GEM PUSHER - A Duel of Cuteness!!!

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that you your music there is [Music] candidate for cuteness we have and today we're gonna play for our friend Christopher's they still have that kind of a figure there and it's still with the yoyo music there so I hope that that works and gives us strength to get some cuteness for you oh yes we just got one of those donut looking keychains come on yes it's there oh come on I can believe it okay almost there almost we got one teaching with one try not the first time would not be the first time okay let's see when we can get that onna there come on oh my gosh I'm doing so much strength with my face right now drop everything come on get me those that ones loud sweet so good come on get me that one Dominika chain you don't need to oh my gosh it did slide out okay now Christopher the statue goodness yes yes okay that one is about to fall on the wrong place action it's a you know let's try it another another position let's see if we get something else okay which is found a green tea tone out there it's a squishy actually oh nice oh my gosh we just got to keep changing one move if they drop them yes okay we got the donut ones or okay let's put a few more go insane oh yes one trader down I don't know if this one's gonna fold in or out okay yes we got one of more channel different jello different color different flavors still cute a shaker to us oh my gosh okay one more pointing let's go for that tone up there I wish these things were edible because I would actually I don't wish that because I will be like 10 or 20 kilos yes well okay one more point in let's take that cello there although some cheetahs might be tired he didn't wanna come okay give me those jams oh my gosh they slide nicely to us those channels are roughly because they are huge and they are acrylic so they slide nicely oh my gosh that is perfect balance and let's drop it right now yes it should push yes we got it boy we didn't know if we would get it or not but which is okay we're doing great let's try oh okay okay that one there okay I got so many did change there did you get one at least okay one that one's cute it seems to be a donut with something in the middle it almost felt born there you need one more try and let's do one more jello there because they okay yes good good you didn't fall the trailers are good guys yes oh yes perfect shall we play okay yeah let's get that candy there that stuff that's also let's get that along with the pineapple pineapple pineapple okay let's drop that one on top of the JLo yes so the trailer pushes everything okay we have to agree like to like take four points good point okay we've got one arthanari so no no yes we have so many here so let's get that one there there's something we are with the Balkans of you I usually miss them I don't know why I think that I'm pushing them okay yes come on train that everything yes go okay but one more point in we still have six more tries plus the one on plane the plane training points for you played soccer today [Music] this place is so busy today oh yeah so that's what happens I mean they slide nice but they also slide nice from the scooper yes okay one more in a pencil one day the raspberry one hour yes yes yes okay how did you do that to me out there youtuber to me drop you know what come on that was almost all it so cute some little cute eyes there it was kind of looking at us he is like yes I'm smiling at you learn and water from do you think we can get free liquor c'mon [Music] it's time to test the chairs Oh almost almost there oh my gosh something happened back there I need to go one ah yes yes [Music] together with a song perfect timing they finally get the pink one from there you don't fall okay and the pink um hopefully hopefully will right I would say oh yes we got it oh my gosh that's perfect we had three more tries that was gonna fall back in and this one is too far to the right you know what I'm gonna pick everything I'm gonna put them in another bar okay we just got a load of them for Liston how to eat rice the still have three coins here let's see if in this position we can get any of those two teaches how we get the donor now we can so we can okay let's drop the jams now and wait for some other good teachers to come around here okay that one's kind of gettable probably get about if all what if we dropped I mean I wish we could but it's not always possible you know just drop this corner to the other platform and how we push this element that will be perfect I'm sure that if we manage to do that you can get it it's it's kind of hard it's kind of hard let's write some other approach let's see the trailer the good butcher no it can't okay knock here come on okay these chains are going to push oh my gosh they are worn more try this is our last going guys give me that raspberry yes okay I will wait for the timing how it's just wait oh yes yes that's what I thought because he was I saw it was about to fall oh my gosh oh yes I can't believe it this is just perfect okay let's see that price is Christopher we got a lot [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 2,803
Rating: 4.9817352 out of 5
Keywords: japan award, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, sweet land machine, play for friends, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems, qposket, disney gempusher, disney goodies, sumikko gurashi, disney japan
Id: zybKThg9k00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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