Genshin Impact, but I have to summon a team 3

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hi moglets today we're doing the third installment of summoning a random team this is honestly just a really fun series for me when i gather up some of these normal fates we have 40 currently so let's just hope that is enough if not we do have some backup primos just in case uh and this could be the day we finally get our c6 caching i say that every time i go on standard actually every time i summon in general if i lose the 50 50 but whatever we may actually be getting a five star or did we get a five star last time we got a wolf's gravestone but that was five pages ago so it could be we get another five star before we move on to the summons though i want to give a quick thanks to today's video sponsor hong kai impact third introducing bianca also known as durondal which is shixel's strongest valkyrie and the highlight of version 5.5 her new battle suit is called palatinus equinox and it comes with two different forms which are knight and guardian respectively switching between these forms will have different skill effects almost like owning two separate battle suits the addition of a horse in night form is just amazing we also have a new battle suit for rita called spina astera the visual effects are insane and that tornado of destruction looks incredible of course we can't have a hankai update without some amazing outfits a couple to showcase are during dolls daya and korra outfit heaven war dragon this changes the visual effects to red and during some moves you can see a dragon emerge alongside that one for bronia's silverwing nex battle suit called heart of the night it has a cyberpunk touch and a dash of the urban flair of hong kong cinema owning either these outfits will also grant you the glasses on version and finally hong kong back third is celebrating its fourth year anniversary for the global server logging in will give you the special 4th anniversary emblem as well as a variety of upgrade materials a huge amount of supply cards and over 4 000 crystals they'll also have a spring event where you can obtain the new s-ring battle suit spin astera like we talked about as well as an s-ring battlesuit option where you can choose who you want so yeah a lot of very exciting stuff i also have a gift code for you in the description below you can redeem for more rewards and of course the link to download hongkai impact third down there as well so make sure to check it out without further ado let's go ahead and get it started we're just going to start with the tin pole straight off the bat we get a purple let's just hope it's a character and not a weapon because that doesn't really help i've seen some ideas thrown around that i should you know take the first four weapons as well you know four stars but that's just kind of too much because you know it would need to go all together getting four different characters at the same time getting four different weapons we did get favonius warbo and then yeah they need to actually be able to equip the weapons so it's just kind of weird actually i'm supposed to be disappointed right now because we got a weapon and in fact not a character i am very sad next in poll please give us a character this time black tassel who's our first character gonna be i think we had fischel in both teams or did we not have her in the second i forgot it doesn't really matter our first character is cyu a newcomer have not had saiyu in uh either of them i'm definitely positive about that so cool cool keeping it fresh and we got our first character only took half of our storage you know it's not how it should go but what can you do means you might actually be able to pity a five star cool steal oh no the flute that's a weapon we could get a double four star that's not too uncommon let's see here currently not looking too hopeful but anything can happen nope uh but it was a pretty early four star and this will be our last tin pole with fates anyway let's see we've only gotten one four star so far so this is actually not not looking that great already maybe at least this one the four star should be coming up any second because it was early yes there it is beto nice i think we may have had beto in one of them doesn't matter i recently raised her so that should be good beto and saiyu interesting combo double four star can still happen i wouldn't complain uh but yeah we should be getting our five star we'll definitely be getting a five star this summon session because yeah we only have half of our team and unless we get super lucky and get like two really quick that could be our c6 kaching but i probably wouldn't play with her in this video because that's very special then you know kaching was my first main she'd be c6 then she deserves a whole dedicated video even though i've made quite a few on kaching already uh anyway here goes our next tin poll no five star as of yet should be soon though like i said uh we're just going to uh skip through these really quick uh we got sacrificial fragments unfortunately a weapon we're basically only getting the pity four stars it's always on like the third or fourth as it has been going uh so that's we're not getting like the best luck ever i think that was it yeah all right how about we do a couple singles to the next four star even though we need two four stars so i guess it doesn't matter but just so we mix up the uh little four star pity thing a little bit you know okay there that is maybe a little bit early one one summon early oh okay shinyan i know we got into the last one that's fine though xinyon's cool um don't use her pro she's probably the character i've used the least out of everyone so yeah uh on the bright side but there is a reason to use her so there's shin yan one character left let's go ahead and do a tin pull and just hope oh it is a five star if it's not catching maybe we'll use her in the party man i am actually kind of nervous oh and there's our fourth goro yikes okay goro is not that great uh because uh he he just doesn't fit in he's a very specific support that's supposed to work with geos and uh he's gonna be almost useless in this team but whatever maybe i can swap him out for the five-star unless it's like a weapon oh no dude oh my god it happened it happened what my c6 kaching dude i've dreamed about this day okay i'm not gonna get so dramatic but damn there she is gotta save her i mean i'm gonna get on that quick but i gotta save her for something else goro it is wow that is insane it finally happened i'm not even going to see sixer yet besides that we got goro first so it would be kind of like cheating if we were to not use him and shinyon only one level 50 this time i think the first time i did this they were like all super low level it's not a good team i would say still not even sure how to use cyou she is a healer which is cool i guess we're probably going to use beta as our main because she is like the only one that could be maybe sort of i'm probably just gonna pretend goro isn't there like what can he do in this team he can't do anything so beto still seems to be kind of built although weirdly all off pieces i don't know if that's supposed to be like that let's just check her attributes real quick 47 to 120 isn't the worst i've ever seen got a good amount of attack up there uh electro damage bonus actually isn't so bad although like uh you know at least the two two-piece set would be nice i am going to give her the lava walker's wisdom the special circlet i'm always swapping around and i think she does need a little bit more credit rate so i know i have some really nice uh yeah these are probably still on miko but we're gonna borrow the miko don't worry i'll give him back at one point probably maybe so now she at least has two piece thundering her crit damage went down so much but whatever she is with wolves gravestone right now we could give her redhorn stone thresher i'm always using wolf's gravestone so mix it up a little bit then that just looks nicer she has a way less attacking now but goro is also mostly built again i don't think he's going to be very useful in this team but we're going to build him anyway just give him whatever this thing also i think cyu works better with some specific characters but i guess that's just how it is with most we don't even have a hydro for like electro what do we have we can maybe do overloaded or something oh my god i don't know what we're gonna do with this team today we can try the weekly bosses that's going to be a pain though so i'm probably just going to use it as a healer honestly oh and we again have three great sword users i remember it was like this last time well since that is the case and xinyon can at least use some form of death we're gonna swap them back so xinyon can have the stone thresher also the physical portion of her burst will have its crit rate maxed so we can just go like full crit damage and just use her as maybe a burst dps or something so i guess that's more or less shin yan belt i don't think four piece pale flame is gonna do much for her but that's what i had uh as for saiyu i think in a you know proper team she'd be built with a lot of elements of mastery for swirls and stuff but i don't see many opportunities to really swirl maybe beto but yeah i don't really have many great swords raised besides the five stars so i don't know i'm probably just gonna give her unforged i don't think it really suits her very well like stat wise or anything but since she will be our main healer i could give her a healing bonus but that's boring so i'm gonna build her like a dps yeah i guess that's fine i think beta is mostly gonna be the one to carry us we're gonna start with something easy our daily quests hello again kaching charge attack what do you have for me some treasure hoarders all right i think we're just gonna start with a uh boom see what beta can do more or less on her own here let's just let's just pop our burst sure why not we do have a bit of an aoe situation here although i think it's like they they're coming at one at a time so it's kind of annoying yeah beto could handle it though and also we have two shielders as well that was an easy start uh now we have a balloon quest go cyou roll into them yeah that's not a mat well 12k actually ain't so bad again i'm pretty curious to see shinyan's uh damage oh but we gotta get rid of this we're gonna roll on ahead i don't know why we're imbued with pyro maybe the grass hey that was pretty good saiyu wait let's go get some more pyro there we go boom pyro attack and agoro what what can you do i guess you can kind of boost yourself a little bit ah xinyon's burst is ready sadly we also don't have any sort of buffers but whatever let's just see it i guess uh yeah that didn't do a lot i'm i'm kind of disappointed but yeah that was the end of the balloon quest let's move on to the next we got a little ways to go so we're going to roll there with sciu so we're gonna pop another uh vado burst we do have some chain stuff going on here as well yeah i think beta is definitely gonna be the one to carry here i think this is the last enemy so again a very easy daily quest and the final day of the quest we just have some normal dudes oh that uh that pyro shield might be a little bit annoying all right let's try a perfect counter here was that it i mean i did get hit once there yeah i think that was one yeah there we go 27k not bad you really want to shoot me with an arrow little man boom get wrecked i don't know about that one but we got at least one good one off so that's that's enough for me let's go turn in these daily quests and head on to some weekly bosses really not sure how this is gonna work i'm especially worried about rock frog but also senora so let's start with senora i suppose go cyu roll uh let's try xinyon's burst again well the 16k i guess wasn't so bad i remember she was doing more damage already though and we gotta make sure we're kind of like a little healthy here let's go ahead and do a better burst maybe do goro burst just for fun saiyuber oh no i didn't want to do say you burst i don't need healing right now that was dumb oh and she just ran away from all the bursts if we even survive this is going to take an eternity we can't even switch to saiyu right now because she's almost dead actually so is shinyan we're still in the ice phase what the hell am i going to do here all right i think she's finally going into pyro phase but yeah i have no idea what i'm supposed to do here getting cyu's burst back somehow would be nice oh man she's even closer to being dead goro can also heal a little bit so i'm going to uh go to saiyu real quick and i thought he could anyway oh boy um yeah guess i'm not gonna say much during this little excursion here i need my concentration we did manage to get saiyu's burst back everyone's just dying so fast probably because i built them all like damage dealers i regret that now no my beto we can revive her with whatever that that is then we're gonna have to pop siu's burst and hope beta will survive long enough to heal at least yeah she did i i guess shinyon ain't so bad here her shield does have like more protection against pyro right although i have a feeling yeah it's still not strong i could have sworn goro's burst healed but maybe it's like only geocharacters i forgot how it works oh yes when you have at least two geos in your party then that's when he heals wow he is really really useless in this team like the most useless character i could have pulled that's insane come on say you i need your burst hurry oh god no we're so close at least we can do some range damage with him that's something and we got the wolves gravestone proc although i'm not sure how much that's gonna do yeah we got beto's burst maybe this is it this battle took at least 10 minutes i reckon or at least it felt like it oh my god well we got through it i guess and we can actually get the roars this time as we're on the hardest difficulty not a bad looking gladiator circle at crit rate energy recharge elements of mastery wow all right hard-fought battle gets some decent artifacts maybe elements mastery sans well i changed my mind really not looking forward to rock frog at all oh perfect i don't know if we're actually gonna do this today i i don't know if i have the patience for this right now uh probably should have at least like healed them before i went in but thankfully we did at least have cyu's burst so that's something yeah of course he's going underground now you can never catch me with saiyu you can never catch saiyu she's too no as soon as i do beto burst he goes into pyro anyway here's where the troubles start thankfully we do have xinyon for the pyro shield so i guess that is kind of a blessing in disguise yeah we need to utilize that already all right it's back and i guess gone again unless i can i didn't i was not able to i frame everything there i think but we still have some some sort of shield it might be hers actually somehow you cannot avoid the side swipe no matter what you do unless you're like always attacking his head or something you can iframe that stuff i don't know if we did it all perfectly but nope sideswipe he's just gonna do sideswipe constantly because he knows we're weak to it wait why is he going underground again i thought he only did that on okay now he's going into electro i was not even in the freaking the marker i never figured out how to avoid these electro attacks because it seems like at one point they're everywhere yeah no i can't do this i'll try one more time i said i'd use this team for the day and weekly bosses are a weekly thing i'm surprised you even got past senora also i just realized with the electro stuff i guess being closer to him would help because obviously the area gets a lot bigger the further out you are and thus you need more running to get away from it even so it's dumb and i hate it well i guess goro could have a use here because he can produce the crystallized stuff i suppose maybe we can try it like that anyway do i get a crit yes i saw crystallize somewhere in there unfortunately i is going to be sitting on it for the rest of the match yeah i know i don't think this is going to work uh this is the worst team by far uh of the series uh i i guess i'll stick around with my 150 hp psyo and uh just to see if this electro stuff is easier to dodge when you're closer to him so there's an empty spot i could have sworn though like there is eventually no empty spot and you have to get hit oh well apparently not up side swipe he just wants to end it really quick all right see ya dude since that is a weekly boss i will do that tomorrow with an okay team i would literally rather just solo it with bennett again but alright that was fun we have to use our resin on something lately i've just been going for ley lines because yeah i have nothing i'm really working towards right now i could think about who i'm raising next and sort of prepare a little bit for them while i have been wanting to raise sucrose actually sucrose is a really interesting character for me so i might go ahead and uh do a couple animal hippos we're gonna do at least one even though that might also be an issue yeah i mean it's not going too bad so far i don't think i'll be able to get these uh these things i think we gotta use siu's burst beta is hurting a little bit here there we go say you does heal a ton maybe i should have given her the uh kokomi set the the clam set okay i can't do anything there apparently usually when i'm fighting this guy like even early on he never even got to this point so i'm like i kind of forgot most of his mechanics well he should be going into his little mode here in a second hopefully i can get the orbs that shouldn't really matter who i'm playing with although i'm already doing pretty bad here let's see if we can get that last one i have a feeling we can't though or probably too late go no my god one frame oops sorry sir shenyan i just swapped her out of habit because i was like if someone's gonna die it's gonna be shiny on although maybe like psy would have been a better sacrifice because she's all animal here and everything let's just finish him off here and that should hopefully do it there we go conductor's top hat very very bad but we were coming for these so yeah it is thursday today so we could also farm a couple of her books real quick sure hey well recommended elements are pyro and electro we have that oh god i hate this domain though thankfully we do have xinyon she can help with the abyss mages here the cryo abyss mages all right that took a little longer than usual at two and a half minutes but it wasn't that bad i have a feeling i don't want to go for more runs to be honest though and yeah like i said outside of that i'm mostly just going for ley lines because you can never have enough mora xp books whatever oh this might not be bad we have uh some slimes here we just got off beta's burst uh well then we have two electro slimes so that doesn't really help shinyon did a respectable amount there now we're gonna farm some crystal flies we have cyou in our team again everyone keeps arguing with me that she's actually useful for this but she's not i know you can swap to someone else i know you don't have to capture them with say you it still doesn't help capturing one of these two is no issue but when you capture one the other one already goes flies away doesn't matter if i don't have saiyu in my team the first one to capture is always easy anyway they don't notice you until you're like three meters away from them with say you can be one meter away from them her passive is extremely useless this is a hill i absolutely will die on little rant aside we're gonna do our 50 primo gym refill um sometimes i'm only doing that when i'm when i don't have a like clear goal in mind and uh we're going to make those three condensed and i think that will uh i think that'll do it i'll use those candids tomorrow when i don't have to use this team i usually like to go into every new day with five condensed so i have my options open and that's what we have now and we have no resin and yeah uh besides not really being that fond of this team that is honestly the extent of my typical daily playing as of recently because again i'm not really trying to raise anyone right now i could get onto sucrose but i might just throw up another poll and have the audience decide but yeah for now that'll do it make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 424,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin summons, genshin impact summons, 5 star pull, keqing
Id: B0lKzaggJBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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