GEM PUSHER - Unicorn Keychains meet KIRBY!!!

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flamingos power come on [Music] okay Brian let's play this minion for you instant tickets it's one and two for by sea on 8 this is a full cushion nobody has touched it here damn Komachi okay so let's see what you got she that is a charm okay those are cute Hey Tao we got tea is she okay another charm unless it can choose this one charm there see of our child an Indian child the first huge charm how many types a powerful be oh what's this Bhushan maybe positive - oh my gosh just can't believe you today be [Music] you know everyone Jim Butcher we found so we're gonna play for our friend ELISA now and yeah we found this tempo Shirley are they during a live stream and she said okay I wanted from those unicorns and the kid agrees as well so we're gonna play 18 points per pair why 18 points well you put three points on you get four turns which kind of makes sense to get the extra turn to the coolest so okay let's transit start over here there's some theories on the other side of the platform's so let's try to start getting some unicorn each is shall we let's go for these and try yes we got the top we've got the three key chain let's try two okay so this one's also call in the top platform okay good to know so let's try to bring them forward somehow and make that little hill be through the bright shoot these getting okay let's push with them Stan so this place is nice because their levels are not that great city they move nicely come get some unicorns yes we got it but it's probably gonna fall on the top platform oh yeah though you have a team is moving cool let's try to get that one there now it's kind of cute part of the edited see let's see maybe we get lucky who are almost there let's try to bring this and make the unicorn fall that was the idea okay let's put three more points here two and three here so oh yes it's moving one returned there [Music] let's go for more 2 Chainz we got that one and that's a great position it would fall on the right platform please yes yes okay we got he'll be okay let's go let's try to get that one over there since we have delivered go come on here be real friends yes okay so he's gonna roll probably yes apparent nine oh let's go out for that one can we get it oh okay lay there try to get that one there okay we've got flamingos okay the flamingos will push yes we got flamingos there okay one two three we put three more points there and we're about to get that little some of them fell okay let's try to get those keychains there maybe we can move to another position I think I went to class but probably that's a good approach yes yes okay oh gosh okay that ring kitchen was very tricky okay let's slow yes we got the kill me I don't under in my pool of yes okay other keychain or was it out that was a kitchen here I was focused on the pyramid come on hit me roll help us these are kind of stubborn but they're so cute we need to push a little bit more okay let me see if I can get that on there please Candace please get on one yes okay that should help a bit let's try to bring it out to the second platform now yes okay Oh both of them failed okay this rescue team I need to put Remora two more points okay we got him okay I just put the remaining three tries to points let's drop in be shall we go yes oh yeah yeah we got our new kitchen there let's go up there apiece unicorn one please Katie don't fall okay his hours probably don't wanna land on the right place but anyways James please oh yeah yeah we got one okay nice okay let's try the remaining one the blue one that I just see there if we can get that one how did I want you all today okay but with a ha we got all those those flamingos got to be good with the flamingos in this game oh okay then we put three more coins let's go for that he'll be there yes yes you're nice to us it was my friend you guys know that he is my friend baby chance friend yes and he feels right and that onward he needs to fall okay let's get that one I like the shake of this keychain to push hopefully yes okay let's go for it let's go for it come on go oh yes yes got one oh please don't Pauline this was gonna be falling back in pretty short right here we get them yes we got both of them right okay go please oh well but you get without one more curvy and now have two more tries from this set the next one maybe we should try this amount here the one with the flamingos hope that we can get okay we got the flamingos on this one let's see the power flamingos power flamingos power come on here oh did it to anything someone's really happy but not me okay come on get this keychain for me please yes okay we got this keychain oh my gosh he almost fell directly oh my gosh I need more points one two and three okay this is our last set of points oh yes yes okay nice we got everything there okay super happy super happy yes okay we had three more tries so let's try to get those most people should you get some wonder get something okay we got one of our clothes if we're lucky we can bring it to the right start for come on no I fell back here okay let's try to pick it up again not gonna oh yes we got it we got it okay let's see will it roll back again no we didn't on the Flamingo power is working oh nice little flamingo coach for a minute yes yes flamingo go Domingo Oh plumbing of Tristram ingo do your thing okay oh yes we got the bread oh my gosh I I should prepare an extra phone just in case oh it's moving okay we need to get this last two DJs okay they're not new it anymore oh okay James yes oh that was about to roll please one more foolish again okay we got it I just put one more phone so yes okay great great that was fair trade perfect angle for the extra coin now let's just pick whatever we can I'm super happy with this game we got a lot of keychains and we got a lot of Kirby's let's try to get that ring keychain over there hopefully we can get in whoa [Music] please oh yes yes okay nice both okay all right okay they're not moving all right we got a bunch of gems - lets see second man last push okay door is closing that see what is our look at all these we got Appa a follower of our teachings we forgive me forgive these flamingos and teachers let's take a closer look at all [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 8,596
Rating: 4.9737992 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, spinning prizes, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, minions kuji
Id: 5Tbscl9rdJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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