Genshin Impact, but my team is random #2

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hey moglets welcome to part two of randomized team i did this a while ago you guys seem to enjoy it i had uh quite a bit of fun myself as well a little frustrating at some points when we just keep getting the like worst characters that are level 20 and not built we do have a new abyss this week as well so that'll be interesting to check out i did spend like the last hour gearing up everyone as best as i could with a limited you know i don't have weapons for everyone obviously not good weapons so the further we go down the worse they get like ninguang here level 50 with sith you know some kind of leftover artifacts uh actually doesn't look horrible but like yeah and then i think starting at sucrose we have nothing anymore so the bottom 10 are basically completely useless i think we do have somewhere close to 40 characters now so you know we do have a one in four shot every time of getting useless character we'll see how that plays out though before we get started with that though i do want to thank today's video sponsor elian ellian is a new mmorpg from the creators of terra in elion no two characters will be the same as players navigate a world full of discovery and uncover the lore behind a mystical world among free to play mmorpgs elian is one of the best and is worth playing and since it is free to play you may as well give it a shot you got nothing to lose you can compete with other clans in clan wars there's extensive character customization they also have an equipment dye system where you can really go crazy with the customization open world pvp dungeons arenas dimensional portals they also have a marketplace where you can trade unused gear to make a profit and lots of other content we don't have time to get into so again if you're interested links will be in the description down below again free to play nothing to lose may as well give it a try see if it's to your fancy but yeah back to the video all right but here we go what do we got up to 65 attack bonus when they have more than 50 percent elemental energy well if i get hotel i'm just not going to do her bursts because she has also shimanawa set on so them charge attacks are going to be pretty op and then less than 30 so obviously anytime you do their burst the the attack bonus is going to go away i believe we also do have some new enemies i forgot if those all chambers are just 11 or 12. oh yeah we got some different ones on 11 already oh wait they already had this please don't tell me on 12 the double samurais are back uh no i don't think so oh no but on chamber 12 they have the mimics again that was so hard magu kinky still chilling here in chamber 2. uh this looks very similar i think but then chamber three yeah i don't know they're kind of mixing in like the floor tool we just had with the last floor 12. i remember this was more similar to the last floor 12 chamber three ley line disorder seems to be the same for a while now oh as a matter of fact we have exactly 40 characters now so i'm going to input 40 here without further ado let's get started ah 19 hey it could be 6 12 18. shao oh shao is like the one character because i have so many pole arm users and uh he was like the bottom of them so he has a really crappy pull arm but all right next 13 d luke god come on not only is it another like main dps but i think d look also has like a not very good great sword because i don't like him very much next 30 okay now we're talking ninguang actually might be better than these two we don't have a healer yet though so please 25 wait ooh 6 12 24 oh well diona healer i might be able to do it with this team honestly second half we got 12 there we go ooh why is hutau at 12 anyway but nice besides level i have no idea how they decide to order the characters but let's continue 29 takes a little bit to count next we got ooh nice oh well yeah i don't know if you only and two tao really won't want to be together but all right oh five uh ganyu ooh that looks like just a bunch of main dps and a noel i mean since it is chamber nine i think we can do it let's give it a try oh i did think about adding a little rule that well is in favor of me where i get to pick one character and re-roll them but the twist to this rule was that i have to do it as soon as i actually get them so so i'm not gonna do that for now since everyone has already rolled unless it would be gone you but i think i'll keep going you i think this first team is going to be the harder one um but we'll give it a try here oh yeah i think i made d luke a physical because i didn't have any more pyro goblets i don't know if that even really works with d luke but uh there's that we do have diona so oh but no no electro let's try shower burst see them nice numbers you know some 11k plunges not my finest work but uh it'll do dude it's actually doing a surprisingly good job because i didn't really care too much when i was building much giving him whatever he probably has like an hp freaking uh sans on right now but he's actually doing a surprisingly good amount of damage because i do specifically remember giving him a physical goblet oh well that wasn't that much i guess i want some ninguang yeah i still reckon that 10k with her e and she has a really bad book on so i'm you know i'm actually not too dissatisfied with this team it is actually a decently balanced team i mean you know while while xiao is waiting for his burst deal can go in there and do some quick stuff deluxe has like uh quick quick skills and all that so he doesn't necessarily need to be a main dps deona for the healing it's all good actually so we got through the first floor and like it took two minutes which is kind of a long time honestly i think this team will be able to make up some a decent speed though however like uh it is three main dps's here but you know just with utau i think we should be able to get through it rather quickly cannot use in domains what the hell did it just say and why am i walking oh yeah and also with ymia i can just not use her burst so this team is really good for the uh you know special abyssing they have this every two weeks i can't really say this month or whatever but yeah okay that was really fast way faster than the first team i doubt we'll be able to do floor 12 but we do re-roll our characters for every floor so unless we get like incredibly lucky then floor 12 is going to be very hard and this floor is going to be very hard as well because this team isn't the best at like burst damage and i need to like my shower is almost dead i need to get like deona burst in there or something there we go hopefully a shot can survive for a bit oh yeah i need to take care of the water one he's just healing all the time that's gonna be a problem by itself we do have diona so that's nice but she's not doing anything what the hell what happened because cryo is supposed to be taking like a lot is this bugged like these guys should not have so strong shields or is just because diona is doing no damage also we've killed one out of six enemies in a minute and a half this is not looking good this cryo dude shield is not going away at all he's just gonna die first whatever we gotta really be quick now okay we can take care of the geo pretty easily we need at least like one minute for our other team all right ninguang do your stuff get rid of that duh uh that dude's shield nice let's try and finish it off with a shower burst you know it only took three minutes oh geez no bini no sting show it's a pretty sad day honestly 50 seconds left thankfully i think this team is pretty good at uh single target damage so um you know they were in the right half at least i don't know if they'll be able to do this in like under three minutes though that's the 6 000 shell yeah i don't know what weapon he has i think that's favonias i guess it could be worse because my fevonius is like 80. and then we got the cryo one over here which shouldn't be worse than the other one but yeah we need at least one minute for the other team i didn't see how much time we had left oh yeah a little over a minute maybe this will work yeah that was pretty close though so we're moving on to chamber 10 we're gonna leave for now and i will be employing my one reroll if we get a super low character let us begin 27 starting off with a 27. it's shondling i'm going to actually keep that next 15 sarah all right kind of interesting next 28 i guess chi chi we're gonna keep her as well now we oh 40. okay i'm using my reroll now that was chichi which we just got so let's try again 12 nice who tau not not a bad team you know sarah buff pyro resonance healer nice team let's go although i do want to reorganize them because i always have hutao here second half starting with a seven all right shogun oh well frick shogun doesn't really work outside of a kind of i mean i guess she does sort of but uh let's keep going 28 which is chi-chi again all right now we have our level 20 beta oh hey we got electro resonance i guess 16 we really need to get a better team going here water dude it could be worse for sure would have liked to swap water dude and sarah and finally 13. i mean d-look and water dude actually work well together so when uh you know shogun's not doing her burst water dude we don't have much of a healer here oh man floor 11 does that still have corrosion we'll see i have decently high hopes about this actually let's give it a try so we'll get through this one in a little under a minute actually uh my hutow is hurting a little bit but she likes to hurt oh dang it last time i always forgot to remove this ding generate thing as well all right now we're moving on to the uh shogun team well this might be a little bit of a problem uh starting with uh mr rockman here so i'm kind of glad we have d luke he can help get rid of that shield pretty decently fast here all right now we're going to go to raiden and just oops i always forget to do raiden's e before like doing people's bursts yeah raiden really can't do as much damage without the help of like vinnie and sara and stuff still decent i mean he is almost dead so i'm not gonna complain i think we definitely have a better team than we had for chamber nine oh wait i think there are the lectors though and i don't know if we have the right stuff for that i guess we will see yeah this wasn't too bad um a little under a minute i would guess here once we're done with this i think this one will be a little harder whoops i didn't even mean to use beto sorry beta you're kind of just there for uh electro resonance i guess i think we're gonna go ahead and head to shogun burst because uh hopefully before some of these guys get their shield all right that was actually pretty easy we finished at 8 40 so both uh floors in 120. definitely a better team than we had before i don't think it's the water one here it's not we might we might be a little screwed honestly unless we can do this one like super freaking quick which is not going to happen if my huta dies here gotta be very careful i'm gonna go ahead and do her burst i need to heal a bit which is unfortunate because now the attack boost is gone so we should be able to get through this one decently quick hopefully under a minute yeah we have a little over two minutes for this team we gotta quickly obliterate him and just start whittling him down because we need actually cryo but we only have electro and yeah that's that's going to be tough i think the minions are gone let's just quickly get him down to his shield with raiden's burst here all right there he goes let's just whittle him down it's going down relatively fast uh our shogun is at 20 hp gotta be careful because without her uh i think we might be a little in trouble oh there goes vado it doesn't really matter oh well actually if d luke also dies it would matter really quick let's switch to raid and do her burst and that might be it okay that was close we could do it though no prob floor 11 oh no yeah that's right i remember reading the little patch note thing uh pyro and hydro are increased do they have the wolves though because they also cause corrosion no no wolves i didn't even want to see that there's the hydro and pyro here because if you get a cryo in first half or a pyro in second half you know a team then it's like there's no point of even trying let's just hope we get lucky here let's get it started one zhongli let's go next 21 uh mona hydro damage is increased still needs like a main dps in there but it's looking pretty good next 18 bini all right we're looking super good just one main dps gone you would be fine come on give us a five uh let's go ahead oh no kinda don't want to use my reroll because it's such a good team and i think even with these three sort of supports they could do it decently fast that's a hard call like if we reroll and get a good character we could clear everything in like a minute maybe and have enough time if we get a really bad second okay i'm gonna re-roll forget it 39 to 19 please be someone good xiao no like you saw how how crap he was doing all right second half please be good 25 not off to a good start deona i mean healer's always nice next 29 noelle okay we have no damage yet please wow my guy okay i mean the rule is i have to try but i can tell you right now second half is not going to work kaya let's go what a shame because first half is actually really good in comparison 17 enemies why are there so many oh man i need like a venti here yeah so this isn't looking very good like my uh quote-unquote good team is uh took uh half half of the time you know to three star and then we have this well my kaya just got one shotted so there's that can we at least kill one enemy the uh whopper flowers this is just spamming their balls on me well there goes my shinyan i can imagine this would be quite hard with the team i would actually want to take hey we got one out of 18. let's go two out of 18. okay this team is actually really good well what am i complaining about three out of 18 and we are under five minutes so i can go ahead and leave let's hope we have better luck [Laughter] i'm just gonna reroll this entire video so uh let's hope we have better luck why you can't do this to me let's hope we have better luck there we go can i at least start with not a 40 or 39 guys you forgive me for kind of cheating right okay we started with a hutao next 27 i think that is shondling if i remember right next 25 diona uh not looking too bad i mean pirate image is boosted i uh the pirate cube is in second half so this would be actually really good start so far uh who else do we need uh water dude to be excellent let's go ah i'm re-rolling you know and we got 16. that was my one re-roll you know we we started from scratch like three times but you know bro worth let me make sure 12 13 14. yeah we're dude that's water dude please give us a usable second half please we just need one hydro you know mona kokomi barbara even whatever just one hydro please because we have pyrocube in second half one decent hydro six ayaka very good start but we still need a hydro like if we don't get a hydro we can cancel the whole thing immediately come on 24 let's saw you she's not gonna help much next one zhang li i mean maybe uh i know it would take way too long even if we could kill cryo cube in like 45 seconds without a hydro i don't think i don't think we can do it last three vinty we're gonna have to give it a try and the messed up thing is this team can get to the pyrocube you know so we're gonna get all the way there and then figure out it's impossible oh well and i forgot to rearrange my team oh no swap well we could definitely do it faster and thankfully we have vinti here for this one so that's nice but i still don't know if they can even make it there honestly like we don't really have any help for ayaka i mean zhang li does help obviously vinty is quite nice as well no freezing ayaka herself doesn't get one of those nice 60 attack boosts like pyro and hydro i still think she can make it though so we got through the oh wait there's more well this actually isn't looking as good as i originally thought like uh we are down like six minutes or something at the end of chamber one hopefully there aren't as many enemies in the upcoming floors okay this is just this again gonna go ahead and do diona's burst although she is unfortunately not healing a ton so i mean it's kind of good to keep putau at like 50 but yeah and that cryo abyss mage is just chilling way over there the damn google box again here we're just starting with two samurais and there are only two more apparently they must be really tough right now they don't look that tough do we maybe have the big samurais after these guys yeah we do oh no at least they're not in floor 12 where we have a three minute time limit so there's that at least trying to kill them together but i'm not sure if that's going to work wait come on that one and this no he's blocking no no dead kill him ah okay sorry for screaming there something is going on where i keep switching to walking for some reason i don't think i'm hitting the control button but maybe one of my side mouse buttons is doing control for some reason i don't know just nerves but all right we've made it to the cubes i'm gonna try it we'll see how pointless it is um but yeah without further ado let's just get started oh no this is the hydra one oh no no we're we are definitely definitely definitely screwed i'm gonna retry i was not prepared for that i mean if who tau can like one turn it maybe we can also kill it in less than a minute but i lost a lot of hope right now okay well there goes the tower again dionna could really help for the final slimes as well so there's that why is my barrow still on cooldown almost dude almost i'm gonna retry until we can one turn it and i'm gonna wait for shawling's bear to come back a bit so we have the uh the bear boost oh my god oh no wait diona now we getting critical what the heck alt shield who tell let's go not criticaling let's try try the bird oh it was too late i don't know if that's gonna work oh but he does go back down really quick no die please all right but i think we do have a chance here depending on how annoying the pyro is he does go back down quickly there we go now we're gonna swap to deona and take care of those slimes ah that wasn't good and done what diona why is there another one oh no that would have been i don't feel like i'm pre-firing oh but we were able to get it this time uh in in uh really quick so maybe it's just that wait yeah see it's just that they can't take more while they're frozen i guess so i just have to alternate okay that works dude less than 30 seconds 29 seconds maybe maybe we have a chance here oh no but uh i mean zhang li is really nice obviously but nothing besides hydro does any damage to his shield i think my only chance is if i can one shot him with like ayaka's burst which i don't know if that's gonna work because uh i don't really have anything to boost or damage very much because i also won't really be able to get rid of his little shields either all right he's going down for the first time we're at eight minutes we have one minute left uh the timing for this is really tricky though like he doesn't take damage for a little while i'm gonna try it now though uh we got only to about half ayaka's not critically at all yeah i'll try and destroy like one or something i guess yeah we could destroy one not two i think though means we got one more shot uh we'll see if john lee's burst hits him here it does come on oh dude i wasn't expecting that i had already lost hope that we did it we did it without a hydro what i'm so surprised but i did get lucky having hutao in the first half because i didn't think i could kill the hydra one in 30 seconds but i think that's actually faster than i could have killed the uh cryo one for sure also absolutely lucky that we had uh diona also ganyu or any cryo bow user would have worked they are perfect for those ending slimes bones actually taught me that i was like why did i never think of that yeah because i could never kill all three of the uh slimes in one go because i was you know just trying to kill them with who tower or binny or whatever but yeah all right floor 12. um i think i'm gonna have to give up here and maybe make a part two a little later where we specifically focus on floor 12 uh because i'm just a bit mentally exhausted and don't think i'd be able to play very well anyway like even if we get a you know doable team uh so yeah i think if we start fresh on floor 12 you know we can try several times before coming back to uh you know just pain and suffering in my soul so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna have to save floor 12 for another time but thank you guys as always for watching you know dropping like if you enjoyed all the good stuff very much appreciated until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 771,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact graphics, genshin challenge, abyss genshin impact
Id: Z-0vf9h8F3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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