do the story quest in the event any time i complain i will roll on writing show guns banner well free to play role meaning just a single roll because i only have so many primo gems for a little context i've been saving the primo gems for after these banners because i wasn't going to pull for ryan shogun as i already have the team that i want to build up and i don't want the four stars that are here and we have basically no pity towards a five star anyways don't get me wrong ryden shogun is still my favorite character in this game any time they put yula on the screen i can't help but just stare at her eyes because i mean look at them it's like a gold that fades into purple it's just a really nice gradient i've actually found the cheat code to making this not be mind numbing all you do is press the auto button in the top left sit back and pretend it's an anime just read the subtitles trick your mind into thinking it's an anime and just treat it as you know one of those little like in-between filler episodes where it's just slice of life and there's no real action and then the cut scenes actually aren't that bad well it's not really cussing the dial you know what i mean but seriously just look at eula's eyes that gold to purple just it's so nice even though here it does look a little less gold just because of the lighting but that's besides the point oh since they're making me come to springvale i just remembered we have to farm more of these amazing mushrooms that grow on the sides of these houses that they're beautiful houses of course as well i definitely was not about to complain about that because i love the process of farming them did not almost slip up paimon just saved me there i don't even have to complain because paimon literally just did it for me alright we finished up euler story quest so now let's see do we have the event unlocked we do alright and one further question i have is why exactly is eula's story quest required for a coffee event okay what did i tell you guys in order to start the java event what do we have to do we have to come talk to this npc named luca do you notice anything about this npc if you don't let's take a look at his eyes zoom in enhance what color is that would you say some may say greenish some may say blue emerald teal aquamarine whatever you want to say no this color here is known as java i would know because that's the exact reason why i use it all over the channel in the banner the logos everything his eyes are java colored in an event that is based on coffee what is our channel logo a coffee cup is this a coincidence well it very well could be but i tend to think not now we can all agree this is 100 an event for us i don't know why but i'm actually genuinely excited for this event oh boy wait wait do i have to like memorize all of these different drinks that's quite a large number oh i like this i like this in order to get my name card we have to complete everything i'm pretty sure three shots of coffee coming right up look at me look at me go that's me that's not actually me but that's me three shots of coffee boom simple stir it the easiest e z is not even timed we're good to go now they didn't tell me anywhere what size they want this to be oh wait am i supposed to know what size cup this is okay i would say this is a medium cup but i don't really know so oh look at that look at that that's perfect he just said it tastes amazing and all we did was put in three shots of coffee nothing else they set their expectations real low oh we're making drinks for kaya and rosaria now without even looking i'm pretty sure the moonlit alley was a coffee milk and cocoa paste let's see if i'm right moonlit alley coffee milk cocoa paste i'm i'm just the best at this is it even a surprise this is literally my event look at me look at me i'm speed running speedrunning the coffee let's go oh it's time to stir we're going to hit him with an up then a down then a left then a down then the left feels like i'm entering a cheat code then we're going to whip out the same size cup that we filled perfectly with medium and we're going to this time fill it with large and it's still going to go to the same exact spot but wait where where'd that come from where'd the caramel topping come from i didn't do that how is it white wait uh kaya don't drink that i don't know who put what into that but that's not what i made oh rosaria you'll leave it up to me just make a tea of some kind okay let's oh wait i probably have to make something that's actually a recipe here huh oh oh wait it's random like you need to figure this stuff out for yourself oh i like that i actually really like that so one tea maybe a little bit of lemon now what would go good with lemon and tea honestly i don't think much of this would mint in lemon i guess it could work so we'll we'll put it in a little bit of mint and we'll head on to the next screen enter in our cheat code and then we're going to give rosaria a small and she is going to love it look at that that just looks amazing it kind of looks like an oil spill but besides that it looks great wait wait wait wait what do you mean that doesn't look like what they ordered a tea of some kind this is tea of some kind no don't don't do it don't do it do not tell me she just wants tea i'm gonna give her three shots of tea and that's it and i'm going to be very sad if it's just tea i wanted to get creative with it and it looks like it was just tea oh oh dear wow i can't talk let me make something for you gray valley sunset coming right up dee luke now i did not take a peek in here so i'm gonna have to come in and find there it is three three juice oh um i i want to mix stuff i want to come up with these new recipes but i guess they have to give us the basics first so three shots of juice can can you even call it a shot of his juice you'll leave the size up to me okay well g-code oh that is a that's a big cup well out of all the character heights in the game he is the tallest so we we gotta give him the large cup yeah not bad that's right it's really hard to mix juice with juice and juice actually wait no that's not that hard at all wait wait wait wait wait pause he just said this was the first drink he ever mixed his father gave us random ingredients no look at this no requirements no instruction and he wanted to test his creativity and the most creative thing that d luke came up with was juice juice and a little more juice now keep in mind this is not a complaint this is just an observation d luke i think you need to work on your creativity [Music] pause again he calls this fruit punch it is juice it's just juice where's the punch it's just fruit it's liquid fruit there's no punch okay you know what even though i don't really count it as a complaint i could see some people saying that that was in fact a complaint so for those of you who see that as a complaint here you go here's your one poll that i really shouldn't do on this account but there it is there it is there's the one poll and it's look it's blue here's my punishment okay now we can continue with the video this is an interesting room jean lee lisa and jean i don't think we've ever seen zhong li outside of leeway of course elisa wants a love poem so uh first off we need to know what that is it is tea milk and caramel or caramel or caramel or curry meal all right this one this one's gonna be a speed run watch this tea melt caramel go next one go fast fast fast super fast okay what's what's the button combo we have it down up left down left okay keep going go go go go medium weight extra street wait wait dump that restart okay that was an optimal extra sweet what would extra sweet mean more caramel caramel personally i think that that's what would make it extra sweet so we're gonna try that i guess speedrun complete i am the best barista that monstat has ever seen easy i'm a pro i have experience at this heijong lee would you like a drink on the rocks misty garden it's 3t what do you mean you take your tea strong so a misty garden is three of these but if he wants his teeth strong do we just pour it forth we're gonna try it there's no size at all so we'll give him a medium we'll just play it safe the tee is clear and glows with a pleasing hue its richness is complemented by a floral and fruity fragrance exquisite yeah that that's what you get when you mix t with t t and a side of t oh oh wow everyone's here this is this smash ultimate oh well it seems we first have to make a drink for the end user license agreement i'm guessing that right there is why we had to do euler's story quest first because otherwise you wouldn't have any idea of who she was oh that's nice beto and ninghuang are out on a little date is this a spoiler did ning wang just tell us that beto does in fact still have her other eye underneath the eye patch because look at this i'd say that captain beto has eyes that can pierce the sea well there's only one there which means there's another one here so then why the eye patch okay but let me just say if we're talking about characters eyes then i think shenhua wins with almost no competition except for maybe mona mona's eyes are also pretty high up on that ranking maybe i should make a tier list about characters eyes should i do that let me know if i should do that's so stupid but i i do it if people want to see it get it see it because you see with eyes and it's about i get no okay let's carry on now i got the this like this so does this mean if i put that in my teapot i can always play the you know barista minigame i really hope so but now for the true challenge this stuff oh no oh no no it's locked behind time luckily it's only one day but still that's kind of unfortunate i wanted to do the entire event i want to come up with a new mix yes yes let's start discovering recipes so is it better to try and guess what they might be or just throw stuff in the cup and see what happens first thing i want to try is one coffee one tea and one juice and uh yeah let's just see how that goes surely this has to be something besides just a disgrace it looks like an oil spill again which doesn't seem like a good sign okay so if we see oil oil bad got it coffee lemon mint coffee coco man coffee milk caramel caramel oh that seems like something that seems like something that's a longer combination of arrows that i had to put in and it's not an oil spill progress coffee milk lemon coffee caramel mint coffee milk lemon coffee cocoa paste caramel oil spill oil spill oil spill more oil spill coffee milk milk oh night of swirling stars i must admit i just realized if you look in the recipes they kind of give you a hint as to what it is uh for these it was just trial and error completely but i yeah we can we can actually do these pretty easily now so i think it is time to speed run through all of these recipes scholars afternoon tea tea milk go love to see it bright crown tea milk milk it's just that easy boreal watch tea milk mint i'm just a genius laughter and cheer tea milk cocoa paste boom tart brilliance tea lemon caramel bang oh wait no that's oil tea double lemon that's not it either tea cocoa paste lemon okay no oi we don't want oil here how about double shot of tea and a lemon there first try tart brilliance dawning dew juice milk fizzy water okay uh huh a mix of fizzy water and juice full of a frothy fruity scent uh frothy they've already attributed to being from milk so milk fizzy water juice but i guess not juice fizzy water more juice dawning do okay and there we have it that is every drink in this event unlocked which means i get to go ahead and give myself the java the cup name card i know it says celebration binge vessel no no just disregard that obviously they couldn't put java the cup because of copyright fears and you know trade might be it's fine you know people often call me java the binge vessel so that that's completely fine with me that just looks so much better now unfortunately like i said earlier we can't do everything in here right now which is unfortunate but we can definitely take care of these two as this is the last remaining part of the event and it is a score x amount of points so as in a i barista myself i better score well here or i will be very disappointed a medium dusk if i remember correctly that is that and then we just make a medium and that should be good mix it all up nicely beautiful power it into the glass that literally does not change shape or size ever and we're good oh oh we're getting stacked with orders medium simple oh cheat code oh oh wait wait no i clicked that i i okay i i guess it doesn't matter and that was kind of a complaint which means i have to do a pull after this it's fine it's fine oh that's sad we only got seven orders done okay but unfortunately we do need to go in here and do one more pull because i did in fact complain and it's another nice blue now we can head on to the sound okay wait wait oh geez that was fast they threw me right into that yeah this the second part of the event this is when we start playing ddr as we mix the drinks it is i'm gonna complain it is not reading the inputs that i'm putting in as i'm putting them in fast which means it's very hard for me to actually speed run this so yes i'm going to have to do another poll but uh did you know oh it's nice and annoying does that mean i have to do a second pull baby it's just it's like i want to do so well in this because i take this one so personally it's so close to home but because the inputs weren't reading it makes it a little bit harder i now have to do two pulls on writing shogun's banner because of that oh sad to see but you know what hey at least at least we're not getting four stars that we don't want on this account anyways okay this time i'm not gonna talk at all i'm probably gonna cut most of this out anyways because i'm not gonna talk at all but i'm just gonna focus i'm gonna see what i can do oh i just realized i saw the extra sweet they wanted extra sweet and extra milk okay you want to be difficult i got no that's fine that's fine i get it is that a complaint probably which i can't help oh no please just don't be a band of character don't be a banner character oh hey it's not a banner character that's a free constellation for ending long but since we don't have any more days of this event currently available i think all i could really do is repeat this second one try to get at least 800 and just prove that i am the pinnacle of a.i baristas so no talking here just full on focus mode getting at least 800 maybe even 900 points let's begin welcome to the angel share not ascending but descending to javascript we got the tea we got the coffee mix milkman fizzy water what you want it doesn't matter listed caramel pine cone love foam every recipe that you could ever want i own or drink that i can't make on the whole planet something alcohol mix cause me how you went bandit artificial intelligence say i'm making travel more relevant i'm the mix master making music while i mix the mocha ain't no competition better coffee business taking nova coated from scratch with nj eva this barista's done running out coffee but face stop delaying step up what you want in your cup coffee tea or some juice move up and i win jews and now i might be wrong but i'm assuming the next two things that are unlocked in this quest are probably going to be along the same lines just even harder recipes so obviously they're not out yet and i do need to get a video going for the channel so i'll have to take care of those off camera but after a long day of work making coffees for everyone i think it's safe to wrap this one up here i know this is a bit of a random video but i kind of like making the more random videos sometimes as well of course i'll invite you to feel free to hit the like button leave any comments down below and subscribe if you're not subscribed already also let me know if you want that high tier list because that just kind of sounds funny with that though i will see you guys next night lemme look at yeah thank you okay i'll see you guys next time
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 92,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact coffee event, genshin impact new event, genshin impact best event, genshin coffee event, genshin all coffee, genshin binge vessel, genshin coffee recipe, genshin of drink a dreaming, of drink a-dreaming, of drink a dreaming recipes, genshin java, java the cup, genshin coffee that has some impact, genshin best event, genshin impact bartender, genshin bartender challenge, genshin coffee shop, genshin
Id: 0XYpgNujr1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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