GE patterson.. You Have Something God Can Use!!!!

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[Music] awesome [Applause] [Applause] with power and love our God is one God some God Oh God rain god da da da [Music] rain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so that God [Applause] [Music] you believe he reigns wave your hand Oh give it brain [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh he's an awesome God his presence is in the room now can't you feel that anointing of the Lord in the room right now he's an awesome God touch somebody and tell them how God rain doesn't matter what's going on in your life you don't have to fear the enemy because our God reigns hey thank you give him praise give it blow read hallelujah you don't have to wonder what's next Jesus is here and he's there that man just get up and give him some praise all over this building give him praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] you just saw the ring it out Oh God he's got power in his hands these are feeling right he's open never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] laya to the devil tremble [Applause] he'll get some news ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Honan gimmick wory [Applause] [Music] Paulo news [Applause] hallelujah God said I'll do it for you right now to give us a brain hallelujah [Music] come on and tell somebody neighbor I've got range and it doesn't matter how big your problem maybe he's bigger than ever what are your problems [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] so what he's on the throne and he told you he's so big and say I'm giving you my power you don't have to worry about Devils I've given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and the word trea it means step own before you sit down just step on in behind hallelujah [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praising and praise His name well give God another hand the Queen make this seat if you can [Applause] [Music] Thank You Lola thank you whoa it achieves us all with less your name now the Lord is that spirit well the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty hallelujah this Oakland this Oakland Convention Center has been transformed into a sanctuary and the glory of the Lord is in this place he thank you the very presence of God is here right now no I cannot see him with my physical eye but with the eyes of the Spirit I can behold him as he walks down these aisles as he stretches forth his hand telling every one of us you a Nexen nine four miracle lower it a god do you need a miracle from God I have a whole ego saying you you and you you are next in line oh yeah you ought to turn to somebody to tell them neighbor you are next in line right behind me [Applause] [Music] all right Lauren Lauren I'm a mood oh that's the name of the law [Music] [Music] hallelujah Oh bless His name [Applause] raise your way into a miracle brains away into a miracle [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we're just praising them hallelujah Oh Jehovah we praise you tonight we praise you because you're worthy of all praise you know sometimes we do so many things and it's necessary a holy convocation if a gathering of the Saints God commanded Israel holy convocation is a time of giving it's a time of sacrifice and yet sometimes we forget to give God the time to praise that we ought to give Him hallelujah and you wait for me to tell you what to tell God but something down inside of you he called it Thunder deep something in God's Spirit ought to speak to your spirit your hands ought to just go up and tell him Jehovah I appreciate I praise your name come on open your mouth and freeze it hallelujah don't let me tell you what to say but give him the fruit of your lips praise him from the depths of your spirit Gordon of Osaka if I sold up your Jesus come on and just praise him hallelujah [Music] look uplifted hands in with your mouth open come on if you love him tell him you love him Paulo Luna has he done anything for you do you just want to tell him thank you something in you just want to shout hallelujah [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] you said if you praise me I'll dry up that chance I'll dissolve that tumor if you praise me I'll solve that domestic problem Oh take you breathing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] why don't you give him praise Florida top jehovah we praise whoa [Music] you don't have to worry about anything if you just praise God hallelujah we preach [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on give the Lord a hand of praise Oh bless the name of Jesus there was that night when Jacob fled from the face of his brother Esau and he came to a place called loves and with nothing but a stone for his pillow under the shade of an almond tree since the word loves men almonds he had a vision of angels ascending on a ladder from earth to heaven taking his prayers up to the Father angels descending on that same ladder bringing God's answer back down to him and when he was awakened that morning from his sleep he said this is the gate of heaven and it took his pil llw and turned it up and anointed it and turned it into a pil lar from a pillow to a pillow and he said surely the Lord is in this place hallelujah and one thing about it the people of God blessed be the people that know the joyful sound [Music] when the Lord is in the midst of his Saints you don't have to guess about it his presence is different to the presence of anybody else hallelujah when the bishop walks in well it's your jurisdictional prelate on myself as a board member of the presiding bishop you stand to give reverential respect if the president would man you'd stand to give reverential respect but when the Lord moves in nobody has to sit stand up something down in you just won't let you sit down oh thank you lord glory glory glory I'm trying I've gotten my Bible open here I'm trying to go to that scripture but it's reminiscent of Solomon's dedicatory 'el service they brought in the Ark of the Covenant Solomon prayed and the house was filled with a dense smoke which they called the Shekinah glory and when it was time for the priests to do that thing they couldn't do it because the presence of God was so great in the midst I have enjoyed the the presence of God these three nights here with California Northwest jurisdiction with my very dear friend and most capable general secretary of the Church of God in Christ Bishop WW Hamilton a visionary man praise God I've got a chance to see a part of that vision in action this afternoon during the banquet and most certainly you're blessed you're tremendously blessed we were fed from God's Word as bishop a Liddell Thomas ministered to us during the banquet on this afternoon and I've got a lot to take back home with me god bless first ladies to Joy Hamilton amen and so happy for her mother paradeen god bless her and I'm happy but on this trip it's not often that I have the privilege of having my wife with me when I go on Crusades but the northern part of California is one place that sick a whale she will not let me come out here without bringing her so god bless Louise to all of these administrative assistants and superintendents pastors my friend again the man that first brought me to this area after we went on television nationwide dr. Robert Richard Carr and went to three years to Ephesians for him and I'm so happy to see him on tonight a man and God bless dr. Reyes Walker and all of these great people of God there is a passage of Scripture and let me just also say this before I get to the word tomorrow is the thrilling and dramatic climax to this great convocation and the spiritual leader of this jurisdiction the Bible says that the laborer is worthy of his hire and I trust that every member of this jurisdiction from the administrative assistants at the top down to the laity at the bottom will do your very best to be not just a blessing to him but open the door through which God can bless you I've already left my official offering for tomorrow at some point before he takes the pulpit to preach we'll be on our flight back in route to Memphis we in the process of building I knew 4,000 seat worship center and every day when I talk back to the people at home and they're telling me what's happening they're pouring the concrete slab floor and Monday our structural steel is supposed to be delivered we have a building that will be going up that's estimated at first to cost about 8.6 it's really going to cost about 10 million but God blessed us that when they said 8.6 and we had three banks that were competing for the privilege of finance in our church and the bank that we concluded with National Bank of Commerce we were able to borrow the whole eight and a half million dollars at seven and a half percent with no points no loan costs and they didn't even take a mortgage on our church God knows how to give you favor where favor is needed once I found out what an awesome god I serve I don't worry about things I don't I don't worry about what I don't have because my awesome God has everything in his hand open your Bibles with me to the second book of Kings 2nd Kings chapter 4 we want to read the first seven verses of chapter four in the book of second Kings reading from the King James version of God's Holy Word if you have that say man come on let's read aloud together now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead and I'll knoweth that by servant did fear the Lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be bondman and Elisha said unto her what shall I do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house and she said and handmade hath not anything in the house save a pack of oil then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbours even empty vessels borrow not a few and when thou art come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and shall pour out into all those vessels and thou shalt set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and upon her sons who brought the vessels to earth and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her there is not a vessel more and the oral stayed then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil and pay that debt and live thou and thy children of the rest I want you to look again to verse 2 Elisha said unto her what shall I do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house now she is first responded that has made have not anything have anything except I have a pot of oil didn't sound like much for a woman head-over-heels in debt but the Prophet wanted to know do you have anything and I'm persuaded tonight to believe that you have something that God can use won't you tell somebody that you have something that God can use it's a strange thing about how God works in the beginning God created the heavens the earth and all things that are therein and he made a universe he created something out of nothing but since that time God does not create something out of nothing but he takes the little bit that we have in order to make it adequate for what we need if you want God to do something for you you must give him something to start with don't ever take the position if you need a miracle from God and here you are a doubter and a skeptic and your thing is well I don't believe miracles happen I don't believe that God does this or does that are the other but if he does it then I'll believe it God said I don't work that way he said if you believe it then I'll do it if you can show me some faith then I'll show you a miracle we live in a day and time when I have never seen so many people smitten with a sense of inferiority it's a day when self-worth isn't very high I don't care what you say about it most of these young people that get caught up in gangs they want to belong it's not that they want to do the things that they're doing but there are certain demands I know in our area in Memphis as the this gang mentality has recently come to Memphis and one of the initiation processes was that you had to kill somebody to be admitted into the gang and here you would find young people that really were not violent but they were so pressed to be accepted that they would find themselves doing whatever was necessary just to be accepted into that game now anytime you've got to join a gang in order to have a sense of self-worth it's because you don't really know who you are you see when God made the heavens and the earth and all things that are there in six is the number of man God did not make man until day number six everything that we would need to live on to subsist upon God put all of that here before he brought us here why did he do that because we are so precious in His sight every individual and the eyes of God is somebody special if we understood how special we are individually to God we wouldn't have to spend so much money and so much time trying to make ourselves look like somebody else God made you like he wanted you to be he gets glory out of you like you are but you've been watching too much and so now because phen is in some folk that came back away from the table and now they go and have that fat you know suction out and here you are walking around with your stomach stapled up miserable some folk even dying because the world says then is in but everybody can't be thin plastic surgery is the order of the day you know I won't call any names but there are some African American heroes on television that you don't even know the person you see from the person you used to see the one you see now is so light until they look white and that nose is so thin and pointed and you see the old pictures and they were brown and had flat nose I'm sorry you know if you don't like my nose I'm not going to a plastic surgeon and let him break it in order to please anybody when God made me he made me like he wants me to be and there's not another me anywhere on this globe that never have been that is not now and that will never be you got to take godly pride in who you are God made you and you are precious in His sight you are unique individual oh I know that there's some of y'all that believe in reincarnation God doesn't recycle spirits and some of us try to use john the baptist's you know John the Baptist that came in the New Testament and Jesus said that he is Elijah that is to come he was not talking about Old Testament Elijah reincarnated but he was just talking about this man his second Elijah they a whole lot of folk in the Bible with the same name God does not have to recycle spirits you have never been here before you are not somebody else made over you are unique God made you the way he wanted you to be get rid of your sense of inferiority and understand that in the eyes of God I'm somebody I may not mean much to you but before my Creator I am somebody hallelujah Lord a car you may not have a voice of the quality whereby you can get a recording contract when you sing you may not sing on pitch you may sing somewhere down in the cracks but I want you to know that when you give God glory even singing in the cracks you've got something that he can use I know what I'm talking about there people that may seem like they an odd number but you get used to seeing them at church and when they don't show up the first thing you want I wonder where is that brother where is that's the stuff they may not have it all together but there's something about that presence that the church is not completely when they are absent glory to God we keep looking for tangibles and things that can be sold on the market everybody is not going to be beautiful to the eyes of other human beings everybody does not have that great testimony that stirs up the church everybody does not help a song the sing but God have given you something that he has given nobody else and if you use it to his glory he will be glorified I just think you ought to touch three people near you and tell him you got something that God can use hallelujah glory to God one of the members of my praise team hisses Tabitha she has a song that she sings of what I have may not see much in the eyes of someone else it may be limited by human frailties hallelujah I don't know all of it but when it's said and done but that I am Lord here's a little boy 2000 years ago Jesus has led to the disciples with their limited capacity they are talking about sending the people away jesus said don't send them away they'll faint in the wilderness feed them a lot nobody have anything Peter don't have nothing James and John don't have nothing none of the Apostles had anything that's where it is a lot of times now in church where people are looking for him sometimes they fetch the pulpit and we don't have nothing and they run away from the church saying those Saints don't have nothing you you didn't such the rest of the house the preachers didn't have nothing but that was a little boy and what he had didn't seem like much boy what you got two little fish and I'm quick to remind you they was not well they were probably sardines I got five ball alone and remember they were not the long family nose they were those little hard rules it was bad enough for the little boys lunch but he took his little bit and put his little bit in the hands of Jesus I declare it doesn't matter what you got it may not be much but if you put it in the hands of Jesus when Jesus got to breaking the fish and breaking the bread it was enough to feed 5,000 families 5,000 men not counting the women are the children probably somewhere between 25 and 40 thousand people that he's fed with that little boy's lunch and as if that wasn't enough Jesus sent the apostles back through the crowd to gather up the fragments that nothing be lost and after feeding 5,000 families they gathered up twelve baskets of fragments and I know that you think that the Lord gave you one of the Twelve Apostles one of those baskets but it didn't start with them so I don't really behave it to them I think when he sent that little boy home that were 12 big bother fishman that followed that boy and when he walked in his house he said mama look and each one of them brought in a basket and set down twelve baskets he cared more at the end then it started with what am I saying give God you little bit I don't have nothing but a broken I don't have nothing but some change I don't have no greenbacks hallelujah I don't have much understanding I'm not the best dancer and I don't have a miracle testimony but I declare if you put your little bit in the hands of the Lord glory to God he'll use it to his glory and give you back more than you started with I'm persuaded that everybody in here has something that God can use break up your pity party stop feeling sorry for yourself we're talking about I'm a nobody put all my time useless stop letting the devil ride your back the late dr. Martin Luther King jr. said that the only way folk ride your back is when you hump over you straighten up you can throw them off your back tell the devil quit riding my back hallelujah I think everybody in here ought to just get up and spray your shoulders a minute and tell about three people you are somebody you've got something that dog can use thank you [Music] yes you have you got something god can you breathe sit down for a moment let me let me deal with this text for about 15 minutes now be finished the second book of Kings it records here the exploits of Elijah Elijah Elisha was that prophet that God called for in a day when Israel had gone to such a state of decadence that what God said don't do they were doing just that the Lord said when you get into the Promised Land I don't want you to marry the people of the land don't give them your sons and don't give them your daughters but they'll turn your heart away from me but here is a king by the name of a half and he went down to Zion and he married the daughter of the king of the sidonians King eat babe Heath Bell was not only the king of the sidonians but he was the high priest of the religion of being his daughter Jezebel she was the priestess of bale and the princess of Zion they have merit Jezebel put on the throne in Israel Jezebel was determined that not only will I have my religion tolerated in Israel but I'm gonna make my religion the national religion of the people and with a king and queen emphasizing the religion of and Ashtaroth the people of God began to commit whoredoms in the land they forsook Yahweh they forsook Jehovah proceeded to worship them God reached over behind the mountains and brought out a man that did not even have a birth certificate named Elijah Elijah the Tishbite stepped in before he have one day and said as I lived said God there shall not be doing the rain falling on the ground but according to my words and he took an invisible key and locked up the heavens and it wouldn't rain and the dew wouldn't fall on the ground for three years and six months and finally at the end of the three years and six months he had a contest at Mount Carmel so the God that answers by fire we're gonna let him be God and when the prophets of bale and the prophets of the Grove 850 got through calling on bail and couldn't even get a flicker or spark Elijah had him to rebuild the altar of God built the altar and put the sacrifice on the wood and then said bring me 12 hours of water Lord send me some fire I don't care what you say the test today is still the God that answers by fire yes we are more educated we are more polished than we've ever been but this world is looking for the God that answers by fire oh I know you heard the story the man that lived across the street from a church for about 25 years never visited the church one night about 2:30 a.m. the church caught on fire and when the preacher got there about 4 o'clock and the firemen had the flames under he looked and saw the man from across the street walking down the aisles and looking around the church he said brother you've been living across the street 25 years and you have never been to this church demands of this church have never caught on fire before I don't care what you said when we catch on fire [Applause] you'll bring in folk that help me ever been before Elijah when he got his answer by fire hallelujah he had the profits of bail kill but then he got word from Jezebel said your life by this time tomorrow is going to be in my hand and here this man that God had used so greatly this man started running like running from Jezebel and he said the God when he got back to the mountain of God said you know like they killed all your prophet you haven't got nobody left with me it's a shame when we get so self-righteous that we think God don't have nobody but us God said you enlarge and look over here look over there I've got 7000 that never bow back neither bill that never kissed this image but since you want to retire when you go back I want you to anoint Elisha and he's gonna take your place you know the story how Elisha followed the Elijah and Elijah said I just want one thing I want a double portion of your spirit I don't care what you say about it the reason that we are so weak today is that we look back to Azusa Street 1906 and 1907 and we'll read about the power that Bishop Mason had and the power that deputy C Mohan and most of us talked about if I just had a little bit of what they had but Elijah didn't say I won't summer what you have he said I want a double potion I want 200% and what you don't know if we've got demons to battle now that Bishop Mason didn't battle we not only need what he had we need twice as much this is a day when we ought to dare to say Lord I don't just want what the Pioneers had but I want a double portion of your spirit Oh glory to God and the thing about it Liza he got what he asked for my mind and I know they got doctrines going around now to tell you that if you really see if your life is lined up with God and you don't have no business being sick you don't have no business being broke if you simply if you're broke is kosher did something wrong but I read up on Elijah and I read the day that the Bible said Elijah was sick of the sickness wherewith he died he was twice as powerful as Elijah but Elijah didn't die Elijah caught a chariot and went to heaven soul and body but Elijah had twice as much power but he still died and even though he died it didn't mean that he lost anything because after his flesh decayed in the grave one day they threw a dead body in on his skeleton and that will steal so much power in his bones that's a dead man revived to life he died but the power was still in his bone my god [Applause] y'all sit down let me let me finish this so when elijah went up and elijah called his mantle it wasn't long after elijah came on the scene that one of the widows who was married to one of the sons of the prophet came to elijah and said my husband your servant he's dead and the creditors have come to make slaves out of my boys now i read that thing and i wondered why that she emphasized he's your servant and you know that he feared god so i read up on this widow and they tell me that this widow was the real of the widow of Obadiah it was Obadiah that when elijah made his announcement to ahab and went down to the brook kieran it was Obadiah that hid a hundred prophets in caves and fed them in a time of scarcity but Obadiah said those prophets and died and had not paid the bill and his wife got stuck with the bill and she reminded elisha you know how he said god well they've come to arrest my boys and to make them slaves but I hear lashes say a woman I need to see if I can help you but whatever you got I don't have nothing but a pot of oil he said that's all right if you got something then you got something to start with so let me tell you what to do have your boys to go out and borrow vessel and don't get a few but borrow a lot of vessels and then go into your room and shut your door oh I just got to take a minute to tell you what all that meant first of all said borrow vessels and don't get just a few God was gonna prove to her that the amount of vessels she got would determine how big was her faith in God some of us our faith is so little that you probably wouldn't have got but two pots and I Got News for you if you only trust God to fill up two pots that's as far as you've gone the goal they went out and borrowed vessels from their neighbors and then he said go in and shut the door if you want to know the thing that keeps the people of God in so much trouble we have not learned that there is some family business that the neighbors down the street shouldn't get involved in young couples trying to live marriage you can't bring mom in-law and pop in law and ain't she in law into everything some of your business you got to go in your room and shut the door some blessings of God have promised you you can't tell everybody about it you got to keep it in your heart go into your prayer room and shut the door hallelujah ask somebody do you need a miracle from God learn how to shut the door with nobody but you and God [Music] now look at the assembly line they took the pots and they shut the door one boy would hand his mom and he'll teapot she take that one pot of oil fill up the empty pot the other son was set to full pot a sign the next bar would give her another empty pot she pull in and fill it up and the other boy was set the second full pot a sign and they kept on pulling oil and kept on giving her pots until after wild that was not another pot and the thing about it when they got to the last pot they didn't have the capacity the hole no more and God let the oil stop as long as they had an empty space God left the oil keep on slowing I want you to know he will not stop blessing you as long as you got room for another blessing some food got touched Thursday night but they didn't come back Friday night in other words they say I got all that I need but as long as you got an empty space God has another feeling for you as long as you can stand another blessing my God is ready to pour another blessing on you anybody in here yet got rooms are some more tell the Lord live I still got an empty space seal me I'm getting ready to go to my seat hallelujah but I heard the Prophet said you don't have no more pots you filled up everyone you got now take this and sell it and pay your debts I want you to know that my god you can do exceeding and abundantly above all that we ask or think you may tell God I'd started with a little bit but God said I'll take your little bits and I'll multiply it until your little bit becomes enough enough for you and it'll overflow on somebody else I hear David said that the Lord is my shepherd you know what he does he unknown at my head with oil and my cup runneth over yeah glory I serve a God of abundance I serve a God of Plenty I serve a god that's gotten more than you can ever imagine because he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you asked to take all you got to do is give him your little bit when you put your little bit in in hands he'll keep multiplying your little bit and the next thing instead of you crying pulling pitiful you will be able to land and knock borrow yes you can he'll keep blessing you till you become the head and not the tail he'll keep blessing you until you become a teacher instead of the one that's constantly having to be tall give him you little bit what do you have give it to Jesus give it the hill he'll lift you up give it to him he'll bless you in abundance give it the hill [Applause] stand up on your feet hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you lord so many times we don't even understand what God had placed at our disposal oh thank you lord I've been telling you every night that if you sit there having your pity party whining and crying about what you don't have you know the Bible said to him that hat it shall be given and he shall have more abundantly and to him that hath not it shall be taken away that which he seems to have do you know why most poor folk get poorer because they think poor and I'm seeing that this thing has crept into the Pentecostal church the hardest people to get to even release their finance are the Saints will sit here with shouting with dance when they talk about giving they already got more money the new need her gardener and God has given a prescription by which people can be blessed and God's not gonna bless you by calling a pity party and trying to make folk and God feel sorry for you but God wants you to take even your little bit and give out of your poverty what do you think happened with that woman Jesus stood over by the Treasury and watched everybody that gave and here comes a will a woman that cast in two mites and she said she gave more than all so these rich folk gave their hundreds and had thousands left but she gave everything she had God takes our little bit and multiplies it into much but if you take your little bit and have a poor mind and a poor attitude God doesn't do anything but just look at you as you sink further and further into your poverty I read a letter last night from someone who had given a special offering that we asked for and the next morning seven hundred dollars that she wasn't expected was in the mail another young man gave me his testimony last night I told him to write it I've got it in an envelope here this young man said that when I asked for the hundred dollars and he said all he had one hundred dollars and there was something else that he had planned to buy but the Lord told him give it and don't you know the next day he gets a telephone call there was a company that's been trying to sue him that's been tying up his money and the next day he gets a call I don't know what EDD is maybe you all know what that is okay Employment Development Department and they were investigating the folk that's been tying up his money and now he's gonna get all of his money back and all of those liens released when I go places and try to tell people the blessing of giving the first thing you think about uh-huh he's out here trying to get our money honey I hate to tell you this and I don't say it braggadocio slick but the church where I pastor pays me enough that they create enough internal revenue problems for me [Applause] the money that I receive as honorariums I don't even take it I tell them make my cheque payable to bountiful blessings ministry and I take it straight back and put it right into the television ministry and don't even take a dime I told y'all Thursday night we spent about 25 to 30 thousand dollars in order to rent these lights these television lights this not a part of Northwest convocation that truck over there whether these television cameras came from nothing Northwest California jurisdiction not paying for that I'm paying for it in order that probably in August hopefully in August I'll be able on our television ministry to highlight you listen to what I'm saying and to highlight this great leader but I'm troubled about how God's people have not learned how to trust God but you know what's happening those folk in those other churches that's just learning about the Holy Ghost those people that's just learning about what you've been enjoying they're giving God their all and they're becoming millionaires and multimillionaires and we're sitting around here yet dancing and jumping and won't give God a little bit I didn't intend to go this way tonight but I've got to go the way the Lord said I thought that tonight I was gonna do just as we've done the previous nights and that was go directly into the invitation for souls to be saved but I hear the Lord calling for his people tonight to break the chain of poverty to step into God's abundant and bountiful supply and I want everybody that's in this building right now I want you with a desire in your heart for what you need from God I want you to give God a miracle offering tonight what's a miracle offering give him a part of what you need hello don't give him two dollars and a half two hundred and twenty left put your little bit in the hands of God the night and I'm gonna be waiting on your miracle letter of what God has done for you I want those persons that have the baskets to just stand at the beginning of each aisle that's it in my usual manner but the Holy Ghost is leading this way tonight thank you Jesus man as soon as you get that gift in your hand I don't know how much of the other I'm not gonna dare tell you I want you to step in the aisle that's nearest to you fill up those aisles and just come and give those gifts in these baskets I want somebody standing at the entrance of every aisle don'twe don't nobody just sell up the aisles just do it now may not be come praising God but again come knowing that God is taking cognizance of you and the greatest desire of your life God is gonna bring it to pass come with your mouth full come praising God come giving him glory no praises doing clay Oh what I had it's all because of you I know we can't compare to the gift you may not be much but I'll give in Lord to thee I give you my feet now God healed your people as they come now as they walk these aisles these that have need of healing heal right now cancers I rebuke you have blood pressures and tumors I rebuke you whatever the problem God is moving in your direction right now come praising him come giving him thanks I know you're given an offer and become thanking him open your mouth and give God glory while you walk in these eyes thank you lord oh how to do I want to hear some praises going up all over this building come on give him praise I give it back Susy thank you lord I give you my feet know it's alive and walking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all thank you Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now that you have the joy of knowing you've made a step of faith tonight I'll tell you what I want you to do I want you to take just two minutes right now and just begin to give God praise and whatever way you want to do it Lord we've given a little bit to you take it and use it and multiply it yellow multiply it for the salvation of souls multiplied that your work will go follow and then bless us with the blessing we stand in need of hallelujah [Music] praise the Lord for it achieves us already Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you Laura everybody stand up for just a moment every night every night I've said this and I've done this because it's something the Lord gave me quite some time ago when I found out that I was getting to that age where I didn't have the County energy to lay hands on everybody and pre-fall of the sick God to said you don't have to do it remind my people of what I've given to every one of them glory to God Elisha was a miracle man Elisha was a miracle man Jesus was a miracle man but he called 12 told them now I'm giving you that power and then he saw time was running out and he calls 70 more and he gave them that power and in the sixteenth chapter mark he said I'm giving it to all my church these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they will cast out Devils they'll lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover I want you to know right now if you are a believer but power is in your hand tell somebody believer the power is in your hands hallelujah take that believing hand right now and I want you one by one the lid on three people and tell them in the name of Jesus be healed be delivered and be set free come on tell us second without a third one in the name of Jesus be he'll be deliverer be set free hallelujah Florida karma Florida God make him thank him thank him thank him for the healing touch thank him Choctaw Omaha here at onceĆ” thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah he said it I am the Lord your healer I send my word send my word and heal your disease he said that I am the Lord and I'm still your Eli now thank God for you heal and come on and thank him for it in Jesus name [Applause] come on come on clap your hands and praise the Lord praise him for what he's done for you praise him for what you believe he will do praise him for what you expect him to do hey go to God hallelujah much praise much blessing God because we believe in repression because you said it we praise you because you promised it we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you glory to thank you Lord see his glory see his glow see his glory come down see his glory see his glory see his glory come down praise His name heaven ring yeah [Music] see his glory come down see his galooby huh now you got its come on see his girl always see his gonna see his good old see his holy see his will only come and I raise his real name heaven ring hair see his glory come down see his little one final time for the Holy Spirit see his glory see his goal I see I see his beloved see your glory come down everybody's standing praises ring and let heaven ring she's blown his glory come down see he's become capitols hands and praise the over take off hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah no Rita let's lift those hands to the Lord as we prepare to go down from this place we worship Him even as we leave dear God with uplifted hands with reverence to the god of our salvation we thank you for the Ministry of deliverance that you sent our way thank you Lord that you've sent blessings thank you that you've sent deliverance you've sent your spirit in power now we pray that you confirm in the hearts of this your people those promises that you made we go down rejoicing because we counted is already done now bring us to this place on tomorrow morning God we're coming for you to seal the Covenant of blessing oh yeah yeah glory to God we want an anointing to sweep this place oh yeah glory hallelujah you're in the room you're in the room you're nothing is here let us sleep a lot it rise to the ludus of a luthier Norton and walk enlarge it into your sexually to receive of your blessing granted we pray in the math service name of Jesus the people of God said thank God thank God a man a man and a man what a sailor on I said all listen naval tell him naval I am a blessed person go believing it [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 20,222
Rating: 4.7479453 out of 5
Id: 3PIFeP9x3vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 30sec (5130 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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