RAISING AYAKA! This is hard... (Genshin Impact)

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hello moglets fancy meeting you in a dark damp cave already tried out that bad boy over there i don't really know what's going on he's pretty tough this is the new world boss anyway if you didn't happen to see my ayaka summon video we uh did eventually get her which was pog we also got her signature weapon so also pog i don't know if i can raise that today but we're gonna be trying at least to raise ayaka you can see we farmed a little bit here we'll we're probably gonna need a bunch more of these sakuras they're super weird to get but we'll get into all that later let's just raise her first of all as much as we can now we're moving on to level there she goes to little 40. yeah okay so this is why i stay at the boss because now of course we need these and yeah we already need a lot of stuff just for the third star this is going to be a long day i'm just going to yell the boss to be honest i didn't bother reading about him or anything but uh let's throw some of that up banette oh he's just going crazy doing whatever he wants to but i have zhang lee shield so it really doesn't matter to me he is dying decently fast i know at one point he goes into super rage mode and like starts bringing his friends out you can probably see that here yeah attack their core weak spots yeah there's one with an hp bar i'll be honest i have no idea how it actually works but just after a while i'll see one with an hp bar and then you gotta kill that one and this dude over here let's hope we get three here come on not that that is actually enough for anything a good hat actually not bad oh yeah i never even raised my yin fei to c1 just like you know a thousand more summons and we can probably get her to c6 but yeah i think the most pain are going to be these sakura blooms for sure they don't seem very abundant or they're very spread out one or the other oh that's not good at all this interactive map says there's only 30 total and they are spread out but yeah we're gonna look around we've unlocked most of the waypoints except over here i basically just wanted to get to the domain to be honest so i have that uh but that's just the artifact which will probably be farming later oh yeah and i guess you need like an electro character i don't know if any other element would work but i guess not i think this is the first time where i really have to start from zero when it comes raising a character you know literally having not a single thing to make it slightly faster when it comes to this place it's really hard to even read the interactive map so i'm just looking everywhere it seems like there is more than they said uh i guess it could just not be fully updated yet like with all the locations or anything uh but i'm sure i found more than like five in this area where it says there are five oh this water is really painful see the interactive map says there are no sakura here well i guess there's a lot more than i thought but i can't really use an interactive map i mean i guess i can for some guidance oh one of these mirror ladies i fought her once already um i basically just spammed two tower on her and it was enough i so i never really have a chance to know what they're actually doing we will also be trying out ayaka a little bit i would like to at least get her up to 70 before we try her out i know we gotta farm these dudes too that's her secondary material oh yeah the artifact strong box also i only came here to make the stuff i think i'm gonna save that for a special video because we have so many artifacts to go through that'd be a huge tangent right now we might be able to get her up to 60 now oh man we barely got the sakura like yeah 30 is gonna be an issue oh wow and she gets crit damage she gets a lot of 86 crit damage i mean i guess they start with 50 so whatever and with this weapon which we can't enhance either because this isn't open till tomorrow oh i would need to farm the and these oh my god i need to farm all those dudes today oh precious chest behind the thing in 180k gold in the tea house it's really not that hidden but yeah just in case excuse me now these people want my sakura blooms i don't want food i i want higher levels well yeah i'm probably gonna have to find someone that uh doesn't have ayaka and isn't planning on getting ayaka so i can steal their sakuras because even if i found every single one that i'm probably missing i don't think i'd even have enough to get to the next level but as an intermediate let's check out each of these domains we're going to run each of them once are those actually the books she needs no apparently those were yesterday so i mean we couldn't even level up her talents anyway i'm sure i'll need these at one point i just really want to give it a look-see see what's going on there 25 electric damage bonus all right this is a very pretty domain i think picking those up will like do something with our basic attacks yeah yeah you saw a little lightning that fell from the sky i'm probably just gonna try and blast them oh they're actually kind of strong damn are they healing oh sorry about that okay those little balls that spawn here are open i think it already hit him because jungle's pillar hit him wait let me get another look-see at that there it is 74k yeah it's definitely worth it to pick those up i guess that was a pretty normal domain i would say a little tough but i didn't really have the right team probably would have gone with vinty or some other animo to gather them together because this is one where everyone spawns it once that would have made it a lot faster and probably quite a bit easier also uh the little guys get sucked up uh but i digress let's just use some original resin here i don't i don't think i need these books right now anyway wow not bad for uh normal resin there i mean i don't think that is a new domain feature i just got lucky how about the artifact domain i'm sure i'm going to be spending quite a lot of time here but i just want to give it a try looks like we can get a pretty large pyro or cryoboost here depending on what color the platform is looks like maybe there are four platforms we'll see how that works yeah okay okay so uh let's try and stick on the pyro one for a second here get some water dude action this is the first time fighting the electro uh big dude also i think fire is the best way to get rid of that yeah he went down super fast that was quite pog still pyro so oh is that it okay that was a super easy one but this is coming from someone who has a very very strong hutao and there is a nice 60 pyro bonus so i think this one just suits me a lot better maybe i mean the other one's probably not not too bad either if i brought vintie uh let's use condensed resin here first run in the new artifact domain and we got hopeful heart uh it's an attack goblet which is typically not very good um but okay it's the attack bonus whatever how about this flower of life pretty bad subs for a flower this one does sound really interesting though i gotta say also the other one was a little bit more niche something with energy recharge oh yeah this one i was thinking for mona this would be pretty op and finally we have the weapon domain which also we don't need today but let's just see what it's like shield strength increased by 40 and also a shockwave when you pick up a geocrystal not too special happy i have zhang lee though enemies oh or just a bunch of little dudes all right vinty again would have been cool here and i am aware you can check enemies but meh i figured i'd be okay just a little bit a little bit less convenient yeah not too bad honestly not too bad would have been again a little bit faster with vintie but let's just use original resin because we don't need this see what we got purple no purple all right no problem i guess just for the fun of it we can start building ayaka level 60 is obviously not where i would even do the first showcase but hey what can you do she will have a lot more crit damage both from the weapon and from leveling her up because she gets well i mean i thought she got crit damage but it looks like she gets no crit damage it goes from 86 to 86 which is not that great but all right i was actually thinking about giving her the gun you set i mean blizzard strayer of course because yeah man she's gonna have a lot of crit damage damn i wonder how much crate damage i could stack honestly i'm actually just gonna straight up give her ganyu set it'll be easy to remember to switch it back maybe i'll just build up another blizzard straighter set unfortunately we cannot do anything with talents or her weapon so she already has 233 crit damage though so i can imagine well over 300 once she's maxed and her weapon is maxed i guess just for the initial showcase we're going to give her jade cutter because it's leveled up uh with this set she has way too much crit right now actually no let's give her skyward blade she gets more bass attack and some probably much needed energy recharge for her ult well that was easy i was just i just hit them randomly but i think ayaka would also need a scene show to keep them frozen i'm starting to think some things she will be our main dps so we're going to have to take hutau out for now because i also need an electro still when i come across these beautiful things well let's go ahead and give this a try i guess gonna do this first all right boom oh wait no i need to dash first all right well i mean being level 60 with level one talent she's actually not doing bad at all i would say i think i do need these for something eventually the weapon perhaps there are a few of these around let's try that again let's go ahead 10k all right wow she is strong already oh yeah there are a lot around here i mean there is a giant uh uh sakura tree so that makes sense yeah i mean a melee cryo that can inflict easily with basic with sync with water dude that is actually quite interesting oh jesus how about that old again i mean yeah she's making quick work of them of course she also has water dudes blades helping her out a bit i'm pretty sure i didn't tell you to wake up go ayaka do the good stuff i mean look at that oh wait no i gotta is he dead precious chest i would rather just take like three sakura blooms honestly instead of that i would say she's performing about on the level as my typical first showcase what is this another precious chest all right that's just to help me get out of here i guess is there nothing i'm missing how about first is some humans ah whoops i missed that all right try that charged i mean not bad these are some uh pretty tanky humans that he is so strong at level one no she's going to be so much stronger it's crazy level one talents level 60 not her signature weapon raised yet also someone told me that uh her e will be fine also for yeah there we go how long does that last enough time to swap out to kaya oh there's the metal key there was a doggo locked in a cage a second ago oh but there's also a chest here do i save the doggo or get a chest nah of course come on doggo all right you're gonna give me another metal key now huh not even gonna say thanks ah he's leading me to a chest yes oh look at that nice job doggo and i probably would have seen it eventually but oh yeah fire cube i'm not gonna bother with him yet but i uh assume yormia will need this stuff but yeah i guess that'll pretty much do it i've actually been looking for these sakura things for like four hours now unfortunately at least at the time of recording the uh interactive maps are not complete yet which is not a complain mint it's just uh understanding that she's not uh 90 yet even so i definitely have high hopes for her where are we going oh no this place again oh well we do need to do this anyway actually let's wrap it up with another one of these cube fights we're gonna mainly try and do this with uh sing show and ayaka level 60 no talents ayaka i mean that lasts for a while ah ding as soon as i did my ult he went back and do his stupid thing i should be able to uh do some damage now with the main one yeah i mean she still has a long way to go but i'm i'm already pretty impressed 11k i mean five digits with no talents i know i just have to reiterate like i know it's not that impressive but you know for a very weak character i just want to be able to kill it with her that's my only that's my only goal here almost ah you thought you thought you could escape nice one three more cores concerts hour kind of meh also i guess i'm going to come here eventually for story because this stuff is still blocked maybe something in story will allow me to pass it because there's also like a domain and a waypoint this is a below water so i assume but yeah i can't go there yet anyway i suppose that'll do it i haven't decided yet if i'm going to have like a mid-tier showcase and then the quote-unquote god mode showcase or if i'll just skip that and consider that this one and uh just go straight to god mode in it'll probably take a little while actually even if i get a few people to allow me to farm their world but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you do enjoy as always greatly appreciate it as well make sure to subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this in the future thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 855,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, ayaka, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact guide, ayaka gameplay
Id: qogV3rOot_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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