Floor 12, but my team is ACTUALLY random (Genshin Impact)

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i gotta say moglets it's 7 p.m on a saturday there are lots of things i'd rather be doing but spiral abyss is resetting in eight hours and we haven't done floor 12 yet um the real randomized no re-roll stuff so uh yeah that's what we're doing today hopefully it won't be so bad but um yeah first of all of course we gotta figure out what our team is gonna be let's get the rng counter up there we gotta set it to 46 was it yes 46 indeed and let's go ahead and get this party started with a six hey not bad to start xiao um all right next okay pretty sure that's our level 50 amber i regret raising her now because it would have been someone else and now we have a 14 510 kokami well i mean we do have rift hounds here so you know having a healer ain't so bad and then four no why is it always traveler why do you keep changing positions just so i keep getting you to be fair traveler's okay it's just when i get a high number or actually a low number i get excited but then this traveler it's fine but yeah and then 38 that is our level 60 sucrose um i mean can be useful i guess anything above 40 is a win we've already got one of those but you know next 35 okay i was kidding it's not actually a win that is yunjin uh no one can use yunjin here except maybe coco me i don't know i mean next four yeah we already have you traveler sad that three of the two low numbers were actually not great for four four four really level fifty shinyan oh why why why is it always going 40 look at this half of my team is on the bottom and finally just yeah just just screw me up the rest of the way is that barbara 31 32 33 34 that's chi-chi all right i mean no no what what am i supposed to do with this i doubt we're even gonna be able to get through it let alone nine star but let's uh write down our team here god this sucks already so we're gonna do our best i would be proud of myself if we can even clear it to be honest and then of course you will have to go back in nine start anyway but starting with traveler here she already has primordial for whatever reason keep it looks like she is almost fully built also i was wondering why my ninguang wasn't doing any damage earlier probably because travelers stole everything yeah we're just going four piece archaic i don't know if it's the best set but it has decent stats as you can see i think she is also our only geo in this team so that's a little annoying but yeah yeah we're totally screwed the more i mean xiao he's like our one saving grace maybe uh he needs one artifact here i guess this one say you took for whatever reason yeah actually go two gladiator two of iridescent and this is also wrong give me that gun you yeah those are his usual stats when i'm playing with him 70 to 206 i think amber is our only bow user so she can have polar star that's still on alloy yeah it wasn't too long ago i did this i guess i finished her off here with a uh probably a crit rate circlet oh yeah but i'm also taking shinyan whatever i'll i'll re-gear her actually i need to create damage here yeah whatever good enough kokomi should more or less be fine i'm pretty sure i gave her the clam set and indeed she is still in the clam set although this is wrong gonna give her a healing bonus sucrose can keep throwing tails i suppose in terms of artifacts i basically just want to have her with as much energy recharge obviously her and shower going together yeah 230 should be enough yunjin i i mean i guess is going to go with kokomi kokomi is going to be our main dps let's go i actually don't even know who traveller who is going to be our main dps then i mean kogami might actually not be that bad i think she's supposed to have the goro stuff gonna get gonna take that back from goro a lot of my character share sets don't judge yeah i'll probably do yunjin and traveler just for the geo resonance because i know it's a pretty strong resonance and then kokomi and like shinyon or whatever i guess jinyoung could be a main as well but probably not all of 50. oh my god i'm just just thinking about the enemies the mago kinkys and then the last floor with the rocks how am i supposed to guess we'll give her ito's weapon just for fun as far as i know she does scale sort of off of death charged attacks yeah whatever we're probably gonna give her eula set just uh go full pale flame and finally chi chi sure sacrificial i know she scales off of attack so we're just gonna build as much of that as possible all right guess we're more or less ready to get this party started and by party i mean pure suffering does it even matter which team we throw in there like we're gonna die so bad anyway i guess we're gonna have the better team for the mega kinkys because they're harder but then we have rock dudes in second half i don't think we have a single electro unit so we're probably gonna have our like double geo team down here and then the other team up here uh so yeah down here we're gonna have the traveler yoon jin combo with kokomi and i don't i don't even know shiny does it really matter and then here we're going to have xiao and sucrose i guess pretty much like that uh you know never mind so uh first team here no shields no anything we're just going to uh i don't know let's go ahead and go into shower burst sure why not let's see if we can at least kill these guys before we die just the first three took already almost an entire minute i'm gonna spare you the 600 plunges i have needed to do so far um but yeah you can see we're already down to seven minutes there still first chamber by the way i think my show is built decently well but he has no uh no support i mean obviously sucrose helps a little bit with energy regeneration but yeah that's it all right moving on to the other side let's see if these guys can do it any better or faster although i kind of doubt it i was really banking on xiao just carrying but uh that's not gonna happen um but uh yeah here we go maybe this one will be slightly better because um at least we have like the right element wow eugene just did a 16k that was pretty surprising i think we do got to go ahead and heal up here kokami should be able to do a little bit of damage as well honestly because uh the clam set should explode and do some stuff a little bit yeah i saw a 21k there i mean in this team that's actually a lot of damage so honestly considering we're still not done and we only have three minutes left literally just passing floor 12 is already not looking very hopeful oh damn we're not even going to get one star should be any second now though yeah there it goes oh my gosh no in regards to the challenges i've done for genjen this is definitely the worst one and you know this is really gonna suck as well because i know i'm gonna die on magu kinky and i know these two rock man guys are gonna take about four years to kill so every time i die on the mag of kinkies i'm gonna have to kill these guys again that is of course assuming i can actually kill these guys man when you actually let these guys live for more than two seconds they're actually really strong and quite hard to avoid yeah oh my god stop one is down hey we're making good time only two minutes oh god we are so we are so absolutely screwed for the mag of kinky though all right but anyway here we go maybe i'll just try and solo it with kokomi i mean she can keep herself uh relatively healthy here we go normal attack boosted because of coco me yeah she's doing like 9k per hit now it's actually it's actually not even that bad oh wow wow none of them are taking any damage at all though oh and mike okami is going to die that kinda can't happen you're my healer bro none of them are taking any damage at all i've just been slapping them i mean i have actually been swapping to other characters besides kokomi um but yeah and i can't really stay in that area either are they all just gonna chill in that area now i'm afraid that even if i don't die uh there won't be enough time i mean i think the water one is almost oh no no no please tell me she's still alive she is still alive but i like can't swap to her now i'm gonna try and kill this one first oh i thi oh i think it's gone swap to kokomi and do her thing real quick yeah no don't don't even think about it i'm trying to heal over here all right maybe we're good maybe we're good maybe the normal one just chills back there for a while and allows me to kill this one real oh my god we have three minutes left and they're both still at like full health there's no way i can kill this guy in one and a half minute dude oh my god dude it's gonna be so close we have 25 not this dude doing available 20 seconds left why are you even playing i was hoping i could have just given up by now but i tried and we made it to chamber 3. this sucks yeah i think we're gonna need the glass cannon option here uh to have any chance of doing it in 10 minutes although burst damage plus 20 let me think yeah i think a lot of our damage does come from bursts xiao does xiao's burst count as burst i mean i assume so well let's try this one first i think this one will be more of a dying issue than anything else um because i know these guys can do insane amounts of damage really quickly one is already dead we've only been fighting for a minute it is actually going pretty well and now we got two big wolf boys to deal with um we're just gonna yeah keep plunging on them forever i actually am starting to think my second team is a little bit better than the xiao team i was kind of just hoping shao would carry and i could put like the not as good uh units in this team but honestly traveler always surprises me like you know it's the free unit you get at the beginning you know it's not supposed to be good but it's actually you know she's actually pretty good i mean xiao is still doing obviously some pretty respectable damage around 30k for his plunges without any sort of support in terms of damage so i gotta be more or less happy with that i mean i would still at least want five minutes for the last chamber because i think uh those level 100 ruin guards at the end might slow me down a little bit we'll see i don't think i even have a bow character so that's going to be annoying with a relatively weak team much weaker than i'm used to anyway uh i probably would you know take the time to get them down but uh indeed we have no beau character so that's gonna be an issue but anyway here we go nothing to it but to do it i know i'm not showing a ton of gameplay because it's so kind of slow but uh i am trying to sort of uh you know hold a traveler's e uh to get it to land faster i know some people are telling me to do that oh crap this is the one with the rocks on the ground this is a big pain kokami is actually going pretty ham here as well she's probably the one doing the most damage honestly with the clam set i know it's not saying much because i don't have a lot of good units here but uh still she is of course also keeping my units alive so there's that uh this dude is unfortunately just chilling on my pillar so i can't do much to him i don't know if this will even hit okay her burst does hit thankfully i'm basically just having to ignore these rocks on the floor and hoping i don't die because there is no time i don't know if i can kill the two ruined guards in uh wait yeah yeah okay that didn't work i tried to do the perfect counter and i just basically died i thought it was worth a try well as long as they stay somewhat close you know kokomi's little clam set does do aoe so uh you know we're basically gonna have to thankfully they they don't do any bleeding or anything come on burst yeah i basically gotta keep them next to each other and just try and i frame everything more or less um that doesn't work all the time because i don't have that much skill but uh i try my best also doing a burst is kind of a free iframe oh my god that's ha what an idiot he's stuck on my rock he cannot come after me oh god tk oh my traveler no please no i've already been doing this for 10 minutes okay there goes my engine i suppose yep no man now they're all far away again it sucks one is almost down ish only have one minute left though oh my god uh okay one is down one has a little bit i think we can actually do it if something really bad doesn't happen like suddenly dying uh but no i think we got it wow dude the game keeps freezing a little bit after every run uh there it is um technically completed you're out of your damn mind if you think there's any way to nine star that like we could barely zero-star it every chamber took literally 10 minutes uh so yeah that's cool now if you don't mind me i'm gonna go easy mode and take the characters i actually want to because we do have to get those stars now time to get my revenge [Music] [Music] ah that felt good one last thing to do now of course grab these rewards and we are done that was interesting i don't know how much worse of a team we we could have gotten really i mean obviously just the whole like synergy of the team wasn't that great either for either of them honestly but yeah we got through it obviously zero starred but you can't really expect more but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping a like if you enjoyed uh is always greatly appreciated thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 434,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, spiral abyss, floor 12, abyss genshin impact
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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