GEM PUSHER - Playing for a Puppy!!!

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coming pursuing his job now helping help him [Music] oh my gosh we're back to the future oh my gosh I miss them so much I've been dealing with some desert teaching withdrawals myself anyways so let's start playing shall we I want to play so far let's play for a friend Alucard super dog yeah that's right I've been playing for more people that I can't remember but I think this is the very first time I'm playing for that doggy he's super cute little checking on Instagram alright his mommy today so let's play 18.4 you I I have a good feeling about this animal fear so let's first try three coins and see if we can drop it kind of easily let's pick up a dessert here they come change the desserts - come on come on come on Oh couldn't did it okay let's read to drop I'd say let's see how the animal moves doesn't move that much there's outcomes there's a there's a dessert on the second platform okay sorry I wasn't showing properly okay we have more gems here the animals seems to be barely barely moving there let's try to pick up that orange dress over there look at that that's an orange dress it's a teaching actually this church oh yeah we didn't get it but at least at least we are moving the kitchen that is back there so the cake is going to fall very soon let's try to make it fall now okay come on come on people teaching get that key change yes okay the kitchen is ours let's shopping now come on come on yes okay come on come on push push push oh my gosh let me put three more points here one two three [Music] let's see if we can get that dessert over there and see if we can hit the almond tree [Applause] Nikita Nikita No they're kind of slippery today go come on come on we need to post a gym powers here my gosh okay let's pitch that are we getting it oh my gosh the animal is moving family's moving come on go go go go yes we drop the keychain come on and you need to push you to have two more tries two more tries alright let's go flamingos power come on coming we need you we need you to come with us yes okay coming go come with us no no no no yes oh my god young I think I'm on it's moving yes coming over here okay push for us yes yes drumming Mussolini's job now come on tell people pimp oh my gosh the Ullman is moving okay three more tries let's see how this reacts okay yes coming this is still working let's get that kitchen there come on pick it up Nikita Twp oh my gosh they're so slippery these days okay let's give it a little kiss to our friend the flamingos yes come on Domingo you need chicken kids oh my gosh look at the almond it's barely moving but it's better than nothing okay yes okay let's wait for that key chain over there eyelets oh no no no it's just oh my gosh I push the button push the button I can't believe I've made a mistake and go now no no no okay you see the chimps yes yes yes that's the album is almost ours drop it drop it drop it go sit yes okay we got everything here okay oh gosh we got huge desserts and we're about to get more keychains over there just let them push okay we got one more and it's wait a little bit okay now oh yeah yeah that one's moving actually that one's moving this week one more time now okay so going so let's drop a bunch of gems there and probably we can get it you know with one try so I have one more try from this set of coins just hope for this mountain of gems if you know what I mean let's wait for the time and it's way hopefully they will go their way to the right now yes please do something do something do something yes nice okay we will move to another position now guys let's see what other pitches we can get okay now we have moved to this other position I don't see any keychains there but let's try to pick up something and make them forward all right so I'm putting three coins right now hopefully we can pick up something look at those traces and the shape of foods they look really really cute let's try to pick up that chocolate cake oh let's see become idiots yes yes yes that's a macaron let's try to drop it on the second platform we can make it yes come forward yes yes this Brittany is pretty near the exit we will be successful ok let's try to get one of those stresses what do you think it's not with this strawberry trace no we couldn't get it okay I thought I was sure I got it ok this one's are falling let's see if we can get that pink one come on come on oh they're so sweet for each other I don't know what's going on yes yes push push push are we getting the one on the right okay we know we couldn't get a dress come on yes drop that T chain drop LV Cheng okay we have to put three more points one two three yes yes that one is about to fall okay we have Childress's they're on their way let's see what means we can get one it would be great if you could get one at least because I was checking them they are supposed to be scented too [Applause] come on come on get them get them good yes oh my gosh we got you okay we got the truth come on go now oh no thanks fell in the wrong place come on okay go for that cake eat chain come on yes Oh No drop them drop them Oh if you can get that ring keychain over there yes they fail yes yes they're pushing okay let them fall let them fall for a minute let them fall on this dish one more try just wait for them yes okay drop the drinky change now okay oh my gosh that kitchen is almost almost ours mama push yes okay got it got it oh those dresses are very very to the left I don't sing I don't know if you can get them anyways let's try let's pick up one kitchen from there let's try to make it possible by make them fall make it fall on the left side it's kind of kind of hard but let's try give it a try yes okay oh it's better moving they have 3 more points 3 more coins two and three okay let's go here come on we have a nuclear there I guess one of the breads yes okay there's one there come on this this drop in now oh no oh my gosh but they're moving guys oh my gosh this is gonna be exciting this is all yes this is gonna be exciting okay so let's wait for more keychains actually I don't see many we always end up using all of them too far away let's wait shall we get this dress here yeah I guess it would be good I wasn't it's gonna be a good choice because probably become get lucky and make it fall on the left side yes now Oh almost okay how is it pushing and give it some time oh those dresses are so good my gosh okay still here can we get that one can we get it just three gems oh my gosh come on drop them at the power of three chips oh my gosh but it did a Gucci friends oh they're moving the kitchen there yes it's moving oh my gosh the guitar it's moving forward yes now the race is starting to do its word yes okay now our plan is working let's go for odd years here in statistics okay let's go for more keychains now I really wanted to get one of those but let's go with our desert keychains okay now come on come on it's something yes okay we've got one let's see if you can bring it on the okay yes that one's about to fall okay we will put your extra coins here let's shoot one extra point here let's see if we can make let's get some flamingos power here come on come on climbing go from it's gonna go just let's see if we can put those gems on the far back so that it makes the dream kitchen fall oh my gosh laughs poor guys oh my gosh okay one more try one more extra points if we can get it we need that teaching with us go are we getting it are we getting it okay okay we got one we got one yes okay there's a new kitchen oh yes yes come on one more push we need just one more push oh my god okay just one okay this is the last coin absolutely last coin oh my gosh we need to post a miracle here oh there's a load of stuff there come on come on I do card let's go for it let's go for it I don't know shall we go for a Mingo no no let's go after God one day there's a schoolteacher and maybe we can get it ah but it's kind of far let's go after this one come on are we getting it yes oh we got the watermelon drop it now yes yes yes this okay opening oh my gosh okay one more push yes yes all right okay great great great great we got it we got both of them Oh there's too many [Music] all that is needed to be done we're playing the rest of this kitchens here for a la carte and lei let's see if we can get those dresses with a yeah she was fine with this let's do this extra video this is kind of an extra video here let's try to get a deep one of those traces because they're really really nice I mean I really wanna see how they look like on let's go flamingos power coming go come on here yes now oh my god what happened what happened there oh my gosh Domingo is very very exhausted ah yes yes oh gosh we got forward okay let's try to get that ring keychain there and the check later is this choke the kitchen in the middle there maybe we can push the dresses are we getting more keychains now just the chance okay push the key chain with the chance yes one of them fell and was so so near to play to get the watermelon oh my gosh this is gonna beat much faster than I thought this is crazy okay let's get one more is the movie okay let's get just the chance our King James will be not come on yes that's a nice full of gems go now no come on go go go go one more push okay let me put one more point here oh no no open open what doesn't it open no I'm gonna chip with the power we got em forever we got oh my gosh okay please oh this is so exciting guys problem solved I explained the situation to my angels here in the arcade they are going to let me get that watermelon so let's pick up some gems and we should be okay pretty much with some gems we will get the watermelon that we needed and go now now now come on one more push just one more push alright be ours oh this is too much don't you dare - okay oh I can't believe so they gave me a free turn but I couldn't make it with the puncher okay let's get one keychain there early warning yes the moon come on get the kitchen ah no wireless oh yes okay finally forget it okay we got a all right oh my gosh mission accomplished we just got all the traces let's check them out [Music] you
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 9,166
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems
Id: XCgE4Q1Qauk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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