GEM PUSHER - The Crowd's APPLAUSE for Kirby!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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I need to trust the heart of the gyms [Music] hello guys hello everyone we are in front of heavy machine again and today that play a few coins actually it's one of these 20 coins I hope that my friend Polly can get a load of this Sarki change because last time it was kind of hard you know this one here almost they about to fall let's try to get the big guy day today remember he held us in our last play with oh my god oh that was interesting you know what I'm going to rescue him because I kind of like him let's see if we can pick him up or kill me yes okay now we got clearly let's try to drop here to me now okay okay we didn't fall in the right place I want to try once more for day today let's see if we can pick him up or not probably not just the change-up oh my gosh because all of chance I think that's more effective than any figures the shop and all here come on push start pitching oh my gosh between video teaching or a difficult one more itching fear I don't want to take a too many details because not planning planning to are not learning to play too many points on the same station same position Oh two more tries alright you may try let's go with the big guy hopefully if the big guy pushes everything the King today let's see if he pushes the star down yes and the star will push the other star oh my gosh okay we have one more try one more let's say that they today for our next click on mine should I just let it go I mean push gents okay perfect we just got it now you know what I'm gonna move this I don't know should I move yeah let's move this credit to another position and let's play some another place okay we just move to this station here to this platform that see if we can push this to chain that's good David again see if he can help us get off each chain okay yes now you need to fall in the right place okay it built okay nice oh my gosh yes okay you know what I'm gonna put five more in I don't know should I yeah one two and five because we get an accessory so anyway go go go go let's see if we can get that one with a star how we know we just got the chance shut the chance now okay we need to get that star yes it's moving forward okay I was kind of afraid we wouldn't get it but it seems to be moving nice okay let's get the one with the moon Oh actually that's the one we're about to drop but anyways one more is always good right now drop it oh my gosh we don't fall on the right place but this was so close to fall if there's a romantic curvy remember that one romantic canvas okay yes oh yes okay that one is there it's pushing let's rock the kill be there yes come on oh my God look at all those figures moving so so smoothly come on we can win your teachings let me see if I can get that one there you kinda wanna just put in the space yes no no no almost there okay give me the figures we're about to get done two more tries alright two more tries oh my gosh okay let's go for one more video here Maronite let's see if that one helps pick at this table yes okay these videos are amazing they're really heavy and they push a lot they're kind of tricky in the shape come on oh my gosh that here which is fair working that's it it's not going to do the same thing to us okay all right no no no yes okay more keychains are pushing okay I'm sure we're gonna get that one there and we need far more coins oh yes push nice one too don't you for now three four all right another set of five points we get an extra try six turns in total and let's go with kill ten power we need James here believe me I know Oh but if big IQ wants to come with us all the time but this time we just need the chileans come on yes better chance yes perfect we just got one more teaching there I really hope we could get that one on their rights and I think that would be a great time to move on to some other space to some other position and see if we can get one more time it's killaby come on oh my gosh they're moving so nice we have four more try oh my gosh everything is coming forward look at that okay we just got the chance we tried to vote for everything but we just got the chance everything is so busy here yes series with us I'm trying to find the one type that will miss it oh my gosh where is that still there you know what let's wait for some gems yeah let's wait for some gems and try to push with chance this place here hopefully that's all we need this place is crazy people stepping on me Oh me look at that that's the one we're looking for okay let's try to get it next time it comes here come on that won't fail okay all right we just got the one day we were looking for while we wait let's see if we can get that one is it gonna come here yes it is okay they always do the same thing to me oh my gosh is that gonna come here or not all right we just need to be patient now and wait for the next teaching we're waiting okay there it is it's coming the Onyx way let's try to pick it up oh my gosh I need to follow my skills I need to trust the heart of the gems let's see if we can pick it up if we don't we move on to the next come on now come on come on we all know which didn't oh now it's in a better position though you know what oh my god I really wanna oh he fell parking okay let's move to the next station let's go there because I think that one is the one we were really looking for okay last five points in for you Holly this is to be a holy play otherwise I'm not sure we're gonna get the kitchen we were looking for anyways so um let's just again I will keep trusting the heart of the chance until something really bad happens I'm waiting actually until the teaching were looking for crumbs in this anyone is playing oh I really hope I hope nobody garish is it still there don't ring me someone got it let's wait while we wait let's get that one there yes okay that one shouldn't tell don't tell me someone picked it up somehow okay yes we have one more keychain there yes and now that it is not it's not on top of it so okay it's moving forward yes oh yes yes okay let's keep on my gosh yeah that one on top of the gem is amazing because it's moving so nice if they don't talk of the change they move really easily okay we got one more there let's repeat on the right time come on almost oh my gosh they're so close they are so close someone we have a fold here no productivity there or would just get oh no yeah we'll check up James breathe trice and this is so hectic here okay here's the picture we're looking for oh but they've got stop there oh no I got stuff are we still getting it probably no because it's really really stuck there okay worse thing with a chance we got gems all but this ones are moving come on oh my gosh that one the right is moving so nice this will have to try we need to get a big thing there if we still have delay there but I don't think we have [Music] shall we go with one our beautiful figure there type thing no now let's go with one more teacher and let's do that it's gonna be a long shift but let's try to very okay it's there I hope you know what I really feel like Ashley's brought me the back there okay yes oh my gosh come on this dog needs to fall now so that it pushes okay let's give it some time see it's just a little bit of time or some gems actually [Music] you know it's kind of tied up back there so it probably won't fall we will need some power let's drop volume figure we need to cause some chaos you know drop something you could goes to the left though the amazing [Music] we place romantic here to be only love oh we got him we got him okay this is our last try now romantic evening Oh oh my gosh did this change anything okay never mind I'm gonna put one more coin in here we need to do something about it let's see if we can get this star teacher let's go with Jam goodness come on James yes okay let's draw this gentleness come on oh my gosh will be the James ball there's a song here my daughter really loves hope this song gives me strength to get that itch in there so we put one is one point one extra point we need gem power this is what we really need let's drop the chain power now come on yes this but it oh my gosh is that one movie I'd still have a few points in it's good one more extra oh gosh let's get here is if you can one get one of the fighters and we got in okay hopefully the fighter will hold on top of the of the star and the star will push the other one yes it did come on is your turn try try try my stars try okay push yes it's almost there okay this is gonna be number four we need to get that one to compete ourselves do any public box or so far as it's real tour okay let's wait for the chance to come by and let's get a map amount of chance and see if that one helps oh yes he will do what he can believe me he's doing what he can let's go after this amount of gems here the big one come on we need a big huge amount of gems to have them home there's a kitchen there okay anyways draw the champs [Music] one more push in that one more push push with your soul okay Marie gosh do don't hold now okay that was gonna be our fifth try physics to try and I think we're gonna get it I'm sure we're gonna get it trust TV chance okay we need chain power that's all we need right now we don't need figures we don't need to change I mean we need the key chain a surprise now but the chance will be the truth yes all right that was awesome okay let's get the prices and let's check them out thank you for the clapping [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 2,553
Rating: 4.9605913 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, γ‚Ήγ‚€γƒΌγƒˆγƒ©γƒ³γƒ‰, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems, kirby figures, claw machine
Id: vgklZVwLNBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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