GEM PUSHER!!! - Kirby is BACK!!!

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James come on do something perform the miracle Oh [Music] hello my homies hello guys here is what a town which is found a super cute cubic shampoo sure I'm gonna play 20 points here for Jojo she asked me to play for these and let's see if we get something cute I mean they have all these super nice star water stars keychains I don't know how to call them okay we got our first year before PMV and look at all those prices that are about to fall but it oh my how anyways they're moving they're so moving right now among goodness we almost got that octo made of thing in this kind of a weapon or something okay yes yes yes which has got our first killer with meteor on that keychains about to fall they're on the phone the door oh my gosh after that keychain there that can get the star one yes so these things are like the little stars back there Jojo oh my gosh they keep falling yes oh my gosh did you see that it's not some very clear on the inside the chute okay let's try to get that one there we didn't it yes okay it's far far back I don't think it's gonna fall on them yeah it feels pretty pretty far back oh my gosh all those teaching songs about there okay let's see if you can keep it in stock okay let me drop that tomato back there and see if we push it the other teachings is it gonna do something well it's doing something they farm more try one two we get one extra point or one it's a try actually the tomato's about four want you to be four and five okay as we need to have those key chains for this hopeful Maronites if he can help us out naughty student okay let's drop all this back there we need those teachings we need to get more features killed the kind of scars sports on a much huge guy drop there yes okay he caused an explosion that's a he'll be key change size explosion yes which has got another one well let's wait for the time it is great for the right Thailand we need to make it fall on the lower platform one more huge time are we getting there okay that's released this gems here oh I thought we might you know drop the star too much rice in this set of points come here come with us yes okay this year a letter of Maronite No okay that other star has needs to fall yes and we're getting this one children it's become yes all right what happened and let's repeat now yes okay have to there big guy Oh five more points one yes two which has got six tries the touch on a door there it's kind of a crazy recipe [Music] let me track these around right here yeah okay did you move or anything big coming in coming up okay yes we call this one severe coming up here so many you know start a chain somewhere I hope you get at least one revealing the one with the moon at least they're not some those kind of travel details that sleep away all the time okay we got something there okay that was almost ours [Music] let's watch the 10 spot okay hopefully they will push the star yes of course is gone just got this all what's what's that doing there any more tries and I wish I could get that super huge till we jam there but it's not reachable at all I think all we can do is go for this little star with a pity March inside it's been a while since I've seen DS they're kind of keeping all stuff there and just releasing it on shampoo shells I don't like that okay Sylvie we need to be good to us okay do a good work come on okay maybe he finds another score let's help you change don't give me the just James all right that's why we need and it's not a chance now yes okay chance to push what's up with you that's almost ours that was almost ours we have an audience or yes we got one teaching finally let's try to get one more figure from there or shall we go for that we change affect all the kitchens are better for pushing let's do that let's get one more if you can agree this big guy instead okay you big bird come on something fell oh my gosh look at that chain it's about to fall okay last fight rise one three and five and I don't have any more coins with me so it's gonna be these five points and that's all hopefully we'll get a second keychain I hope the big guy helps us shall we go to one of the opener let's try to get that start key chain there I know it's gonna be hard to get it but at least we can ninja just pushed stock with a somehow I know that I trusted which will be this guy monk will be pick him up nicely yes but I don't like one okay he dropped the big guy is the big guy doing anything for us yes the second key change right here Maronite oh it's your chair now okay are we dropping him on the right place yes oh my gosh oh my gosh okay you have four more tries off it's not pushing any more when you gain power now I think we need change because we need to put something back there you know we find a big bird I can't remember this name I can't believe it so that we get back a chain there and I think we'll have the the full set of key chains which is just perfect let's try to get these gems and if we get the tomato or the tea chain now it's just a chance all right jump out where it is right now come on oh my gosh look at this one if it doesn't fall back in somehow put me in a tornado yes all right doc tomatoes gonna push we got him duska me just wanna push the big guy I guess I hope oh no it went towards the other side shoot rise on my stuff that's true tries I don't know if we should go for midnight probably not because the shake is kind of tricky so okay let's try one more tomato what do you think one more tomato or one more kind of round figure like therapy see the tomato help helps and if it comes to come here okay drop okay the chance oh yes only gosh okay James come on do something care for the miracle oh okay - that was perfect okay we have one more try and I'm so happy with this it's got a kind of the snow now it's just that's the big guy one of the combobox it's kind of kind of far all right we have one more try let's see can we get that fighter kid be probably there let's try to drop fighters TV and see if we can push this one it's kind of a long shot but anyways it's our last try it'll be son you're gonna be our hero today if we do that he'll be are you coming with us oh gosh because that you just pulled another kitchen there on the kitchen just pull something else and the gems are doing some where okay let's probably nothing will happen but let's just drop in there come on kill me Oh everything fell oh my gosh that guy there are we getting in the last one [Music] we got an arrow again put on it okay let's fix this and see if we can get in there [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 2,438
Rating: 4.9807692 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems, kirby figures, claw machine
Id: aGu38tk_Gyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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