GE Patterson Why He Came

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God's grace god we want to thank you today because we are the recipients of your grace your manifold favor your merited favor and it is only through your grace that we stand here today we pray Lord that you will anoint these lips of clay that some word falling from our lips today might turn a sinner in the direction of your saving grace someone today Oh God that is sick or flicked it in their bodies that your healing presence might be demonstrated [Music] people have come by the hundreds and even by the thousands and let none go away empty but let every one today who enter these doors as well as those who listen to us by way of radio and through the worldwide web by delayed tape let everyone that hear my voice let them be touched today and Lord whatever you do we take no credit because all of the glory and all of the honor belongs to you and you alone hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord so now touch us Lord and we'll give you the praise through Christ our Lord a man and a man give the Lord a hand the phrase and you may be seated [Applause] [Music] [Applause] since brother hn mentioned the Grammy nomination let me just say one thing to you the way that is listed it is listed singing the old-time way am bishop GE patterson and congregation so all the old got nominated [Applause] a man the remarkable thing to me about it is how when God says his approval on anything and I know that my musician and brother Terrence Lester was a vice president he runs podium records for me stand up Terrance everybody don't even know you here with stand up but Terrence Haywood over there and all of my crew you know how people do with that boss you come up with an idea they don't really believe in it but they are oh yeah yeah the bishop that's gone flat but they really kind of thought I was telling my old songs like going to the garbage can and picking up all this stuff that's been discarded but when God's anointing is their God and God can take the stuff you pull out of the garbage can and bring it to the forefront and I'm only saying that to give God glory don't ever think that if the Lord anoint you to do anything no matter how everybody say it won't work it's crazy it's a waste of time but if God's hand is on it it's gonna be blessed so just give God a handle for you [Music] [Applause] I want to read a passage of Scripture and we are in the Christmas season and with that thought in mind I'd like to go to the first epistle general epistle of John and chapter three in the first epistle of John and I want to read the first eight verses and then hopefully I'll talk to you about twenty minutes and be finished I keep saying I'm trying to cut it short I'm really not ready for all these long sermons again but somehow I get into it and I get into God's Word and it's so hard to cut off first John chapter 3 if you have it say man behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law and ye know that he was manifested to take away how sin and in him is no sin whosoever abideth in him Senate not who's ever Senate had not seen him neither know him little children let no man deceive you he that doeth righteous is righteous even as he is righteous well he that doeth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil for this purpose the Son of God was manifested I won't talk to you just a little bit about why he came because it appears that during this Christmas season blessed shows that people become confused as it relates to the purpose of his coming some people seemingly think that he came in order that we should enter into huge debts that will be Christmas of next year trying to pay off some feel that he came on there to spread some type of superficial goodwill among people who normally don't get along but the Bible is very clear as it relates to the purpose of his coming even Jesus Christ himself said in that passage that we so often quote from John Gospel chapter 10 verse 10 when he said the thief cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy so in this one verse he tells us Satan's purpose and his own purpose Satan is depicted as the thief who comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus says but I am come that they speaking of those persons whom Satan has battered those person who Satan has scarred those persons whom Satan has stolen from killed and destroyed he said I am come that they and that they really means you and me we might have life and that they might have it more abundantly now there are so many things that we benefit from as a result of our Lord's coming I know that we are in a world now when there's so much war destruction confusion going on but it would be so many times worse had Jesus not come because those of us who are not a part of what Satan is doing we too would be all wrapped up in Satan's work if Jesus Christ were not in our hearts and had not changed our thoughts and our attitude I hate to even say things that have racial overtones but when I look and think back to the fact that our full parents my parents my grandparents and great-grandparents that in the days of slavery we were more focused on God the Negro spirituals and so much was born out of that era of slavery because we kept knowing that one day God would deliver but now that God has saved us now that God has given us jobs and positions where we have financed we seemingly now don't think that we need him and that feeling of no need for God has turned people who once were so religious and so God focused into a people that sometimes you are shamed own up to we were looking at the news one night and on the station where they were talking about the Most Wanted and one behind another for murder for whatever all black folk and my wife made a comment and I said well I know we hate it but the truth of the matter is we just do these kind of things and it's not that it's not done in the other community but not on the ratio based on the amount of people we are helplessly immerse in crime and criminal activity but we don't seem to take the time to try to understand one another I was almost moved to tears yesterday morning earlier when I looked at the news report coming out of Houston where they were talking about the many arrests that were made at one particular high school between the Houston Texas students and those students who were the evacuees from down in New Orleans and they said some disparaging things saying that it's happening in the other schools that about 5,000 of those who were evacuated from New Orleans and put into these schools that they are having problems with the Houston residents and fights are breaking out every day well they try to look like put the blame on the students from New Orleans but think about it if everything that you and your parents and grandparents have achieved were to be washed away in one day and you had to wait for so many days to see whether or not government intervention was going to pull you out of these areas where those persons in the coastal areas were you cannot expect them when the immediate thing is money to move from one place to another and just survival you can't expect them to walk in and sit down like a well-adjusted student they're going through something that if you haven't been through you can't really sympathize and you certainly can't empathize Oh y'all gonna want me to guys but sometimes you know they said the Indians had a statement that don't judge another Indian until you walk a mile in his moccasins if you haven't been through what somebody else has been through then it's difficult for you to really be a judge and there's something about us we rather think the worst than to take the time to try to see where the good is somebody's I thought he was getting ready to preach a pre-christmas message I am just listening [Applause] I'm telling I've told you something now you you have a lack of understanding before Jesus comes into your life you don't think about nobody but yourself until Jesus comes into your life but when Jesus comes in oh you don't hear me a new life takes over in you and it helps you to understand somebody else we had one entertainer one night that came on immediately after the Katrina hurricane and floods and he named the president and said the president don't like black people and a lot of folk you know took issue with that but I think that many times people who are in positions have to stand up and be responsible for what they are responsible for I do not believe that the president just outright had governmental agencies to sit but there is a spirit of divisive 'no sin our country that exists to a degree that it has not existed for a while I know they said Ronald Reagan was such a great president but he was a mess too with all of the stuff that goes on in what's discussed in Washington and yes we are in a time of war but there is a way they even talk about dissenters in Congress without always saying the Democrats this the Democrats and I stand before you not as a Democrat not a Republican because I can't really identify with either one of the parties too well but it is a known fact that when you indict the Democrats 90% of all African Americans in the United States are Democrats because of I'd ask how many Republicans in here I wouldn't get many most african-americans are Democrats and when you keep pounding on the Democrats said this and the Democrats that and the Democrats the other you're not only dealing with those white Americans and other ethnic groups but you're talking about practically all of African Americans and you cannot keep speaking divisive words without knowing that you are dividing a country and you can't divide a country and lead it at the same time you can't lead it and unite it at the same time you just can't do it and consequently that is a spirit and there is an attitude that calls that situation to develop and that calls such a slow response to three weeks ago everybody was trying to get in on the Rosa Parks death and how great she was but you go back a few years and the people now who want to take credit they didn't want to be involved at all some of you can remember in 1994 we had here in Memphis what they called the Memphis miracles black and white Pentecostals across denominational lines we all came together and that was weeping and one brother said the Lord told him to wash the black brother's feet and all of that started with the Pentecostals and then it swept on go back to 94 and all your religious organizations and there was all of this apologizing and I sat down at Ellis auditorium in my message I said you know it's beautiful what's happening in 94 but this is not an election year wait until 96 and you'll see all of those same lines and by 96 the whole thing had fallen to pieces because the sad thing is that with all of our so-called salvation we will not allow our salvation to rise above our politics and anytime your politics is more important than your Christianity I don't have much respect for it when they talk about the religious right they may be right but they all one color if you really want to be right embrace all of your brothers let me out of this let me go different way Jesus didn't come to divide but he came to unite came to his own but his own received him not so finally he says is that in the eleventh chapter of Matthew now he says come unto me o I came to be Israel's Messiah but they've rejected me come unto me o those whom I came to be their king and to be that promised Messiah and now they are turn that back on me so now I'm opening the door to everybody oh it was a blessing that they shifted though because it allowed you and me a chance to get in but when he says all he means everybody when the children were coming down and they were playing the music Jesus loves the little children of the world you know yellow black of white brown yellow black or white it doesn't matter they are precious in His sight but I want you to know that you're not only precious in His sight as a child but you're still precious in His sight as an adult this is a time now when a lot of folk can identify with Jesus because they identifying with the little baby in the manger but can you identify with the man the little baby lying there in a manger is easier to identify with he's easy to love but when it comes to the man that walks the sandy shores of Galilee and begins to tell people about their sins and calling on them to repent can you love him loving him is the one that's gonna spell the difference between eternal life or eternal death loving him is the thing that's gonna get you inside of the gate the little baby and the manger can't save you salvation is a man-sized job took the man to hang on the cross [Applause] John says for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil oh there's nothing wrong I get off on it every once in a while and tell you how the Lord will prosper you yes he'll supply all of your need he'll heal your body but when Gabriel talked to Joseph and you read it the first chapter of Matthew Joseph was a little bit disturbed mary had come home from the healed country from visiting her cousin Elizabeth and when she went to visit Elizabeth it was not obvious that she was with child because the angel had not spoken the word but after the angel said to her you are highly favored of the Lord and let her know you're going to bring forth a son Mary went on into the hill country to visit with Elizabeth and by the time she got back home it was showing it was obvious that a child was in her womb while Joseph was pondering what must I do I loved her too much to make a public spectacle so I'll just put our way privately there was a little disagreement on that some think that that meant you know actual what they did back in the olden days when Israel was not under the control of another country because putting away meant stoning to death but at this point they were under the rule of the Roman government so it in all probability meant that he could write a bill of divorcement and put her way in that way but while he was pondering what must I do he got a visit from Gabriel and and it wasn't Gabriel talking to Mara telling Mary what to name the baby but he tells Joseph what you suspect is true she is with child but it's not what you think she hadn't had anything to do what another man but I want you to know that that which is conceived within her is of the Holy Ghost and Matthew 1:21 says and she shall bring forth a son and bow talking to Joseph instead of you putting her away you gonna name the baby you know it's something what God can do it's something that's in your mind that your soul heated against God can turn you around that person who you've been mad at for 10 years when the Lord comes into your heart he'll put love in your heart for that person you've been here yeah that that thing you said I'll never do but when the Lord comes into your heart you don't know what you're gonna do said Joseph instead of putting hallway you gonna name the baby thou shalt called his name yoshua Joshua Jesus which means Savior why give him that name because his mission will be to save his people from their sin notice he didn't say he's coming in order to save the Jews from the Romans his purpose is not to save one ethnic community from the other but his purpose is to save his people from Val sin nothing getting mad at everybody else the worst enemy you have is the one you see in the mirror don't worry about everybody else the biggest messes that you can make a cause by the enemy that's inside that person that you see when you look in the mirror Jesus didn't come to save you from the form another supervisor on the job he didn't come to save you from that person who say I just don't like so-and-so that little bit of them go a long ways with me I gotta move to another community cuz I don't want to live among the Hispanics I don't want to live among the blacks I don't want to live among those folk who have come from somewhere in Asia no no I want to be in a purer community but let me tell you no communities don't be pure long as you in it he didn't come to save whites from blacks and blacks from whites he didn't come to save one ethnic community from another but he has called his name Jesus because his job is to save but who is he gonna save his people from their sins somebody ought to tell him Lord forgive me and save me from mine yeah yeah Florida God well if his purpose was to say Lord how did you plan to do it I wish you tell somebody he had a plan no he always made it a point to let you know that I've come to do the will of my father I didn't come in my own name I didn't come with my own plan but I came to do the will of the Father and what was the father's way from the very beginning from man's first sin from the time that Adam's sin in the garden God determined that if sin is gonna be eradicated I've got to use a method what will be your method his method is blood washing and he established it early on Adam and Eve had two boys one by the name of Cain and the other named Abel Cain didn't understand the mind of God when it was time to bring an offering he went out and dug in the ground because he was a tiller of the soil brought in an offering from the ground and God didn't like Cain's offering and didn't like Kings attitude but Abel went out and found something that had blood in it knowing that when you're giving something that God you got to give him something that's precious Abel offered up a blood offering and God had respect Abel and to his offering and don't you know from that moment forward God led a bloodline start evolving in the earth when Israel went down into Egypt and God decided I'm gonna bring him out he told Moses wants you on the tenth day of the month to tell the Israelites to find a lamb you can take him from among the sheep or from among the goats but he's got to be of the first year he's got to be without blemish and I want you to kill him select him on the tenth day keep him till the fourteenth day of the month and then kill him in the evening paint the blood in the doorway and then have all of the family to go in the house through the blood-stained doorway and round about midnight but deaf a needle is gonna pass through and the blood shall be a token unto you in the houses where you are and when I see the blood I'm gonna pass over you he used the bloodline when Joshua was sent the spies and when they went up in the rehabs house rehab said I know you're coming back and I know you're gonna take over the city but I want my whole family to be spared they said all right let me see this red cord the scarlet cord that we're going to climb down the wall by if you want your family to be spat when we come back leave this blood color cord hanging in the window and everybody that's in the house they shall be spared so when Jesus comes on the scene he said I know my father and I know that he honors blood so I have come ever lamb doing no sin without guile in my mouth and I want you to know that one day I'm going to do a double deed I'm going to be like the high priests that goes behind the veil but the veil is my flesh I'm gone to be the lamb that will offer up my own blood because when the father see my blood he'll forgive every sin and I want you to know that christmas is coming and as I told you a while ago everybody wants to rejoice over Mira's little baby but I got news for you a little baby lying in a manger didn't save you but when that baby grew up and became a man and went to dolled up those ugly he'll hung up for our hangups it was that that he spilled his blood it was there that blood ran out of his hand ran out of his seat blood came out of his side blood came out of even those prickly points from where the crown of thorns had been placed on his head the bloodline was the plan that he had in order to save you and me from sin and I don't care how many times you go to church I don't care how fast you run down the aisle I don't care how much you shout and dance what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus Oh precious is that flow that makes me white as snow no can I hear you say nothing [Music] thank God but a bird [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] I don't want you to walk we thank God for strength thank God for strength come on thank God for strength open your mouth and thank God for strength don't walk if you're saved today don't walk we gotta stop and thank God for strength you gotta stop and thank God for strength we've gotta stop and thank God for string let's strengthen the blood there's life in the blood there's deliverance in the blood thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you begging the blood gives life the blood gives life the blood gives life and we thank you for the blood of Jesus we thank it for the blood that's running woolum in our veins we thank God for the blood that took away our sins and we thank God for life [Applause] I have new lights because of the blood thank you Jesus and I thank God for the blood that increases itself every 120 days I wish somebody'd get in the spirit here I thank you for the blood of Jesus that's running in my body that increases itself and twenty days [Music] my God my god who is it today who is it today that believes our report who is it today that knows that that baby's no longer in the manger but he's a risen Savior sitting on high making intercession for us if you're here today and you haven't confessed Jesus as your Lord come now ah but I take a shine oh ah you're mine I need cash oh thank you Jesus uh y'all just gonna have to edit this tape I'm a shake yay God uh-huh thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you if you're hearing you're not saved come now thank you Jesus don't leave here unsaved don't walk out of the building not covered by the blood we need a blood hey come on we need a blood covering ah [Applause] we need oh we need a blood covering you're not saved come if you're backslidden don't be ashamed come you don't know how you're gonna make it through the Christmas holidays come no hope come there you're buying spiritual egg [Music] I need a blood transfusion in the spirit come I need to go back down to that fountain and get another dip come on come on to me all you could labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me and you shall find rest for your soul if your soul is in trouble come if you don't have any peace in your life come he came that the yokes of the devil would be destroyed he came to destroy the works of the devil he came to destroy the works of the devil just hold the music I feel a strange and it's in here today thank you Jesus I want you to hear what we're saying everybody in this place he came to destroy the works of the devil and the devil is defeated because of the anointing and the devil thinks he has a hold on some of you and he he holding you in that seat but you get up and come on down here and let God set you free I'm tired of being any bundage um I'm tired I'm tired of being pushed around and shoved around by the devil I'm tired of it he came that I may have life and have it more abundantly and I'm tired of being in prison I wanna be streak all I want is my freedom and he came that I would be free they yo got the demo is to show because of the anointing somebody thank God for the anointing that destroyed they don't like that devil he's got no dominion over us he's got no dominion over you Jesus God that you might be free thank you thank you thank you God give bishops strength to come and preach this word we can't walk out of here and not hear what the Spirit is saying to the church some of you on the road come on down here and let God deliver you today [Music] I'm tired of being bad I got to be freaky I have to be free thank you Jesus I've got to be free to praise Him and I've got to be feet of pray that nothing can hinder my prayers everything got to come out it's not like God if I heard Bishop say the worst thing you get him it is yourself and when you look yourself in the mirror every day I'd say Lord save me and give me the right spirit I don't want to do the right thing for the wrong reason so I need the right spirit to come out so much shame come on in Catalonia come on his head if you're not saved and he's wrong you today you confess Jesus as your Lord today if you're not safe they're not I'm sorry for all of my sins I confess you today as my Lord and Savior many minds already did but you spared my life and I've come today according to your word because you told me that if I came to you you would not send me away so I'm coming to you as a sinner today and I know your grace is sufficient come on and say His grace is sufficient it's your unmerited favor I can earn it and I can clap it in and I can shout it in and I can't earn it it's unmerited favor I'm calling you because I love you now if you forgive me Jesus I want to walk in love I wanna work in righteousness I want to walk in Pisa and I'm gonna come here and be taught how to practice practical righteousness I'm not coming here but nobody to teach me how to speak in tones I'm not coming in for nobody to make me feel like I'm somebody deep and wonderful in daughter but I'm coming to learn how to live a practical a righteous life somebody thank God for practical righteous night I wanna be saved I wanna be sanctified and I wanna be normal that's what I want and if you've come today to be saved if you come today to join the church if you come today because you're out of fellowship whatever your reason is we thank God for your coming now the Magnum is gonna step down here and shake your hand for the benefit of those of you who are coming to join the church and to come to Jesus whatever the reason if you're not Sage follow one of the elders who'll take you to the room and walk you through glory to God thy will be done in me thy will [Music] Lord thy will O Lord be done in me you're making an exodus now and so I'm going to stop those of you who came after the offering was raised you didn't pay your tithe bring your past
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 87,606
Rating: 4.7295084 out of 5
Id: ALSk15oh3Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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