GEM PUSHER | Yugioh Epic Gem Duel!!!

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like an epic gym for sure [Music] yes and everyone and this is a gesture for my friend Michelle she really was asking me to pull your homies so welcome to our channel homies the homies and literally 20 coins for a friend Pamela she wanted to get the circuit chains we are just going together desert keychains we have any no Almont oh I'm putting five points in but we don't give any return that's a shame but anyways at least we have just what the 30 chains here this wait for the see we have to almost there and this one is a good shampoo shirt so let's pick up the next gen sorry that the next kitchen here let's see how okay most kind of fast they were still on we own Macari okay let's drop the chance once the black the platform goes back all the way back right there push them push them oh yes okay they're moving forward let's wait a little bit more okay that's what I've done let's see if we can get that key chain there okay which is we're adjusting guys we're in a period of adjustment drop it now and I just can't okay yes we got both all right let's move these credits I should have put one by one I forgot we don't get any frictions let's move it to another position let's get more keychains from another platform okay which has moved to another position I shall ask them to put more keychains more teachings and guys I'm so hyped because look what we have here and then you have the UV original song sounding here we're gonna play for this one later anyways going back to the cuteness okay I hope that now we have a lot of pitches here to pick up so let's dig in and let's get more cuteness oh that one just slipped let's see we have three motorized here so after that cute Jonah oh no what's going on with these peaches today don't they want to come to travel espouse the chimps are still good yes that one's moving nicely let's go for that jello one don't you dare fall oh that's cute look at the cuteness there oh my gosh okay when it should get put in points in this book one okay let's book one by one now sorry about okay let's go with that little are we getting yes okay we need to take it slowly because that you do music there is it's typing me too much it's like an epic gem for sure can you hear that I really hope this doesn't get me into trouble with copyright at something okay can we get that one there are we still getting it yes oh gosh yes come on Twitter the way back okay but these ones are folding okay one more coin and I'm just getting my point from my pocket oh yes we got it in the end we got it in there I should take my my pockets out of it sorry my callings out of the pocket and just have them on top of another machine so that I don't waste time taking the points from the pocket okay let's fill them all okay we have 20 points here rise this is such an epic Jim Butcher for me my hand is trembling Oh what are all the keychains they will get everything there was a bunch of them and to see this great gems here the thing I asked them you know to have some more peaches we were we didn't have many someone's been here yes okay here we have a good quantity coming up okay let's go for that one let's try to get out a couple here from the oh that one fit okay drop that one yes okay oh my gosh I forgot to put one for you let's put let's put each two points each so that we don't miss any chance bicha wait for it to come forward all the way not to come forward to come around now we're still getting that one this is kind of a long shot but sleepy keychains yes okay slippery keychains drop everything come on drop all those key chains for us there is one here that is about to fall we should be pushing somehow let me put one more coin in here let's see if this works can we get that one there yes we had one of those dessert once I think it's a pancake of the top yes yes we need Goods and power now the solution power now come on this is beauty Oh gem power okay one more oh we need to put one more time ok let's go for that one here I'm really excited today it's been a while you know since i play this machine oh I missed the button I can't believe I missed a button okay drop now yes okay we're gonna get all these chains yes these kitchens are right there on the door we need to push them we need to drop something on the right and I'm sure that those two teachings on the right will fall ok let's go for this one here which is super cute we still have some more oh my gosh we're not doing great today in this machine keep missing I keep forgetting that I don't have points okay that one this is a cute one this is a shaker come on drop the shaker now yes okay you don't know if you're gonna push come on you're gonna push you will push for us let's wait for the oh my gosh they're right there that just hung in there if we've had something huge you know that that pushes everything from from there we've had four to five more tries okay oh did something all right let's draw look at that one over there it should do all right we need to pick up one at least talk about Monday yes okay you know what I'm gonna put one more point in drop yes and billion but we got one can we get that one there it's kind of an onshore we love the chance James who your well that one is so close guys that one is so close oh my gosh this one slides really nice because it not it's not you know that kind of sticky one it's kind of a really worn it's nice really nice I'm gonna put one more pony I'm gonna leave one last going here with us you know just to know that you're gonna it's gonna be your last one let's wait for one that has a nice shape let's go after that donar there that's if you can catch it or not yes donut you need to roll forward here yes like that come on push oh yes yes okay and this is our next teaching are we getting it now just drop the jams make pasta miracle one more push we're gonna play your last going guys this is the last one out of the training that we are supposed to play as usual I keep up a few points here in my pocket in my pocket just in case we need it but if we didn't do a good job maybe we can get at least a donut in the middle make it roll it's so loud today but I don't care yes okay now it almost fell there oh my gosh one more push one more push in your hours one more push okay come put in my extra coin guys I'm putting this extra point because yeah oh that one really we need to get this one here this is just a grease which that's all we need okay let's rescue that teach him there the one teachers fail the chess rescue him yes let's roping on top of this one so that hopefully both of them fall nassim but push push yes okay that was awesome okay witches got everything oh and that one back there is so close to call you know what I don't care one more point and we're about to get this one give me that key chain oh no this is a purple cuteness I don't know what it is but it looks really awesome oh it has got the chance what are they so cute - they guys okay yes we got it okay now we're ready now we're ready are we yeah yeah we are my to own this kitchen or not both ports we want it we want it I want it we want it and you want it and everyone wants it so let's please forget that one yes we need to America make our homies happy come on push push push oh my gosh is that gonna be my last one oh I find one more arm okay okay well good because this one is on the left and they only move that easily so oh my gosh let's check the prices this was epic with that soil on my left Kaiba you're next [Music] you
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 4,367
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: japan award, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, sweet land machine, play for friends, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems, disney gempusher, disney goodies, disney japan, claw machines japan
Id: 9Iz1vYp5z7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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