FPS3 Kirby Fighters 2 - Poyo (Gooey) vs PIZZA TIME (Archer) - Grand Finals

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hey guys it's me to king and i just wanted to have a quick moment of your time to let you know that we will be uploading a few sets on this big mvg channel but 99 of the turn sets are going to be on an mvg vods channel which will be linked in the youtube description below so if you could take a moment of your time to go in the youtube description below and follow subscribe hit the bell to that channel uh if you're interested in competitive smash or competitive of many other games in the frame perfect series online tournament just please check take them over to your time and check that out and follow it because almost all the videos are gonna be there but only a few are gonna be mentioned here now back to our video all right final set it's all led up to this all right grand finals time um youtube is going whip this time after me it's a shame we didn't see whip all day today that would have been cool all right archery versus polio pizza time versus polio arch reverse scooby all right here we go last time archer ran away from this but it was five last six games see what happens this time rock dust yeah the last time they were getting really good at using like the the down shot they're using all the time now i think they realize that's one of their best options they're using it just constantly even if all of them don't hit it delays them in the air so they can just space out gui the entire time so i i do like their odds here they do not want to get hit absolutely not like it's funny that we've seen gooey running away all game because i think archer doing it more now it's all about the angle of approach from their best attacks like archer wants to do long range shot or that ex that 45 degree angle downward yeah pretty much and obviously if you go you just want to stay out of specifically that move yeah i would say the glue wants to stay above them but even if he even if he can manage that the archer can still aim his other shots like he'll be safe from the downshot but like he has other arrows he can always fire and charge up to that cover like the entire stage so yeah because i'm with both stone hits all right this is dead even i'm playing so careful yeah oh grab them they both really want this win i can tell yeah they're they're both trying to just stay away from each other as much as possible gooey's not really going for the lasers very much though well he's popping him out occasionally but he's really he's trying to close the gap a little bit actually yeah archers just kind of like adopted gooey strategy from previous games which seems to be working pretty well for him archer's playing too careful he keeps blocking everything do it yeah i was gonna say gooey's not grabbing very often and then he finally goes for grabs as i say that but it doesn't connect yeah he he whipped it unfortunately archer's like the cat master oh yeah there's this k oh it's kind of close working really well for him but like we could close with like a nice if he can get one i was like okay he's trying to read his jump oh oh the tongue would have not killed but one more arrow yeah or a few just one shot oh wait last hit oh the dash attack last hit how's he gonna close this out he's gonna play this superhero finally polio takes the game off archer it is the first game please taken versus archer oh my he kept he lost five last hit games before now he's finally won elastic game and it was always at six damage last [Music] he's coming back stock a vengeance [Music] i i really thought archer had that and he did for the first half of the game but then gooey kind of i don't even know what he did but he started skirting around all of his stuff but i think he started going a bit more aggressive which definitely helps against arsenal because like archer's amazing long range but like close range he does have some options more than you'd probably expect it's gonna be given he's like the bow character but let's give you say match it for sure definitely yeah i don't see either of them switching at this point they've both been stuck on these characters for so long [Music] i'm done with anything yeah i feel like this is gonna be a lot of lastic games dude definitely yeah that's what you had the last time these guys played so every single would be [Music] i wouldn't be shocked if it happens again smarty tiny ft [Music] wow [Music] okay we got a flat stage this time our traverse gui on a small fd see who that's this benefits it was archer's pick probably so that he can shoot arrows from more distances i think the platforms is actually worse for archer because uh it it seems to block it more than the gui attacks yeah the stage just generally is really short vertically so like there's not a lot of places that the arrows can't reach like it does box them in more so it's got an upside and a downside but the upside is i think camping is going to be more effective for him on this map because there there is nowhere he can't touch at any time like those arrows are just going everywhere yeah he really wants the down shot oh oh he's almost there oh oh he's almost done already this is domination oh one more arrow that's it one more anything yeah he's gonna shoot arrows yeah he's just gonna fire him off he just needs one more yeah there we go it's all about that move dude so about that move it's about shooting down yeah i know exactly you guys make your whole game plan to avoid it [Music] i think it's gonna be a matchup over and over it was guillermo tournament and archers had a big advantage overall when you average all the games although it is one one so yeah we could see him switch technically i don't think gooey's ever switching but no i'm sure there's no logical reason from both sides like archer has had the advantage overall by far when you average all of this last all the games they've had for archer dewey and he's been giving all attorneys so i think it's gonna be the same trip this is how they deal with the matchups yeah that's what's going to decide it because like we've seen both of them do well in this matchup i think archer overall has the advantage but like gooey's been able to pull one out so it just depends how many times he can do that plus he's got to reset the bracket too he's got to do that 10 times which is not gonna be easy like if he does play other characters i think the switch honestly might be wise here but i i don't suspect he does based on his his picks today so so this is weird um he just lost on small fd and now he's going big fd [Music] yeah and it's not like archer archer can also attack full range so i was thinking he'd go on a stage of platforms but he wants big ft so see how that works i guess he just he just really wants to shoot full range but we'll see how this works out i think he just wants to go above him we might just want to be above him yeah i think that's the optimal range against archer because like he's got a ton of options for shooting like horizontally and like a little bit up and down but his overall vertical aim isn't very effective i think he can shoot straight up but that's not going to be very effective most of the time because you have to stay in place today yeah polio knows to go with that move now the shoot down yeah please trying to step up and then rock player strategy is all about staying above and rock oh well this is working out players pretty good at the long range he's nailing that long range you think archer would be better at that given you know he's like the bow guy but the thing is he can't be in the air while he's shooting well like what i think puts gooey a class above a lot of characters he is like he can fire while also moving in the air like if you're playing any of the kirby characters you have to like inhale yourself so you can't use any moves in the air yeah i know about that like yeah but gooey just flies wait is this our fault maybe wait is this archer come back he's got the grab can he keep the momentum wait oh one more two hp are we still close one laser one laser one laser like two arrows we'll take it oh yes last super last hit two hp left and now he's up three one in the set is that wait wait wait wait is this three one two one oh that's two one okay i think it's two on the set how does he keep doing this man he keeps clutching out these sets right at the end it's incredible well game one was the opposite to be fair that is true yeah but like that's like like the seventh club uh archer game we've had i think six [Music] like honestly i don't even know how he keeps a straight head under all of that pressure like this is grand finals in a big tournament in front of a thousand people and you've got two hp to work with how do you respond to that i mean you don't take chip damage from shooting so to shoot [Music] music is not doing very good in these battles they're taking pot shots at each other right now but they're good who's getting some momentum here all gooey physicals do like 30 damage like he's able to hold it with archer like in the camping distance and once he gets close he just does way better dude like archer does have the nice down shot but he can only use that so many times dude i feel like that's like archer's only good attack you just all you have to do is play anti shoot down see like you just avoid that and like even if you get hit by other things it doesn't do that much see polly is just not getting by shot down now that's all he's always doing is just not getting hit by shutdown yeah no it's actually like the games he has lost have been like at least 50 percent he's destroying him i think you'll pull your learn to match it he's at two you'll pull your learn to match up [Music] i was about to say he's on health again we've seen this situation before but the whole motion knows what he's doing now the whole mattress is just don't get hit by down here [Music] he got a aero guy got to go small stage pizza needs a small stage so shoot down's more effective [Music] yeah because the issue with that stage is it's so big that gui could just escape anywhere like he he knew what to do to knock it in he was just staying away from archer the whole time archer has good zoning but he can only hit so many parts of the stage so yo that was such a dominant display it makes me feel like poise is gonna destroy him but we'll see switch the stage that also hurts down arrow though but it's it this nerfs both projectiles actually because the platforms protect yeah the platforms look nice against the lasers but like the flip side is yeah exactly this is the score two two uh it is this is a close grand finals oh they're trying to read each other after that he's still just going for the down arrow mostly yeah but you can just make your game plan specifically avoiding that and it'll make it a lot worse forever these platforms actually really good uh for the arrow because he can stand on them and then easily do down errors yeah he's using them for like high ground so he's able to get like he's able to get a ton of really great pot shots just by something on the platform then the second gui comes up he can jump off and then use the downshot yeah it's working out pretty well for him surprisingly i kind of thought gooey had this but i i definitely think this stage works out a lot better for archer than the last one i'm surprised that the difference is so big same yeah this is like really he only needs one he just needs one or two more shots here all right poyo's got oh well that's it dude it was the same result but reversed yeah 150 hp left on gui last game and 150 hp left on archer this game it was the exact same thing but reversed i i need to stop underestimating this archer because i keep taking the match-ups over for him and then they plan another match and he wins and i i'm just surprised every time those side platforms really change that much [Music] i think it's uh three two archer right now three two pizza right yep he is two away from taking this tournament oh they're going this stage again though oh why don't you ban this dude oh this isn't going to work he should have banned it dude yeah i i absolutely would have found yes oh look i don't even think he's really changed his strategy from the last time he played this unless he does something new now i i can't see this going any different than it did last time yeah he's not going to hit by her down arrow [Music] good ways just flying in there yeah honestly like the less he's on the ground the better yeah he's got great options anywhere well the reason flying is good is because the best air attack happens to be shooting down if the best air attack was shooting up it'd be different oh arrow's still winning though archer pizza how is archer pulling this off this is going completely different from last time i think what's helping him is it doesn't look he's just like spamming the down air the entire time he is using it a lot but he's taking a lot more like just even again yeah this is pretty even [Music] i also don't think he's camping as much as this game like the the last time they were he was king oh this is close oh [Applause] pizza up four to two pizza's in a good spot because even if he loses a run back he can just he has two counter picks now this is tournament point right this might yeah this might be the very last game of the tournament potentially like i like archer's odds here but this has been flip-flopping like all set so this might be the last game to turn guys potentially yeah of course you're unpacked he's floating the air and you shoot just float in the air and shoot and you don't get that nerd yeah he's gotta really take advantage of that flight ability this game if he can do that he can get a repeat of game three if not i i'm not very confident his chances here [Music] all right guys last game maybe question mark 50 50. [Music] all right down arrow already at 30 damage tongue to retreat they're staying surprisingly close together this game there really isn't a lot of camping happening here that move that was really good when you go in the air with that yeah it's super useful it's a great anti-air option do you run away if this shoot lasers from the angle above them oh can you not punch rock i don't think you can i've seen it get punished one time in this entire tournament that was my ninja who's like the fastest character in the game oh he just needs like two more licks or something [Music] he's playing pretty oh got him in the corner wait that was a lot of damage dude the rock reappearing did like eight damage as i say this as i say this wait wait oh get something with the crowd just hit more shots though oh oh oh you wins all right probably needs two more and then another set or archer needs one and then turning ends and then archer can just uh now archer could just go back to the stage he won on so there's no reason not to do that [Music] yeah archer's definitely still got the upper hand here like he's got like you said he's got the counter picks so the problem is like which stage he needs to counter to keep switching because he keeps changing his play style like things that didn't go well before are going well and then vice versa so [Music] it'll be interesting to see what he decides to go with this is where he destroyed him so archer has two chances to to go back to win here yeah i think this is his best option [Music] like the platforms on the stage are just way too useful for blocking uh gooey's uh louise lasers [Applause] all right [Music] gooey all right needs to win two more and then another set or archer needs to win one more yep this is potentially the last match tournament point this might be our last dead youtube game of the day how sad what what house all right now archer has his really good angles from the stage but gooey knows not to get hit by that move specifically oh he's he's doing uh julie's been doing more of this the air charge attack tackles yeah the air charge has been helping him a lot because like archer keeps trying to like dart around him and just just go for the down air constantly but he keeps catching him with the dash it's working out really well yeah dude just like that he's destroying him oh he's got him in the corner though can't quite capitalize arch just keeps doing his one trick if you avoid it he gets a lot nerfed that's like all he has he's not blocking these dash attacks either like way charge across the screen is a fireball he's not blocking it [Music] yeah he's trying to react to that but he's just he's just not doing it well i think a lot of times too it hits him in the air which is harder to react to or he's like mid-arrow animation so that when he does just fine dude i don't know maybe player just learned a matchup again yeah but again it keeps flip-flopping i keep thinking gooey's got it figured out i think this might be the final time but we don't know he waited for that but i didn't get a huge punch oh he in wait oh rock robbie shoot up can you even punch rock like is there no reason not to do rock i don't think you can i think you can just rock whenever i i've seen it punished one time but even then i think that might have been a fluke like there's a hitbox at the end and it's like there's like almost no end lag you have such a small window to take advantage of that maybe if you're running in white-running rocks you can probably archer brought back it's even oh a huge comeback oh my goodness is this the end dodge is the rock he's taking the pot shots he just needs a few more [Music] who's doing his best to not give it to him though this is the end of it wait one more arrow that's all he needs is this the greatest comeback or wait oh wait a dash attack another dash attack just needs one laser wins the tournament last hit again like one hit literally any hit would have changed how does he keep doing that another last hit tournament that way you
Channel: Most Valuable Gaming
Views: 14,118
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: mvg league, mvg, mew2king, most valuable gaming, fps online, kirby fighters 2, kirby fighters 2 tournament, kirby fighters 2 grand finals, pizza time kirby fighters 2, kf2 tournament, kf2 grand finals, poyo vs pizza time, pizza time vs poyo, poyo gooey, pizza time archer kirby, archer kirby, frame perfect series, frame perfect series 3, frame perfect series 3 online, kirby fighters 2 frame perfect, fps kirby fighters 2, fps online kirby, poyo vs pizza time kirby fighters 2
Id: xfwknpUrn5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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