GEM PUSHER - Unicorn Keychains are BACK!!!

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[Music] oh come on what's going on with you guys you don't like me anymore [Music] so we change our path the unicorn side bar beautiful careful here because we're gonna get a cuteness overload I'm gonna play for my friends dialect if she wants to play 30 tries for this game so the frenzy mode is not happening anymore so yeah I think that's my fault but we will play the normal mode and we still get a preacher whenever we push hard rock pythons okay so let's do this so somehow we're gonna I'm gonna put your five tries two three the lid see how far this thing's more let's see if they changed anything here yeah okay now they're pretty much the same I guess even though the machine has moved to another part for that one so I asked them to pull a lot of key chain stores because yeah we're gonna get a lot of them how what hopefully that's the intention here so let's wait for a little bit here we need to cause an explosion here monkey chamber up please yes okay that's a heavy one that's a boat yes that's what I wanted okay let them push for a while yes go well they're just pushing the solution get another no we didn't get it and go I said knee of this spring's really really shiny now I hope the video doesn't look very weird I don't know what's going on with my camera today it looks really really shiny now maybe I'm just you know I forgot how it feels like to be in such shiny environment it's been a while Vina oh they have added hard shake it's not only the star dance now they have this third stage one okay they're moving kids on one yeah yes that's a nice pool oh the morning whoa what is just keep going to that platform that's not the right one okay let's put on four more coins before all right so that's our second set of Python so far we have one big keychain there let's go for this one can we get it yeah know it well okay gents please be powerful okay how big star there oh they're moving there get that pig grant or me please oh no what these gems fall in the right place now yes push push push push push okay meanwhile I'm getting that one you have so many oh okay at least push one don't you fall on my game yes oh no this has gotten a little bit harder I guess in my opinion it's got harder to try let's see if we can get that one yes that's great okay it's gonna be hard to make you fall in the right place how about we know it just got oh come on what's going on with you guys you don't like me anymore okay let's wait for those one coming by yeah this game has definitely garden part again I think they have changed the we didn't reach it we have changed the position in which the cooperate so it brings all the prices to the to the upper platform okay this bridge with more money and yeah I mean we cannot use the Seymour anymore that's too bad keep trying wait for it wait for it oh I'd say just don't brush them okay yes and that's a great position okay we need to do is right what no they have definitely messed up with this data oh yeah they have done something okay just keep getting them I mean they need to fall down at some Club this one I was hoping you know to push it with the scoop come here he didn't run let me put some chairs back make them tall no more like them for Latino [Music] No more chance to the bar okay that should dream them forward yes yes come on come on push away yeah we got one more do another vehicle for me [Music] I feel like a doctor to be helping someone they live it away oh yes we got another yes okay let's wait for another fourth-year yes they're moving they're moving come on okay yes that's a good position it should help pushing the rest of the key chains the I like the shape of that one though yes yes because I knew that will happen yeah they're moving okay next set up by coin finally things are looking good let's wait for the next waiting for these ones suzumebachi and oh pick it up pick it up to pick it up yes he picked it up nicely in from here yay I thought I was kind of out of shape of this game but since we're doing pretty good now even if we don't have the even if we don't have the friends involved anymore come on come on come on go yeah jam Jam Jam you know user come here okay we should be getting it we've got it yes oh no it's been okay let's make it for now though yes yes yes it fell Oh everything is coming here nice Oh some stuff fellow we've got a Jew in a bra and I broke yeah no okay Jim do your thing oh yes hopefully hopefully this one is stuck there he doesn't want to come here don't play we have two more tries from these sets and we might be moving from different position depending on how we do with this to try we're doing good we're doing good because you know that position is great for pushing go yes or now I don't know please get that one please get that one oh well we got another one okay go okay at least libras sample chamber and mystic disciplining here okay and you get anything on I wonder donut I wonder donor okay [Applause] please get that tree we're getting them I mean we're doing what we need to do - they're falling in the in the second platform that's some purple no yes did you see that the moving kind of natives are no other foreign matter let's see if we can get that one there negative oh no oh I've been talking to myself haha I don't know I think my video stopped at ten minutes so I'm not sure up in when we we have recorded I'm so sorry anyways we'll still try as I have two tries [Music] not Allah almost your last we need that donut here with our it's not moving without the amount of yes that's how it's done let's wait for the time means we have a last bite right yes they don't any sour the cooler for your lap I cry here unless if we can push those details down you know but you know since all the kitchens are putting in the second platform it might be worth a shot you know rather than starting over from a new position but you guys knew how how much work it's needed you know we needed to get to have pink seek with them or anything because something something Oh nothing oh come on both or we couldn't make it for these gems are not as good as the Panda ones those who are good oh yeah those were great okay so let's try for that pour in there see if we can make something big fall here wait for her which the other stuff okay oh yeah oh okay but I'm a little guy so and you get something else I don't know the position on for how it almost made it we have three more tries with a mortar and this machine right it's definitely hard definitely harder you know those little gems in the shape of flowers on the shape of hearts on the start they don't put that much they just hold on the side or maybe they're not heavy not right let's try that door not there what for what you know for sure here that we will be able to get go which the honor [Music] oh no both of them fail gosh come on yeah no train I wish this will move faster I'm just trying to pop up like my it's really to shine iam I'm concerned about the video quality whoa No see something this is get that one yes oh we have no more try this please please please [Applause] okay 12 okay yeah no there's no pushing okay so let's see what you got okay [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 30,768
Rating: 4.8294358 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, gems, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, spinning prizes, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher
Id: qMu8oZhL3p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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